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1. Which of the following factors leads to neonatal hyperbilirubinemia?

a. Shortened neonatal red cell life span.

b. Impaired excretion of unconjugated bilirubin.
c. Limited conjugation of bilirubin in the liver.
d. Increased entero-hepatic circulation.
e. All of the above.
2. A total serum bilirubin >17 mg% in a term neonate is:
a. physiologic
b. pathologic
3. In G6PD deficiency, there is hyperbilirubinemia on the basis of:
a. hemolysis
b. decreased conjugation
c. both
d. neither
4. True/False: Systemic sulfonamide medications are avoided in the
newborn because they displace bilirubin from albumin and increase free
5. True/False: Discontinuation of phototherapy in a healthy, term
neonate is usually associated with rebound hyperbilirubinemia.
6. Which of the following factors should be strongly considered in
determining whether an exchange transfusion is indicated in a term neonate
with an indirect bilirubin of 21 mg%.
a. Age of the neonate (time since birth).
b. Whether the cause is hemolytic or non-hemolytic.
c. The presence of other clinical factors such as intraventricular
hemorrhage or meningitis.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
1. What physical findings suggest that an infant has a congenital infection
1. Small for gestational age, microcephaly, jaundice, pale skin,
2. How does a congenital infection differ from an infection that is
acquired perinatally?
3. A congenital infection is an infection seen in the newborn infant that
was acquired transplacentally during the first, second, or early third

trimester. A perinatal infection is acquired either around the time of

delivery or during the 1st week of extrauterine life.

3.What are the most common causes for congenital infection?

Rubella virus, cytomegalovirus (CMV) Toxoplasma gondii,
Treponemapallidum, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
4. True/False: A term infant with a normal physical exam and no risk
factors for infection may have congenital infection.
5. Periventricular calcifications in the brain are seen with which
congenital infection? Diffuse calcifications?
6. Periventricular calcifications are seen in congenital CMV while
diffuse calcifications in the brain are seen in congenital
6. True/False: An infant born to a woman with recurrent herpes
infection is at higher risk for developing herpes neonatorum than one born to
a woman with primary herpes infection at the time of delivery?
7. Administration of what agents can prevent 95% of perinatally
acquired hepatitis B infections? Hepatitis B vaccine and hepatitis B immune
8. True/False: Breastfeeding should be encouraged in all mothers
who are HIV positive, but do not have AIDS.
1. What is the most common MCA syndrome? R: Trisomia 21
2. What signs and symptoms association suggests Down syndrome in
neonates? R: Hypotonia, upward eye slant, epicanthus, hypotelorism, a
tendency to protrude the tongue, single transverse palmar crease.
3. What MCA syndrome is only found in female infants? R: Turner.
4. What MCA syndrome presents with respiratory distress that is
relieved when the infant is placed in prone position? R: Pierre Robbin
5. What MCA syndromes can often present with omphalocele? R:
Trisomia 18, amniotic band syndrome, beckwith syndrome.
6. What association includes choanal atresia? CHARGE association.

1. Care este cea mai frec cauza de DR la nn? R: TTN

2. Cand debuteaza simptomele pentru tahipneea tranzitorie a nn si cum
ar putea distinge acest lucru TTN de alte tulburari? R: In TTN simpt
apar la scurt timp dupa nastere. Debutul tardiv=alte tulburari.
3. Ce tipuri de materiale pot cauza sdr de aspiratie? R: meconiu, sange,
4. Ce afectiune respiratorie este sugerata de un debut brusc cu detresa
respiratorie si hTA? R: Sdr de pierdere de aer, cum ar fi pneumotoraxul
in tensiune.
5. Care este cauza SDR a prematurului? Care este manifestarea pe RX? R:
Deficit de surfactatnt care provoaca colabarea alveoleor, ce devin
emfizematoase. Unele alveole sunt atelectatice si sunt adiacente
bronhiilor. RX: infiltrat reticulogranular in sticla mata si bronhograma
6. Ce organisme provoaca pneumonie la nn? R: Streptococul de grup B,
bacili gram negativ-E coli, si Listeria monocytogenes.

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