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Wolgast 1

5th Grade

Mrs. Wolgast

Education 222
Curriculum & Pedagogy
Fall 2014

Wolgast 2

Table of contents
Part 1- Classroom Organization

A. Physical
My Ideal Classroom Description
Mrs. Wolgasts Classroom Layout Design
B. Operational
Record Keeping Procedures
New Student Procedures
Orderly Classroom & Clean Desk Procedures
Displaying Student Work

Page Number

Part 2- Disciplinary Policies & Professional Ethics

Establishing Rules & Expectations

Consequences for Breaking Classroom Rules
Rewards for following Classroom Rules
Student Disrespect to Teachers
Student Conflict on the Playground
Student Inattentiveness or Lack of Motivation
Student Tardiness
Student Disruptions During Class and Students Offending Others
Student Not Getting Work Done
Contacting Parent(s)/Guardian(s) and the Principal
Defiant Behavior
Professional Ethics
What personal information will I share with my students?

Part 3- Classroom Routines & Procedures

How to Teach Students to Follow Classroom Routines and Procedures

Opening Routine/Attendance
Student Sharing
Room Helpers
Free Time
Field Trips
Handing in Papers
Activities for Students when Finished with Work
Bathroom and Drink Procedures

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Differentiation Policy
Communicating with Parents
Parent Conferences

Classroom Organization


My Ideal Classroom Description
The main goal of my 5th grade classroom design is to be welcoming,
comfortable, and to make collaboration possible. Focusing on the center of
the room, I chose big rectangle desks/tables because many students can be
seated there during regular class time (24-30) and it provides a nice
workspace for group assignments as well. While the projection screen and
whiteboard is in the front of the room between two bookcases, the focus will
not always be towards the front of the room. I have placed the tables in the
center of the room so it allows the teacher to walk around the room to
further class discussions amongst students, rather than teacher-led
discussion all the time.
There are a lot of bookcases scattered throughout the room because
its important to have a large library full of interesting books. The bookcases
can also be used as storage for items such as writers workshop notebooks,
math and science notebooks, and other classroom supplies. The tops of the
lower bookcases can be used as space to display student work or it can be
designated for classwork/homework assignments. I think having a lot of
bookcases provides an easily adaptable space for whatever is needed, such
as laptop storage space. My favorite part about the room is having two
comfy corners with couches and rugs. Regardless of what subject is being
taught, these spaces provide comfort for the students and it gives a homelike feel to the classroom.
I do not want my students to think that what they do cannot be done in
their own home so I think this layout bridges that gap. I also included two
comfy chairs for the students who would rather work independently and not
around a lot of other students.
I think windows are so important to have
in a classroom because the students will not feel so trapped inside the school
building. I attended schools that had outdoor hallways with awnings and I
think its important to incorporate the outside environment as much as
possible. Whenever the weather is nice, I would love to take my students
outside to have class on the grass. Having been in Iowa for almost three
years now, I know how important it is to take advantage of the nice weather
so my ideal school principal would definitely approve of that.
Something that is very difficult to display on an aerial map is posters
and what the walls of my room will look like. I want my room to be full of
color and meaningful posters that students can use throughout the school
year. I would love to have a world map along with a topographical map of the

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United States because some students may not understand our own countrys
geography and landscape. Other ideas for the walls would be a word wall,
posters explaining key science concepts, the writing process, math ideas,
and important historical events too. While a lot of curriculum is focused on
reading and mathematics, teachers are still responsible for providing a wellrounded education to all students.
Visualizing this classroom concept has been very eye opening and is
making me even more excited for student teaching. A lot of classes discuss
whats important to have in a classroom, but not often are we asked to
design our own classroom. This gives me some perspective because in a
year from now I could be teaching a 5th grade class and have a similar
classroom design to what I have just created. There are so many things to
think about when designing a classroom and I think it will be fun to see my
peers designs.
Mrs. Wolgasts Classroom Layout Design

Record Keeping Procedures
I will have many types of record keeping procedures in my classroom. I
will keep an electronic document, such as a Google documents spreadsheet
to record grades, which I can access from any device. Sometimes technology
isnt very reliable so I will also have a manual gradebook to record grades

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just in case. Having grades recorded electronically will make it easier for me
to share grades with my students parents/guardians when creating progress
reports. If my school has an online portal where parents/guardians can
access grades then I will update those records frequently to keep the
parents/guardians informed. For informal observations I
will use a designated notebook in which I will divide
evenly and have a section tabbed off alphabetically for
each student in the class. In this notebook I will record
observations I make while the students are working in
various content areas. Using informal, along with formal,
record keeping procedures is important because it
captures students authentic process of learning in the
New Student Procedures
If I know ahead of time that I will have a new
student in my classroom, I will set up a welcome banner
and set time aside to get to know the new student. This can only be done if
the new student feels comfortable to share their information so I will not
force a formal, detailed introduction. After the new student is
introduced, I will have the other students introduce themselves and
provide advice or tips for our new student. I will provide our
classroom policies and procedures and welcome any questions the
new student may have. A welcome newsletter will be sent home
with the new student to inform his or her parents/guardians of my
classroom procedures and routines.
Being the new kid in class can be a lonely and scary time for all
students, especially 5th grade students who dont know anyone else in
the class or at the school, and the other students may have known each
other since kindergarten. I will designate one student, who is friendly and
understands classroom and school procedures, to be the new students
buddy. Using this buddy program, the new student will spend at least the
first week with their buddy to get acclimated to the new school environment.
I will also be checking in on the new student periodically to make sure he or
she is having a good experience at the new school.
Orderly Classroom & Clean Desk Procedures
Collaboration and teamwork is vital in my
classroom and you can see that by looking at the
physical setup of my room. Students share tables
instead of having individual desks, and I will have a
basket of supplies in the middle of each table. In
each basket, the students will share pencils, pens,
markers, colored pencils, scissors and glue. There
will be a home for every paper (refer to photo on
the left) and my room will be very colorful and organized.

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During the first week of school, I will distribute a classroom scavenger
hunt for students to do independently or with partners. The main idea of this
is to familiarize the students with the layout of the room and for them to find
out where they turn in classwork and homework, and all of the other bits and
pieces that complete the classroom. 5th grade students need to practice
having responsibilities so my students will know where things are and to put
them back after using any supplies. Bookshelves and other items listed in
the scavenger hunt will be labeled to make it easier for students to find to
proper locations.
In order to keep the room as clean as possible, part of our end-of-day
clean up procedures will be to use cleaning wipes to wipe down the desks
and chairs before leaving school for the day. By doing this it ensures that the
students will begin every morning with a clean and clear desk. Since I will
expect my students to keep their tables clean and tidy, I will hold myself to
the same expectations and will need to keep my desk and work area clean
and tidy each day. If I want to enforce something, I must do it myself and
show the students that I find the value and importance of doing so. Another
thing I will do is to change the seating chart approximately once per month
to ensure that the students have the chance to work with all of their peers
throughout the school year.
Displaying Student Work
My classroom will be student-centered and it only
makes sense to showcase student work throughout the
school year. I will have a few motivational/inspirational
quotes around the room and will also post the class rules
and procedures, along with a few other things, but for the
most part the student work will encompass most of the
wall space. While there will be plenty of wall space to
display student work, I also want to create a Writers
corner (similar to the photo to the right). I will have a Star
Student each week, but I would like to expand upon that
idea and showcase some work that the Star Student is
really proud of.
I want students to see their progress throughout the
year so I will have my students post new work at least twice a month for
other to see. I will keep that work in a binder that they will take home at the
end of the school year to see how their writing and other work has improved.
A lot can change for the students on a personal level throughout 5th grade so
during the first week of school I will take a picture of each student and the
student will fill out a questionnaire about themselves. I will display this in the
room so that the students are able to learn a little more about their
classmates. At the end of the school year I will take another picture of each
student and give them the same questionnaire so then they can compare
how they have changed throughout the school year.
I think its so important to showcase student work in the classroom and in
the hallways because students are proud of the work they have completed

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and the tasks they have accomplished.
While this concept wont be used as a
scare tactic, the students do seem to
become more invested in their work when
they know others will see it so hopefully
students try their best in all that they do so
their best work is what will be displayed.
While I will be choosing certain projects or
assignments to be showcased, I will allow
the students to pick their favorite
assignment to showcase as well. I will have
one board dedicated to student-chosen
work where each student can hang their
work with a clip already attached to the

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Disciplinary Policies & Professional Ethics

Establishing Rules & Expectations
The first few weeks of the school year will be very busy
with learning the procedures, routines, rules, rewards, and
consequences. Instead of assigning a set of classroom
rules, I will have my students work in groups to brainstorm
ideas for rules that apply to our classroom. I will write all
rules down and then we will have a class discussion to
simplify our list. Once the class has agreed upon the class
rules, it will become our Classroom Constitution (see left).
The tricky part will be making sure that the rules I want to
include are included, but in the students own words. All
students will sign the Classroom Constitution and will be
held responsible to uphold the rules stated on it.
Consequences for Breaking Classroom Rules
In order to run a smooth classroom, consequences must be in place if
rules are broken. It is the students responsibility to behave according to the
rules agreed upon in the Classroom Constitution. While the rules were mostly
created by the students, the consequences to breaking those rules will be
created by the teacher. The consequences will be placed next to the
Classroom Constitution and will include verbal warning, recess academy,
agenda signed, parent contact, and office referral.
All students start each day with a blank slate and have the opportunity
to improve upon poor behavior from the day prior. I will try to not embarrass
the student in front of his or her peers and make sure I have a heart-to-heart
chat with the student who is not following the rules. If the student made a
mess, they will be responsible for cleaning it up and if they were mean to
another student, they are expected to give a meaningful apology. Respect is
very important in my classroom and I want all students to respect each other
and the staff as well.

Rewards for following Classroom Rules

While rules can be broken, and the rule breakers need to face their
punishments, I believe that the students who follow the rules and are
respectful should earn rewards. I will have the Class Dojo application on my
interactive whiteboard and there will be a monster emoji for each student.

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Each morning the students start with zero points, but as the day progresses I
will let students give themselves points when I see them on task, working
hard, being helpful, etc. The students accounts can be connected to their
parents emails and I will either send the parents a report at the end of the
day or end of each week. Students who are working hard and accomplishing
tasks should be recognized for being great students. I think that too often the
trouble makers get more attention and the other students who are doing
what they are supposed to dont get enough credit.
I have seen the marble jar used a lot throughout the years and
remember having the marble jar as a rewards system in my own classrooms
as a student. I will have a glass marble jar on my desk and will place marbles
in it when I see that the whole class is on task, acting in a respectful manner,
being kind to one another, quietly walking through the halls, following
directions, etc. Once the jar is filled up the class will receive a reward for all
of their great work. While some options are costly, we will rotate the rewards
the class is given with ideas such as a pizza party, ice cream social, extra
half hour of recess or game time, or pajama day. While students should not
do their work to earn rewards, hopefully this will motivate the students to
ensure that their peers are on task when they should be.
Student Disrespect to Teachers
Disrespect is not tolerated in my classroom, regardless of who the
disrespect is aimed towards. I will try my best to manage the situation on my
own by having a one-on-one private discussion with the student to address
the issue at hand. I will explain to the student that I am disappointed in the
lack of disrespect they have shown and tell them that they need to provide a
meaningful apology for their actions because they would not like to be
treated that way themselves. This serves as a verbal warning to the student
showing disrespect and the student will be informed that next time this
happens a note will be sent home to notify his or her parents of the situation.
Student Conflict on the Playground
Conflicts that occur on the playground can continue in the
classroom so I think its important for the administrators,
teachers, and staff to be on the same page for these
occurrences. Ideally, the conflicts would be discussed with
whoever is on duty for recess to get an objective opinion. If
thats not an option, I will pull the students involved in the
situation separately to discuss what happened and then
bring the students together to find a solution to the problem
at hand. I would like for any conflicts to be solved by the
students rather than involving negative disciplinary actions
because I will have taught my students effective problem-solving strategies
that they can use in real life scenarios.

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Student Inattentiveness or Lack of Motivation
As a teacher I will know the best way to motivate my
students to learn and will have a lot of differentiated
activities, lessons, and tasks to help achieve student focus.
However, I understand that there will be students who do not
want participate or complete assigned work from time to
time. At the beginning of the year I will have my students fill
out an interest survey similar to the Garfield survey for
reading, but I will include other content areas. If the student
is inattentive when normally he or she is focused, I will have
a discussion with that student to see if anything else is going
on in their life that is making it difficult for them to focus. Perhaps a friend or
family member is sick, the student didnt eat breakfast, or something
personal is going on outside of school which is effecting their motivation for
school work. Its important to show that I understand we all have lives
outside of school and I can be considerate of outside factors. While it is up to
the student to succeed, the teacher provides the vehicle to make it possible
and I will do my best to accommodate every student in my classroom.
Student Tardiness
There are a lot of valid reasons why a student may be
late for school, such as having doctor appointments,
missing the bus, parents are running late, etc. Since
many of my students may be walking to school on days
where the weather is nice, I will hold my students
responsible for arriving to school on time. When the
weather is rainy or snowy, I will assume that the parents
are taking the students to school on these days. Regardless of the weather, if
student tardiness becomes a frequent issue (3+ tardies) then I will send a
note home with the student for the parents to ensure that the students are in
class on time. If the situation does not improve then I will set up a
conference with the parents/ guardians to create a new plan for getting the
student to class on time. I will make sure the parents/ guardians understand
my concern for the student missing valuable class time that cannot be made
up. Every minute counts!
Student Disruptions During Class and Students Offending Others
When a student disrupts another student, I will utilize the rules we
established as a class and explain the consequences of their actions. Similar
to the playground situation, I will talk to both students quickly and resolve
the issue smoothly so the students can continue with their classwork. The
students will apologize to each other and start fresh, and I may have them
work in separate areas for the time being.
Student Not Getting Work Done

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There could be many reasons why a student is not getting work done,
such as they are bored, just dont want to, are distracted by others, or its
too difficult. I will first talk to the student and ask why he or she is not
getting the work done, and then explain that they need to begin their work
or I will move them to a more quiet area. I think that 5th grade students dont
like to work alone or in isolation so hopefully this works. If that doesnt work,
I will talk to them about the underlying reasons why they are not doing their
work. The student is choosing to not complete the work and I need to make
sure I can find a way to motivate the student to focus.
Cheating will not be tolerated in my classroom, especially if
my school has a zero tolerance policy against cheating. 5th grade
is a time to prepare for middle school and high school, where
cheating is a more serious offense and students must be aware of
the negative effects of cheating. By cheating, the students are
losing opportunities to learn about ideas that will help them in
the future. The student will receive a zero for the assignment or test, but will
be given a chance to redo the task on their own time (recess, lunch, or after
school). With standards based grading becoming popular, I want to ensure
my students know the information.
Contacting Parent(s)/Guardian(s) and the Principal
Communication is so important in building relationships
with my students parents/guardians, and the school
administration. The Principal will have a copy of my
management plan to reference if he or she has any
questions about how I run my classroom. The parents
and Principal are welcome to observe my class at any
time so they will be able to see what we are working on
at the time. Using my Class Dojo application, I will send
weekly reports to the parents, or as needed based on
behavior. If there are any incidents in which the
students got in trouble then I will send a note home or
make a phone call to inform the parents of the situation.
I want the parents to feel comfortable and welcome to ask me questions
when they arise. Communication will not always be for negative reasons; I
will make phone calls and send newsletters home to keep the parents
updated on whats going on in the classroom.
Defiant Behavior
Many of the issues and scenarios for defiant behavior have been
addressed in previous sections. When a student has defiant behavior which
turns aggressive and could potentially cause harm to other students, I will
have a plan in place for the students to stay safe and out of harms way. My
students safety is my top priority and they should not be exposed to this

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negative behavior. If a situation does escalate then I will send the rest of my
students to line up at the door and I will walk them to a nearby classroom. I
will have a plan in place with another teacher that will become our buddy
room and the students will spend time in the established buddy room until it
is safe to be in the classroom again. I will contact the office and ask for
someone to be sent to my room to assist with the
situation. An important thing to know if that teachers
cannot restraint a student if they have not been
trained to do so, which is why it is important to
contact the office at that point so they can send
someone who is qualified and trained to handle
situations such as these.
Professional Ethics
As an educator, I need to conduct professional
behavior in and outside of school settings. There is
always a chance of running into a student outside of school and I will be
friendly and inviting of conversations, but I will absolutely not gossip about
any co-workers, students, or parents/guardians. I know that there are certain
teachers who gossip in the teachers lounge throughout the day and if I am
in there for anything and hear that going on, I will walk away and not be part
of it. If I have a good relationship with the teacher(s) who is gossiping then I
will have a private conversation about how I believe that sort of talk is
unnecessary and does not accomplish anything positive. I do not like
ignoring an issue and I will bring it up because perhaps the teacher(s) didnt
even realize how negative they were being.
If I need to get another teachers opinion or advice on something then I
will share some student work to serve as an example, otherwise, other
teachers do not need to be sneaky and check on my students work. I will not
participate in anything that could reflect poorly upon the teaching profession,
my students, my school or the district. I think its important to create positive
professional relationships with my colleague, the administration, and the
parents/ guardians. If I dont get along with a colleague then I will not share
any personal information with them and will be respectful and keep it strictly
professional in order to continue working in a professional manner.

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What personal information will I share with my students?*

Name: Mrs. Wolgast
Birthday: April 3rd
Hometown: Torrance, California
Spouse: Kurtis; a local architect
Pets: 1 dog (Australian Shepherd named
Favorite color: Turquoise
Sports I Play: Soccer
Sports I Watch: Baseball
Hobbies: Travel, shopping, friends
Countries I have visited: Scotland, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand,
Ghana, Netherlands, Belgium, and France
Countries I want to visit: Brazil, Chile, Germany, Italy, Greece, Japan,
Indonesia, Mexico, Canada, and more.
*I will most likely share more information than what is listed, but this at least
gives me a guideline of what I feel comfortable sharing upfront.

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Classroom Routines & Procedures

How to Teach Students to Follow Classroom Routines and
The first few weeks, or even the first month of school, will
be spent going over the many ideas and concepts included
within this third part of my management plan. My class will
be practicing routines and procedures every day to help
them get back into the habit of being in school after
summer break. Not only does this help the students adjust
to the school routine, but it allows me to get to know my
students in a less formal setting. We will be using the Class
Dojo application in my room to reward to good behavior
and practices. Since my classroom is set up with tables
instead of individual desks, I will be
discussing the importance of collaboration and
working together respectfully. Collaboration is a vital
aspect to my classroom and my students need to
me create a comfortable, inviting, and welcoming
learning environment. This will set the ground work
the rest of the school year.
Opening Routine/Attendance
Students will be able to come into my
classroom 15 minutes before the official start time of
school to get settled in and ready for learning. As
students arrive, the first thing they will do is move their name clip (on the
chart to the right) to let me know if they are having a hot or cold lunch. By
having a name on each clip, I can easily notice who is absent that day
because their clip has not been moved yet. Students will hang their
backpacks and jackets on their specified hooks in the back of the room, turn
in any assignments, and get their math notebook out to quietly work on the
math warm-up for that day. Students will work on the math warm-up until the
school announcements begin and then after that the students will share their
math strategies with the class at the whiteboard.
Student Sharing
By creating a positive and supporting learning community, my hope is
that all students will feel comfortable sharing their ideas and strategies with
each other. Most of the day will consist of student-led discussions and
students will share their ideas by raising their hand rather than blurting ideas
out. Eventually I would like for my 5th grade students to have a class
discussion on their own without interrupting each other because that is
similar to a real life scenario. We do not raise our hands while having a
conversation with our peers as adults, unless its in a classroom setting and
we are the students. Students will have a choice in what pieces of work will

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be shared for all to see on the wall and I will also ask for volunteers to share
their work with the class. I want my students to know that they have a voice
and that their ideas are important enough to be heard by all. I will not
randomly call on students to share their ideas or work so if nobody wants to
share with the class, I will have them turn to a partner or share in smaller
groups at their tables. This will be a time where I will have to practice my
wait time to ensure that some students do share aloud with the class.
Classroom Helpers
There are so many benefits to having students
practice the responsibility that comes with classroom
jobs. While I am the teacher, it is not necessarily my
classroom, but it is our classroom. We will all be
spending a lot of time in the same room for the school
year and we need to find ways to make our room run
in an efficient and smooth manner. While this teaches
responsibility to my students, it also takes some
duties off of my very full plate. The guidelines for
each job will be described in detail at the beginning of
the school year and I will help students understand
what is expected of them as needed. I will rotate the students through all of
the jobs throughout the school year so every student gets a chance to
perform each job ideally. Each week we will have new classroom helpers.
Some of the classroom helper jobs will be attendance, lunch count, calendar,
line leader, door holder, recess equipment (2), lights, paper passer, paper
collector, and librarian. Students can petition to add new jobs that they find
necessary by writing a short argument for why that job is needed and
provide how it will benefit our classroom community.
Free Time
Any free time that we have at the end of the day will be used to finish
up any assignments the students are working on. If the students have all
work completed then they can read independently or with a partner. Having
some free time will allow me some extra time to help the students who are
struggling. While the students catch up on work at the end of the day during
this free time, I will have Fun Friday at the end of the week. Adapting the
idea from Mackenzie and Stanzione, I will have board games and educational
games available to students to play in groups no larger than four. I think that
using this time to unwind from the busy week gives students something to
look forward to on Friday afternoons when their attention spans are quite
Field Trips
It is a great privilege to go on a field trip and there is a lot of
coordination that goes into planning a field trip for your class or multiple
classes. I will follow the school guidelines and policies when planning a field

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trip, notifying the parents of the field trip and getting permission slips signed
in a timely manner. All students will have a buddy that they must stay with at
all times during the field trip and I will assign the buddies when I share the
rules and procedures for proper behavior
during the field trip. Rules and procedures will
vary depending on the Bus Company and
nature of our field trip location.
In order to prepare for field trips, I will
have a clipboard with all information I may
need while on the field trip, such as student
roster, parent contact information, allergies, medications needed, etc. Before
attending a field trip, my students will do some research on the facility we
will be visiting to familiarize themselves with what we will be doing. The field
trips will have a focus to them and I may have the buddies work on some
type of exploration worksheet while there. Also, students will be required to
bring a sack lunch this day and I will provide my class with a snack at some
point during the field trip when they need a break.
Every student will get a planner from
the school at the beginning of the school
year and will be required to bring this to
class every day. My students will be required
to write their homework assignments in the planner every day and I will
check their planners before they leave for the day. Students must have their
parents sign it every night so I can check the planner to see if my parents
are informed of class assignments. My students will always have 20-30
minutes of reading assigned each night, and it is up to the student to choose
a book to read. Depending on what we are doing in the class, other
homework will be assigned and students will be required to write those
assignments in their planner. Getting students organized like this will help
them once they are in middle school.
Handing in Papers
Each student will have a clothespin with his or her
first name on it which the student will clip onto
the assignment to be turned in. I could also use
student numbers instead so the clothespins can
be reused each year. This allows me to quickly see
who still has not turned in his or her assignment
and gives papers a name if the student forgot to write his or her name on the
paper itself; its the solution to No Name papers. I will have a homework and
classwork basket (see above photo) on the top of one bookshelf so all papers
must be turned in at the same location.
Activities for Students when Finished with Work

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When students are finished with their work I want all of them to double
check their work for errors before doing anything else. If the work is indeed
finished then I will have literacy and math games available for students to
practice those skills. Students also have the option to read independently or
with a partner. Another option I would allow is for students to spend time
writing or drawing about whatever topic they choose, or students can work
on any upcoming projects that require research on the classroom computer.
School-wide announcements will be made
during the morning announcement over the speaker
system. Any class announcements will be made at
the end of the day and if they are in regards to
something that the parents should be aware of, I will
send a note home with the students to give their
parents. If I have access to parent emails, I will also
send any announcements via email as well.
Anytime we will be leaving the classroom we will line up at the door
behind the line leader and I will dismiss tables by who is the quietest. We will
quietly walk single file through the hallways when going to recess, lunch,
bathrooms, and specials. If it is cold outside I will dismiss the students a
minute earlier so they have time to put their coats, hats, gloves, and boots
on. If students do not remain quiet and respectful while in line, the group will
lose time from their recess until they correct their actions.
As I mentioned before, students will be given an antibacterial wipe to
clean their tables and chairs at the end of each day. In order to keep a clean
and organized classroom, students will be given approximately five minutes
at the end of each day to clean the room and gather their belongings before
lining up to leave for the day.
Bathroom and Drink Procedures
Students will be expected to use the bathroom and
get a drink from the water fountain before school
starts, after recess, and after lunch. If students need
to use the restroom, they will ask permission and
take clothespin with them. The pins can be clipped to
their clothes so the students dont get germs all over
the passes. Only one boy and one girl are allowed to go to the bathroom at
one time and it is not a time to socialize or goof around. If I notice that a
student is abusing this privilege, I will discuss this issue with the student and
ask if there is a way we can decrease the use of bathroom privileges.

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Regardless of why the student was absent, they will receive a little packet
with work they missed and a note that says We missed you! I will set time
aside during recess to review the packet with the student to clarify any
questions he or she may have. Classwork missed will be done when the
student has any free time after completing their school work in class and
homework missed will be due the following Monday after it is given.
Differentiation Policy
All students learn in different ways and its important to
differentiate and modify instruction to meet the needs of all
students. One way to do this is to have small group work
sessions with the teacher. There are struggling students,
English language learners, and talented and gifted students
who need the most differentiation. I will ensure that my
lesson plans meet the needs of those learners by using
differentiated instruction strategies.
Some adaptions that will be made for challenged learners will be
allowing more time to complete an assignment, provide helpful math
manipulatives, reduce the number of problems on a page, rewrite directions
at a more appropriate level, use a highlighter to identify key words or
phrases for student to read, etc. I will also make adaptations for the gifted
learner, such as utilize creative writing skills, extend assignment length in
order for them to do further research, provide choices and challenges for
them to go along with the curriculum, support their emotional needs, give
open-ended tasks, and more.
Some students need more assistance depending on the topic and
content at the time. I will do my best to provide students with the scaffolding
they need to be successful at every level. If the school has resources I can
use, such as an ESL teacher, reading/math specialist, and TAG teacher, I will
make sure my students will get extra help from those professionals. Another
important concept that I will use in my classroom is grouping the gifted
learners together instead of spreading them out amongst the other groups
all the time. I think that if the gifted learners are all together then they will
challenge one another intellectually and they will have some brilliant ideas
for projects. During literature circles, the gifted learners will be able to read
higher level books and discuss them together in class.
Communicating with Parents
Parents will put their address on an envelope during Open House/Back-toSchool Night and I will later send them a note thanking them for attending
the event, provide some positive remarks about their student, and give my
contact information to them. I want my parents to feel comfortable to ask me
anything that they are curious about, especially with the curriculum and
state/national standards changing so much from when they were in school. I
will also send a weekly newsletter home every Friday to wrap up the week
and explain what is happening the following week. Between the weekly

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newsletter and the Class Dojo notifications, I think that when it
comes time for parent conferences, my students parents will be
well-informed and nothing should come as a surprise to them. In
order to have correct contact information for the students
parents/guardians, I will send a contact/basic information sheet
home with each student for the parents to fill out. It is so
important to be able to contact a parent at any time and to be
privy to living arrangements and situations that may affect the
student when in the classroom.
Parent Conferences
By keeping the communication lines open with parents throughout the
school year, the parent conferences will not be as nerve-wracking and it
should be a comfortable environment. This is the time to show the parents all
of the great work their son or daughter has done so far, including
assignments from all content areas. While there may be some areas of
concern to be addressed, I will make sure that is not the
focal point of our meeting. Also, I think its very important to
have the students come along and show their parents the
great things they have done and to be praised for it. On the
flipside of that, if there are concerns to be discussed, the
student should be aware of any new plans or arrangements
that the teacher and parents agree on. This is a great time
to demonstrate that the parents and teacher are on the
same page and willing to work together to make their
student successful. While I will have a few samples to show
parents, I will allow the students to choose two pieces of
work to show their parents as well. The parents should be able to leave the
conference with all of their questions answered and well-informed about their
childs work.
[Images found on Google images, Pinterest, and ClipArt.]

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