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Harneet Baveje

Mrs. Nelson
AP Psychology Period 5

Nature vs. Nurture FRQ

Part A
A chromosome is a threadlike structure of nucleic acids and protein found in the nucleus
of most living cells that carries genetic information in the body. A child receives 23
chromosomes from the sperm and 23 chromosomes from the egg. Chromosomes carry traits and
those traits are passed down to the child when the sperm and egg meet. If the mother and father
is both extravert, the baby will also most likely be extravertant. If both parents are introvert, the
child will also be introvert. If one parent has the trait of extraversion and one has the trait of
introversion, the child usually receives the trait from the opposite sex.
A gene is a distinct sequence of nucleotides forming part of a chromosome. It is a unit of
heredity that is transferred from a parent to offspring and is held to determine some characteristic
of the offspring. Genes carry traits and the traits are passed down to a child. A child may end up
receiving the trait for extraversion because it was passed down from the chromosomes of the
Temperament is a person's or animal's nature which can permanently affect their
behavior. Temperament is another way a child can have the trait of extraversion. If they have
grown up and always been social and outgoing, the trait will become a part of them as they age.
For example if a toddler is always around other kids and always interacting with people, he or
she will build up the trait or extraversion.

Part B
First Professor Mendel must find a random 2 related twins that were separated at birth
and have grown up in different neighborhoods. Then if he wanted to conduct a case study, he
could shadow each twin and see the similarities and differences in both of their living styles. This
should be done for about 3-7 days to get more accurate results. For a survey he can ask both
twins a question about themselves, their lives, or just something in general and see how the
answers are similar or differ. To conduct a naturalistic observation, Mendel must observe both
twins and what they do without either twin knowing they are being watched. Then he must
compare the similarities and differences in the observations in which the twins did not know they
are being observed. The different setting and living style each twin grew up in should play a role
in how they live their lives. Even though they are genetically related, nature and nurture should
have an effect on both twins extraversion trait. The one from a more suburb neighborhood
would act more seldom than his twin who has grown up in a ghetto is or in an urban city.

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