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Amounts of Caffeine in Various

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Drip Cup
of Coffee
Cup of



8 oz.


12 oz.

60 - 100
30 - 70
71 mg

12 oz.

55 mg

12 oz.

45 mg.

12 oz

44 mg.

12 oz.

37 mg.

12 oz.

39 mg.

6 oz.

30 - 50

8 oz.
8 oz.
2 oz.
8 oz.

200 mg.
80 - 135

What should be obvious from the table

above, the exact amounts of caffeine
are dependent upon amount of

consumption, the initial product, and

how the product is produced. Of course,
different temperatures of water, coffee
types, degrees of roast, and grind size
will generate different amounts of
caffeine in a cup of coffee.
No two brewings of coffee are exactly
alike. A real good gourmet coffee
brewer can make a cup of coffee fairly
consistently. This would involve, using
the same amounts, degree of roast, the
same grind size, the same water
temperature, same type of water, and
the same equipment. And, the same
barometric pressure. Even coffee beans
grown in the same location, the same
year, and picked at the same time can
generate different amounts of caffeine
per cup. However, it can be said, a
good brewer can get very close to
Many tins of ground and roasted coffee
have different grind size and different
degrees of roast in the same
manufacture's can. Testing such
common store brand tins, we have
found the grind size can differ between
the top and bottom of the same can. In
such cases where the product is
different, it is not possible to brew a
consistent cup of coffee.
Another wiz-bang difference in caffeine
and taste is how the bean is cooked.
Jamail, a student of mine, showed me
how coffee is made in arab countries. It
is fried. This is totally different than
roasted. Frying the bean sears the
outside, keeping in the oils and other
components. When it is ground and
brewed, the cup had a clear liquid
floating on top. Wow, what a whack that

Physiological Effects
Caffeine's metabolic rate is about 50
percent in 2 hours for the average
person. This rate is self adjusting,
meaning if you drink more regularly, the
metabolic will change and is different for
body shape, characteristics, health, etc.
Generally, caffeine increases the
metabolic rate for an amount increase in
It combines easily with other foods and
does different things to different people.
It has a tendency to cleanse the liver
and kidneys. This is not fully
understood. However, it is believed by
some that it easily combines with acidic
compounds which are purged by the
organs. Fatty acids being one many
acidic compounds which are thus
purged. It is one of the reasons why
coffee is given to a drunk in order to
sober them up. Beings how alcohol is
slightly acidic, it makes sense to give
those organs a help to purge the
Caffeine also tends to wake a person
up. It is a stimulant. This also, is a

reason why coffee is given to drunks.

However, I have found that all one gets
is a wide awake drunk.
Effects of caffeine on the body are
generally immediate. It stimulates all the
organs and tissues.
CELLS: Caffeine acts directly on
individual cells by affecting the chemical
reaction within them. Caffeine acts
indirectly by increasing the release from
the adrenal glands of epinephrine
(adrenaline) and norepinephrine
(noradrenaline) hormones which also
stimulate cell activity.
BRAIN: Small amounts of caffeine
stimulate the brain cells, helping to
reduce drowsiness and fatigue.
Concentration is improved and reaction
times are speeded up. Large amounts
cause over stimulation, anxiety,
irritability, and restlessness.
SKELETAL MUSCLES: Stimulation by
caffeine improves their performance
during exercise, but excessive
stimulation can cause twitching.
HEART: With small amounts of caffeine
the heart muscle is stimulated,
augmenting is pumping action. Thus,
causing blood to circulate faster and
blood pressure is increased for a short
time. Too much stimulation can result in
STOMACH: Small amounts of caffeine
actually help digestion by increasing the
production of acid. Too much can cause
abdominal pain and nausea.
KIDNEYS: Caffeine increases the
production of urine.
Caffeine And Other Drugs Caffeine is
commonly mixed with other drugs in
order for the preparation to take affect
faster. In some cases, caffeine is added
for it's direct effect. However, contrary to
some beliefs, caffeine is not a pain

Side Effects
One side effect that coffee has is it's
affect on bleeding. Heavy coffee
drinkers have a common malady. Their
hemorrhoids bleed badly. If this is the
case, stop drinking coffee. Stop for a
long time. The problem, if caused by
coffee, will go away. After a while, one
may have a cup now and again.
As coffee is a stimulant affecting the
heart, people who drink lots of coffee,
have a tendency to be more prone to
heart attacks. This may or may not be
an effect of the caffeine drug. It is
possible that heavy coffee drinkers
have higher degrees of stress which
cause them to drink or other conditions
which tend to go along with a person
who abuses any drug. Then again, it

makes sense that constant over

stimulation will have a long term affect
on this organ.
Coffee is also addicting. It is every bit as
addicting as any other drug which the
body likes. It can be a real pain to kick
the habit of drinking all the time.
Headaches, nausea, and irritability are
side affects of trying to stop drinking
coffee. Or, not having a caffeine fix in
the morning.
Like most other addicting drugs, one
builds up a tolerance to caffeine. Thus,
in order to get the same affect, it takes
more and more of the drug. Unlike most
other addictive drugs, one will have a
hard time drinking enough cups of
coffee to acquire a lethal dose.
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