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February 13, 2015 . Issue 1 .

Volume 2

Get to Know a
Wellness Champion
Diana Koehler has been with Lakeland
for three years, working for HomeCare
at Meadowbrook
for the past two.
She chose to
be a Wellness
Champion to help
inspire others to
be the best they
can be in order to
reach their goals.
Lets learn a little
bit more about Diana and her passion for
health and wellness.
What makes you passionate about
health and wellness?
Our longevity and quality of life
can greatly be determined by diet and
exercise. I want to live a long, happy,
healthy life, so I choose to eat well and
work out.
When I was pregnant with my first
child, I started paying attention to my
nutrition as it affected my baby. Since
then, I fell in love with learning a lot
about the food we eat, our bodies, and
how they work together.
What have you enjoyed most about
being a Wellness Champion?
I love the direction we are headed
and the goals set forth. Its exciting to
think that over the next few years we will
be helping Lakeland associates become
healthy leaders for their community,
family, and friends.

What healthy initiatives have you been

a part of as a Wellness Champion?
Associates at Meadowbrook put
together an annual holiday potluck,
and I wanted to help people stay on
track during the Maintain Dont Gain
Challenge. I encouraged associates to
bring healthy options and posted sign-up
sheets so they could receive the healthy
recipes they enjoyed at the event.
I am also helping to plan the Spring
Wellness Challenge; it is fun to be
creative and think of fun ways to get
people excited about their own health.
What is one piece of healthy advice
you would like to share with others?
Just start, even it is a small start.
Anything can make a difference. Skip that
one cigarette, replace that cup of coffee
or pop with water, take the stairs, add that
sprig of broccoli or grab that apple to go.
Soon that will become habit, and then
you can build upon it and do more.
For more healthy tips and advice, be on
the lookout for the Wellness Champions
during I Love Learning Month in March!

Mind Over Matter

Mindfulness doesnt have to be
complicated. It just means paying
attention to whats going on
around you.
This seemingly simple practice is
often hard to sustain in a busy world,
but if you make the effort, you may
find the rewards are well worth it.
How will you be more
mindful today?

In This Issue:
The 465-Mile Journey

Lakeland team members part

of group that biked to
Mackinaw City

Relationship Advice just in

Time for Valentines Day
Tips to keep your relationship
healthy and happy

Maintain Dont Gain Results

Associates commit, gain health,
lose over 400 pounds!

Sweet Valentines Recipe

Quick, healthy, and easy to bake

and make cake

myHealth Reminder

Program requirements for

2016 benefit year

To create a culture of health
To inspire our workforce to
embrace healthy living by 2017
To inspire our community to
lead healthier lives by 2020

The 465-Mile Journey That Began

with a Single Pedal Stroke
Michigans Great Southwest is known for having a
variety of scenic, natural landscapes, including beaches,
dunes, lakes, rivers, and the woods. This natural beauty
is famous throughout the state, and as Michiganders, we
have the opportunity to experience the splendor of the
Great Outdoors first-hand by bicycling, boating, hiking,
paddling, running, swimming, or walking. A group of
seven friends, including two Lakeland team members,
saw it all during a six-day 465-mile bicycling journey from
Berrien Center to Mackinaw City last September.
Led by southwest Michigan native Gary Rose, Niles
team members Paul Detrisac, MD, and Theresa Pipher, RN,
were part of the team that averaged 73 miles per day
along roads that varied from smooth and flat to steep
and hilly. The group was accompanied by a four-member
Support Team, including Teri Peak, NP.
The cyclists and their Support Team scheduled stops
at various locations for food, rest, and recovery, including
Muskegon, Ludington, Elk Rapids, and Petoskey. Along
the route, the group witnessed stunning scenery along
the Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore and thrilling
adventures at Pierce Stocking Drive. Known for being
steep and long, Pierce Stocking Drive features warning
signs that advise travelers to return from the two-hour
journey down to the lake or be charged rescue fees.
Theresa, along with three other cyclists, ran down the
drive to the lake as the sun was setting, returning in less
than 30 minutes.
The cyclists, who ranged in age from 27 to 64, had
many of the same experiences, but in their own ways.
We knew we would make it, without a doubt, Gary
said. Everyone focused on staying positive, especially
during difficult days. Our longest practice ride was 63
miles; we rode 113 miles on the first day! None of us ever
felt like giving up because we were all in it together.
The cyclists fueled their bodies by drinking gallons
of sports drinks, and eating several pounds of bananas,
peanut butter, and protein bars, along with some
celebratory scoops of ice cream. The group ended their
journey with only a few mishaps, including four flat tires

Six members of the Magnificent Seven gather for a

group photo before beginning their 465-mile trek from
Berrien Center to Mackinaw City last September.
and three minor crashes, but they gained countless
pictures and unforgettable memories.
This journey brought us closer together as friends,
Theresa said. We all achieved more than we ever
thought we were capable of. We were all amazed at how
much our bodies could do. It just goes to show you
never know what youre capable of until you try.
Source: The Journal Era; October 22, 2014 Issue.
Story Submitted By Gary Rose.

Get Involved!
This spring, Gary and his team will continue their
weekly rides throughout Berrien and Cass Counties.
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:00 p.m.
Meets in Berrien Center and rides for 90 minutes
to two hours; pedaling 15 to 37 miles. All fitness
levels are welcome.
Join Gary, Theresa, and Dr. Detrisac in September 2015
for the week-long 500-mile Mountains to Coast event
in North Carolina.
Learn more by clicking here.
For more information, contact Theresa at

Do You Have News to Share? For more information, please contact Chad Simcox, Physician Services, at
(269) 985-4485 or csimcox@lakelandhealth.org

Keeping the Sweet in Your Sweetheart

Valuable Valentines Relationship Advice
Valentines Day is a wonderful time of year to
remember how important relationships are to our
health. Research indicates that a sharing, caring
relationship buffers us against the stresses and strains
of everyday life. Those with strong relationships are
less vulnerable to depression,
have increased immune function,
and tend to live longer. Sounds
good, right?
To keep the love glow of
Valentines Day alive with your
sweetie, consider these ideas:
Welcome Home
Its said that the family dog
gets the warmest greeting when we arrive home.
Sometimes we take out our frustrations and bad
mood on those we hold dearest. Make it a priority
to reunite with your loved ones in a positive way.
Consider a greeting like, I missed you today, Its
so good to see you, or just a big hug. Help rekindle
positive feelings and set the tone for a more pleasant
time together.

Caustic Criticism
Relationship specialists Drs. John and Julie Gottman
have predicted in less than five minutes,
with 90% accuracy, whether a couple would
stay together or divorce. They have defined four
communication styles that spell disaster. Top on the list
is criticism. The Gottmans clarify that complaints and
critiques are about specific issues. Criticism is about
attacking our partners character and is to be avoided
at all times. Comments like You are so inconsiderate
or How irresponsible can you get? are fuel for
defensiveness and counter-attack, not communion.
Safe Haven
Expressing fondness and admiration can help
create an environment that allows our loved one to be
who they really are and share their dreams. Its easy
to forget how special our loved one is and take them
for granted. Each day look for something you admire
about them and remind them how special they are.
This year for Valentines Day, remember that its not
just about the gifts a little time and attention can go
a long way in keeping the sweet in your sweetheart.

Associates Maintain, Dont Gain!

Inspiring Results from Holiday Challenge
Maintaining your weight through the holiday season
isnt easy especially when you consider all the special
treats and endless parties. Its quite a commitment,
but associates who registered for Maintain Dont Gain
sponsored by OurWellness accepted the challenge!
It started with an initial weigh-in just before
Thanksgiving and ended after New Years. The goal for
the final weight check was to gain no more than one
pound during the holidays. Participants received weekly
motivational emails and tips to support them during
their quest.
The results are inspiring! There were 175 associates
who completed the challenge, and 83% achieved
or, in many cases, exceeded their goal. A total of108
participants lost 424 pounds combined!

Julie Holtsclaw, LPN, Lakeland Hospital, Watervliet,

was one of the associates who lost weight during the
challenge. When asked about her results, she first
confided that she was not sure how it happened!
However, upon further reflection, she knew exactly what
led to her success.
Actually I do know, Julie said. I made more
conscious decisions when putting food in my mouth.
I still had two pieces of pie, but they were half slices
instead of whole and we went for a short walk with the
dogs after we ate.
Thank you to everyone who committed to the Maintain
Dont Gain challenge. We hope that you continue to be
mindful of your choices throughout the year!

Sweet Valentines Cake Recipe for Your Sweetheart

myHealth Reminder

Healthy and Easy to Prepare Only 155 Calories & Four Grams of Fat!

Requirements for Benefit Year 2016

Looking for something sweet without the junk factor? Try this! Its healthy
and super easy to make! The best part is it takes about two minutes to bake
which makes it simple to whip up for your sweetheart this Valentines Day!

Its a new year and the perfect time

for a new commitment to myHealth!
All associates and spouses
covered under the Lakeland
medical benefit plan are eligible to
participate and earn the incentive.
Please note this year that you
must complete biometrics or
submit your PCP Wellness Visit form
with biometrics by May 31, 2015.
To help you meet the earlier
deadline, onsite biometric screenings
will be offered beginning in March.
If your biometrics were done on or
after October 1, 2014, and you had no
actionable or urgent values, you may
elect to use those. If eligible, you will
receive an email from myHealth.
Look for more details soon!

3 tbs coconut flour
1-2 tbs baking stevia (or 2-3 tbs sweetener of choice, or to taste)
1 tsp baking powder,1 tbs unsweetened cocoa powder
2 tbs plain low fat Greek yogurt or unsweetened applesauce
2 egg whites, 1 tsp red food coloring (or beet juice if desired)
Optional Frosting:
2 tbs low fat cream cheese, softened, 2 tbs plain low fat Greek yogurt
1/2 tbs baking stevia (or 1 tbs sweetener of choice, or to taste)
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
Spray a small bowl or oversized mug with cooking spray. Mix all
ingredients together in prepared bowl/mug using a fork or small whisk
until batter is smooth.
Cook in microwave for about 2 minutes. Be careful not to overcook as
batter will become dense and rubbery.
Let cake cool slightly before piping frosting. For frosting, combine all
ingredients into a mixing bowl and mix until combined. Pipe or frost onto
cake. (You can also cut cake in half and frost in between the layers).

Trivia Time

Answer our newsletter trivia question and you could win a prize!


When is this years deadline to submit your PCP Wellness Visit Form?
Submit your answer by clicking here. Youll also have a chance to submit
your wellness why.

Requirements for 2016 Incentive:

1. Meet 2015 biometric targets
Complete any required
alternate satisfaction activities
by October 31, 2015
2. Have an active MyChart account
by May 31, 2015
3. Be tobacco free
Sign Tobacco Attestation that
you have been tobacco
free for at least 180 days
(6 months). This will be
completed in October 2015

OurWellness Why

Thank you to all of the associates who submitted their why after reading the October 2014 issue of the
OurWellness Newsletter. Featured below is the top submission as selected by the newsletter subcommittee.
I am passionate about health and wellness because you are your personal best when you feel well.
The body has an amazing ability to heal itself when given the right foods to eat, plenty of exercise,
and a good nights sleep!
-Lally Ulery
Case Manager, Lakeland Rehabilitation Services

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