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At first it's strongly recommended to read this manual with care and to the end.

If you call functions without any sense

the program may crash or you even may get BSOD and potentially lose some data. Only some of the functions can be
called in arbitrary order also only some of the functions should be called because some of them are used for internal
purposes and this manual clearly states such cases.
You can take a look at Lua scripting language manual (included in Scripts folder (Lua Manual.html) also
www.lua.org) to learn more about scripts also you can examine examples of scripts from Scripts folder (*.txt files).
If something works the wrong way or not the way it's intended to work read this manual for about 5 more times and
only then report a bug. :)
And now follow extra functions and variables that can be called and used in the scripts.
--------------------------------------------------------------number AddBreak(number where,number type1,number type2)
where-address to put a break on
type1-can be equal to the following values:
1-opcode breakpoint (1 byte). The only difference from the standard breakpoint is in the opcode which adds a bit
2-standard and well-known 0xCC break
3-hardware break in DR0 register
4-hardware break in DR1 register
5-hardware break in DR2 register
6-hardware break in DR3 register
type2-on what condition to put a break. Can be equal to the following values: 0-on execution, 1-on memory write, 2on memory write and read. This value is used only then debug register is chosen (type1=3-6) it may equal any value
result-true if the breakpoint was enabled; false if error occured (for example there are too many breakpoints (ref.
The function adds a breakpoint to the breakpoint list. This newly added breakpoint is disabled by default (ref.
EnableBreak()). Hardware breaks on memory write and on memory write and read do exist but they've never been
used in the program itself+some smart guys say that their usage may cause BSOD therefore it's not recommended to
use them
number AddSection(string name,string body, number size)
name-name of a section
body-data to be written to a section
size-size of data to be written to a section
result-0 if success; -1 if error occured (for example, you didn't dump the process, ref. Dump())
The function adds to the end of a dumped file section and writes data to it. The file should be dumped before calling
this function (ref. Dump())
number Attach()
result-always 0
The function allows to attach to a running process. The effect is similar to pressing Attach to process button on the
main program window. All the information about previously unpacked process will be lost. The function is not
thoroughly tested yet so it's not recommended to use it very often
number AttachFast(number PID,number thread_id)
PID-process id of the process to attach to
thread_id-id of the thread in the process to attach to
result-always 0
The function is similar to the Attach() but doesn't show window with processes. It uses all the current settings and

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changes just process and thread (useful when packer uses 2 processes like Armadillo)
number CleanImport()
result-always 0
The functions cleans import table for the file being unpacked
number Continue(bool skiphooked)
skiphooked-determines if this function returns when hooked export table breakpoint was triggered or keeps executing
result-always 0
The function lets the program run similar to Run button in OllyDbg. Keep in mind when the program hits a breakpoint,
this break will be automatically disabled (ref. EnableBreak()). Sometimes program may unexpectedly die it'll be good
to check this (ref. break_where) before doing anything else
bool DeleteBreak(number where)
where-address of a breakpoint
result-true if the breakpoint was disabled; false if error occured (for example the breakpoint wasn't found in the list)
The function deletes the breakpoint at the given address from the breakpoint list
number DeleteLastSection()
result-0 if success; -1 if error occured (for example, you didn't dump the process, ref. Dump())
The function deletes last section in the dumped file. The file should be dumped before calling this function (ref.
number Detach()
result-always 0
The functon allows to detach from the process. The function is not thoroughly tested yet so it's not recommended to
use it very often
bool DisableBreak(number where)
where-address of a breakpoint
result-true if the breakpoint was disabled; false if error occured (for example the breakpoint wasn't found in the list)
The function disables the breakpoint at the given address
number DisableBreakAll()
result-always 0
The function disables all the breaks
bool Disasm(number where)
where-address to disasm from
result-true if everything went OK; false if error occured (for example the memory couldn't be read)
The function disassembles the code at the given address and shows it to the user
number Dump()
result-0 if success; -1 if error occured (for example process is dead)
The function makes dump of the process to the memory. Before saving this dump to disk (ref. SaveFile()) necessary
operations should be made first (restore import, relocations, TLS, overlay)
number DumpForRelocs()
result-0 if success; -1 if error occured (for example process is dead)
To restore relocations (only for a DLL) one should either run extra DLL instance (ref. PreLoad()) or use this function.
You should get to the OEP first and then call this function. The process then should be killed and started again only
after that one can call RestoreImportRelocs() to rebuild relocations
number EmulateRDTSC(number active,number shift)
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active-can be equal to the following values: 0-disable emulation, 1-enable emulation

shift-the difference between the results of the two subsequent calls of RDTSC instruction. Recommended to set to
0100 and then change if needed.
result-always 0
The function needs for the interrupt 1 and interrupt 13 to be hooked (ref. Hook()) and sends request directly to the
driver so it's not recommended to use it very often. Disabled by default
bool EnableBreak(number where)
where-address of a breakpoint
result-true if the breakpoint was enabled; false if error occured (for example the breakpoint wasn't found in the list)
The function enables the breakpoint at the given address. Keep in mind that after break was added it should be enabled
because it's disabled by default. It also should be enabled after it was hit because then the program hits the breakpoint
it disables the breakpoint automatically
number ExecuteFunction(string library, string function, number arg1, number arg2, number arg3, number arg4, number
library-full path to the library from which the function should be executed
function-function name which should be executed
arg1-arg5-arguments for this function
result-eax register value after the function was executed if success; -1 if error occured (for example, the library wasn't
The function executes the given function from the given library with the given parameters in the context of the process
to unpack. The library is automatically loaded in the context of the process to unpack (ref. LoadExtraLibrary()). Keep
in mind that all 5 arguments must be passed! If function takes less than 5 arguments zeros should be added
number Find(string buf,number length,number start,number end)
buf-string with data to find
length-size of buf in bytes
start-address to start the search from in VA
end-address to and the search in VA
result-address with the found sequence of bytes; 0 if error occured (for example process is dead) or nothing found
The function searches for the given sequence of bytes from the given address to the given address and returns address
found at or 0 in case of error. The byte order in the memory is the same as byte order in the string. The function
searches for the exact sequence of bytes so the given buffer should contain exact string of bytes
(example: "\104\101\108\108\111")
number FindByMask(string buf,number length,number start,number end)
buf-string with data to find
length-size of buf in bytes
start-address to start the search from in VA
end-address to and the search in VA
result-address with the found sequence of bytes; 0 if error occured (for example process is dead) or nothing found
The function searches for the given sequence of bytes from the given address to the given address and returns address
found at or 0 in case of error. The byte order in the memory is the same as byte order in the string. The function allows
using of wildcard (example: "558?EC")
number FindOEP()
result-OEP of the target; 0 if error occured
The function shows well-known window with an OEP finder choice. The result of it's work is returned by the function
number FullUnpack()
result-always 0
The function stands for complete unpack. This function is called then one presses Full unpack button in the main
program window. You should set all the values in the main program window for this function to work properly
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number GetProcAddress(string library,string function)

library-full path to the library from which address of the function should be obtained
function-function name which address should be obtained
result-address of the function if success; 0 if error occured (for example, the function wasn't found)
The function returns address of the given function from the given library or 0 in case of error
number Hook(number victim_id, number int1, number int3, number int4, number int6, number int13)
victim_id-PID of the process to unpack
int1,int3,int4,int6,int13-what to do with the interrupt. Can be equal to the following values: 0-do nothing, 1-hook, 2unhook
result-always 0
The function sends the request directly to the driver. Used mostly for internal purposes so it's strongly recommended to
leave it uncalled BSOD possible otherwise. All the interrupts are hooked by default and the victim_id equals PID of
the process to unpack
number ImportAdd(number RVA)
RVA-address of the instruction which uses import (call dword ptr[xxx], jmp dword ptr[xxx], mov eax,dword ptr[xxx],
result-0 if success; 1 if reading of the given memory failed; 2 if the instruction doesn't seem to use import; 3 if import
function wasn't recognized
The function uses only static methods to identify function, it fails in case of redirected import functions (ref.
number ImportTraceAdd(number RVA)
RVA-address of the instruction which uses import (call dword ptr[xxx], jmp dword ptr[xxx], mov eax,dword ptr[xxx],
result-0 if success; 1 if reading of the given memory failed; 2 if the instruction doesn't seem to use import; 3 if tracing
The function uses tracing to identify the function
number/string InputValue(string caption,string default)
caption-caption of an input window
default-default string to be shown in the edit
result-string or number that was entered; -1 if cancel was pressed
The function shows a window with given string as a caption and edit to input and returns entered string or number or 1
bool IsEnabled(number where)
where-address of a breakpoint
result-true if the breakpoint is enabled; false if the breakpoint is disabled or error occured (for example the breakpoint
wasn't found in the list)
The function returns if the breakpoint at the given address enabled or not. The function was made just in case of a
memory loss :)
bool IsExist(number where)
where-address of a breakpoint
result-true if the breakpoint exists; false if the breakpoint doesn't exist
The function returns if the breakpoint at the given address exists or not. The function was made just in case of a
memory loss :)
number LoadExtraLibrary(string library)
library-full path to the library which should be loaded
result-0 if success; -1 if error occured (for example, library wasn't found)
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The function loads the given library in the context of the process to unpack
number ModuleAddHook(number module_base)
module_base-imagebase of the module
result-always 0
The function adds a module with the given imagebase to a list of modules and hooks it's export if this option is set
(ref. import_meth)
number NextInstr(number where)
where-address of an instruction
result-address of the following instruction; 0 if error occured (for example, bad address was given)
The function returns address of the instruction following a given instruction
number Pause(string message)
message-message to be shown in the MessageBox
result-always 0
The function pauses script execution and shows message. When one presses OK at the message window script
continues to execute
number PreLoad()
result-0 if the process was terminated; 1 if success or if the unpacked file is an EXE file and Use force unpacking at
the main program window is unticked
The function is used for Force unpacking (about this you can read at Readme.eng.txt) and for restoring relocations
(only for a DLL). Before restoration of relocations (ref. RestoreImportRelocs()) either this function should be called or
DumpForRelocs(). OEP at the main program window (also ref. jmp_to_oep) should be set before the function is called.
The main difference from DumpForRelocs() is that it gets to the given OEP by itself and kills the process also by itself;
when using DumpForRelocs() one should get to the OEP oneself at first and kill the process also oneself (ref.
number ProcessRelocs()
result-always 0
The functions processes and saves relocations. May be used also with EXE files in that case just nulls the pointer in
number ProcessResourcesCutSections()
result-0 if success; -1 if error occured (for example process is dead)
The function cuts last sections and rips and rebuilds resources. Rebuilt resources are not saved to the file immediately
(ref. SaveResources()). When using this function it's usually necessary to rebuild TLS (ref. ProcessTLS()). The
function should be called only after the process was dumped (ref. Dump())
number ProcessTLS()
result-0 if success; -1 if error occured (for example process is dead)
The function processes TLS and writes it immediately to a separate section .tls. It's not mandatory to call this function.
Only if TLS doesn't get in the dumped file (usually when last sections are cut (ref. ProcessResourcesCutSections())),
this function should be called. The function should be called only after the process was dumped (ref. Dump())
number ReadMem(number where,number size)
where-address to read the data from
size-size of data to read in bytes, can be equal to the following values: 1, 2, 3, 4
result-read bytes; 0+error message in the log if error occured (for example process is dead)
The function reads the given number of bytes of data from the given address and returns read bytes or 0 in case of
error. The byte order in the result is the reversed byte order in the memory
number ReadMemDump(number where,number size)
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where-address to read the data from, should be given in RVA form!

size-size of data to read in bytes, can be equal to the following values: 1, 2, 4
result-read bytes; 0 if error occured
The function is identical to ReadMem() but reads the data from the dump. The function should be called only after the
process was dumped (ref. Dump())
string ReadMemLarge(number where,number size)
where-address to read the data from
size-size of data to read in bytes
result-string with read bytes
The function reads the given number of bytes of data from the given address and returns string with read bytes. The
byte order in the result is the same as byte order in the memory
number RemoveLastSEH(number handler)
handler-address of the handler returned by SetLastSEH()
result-always 0
The function removes the SEH handler set by SetLastSEH() and may be used while manual import tracing to avoid
some program crashes when the function being traced isn't import function
number RestoreImportRelocs()
result-0 if success; -1 if error occured (for example process is dead)
The function restores import and relocations (only for a DLL, to restore relocations either Use force unpacking (ref.
PreLoad()) or DumpForRelocs() functions are needed) with the chosen recovery method (ref. import_meth). They are
immediately written to the separate sections .idata and .relocs. The function should be called only after the process was
dumped (ref. Dump())
number Resume()
result-always 0
The function resumes the thread to unpack after Suspend() and fills some debug sructures. Used mostly for internal
number ResumeAllOther()
result-always 0
The function resumes the other threads to unpack after SuspendAllOther() and fills some debug sructures. Used mostly
for internal purposes but may be used while manual import recovery for the other threads not to interfere
number SaveFile()
result-0 if success; -1 if error occured (for example, you didn't dump the process, ref. Dump())
The function saves the dumped process from memory to disk. The function should be called the last one when any
other needed things are already done with the unpacked process (process dumped, import and if needed relocations,
TLS and overlay were restored)
number SaveImport()
result-0 if success; -1 if error occured (for example, you didn't dump the process, ref. Dump())
The function saves import to the file. The function should be called after the process was dumped
number SaveOverlay()
result-0 if success; -1 if error occured (for example, you didn't dump the process, ref. Dump())
The function takes overlay from the source file and adds it to the end of the file. The function should be called
immediately before SaveFile() and after the process was dumped, import and if needed relocations and TLS were
number SaveResources()
result-0 if success; -1 if error occured (for example, you didn't dump the process, ref. Dump())
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The function saves the resources to a separate section .rsrc. The function should be called only after the resources were
ripped from the process (ref. ProcessResourcesCutSections())
number SetLastSEH()
result-address of the handler in the allocated memory
The function sets a SEH handler and may be used while manual import tracing to avoid some program crashes when
the function being traced isn't import function
number SetMainBreaks()
result-always 0
The function sets main breakpoints. It's usually called after Start() or Attach() and it allows to watch loaded modules,
hook export table in them (if appropriate option is set, ref. import_meth) and protect debug registers from reading from
and writing to them (if appropriate option is set, ref. protect_dr). Calling this function is advisable but sometimes (if
the program refuses to run with it) it's better to leave it uncalled
number ShowImport()
result-0 if success; -1 if error occured (for example, you didn't dump the process, ref. Dump())
The functions shows a window with import table which allows to edit it manually
number Start()
result-always 0
The function loads chosen EXE or DLL file in memory. The function starts the process, puts a breakpoint at the EP
(entry point) or at the TLS Callback (if present) and the program stops at this break
number Stop()
result-always 0
The function stops the unpacking process. Unpacking thread will be killed (similar to Kill target button in the main
program window)
number Suspend()
result-always 0
The function suspends the thread to unpack. Used mostly for internal purposes
number SuspendAllOther()
result-always 0
The function suspends the other threads to unpack. Used mostly for internal purposes but may be used while manual
import recovery for the other threads not to interfere
number Terminate()
result-always 0
The function kills the process to unpack. All the information about unpacked process will be lost any further work with
it will be impossible
number Trace()
result-always 0
The function makes one step using TF (trace flag). Don't use this function too often it's rather slow and may be
detected by antidebugging techniques. Sometimes program may unexpectedly die it'll be good to check this (ref.
break_where) before doing anything else
number TraceAndReplace(number where)
where-address to trace
result-always 0
The function uses TF (trace flag) to go through breakpoint at given address and then enables the breakpoint back. The
function is connected to automatic breakpoint disabling (ref. EnableBreak()) and used mostly for internal purposes.
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Sometimes program may unexpectedly die it'll be good to check this (ref. break_where) before doing anything else
number Wait()
result-always 0
The function loops in a breakpoint handling cycle and fills some debug sructures. Used mostly for internal purposes
number WriteEx(string line, bool dobreak, bool bald, number textcolor)
line-string for the output into the log
dobreak-if the text should be output from the new line
bald-if the font is bald
textcolor-text color
result-always 0
The function is an advanced output of any information into the log. One may also use variables instead of string (ref.
number WriteLog(string line)
line-string for the output into the log
result-always 0
The function outputs any information into the log. One may also use variables instead of string. For example,
number WriteMem(number where,number buf,number size)
where-address to write the data to
buf-variable to write the data from
size-size of data to write in bytes, can be equal to the following values: 1, 2, 3, 4
result-number of bytes written; 0 if error occured (for example process is dead)
The function writes the given number of bytes of data to the given address from the given variable and returns number
of bytes written or 0 in case of error. The byte order in the memory is the reversed byte order in the variable
number WriteMemDump(number where,number buf,number size)
where-address to write the data to, should be given in RVA form!
buf-variable to write the data from
size-size of data to write in bytes, can be equal to the following values: 1, 2, 4
result-number of bytes written; 0 if error occured
The function is identical to WriteMem() but writes the data to the dump. The function should be called only after the
process was dumped (ref. Dump())
number WriteMemLarge(number where,string buf,number size)
where-address to write the data to
buf-string to write the data from
size-size of data to write in bytes
result-number of bytes written; 0 if error occured (for example process is dead)
The function writes the given number of bytes of data to the given address from the given variable and returns number
of bytes written or 0 in case of error. The byte order in the memory is the same as byte order in the string
--------------------------------------------------------------number break_where-address at which current breakpoint was triggered. Can be equal to the following values in
special cases:
0xf00-process died. Sometimes program unexpectedly dies. To prevent useless script execution after a program
ran for some time (Continue(), Trace(), TraceAndReplace()) it'll be good to check against this value
0xf10-SingleStep. Arises while TF (trace flag) usage, mostly used for internal purposes
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0xf20-breakpoint on function from hooked export table occured, mostly used for internal purposes
0xf30-bUnhandledSingleStep. SingleStep occured but it wasn't caused by us, mostly used for internal purposes
0xf31-bUnhandledBreak. Break occured but it wasn't caused by us, mostly used for internal purposes
0xf32-bUnhandledBreakAlt. BreakAlt occured but it wasn't caused by us, mostly used for internal purposes
0xf40-bDr0. Hardware breakpoint occured at Dr0 register
0xf41-bDr1. Hardware breakpoint occured at Dr1 register
0xf42-bDr2. Hardware breakpoint occured at Dr2 register
0xf43-bDr3. Hardware breakpoint occured at Dr3 register
bool delphi_init-enable or disable restoration of Delphi initialization table. Turn this on only if you are sure that this is
Delphi program. By default equals false
bool execute_functions-enable or disable import function execution while tracing import. By default equals the chosen
at the main program window checkbutton state
number image_size-size of image, this variable after dump (ref. Dump()) equals size of image, equals 0 before dump
number import_meth-import recovery method. Will the export table of the loaded modules be hooked depends on it
(ref. SetMainBreaks()) and the import recovery method itself (ref. RestoreImportRelocs()). Can be equal to the
following values: 0-Do not recover, 1-Smart method, 2-Smart method+tracer, 3-Load libraries only. If this variable
equals 1 or 2 the export table of the loaded modules will be hooked. By default equals the chosen at the main program
window radiobutton state
number import_rva-put import table at this RVA instead of adding extra section. By default equals Import RVA in the
main program window
number jmp_to_oep-OEP for the program to unpack, can be used for PreLoad(). By default equals OEP in the main
program window
number module_end-treat this number as the end for the module while processing import. The number is used to skip
pointers that lead into the module. This is RVA! By default equals end of module in the main program window
string packer-packer which was used to pack the application
string parameters-parameters to be passed to the application to unpack. By default equals Parameters in the main
program window
bool protect_dr-enable or disable protection of the debug registers. The protection will work only if appropriate
function was called (SetMainBreaks()). By default equals true
number rdtsc_delta-two RDTSC instructions or GetTickCount calls will give the following difference: random(0255)+delta. Keep in mind that this hook is system-wide. By default equals Time delta in the main program window
bool suspect_calls-enable or disable inclusion of call xxx/jmp xxx functions into import table. By default equals the
chosen at the main program window checkbutton state
bool suspect_functions-enable or disable inclusion of suspect functions into import table. By default equals the chosen
at the main program window checkbutton state
number version-equals 220. you shouldn't change this value. it may be used only to decide can some script be run on
current version or not. I'm not going to ensure complete compatibility with previous versions in order not to turn
QuickUnpack into some monster like windows :) so it'll be good if some script is run only on version it's designed for
but I'll try to maintain compatibility with previous versions

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number victim_base-imagebase the file to unpack is loaded at. Used mostly for internal purposes so it's strongly
recommended to leave it unchanged
number victim_handle-handle of the process to unpack. Used mostly for internal purposes so it's strongly
recommended to leave it unchanged
number victim_id-PID of the process to unpack. Used mostly for internal purposes so it's strongly recommended to
leave it unchanged
number thread_id-ID of the current thread in the process to unpack. Used mostly for internal purposes so it's strongly
recommended to leave it unchanged
State of the process to unpack is described by the following variables:
number EAX-eax register
number EBX-ebx register
number ECX-ecx register
number EDX-edx register
number EIP-eip register
number EBP-ebp register
number ESP-esp register
number ESI-esi register
number EDI-edi register
number EFLAGS-eflags register. Strongly recommended to leave unchanged. BSOD is possible otherwise
number DR0-dr0 register. Strongly recommended to leave unchanged. BSOD is possible otherwise
number DR1-dr1 register. Strongly recommended to leave unchanged. BSOD is possible otherwise
number DR2-dr2 register. Strongly recommended to leave unchanged. BSOD is possible otherwise
number DR3-dr3 register. Strongly recommended to leave unchanged. BSOD is possible otherwise
number DR6-dr6 register. Strongly recommended to leave unchanged. BSOD is possible otherwise
number DR7-dr7 register. Strongly recommended to leave unchanged. BSOD is possible otherwise
number CS-cs register. Strongly recommended to leave unchanged. BSOD is possible otherwise

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