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Spanish 100 & 200 levels

90 100 (A-, A, A+)
Effort is made to speak Spanish all the time
Improvement is consistent with a strong effort
Asks thoughtful and clarifying questions,
responds to both classmates and instructor
Listens attentively when others speak
Attitude exhibited is positive and enthusiastic
Is consistently prepared for class
Attends class, arrives on time
70 79 (C-, C, C+)
Effort to speak Spanish not consistently made
Improvement is minimal (evidence of
commitment not visible)
Interaction is seldom initiated
Class preparation needs improvement
Attendance is inconsistent, arrives late often

80 89 (B-, B, B+)
Occasionally speaks English in classroom
Some improvement is visible
Responds to questions, occasionally initiates
Listens attentively
Attitude exhibited is positive and enthusiastic
Is often prepared for class
Attends class, occasionally arrives late
69 and below (D, F)
Does not use Spanish in class
Effort and attitude do not contribute positively to
classroom situations
Poor listening skills exhibited
Class preparation is lacking or poor
Poor attendance and/or punctuality

Created by Professors Sonia Balasch-Rodrguez, Carla Burns, and Mnica Mulholland to be used
at the Basic Spanish Program (based on the CUA model). George Mason University.

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