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Jonathan & She.-(.

ia Hamttton
P.O. Box 16057

Lan-itng, M-cchtgan 48901


FoAuxLA.d-lng Age.nC{>:
Pat S Kathy Topptna
P.O. Box 57

PUiLfi City, MI 49654-0057

MARCW 1992



B-tad CoccQ and Ed Pl<igu^ hav^ donn a gAQ.at job

pa^t 6c.kco^ ijta-1 ocmtiiming
tliQ. woKk with -ffifi UnivQ.fi'iiitLj itudz.nti) in Szzgzd. Th&y a^c kotding ^Q.vQ.^at. BibZ^

^tudie.^ zach weefe (xnc^ud^g a dL&cipl^-ihip BibU Study). The. Ch-xUtian-i> in Szegecf
and Badap^^t a.te keeping -6tx.ong. We P'tax-ie the. Lo^xd ^o-x the O^te^ iamily who plan to
leave ^o>i HungaJiy May 2nd and ^oa Steve Wtoaghton and KKUtlna Ranter who will join
the OAiten.6 in SeptembeA 1992. Thitt team will be continuing the wo^k in Szeged that
B^ad and Ed have been doing.

We p^a-WG the LoAd ^ox "Betty" who w4 baptized into ChAi^t on VecembeA 51^t.


NabeA ha^ been doing a gxeat job with the Ch-xi^i>tian6 thexe and bxinging new people to
the Loxd!


KaAen Hamilton U pfiepaAing ^oa heA AetuAn to China sometime thU t>ummeA.

cixxxently attending c^a44e<5 at Wycfxfi^^e in Valla^:^.

Jane and Kaxen axe

hopxng to .^uxvey e^ome new axea^s and tee about the need ^ox txantiation in xuxal

axeat._ Vonald NoAton it a ttudent at Johnton Bible College and it making plant to go
to SetjAng and ttudy Ch-tnete by the end o^ the yeax. He hopet to join Jane and Kaxen
tn thexx e{){,oxtt thexe.

Sonja and I wexe in Tennettee the end of, Vebxuaxy and we had the oppoxtunity to
vxtxt wxth Jo-thia who plant to xetuxn home to Toxoxo, Uganda at toon at he gxadaatet
fxom Johnton Bible College in May. Thexe axe tevexal ehuxehet waiting fox hit xetuxn
and a gxeat deal of woxk waiting fox him at well. We axe hoping to hold intexnthipt

wx.th Jothua in 1993, Loxd willing!


Hough fxom Lincoln Chxittain College and Randy Peat>ley fxom Gxeat iaket Bible
College axe both planning to go to Cape Town, South Afxica fox two montht thit -tuimex

on an^texntJiip. Pete and Fxan Laughxen will be leading that intexnthip. They will
be able to tpend time in Kimbexly and Johannetbuxg at well at Cape Town. Theix
include UBS, youth xalliet, pxeaching and teaching. In Vecembex Ron

f^AtelU tt hopxng and planning to go to South Afxica to tpend a month woxking thexe.

She<.la and I hoping to go and lead an intexnthip fox a couple of montht axound
vecembex. Pleate pxay that twe will be able to xaite the needed tuppoxt to do to.
Vad ^ xetaxnAjfig fxom hit txip on Maxch 17th. He wat able to get hit hand opexated
on and do tome woxk wtth the chuxchet thexe at well. Hit txip hat been vexy tuccettful.

Pxa-Lte God fox all good thingt which He hat made pottible!


Txa.cy and Shaxyl Holtt fxom Colon, Michigan axe making plant to go to Vladivottok

Rj^xa. They will be ttudying at a Univextity thexe, loxd willing. They thould be

able to do tome teaching of Englith at a tecond language. Thit appxoach to mittiont

tn ttaxtxng a chuxch hat woxked to well in othex axeat [like China and Hungaxy), that
we bel-ceve that it will woxk well in Ruttia. i/ladivottok it jutt acxott the China

boxdex Noxth of Beijing.

They will be faixly dote to oux China team.

looking towaxdt Januaxy 1993 fox theix taxget date of being in Ruttia.

They axe

We alto have tome contactt fox getting into a new axea in Southeatt Atia, hopefully
by Augutit ox ^oon thexeaftex. We have a team pxepaxing to go and teach Englith in
thxt new axea. Thit, pxoject needt, youx pxayext, at thexe it a lot not yet confixmed,
howevex the pxotpectt axe good and thexe axe oppoxtunitiet fox woxk in thit axea! At
we have been woxking with Yietnamete Refugee-^, we have found that they axe open to
the Gotpel of Chxitt and to we axe encouxaged about the oppoxtunitiet openning up in



T/i-t.-6 pxoj^ct w-ill be conii^mzd ioitzK a-6 we QZt moKZ Iniofimation.

ShziJbi and I afiz t^avzZZng on weefeend4. We ^ave been ou.t a-mo4-t eve-^y wzzkznd in
thz pa^t zoapZz ojj
Tbe ^e^ugee wo>tfe -cA go-aig weW hziz in. LanMnq, We a-^e
con^^nu^ng to tKocozt to Mani^tzz ^/lom timz to timz. We havz tatkzd to ^zvzn.aZ new
^zcfLuit^ kzKZ latzZy and /uA-t Za6t lozzkznd we /le^d an OutAzach JntZKnational Hzc^uUt
OA-izntatlon ^o^ thz new Kzzfiait^ planning on going to HungaJty, South A^Jiica, TaMoan,
and Nzju) Aazoa, Not only we^te -t^e^ie -^ec^u-c-t-i attznding, but al-io 4ome pa^znt.6 and
io^coa^ding agznt^.
Jt wa-6 a vZKy encoti-^ag^cng and zxciting timz io^ all
a4. We
appKZziatz thz We-6-t landing ChuA.ck o{i Ck^i-it allowing a4 to u-iz thzifi building iofi
thz^z mzzting^,
Al-io a ^pzcial "thank-you" to all thz ^zcAuit-i who came and to
VzlbzAt Chaizy
UonKovia, Indiana who i6 thz Out^zach IntzKnational Chairman who
took pa^t in thi-i o^izntation. PAai6Z God foA all the^z who axz allouiing God to woA.k
thA.oagh them!

Jt i6 ouA p/tayzA. that all mzn may havz an opportunity to glory in knowing and
undzr^tanding God. [Jzrzmiah 9:24)
Thii hoA bzzn -somz oi thz work you arz doing
through your prayzr^ and 4iU.pportl We thank you and lovz you and pray ior you! May
all thz honor and glory go to HIM!
Vour Szrvanti,

Jonaifion S Shzila



P.O. Box 16057



E^esians 5:14-17

June 1992

Dear Co-workers in the Lord,

The world is changing every day.

We do not know what is going
happen tomorrow in the USA or in any other country. Countries may open
close to the Gospel of Christ every dayl This is just another sign to
of the urgency to preach Jesus to every naticm, people and tcxigue! (Rev.


In the past few weeks we have received several letters similar to the

ones enclosed, telling us of countries open to foreign university students

and English teachers.

Does this excite you or what?!

to so many of these unreached people.

in these areas today!

vAk) will go!

We have an open door

We can place several teams of people

We need people to go!

We need people to send those

tfe need your help to be involved in cxie of these roles!!

Sheila and I have been traveling to churches in Michigan the past

couple of months.
We have June and July booked and we are looking for
speaking appointments for the rest of the year! Hte are raising si:pport to
go to Baku, Azerbaijan (Russia).

We do nort: know v4iat the situation will be

but we would like to leave by the first of 1993.

If Baku doesn't work out,

then we plan to spend a year in one of the other n&f/ areas.

We need
experienced missicmaries as team leaders to open these netf areas! Sheila

and I have prayed about it and we feel the Lord leading us to go back
overseas for a year, Lord willing we live.

If you would like more in-

formaticxi about these countries or our plains,etc. pleeise ccxitact us.


are receiving more information all the time.

Right now Sheila and I have $400 a month support,

Vfe need $600 a
month more. We will need about $1500 each for our roundtrip air fares. We
are not sure about the tuition costs yet, it could be as much as $3000 per
person a year! Please pray about these needs. It would be a blessing if
you could raise your svpport for us or start sipporting us financially.
Please seriously ccxisider this part you could play in this work! We would
be more than happy to cane see you in person, just let us know vhen!
For the past month I have been on a new study drug for Cystic Fibrosis.
I don't know if I have the actual drug or a placebo. Lord willing we go
overseas, I will be on a "pulmo aid" using antibiotics and I will be able
to have all medicines I need sent to me.
I do not believe my Cystic
Fibrosis will be too much of a problem...it hasn't been so far!
The recruiting has gone well.
Dad plans to stay in the States and
continue looking for people to go overseas while Sheila and I are gone. Vfe
thank you for all your prayers and support!
It is truly our privilege to
serve you and do this work that the Lord has put opcxi our hearts, vdiich the
Lord has cillowed us to do because of You!! Vfe love you all!!
Your Servants,

Jonathan & Sheila

Forwarding Agents:

Pat Topping
P.O. Box 57

Filer City, MI 49634


P.S. In the June Issue of the Horizons Magazine you will note that we had

planned to go to South Africa to help in the work there, however due to the
urgent need of experienced missicxiary workers to lead teams into sane new
field we have after much prayer, made ourselves available to Outreach for

a new field!! Please pray for us reaqarding the new opportunities to further
the Kinqdan of God!


9 April 1992
A1 Hamilton
Outreach International

P.O. Box 16057

Lansing, MI


Dear Mr. Hamilton:

The CSI office in Richmond, Virginia, sent word that you are directing a new ministry
to try to place Christian students (in teams of five to eleven persons) from the U.S.
in universities around the world for language study. It was said that you were par
ticularly keen on doing so for universities in the least-evangelized areas.
My nonresidential missionary assignment with CSI is to focus on the Azerbaijanis

(Azari Turks) of the ex-Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan and of northwest Iran and Tehran.
Foreign students are welcome at Baku State University in the capital of Baku, Azerbaijan,
on the western shore of the Caspian Sea. Contact Mr. Givami Rahimov, president, Tlgi
Centre, Baku State University, 36 Metbuat Prospekti, 370100 Baku, Azerbaijan, Common

wealth of Independent States. Telephone (7) (8922) 32-47-74.

38-55-00. Both Givami and his wife Ila speak English well.




Givami knows me as field representative for the Cooperative Services International

Educational Consortium (CSIEC), a group of 36 Southern Baptist universities involved
in various exchanges with overseas schools. Since Azerbaijan is traditionally a
Shiite Muslim area, you will want to be careful in your approach.

Please put Baku State high on your priority list. The Azeris are among the world's
least-converted major ethnic groups. We know of only about 185 Azeri Christians in
a world-wide population of about 20 million.
For more information feel free to contact a partner in this work, Mr, Joe Davis of

San Antonio, Texas: at (512) 680-6795. Joe just returned from a lengthy visit to
Baku. He will be going again in mid-May.
May our Father shape your new ministry into a mighty instrument for the evangelization
of unreached peoples.

In Christ Jesus,

Gary Baldridge
CSI, B.P. 63, 92163 Antony CEDEX, FRANCE

Cooperative Services International

p. O. Box 6841 Richmond VA 23230 (804) 254-9418
Tamon Worna

20 April 1992

P.O. Box 0218

Singopote 9127

A1 Hamilton

outreach Int' 1




Lansing, MI 40901
Dear Al,

Recently I received some information about your ministry from our


office and was



1 am primarily

involved in ministries in Northern India and Pakistan and we do

have some language learning opportunities in both areas. I will

send you some material and see that you get our occasional printing
of High Country Report.




In Him,

uack O l l i s






May God continue to bless your efforts.






Forwarding address;
Pat ."?opping

Jonathan & Sheila Handlton

P.O.Box 16057

P.O. Box 57

Lansing, Mi

Filer City, Mi



(616) 723-7008

(517) 487-9452

Aug. 15, 1992


Dear Friends and Co-workers,

As you know, for the last few years since I returned from Kimberley,South Africa,
Sheila and I have been recruiting workers for several areas of the world.We have been
busy traveling to speak at churches, canps and VBSs. This summer we have been especially
busy but we have enjoyed getting to visit with everyone. We have found workers, helped
them raise support, taken them through missionary orientation and doing whatever needs
to be done to help get them on the field after they have made the decision to go. We

have talked to several people about goin^ to Azerbaijan, Russia.

Sheila and I are excited about the plans we have to go to Azerbaijan in January, 1993,
We plan to go with a team to attend the university at 6aku. We will probably study the

local/|zeri language and culture. This will be a tool to stay in the country. Our goal
will be to make friends, share Jesus every opportunity we have, start a Church, and
teach the local pecple to continue the work. If everything goes well, we wsint to keep
teams there as long as it takes to fulfill tliis purpose.

The Azerls are among the least converted major ethnic groups in the world. We know
of only 185 Azeri Christians in

world-wide population of about 20 millions.

Azerbaijan is in the southern part of Russia on the west shore of the Caspian Sea, just
north of Iran.

Our plans right now consist of leading a team to get started in Baku for a ^riod
of six months or so. The team will stay in Baku vhile we "travel to Uzbekist^" (Ru^ia) ~
and Pakistan to survey these areas vhere we believe there is potential for student/
TESL ministeries in the future. We also want to spend a few months in Hungary helping

with the work there.

Right now it looks like we will need to be out of the country for

a year to do this project.


Monthly support

Plane fare to Azerbaijan per person

Tuition for 6 months for both of us

Survey expenses

Vforking expenses needed on hand

*Video camera










*Kevin Bryan from Good News Productions in Joplin, Mo advised us that the Video Camera

we need to take footage of these survey areas and then be able to use it for recruiting
purposes is a S-VHS which will cost $1,500.



$11,400 cash on hand

$600 pledged monthly support.

We thank you for your prayers and support. We look forward to being your partners
in this project of preaching the Gospel of Christ vhere He is not named. We will be glad
to cccie and share with you in person. Let us know \dien you would like us to cone.
We continue to pray for you.

We will be in touch.


We love youI

"A man's heart plans his way:

but the Lord directs his steps"

Your Servants,

Proverbs 16:9
Jonathan & Sheila

FoAMi^cUng Agznt&: Vat S Kathy Topping

P.O. Box 57

rU&^, MI 49634
[616] 723-700S

P.O. BOX 2665 ^GILLETTE, WV 82717

[307] 682-8328

Ve.a't Pxlo.nd'ii and Co-wo-xke.^^,

We a/Le vQ.Ky O-xcitiid about hou) oun. ptan-i) (^oK going to kz^A.baijan afio.


T/ie Lo^d

providing the. iundA

u4 to go.

We jii6t pfuit6e, the.

ioA. anaaeKlng oox pJiayefOi thxaugh people like you!

We want to thank

Ma'Xtclle Iowa Church ^ox giving kalj Oq the {^und-i> needed.

We an.e looking ^o^

a matching gi^t. Bedf^o-xd Chx.ie)tian ChuAch in Texa-6 ha-i provided one aiA^aAe
and kae> incACa-sed their monthly giving. We ate thankjul to the ioAd loA
6eveAal otheA^ who have helped. We aAe only lacking aAoand $4,000 to be able
to go oveA in mid-JanuoAy, LoAd willing.

It ^4 4o neat to 4ee the LoAd

pAovide {^oA Hl6 woAk!

Joe Vavi^ ^4 oat contact {^oA kzeAbaijan. He make^ AegulaA tAip^ theAe
evexy thAee month-i oa 4o. Joe ie^ going to help u4 get y^4a4 ^oa kzeAbaijan
and help ptov-tde otheA pertinent in^oAmation a6ou-t the countAy, people, etc..
We aAe planning to meet him at Good Wew4 PAoduction'i aAound the SAd 0(J

Pecembet and get a lot o^ the ini^oAmation on video tape. A{^teA out meeting
with Joe we will be able to con^iAm qojl plans to leave the mixidle o{ JanuaAy,
pAovided we have the Aemaining unds and LoAd willing we live!
Most o{i you might not know that S^e^^a and I have moved to Gillette,

Wyoming with my paAcnts and Sonja. We have moved the OutAeach InteAnational
o^o-cce ioA a couple o^ Aeasons:
J) The house is located on the Wildwood

ChAistian campgAounds, which allows us to bAing in mission AecAuits ^OA oua

mission oAientations and tAaining. OuA f^iASt missiionaAy AecAuit tAaining
session was held at the end oij Augu4t and went well. We had 13 AecAuits
attend as well as seveAal ^^visitoAs" jjtom the neaAby chuAches who attended
some 0^ the sessions. 2] We will also be woAking with Platte Valley B^fa-^e
College who said that they can give ^ull cAedit {^oa students going oveAseas
up to one yeaA. We ate excited about the many oppoAtunities being in this
paAt 0^ the countAy will ptou-cde.

Sheila and I aAe looking ioAwaAd to seAving togetheA uxith you in

AecAuiting [while in the USA) and especinlly in kzeAbaijan [LoAd willing]!
We pAaise the LoAd ^oa you! We love you and pAoy oa you!
Ephesians 6:19
VouA SeAvants,

Jonathan and Sheila


We will keep you inoAmed!

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