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In order to promote civic education, facilitate the discussion of politics, develop an understanding of
political issues, and have fun doing so, we, the citizens of the Westhill High School Chapter of the
Junior State, incorporate this organization.
Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be The Westhill High School Chapter of the Junior State.
Article II: Membership
Membership shall be granted to all students of Westhill High School that have paid their annual
membership tax.
Article III: Chapter Governance
SECTION 1: The chapter government shall consist of an elected President and the cabinet members,
which are appointed by the President with the approval of the Chapter Adviser(s). The President shall
determine which cabinet positions will be used for the following year after his/her election.
SECTION 2: The election of the President by secret ballot shall be during the week of the first Monday
in May on a date previously advertised to the members of the Chapter. Any Chapter Member in good
standing, as determined by the Chapter Adviser(s), is eligible to run for election. All those running
must give a speech in front of a quorum, or 3/5, of the Chapter members prior to the election.
SECTION 3: Once the election of the next President has ended, the President must announce by May
31 the offices of the Chapter Cabinet for the upcoming year. The President-elect may determine the
Cabinet application deadline, but all appointments must be made and confirmed by the Adviser(s) by
June 14. The President, with the approval of the Adviser(s), has the power to fill all Cabinet vacancies,
remove Cabinet officials, and eliminate Cabinet offices. Should the President wish to add an office to
the Cabinet mid-term, the office must be announced at least one week prior to applications being
released. The procedure continues as would be for any normal Cabinet official.
SECTION 4: The term of the President and Cabinet commences on June 15 of any given year, and
ends on June 14 of the following year. For mid-term appointments, the term ends on June 14, as if they
were serving a full term.
SECTION 5: A 2/3 vote of the members of the Chapter is necessary to remove the President after a
petition signed by of the Chapter members for such a purpose has been presented to the Adviser(s),
and either a 2/3 vote of the Chapter members after a motion to do so has been made and seconded, or a
joint declaration of the President and the Adviser(s) is necessary to remove a Cabinet official.
SECTION 6: At least one Adviser shall oversee the Chapter's activities, provide educational guidance,
and enable the members to learn about politics and government. S/he shall serve as a liaison between
the Administration and the Chapter.
Article IV: Amendments and Ratification
SECTION 1: A petition to amend this Constitution must be submitted to the President and Adviser(s)
with the signatures of 1/3 of the tax-paid Chapter members. A vote of the full Chapter membership
shall then be called, and a 2/3 vote is necessary for the amendment to pass.
SECTION 2: This Constitution shall take effect upon the vote of 2/3 of the Chapter members and
approval of the Junior State Governor.

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