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St. Michael Catholic Church

106 N. Western Ave.

Girard, KS 66743
(620) 724-8717
Pastor: Fr. Roger Lumbre


5:30 pm
10:00 am

4:00 pm
8:00 am

2:00-2:30 pm 3:15-3:45 pm
Weekdays before Mass
Anytime by appointment
Tuesday-Friday: 9:00 am - Noon
Closed Mondays
(620) 724-8717
STAFF Pastor: Fr. Roger Lumbre
Secretary: Faith Paoni
Bookkeeper: Janel Scales
Bulletin Editor: Nancy Bauer

Our schedule this Ash Wednesday, Feb 18th:

12 Noon Arma, Mass and imposition of ashes
3:30PM - Girard with PSR kids, Stations of the Cross followed by imposition of ashes
6:30PM Girard, Mass and imposition of ashes

Finance Council
Parish Council
Tony Stonerock, Chair Dale Coomes, Chair
Tues., Feb. 17 @ 6:30pm

!Rosary Altar Society

Knights of Columbus
4th Monday of Month 1st Tuesday of Month
6:30pm in hall
7:00pm in hall

!Helping Hands

Every season has its own beauty! The same is true with the season of Lent coming this
Wednesday, February 18th! Some might be tempted to think that it is just another ordinary season,
or much worst that here it comes again fasting, abstinence, stations of the cross, sacrifices, etc! I
would suggest instead for you, what one author thought to imagine that this Lent is going to be
different from every other Lent weve experienced. Imagine that there will be many graces offered
me this year! Lets even imagine that God is going to transform our lives with greater freedom,
greater joy, deeper desire for love and service. If we want it, we will choose it. Lent will be this
wonderful season of grace for us if we give ourselves to it. And, we will give ourselves to it to the
degree we really want it badly. So, in these days before Lent, we need to prepare our hearts. We
need to prepare by realizing how much we want to grow in freedom, how much we need to
lighten our spirits and experience some real joy, and how much some parts of our lives really need
changing. So, preparing our hearts is a process of preparing our desires. This means practicing
our sense of anticipation. If I imagine Lent as an "ordeal" or a time I dread in some way, then
I've already pre-disposed myself to not get very much out of it. These days before Lent are a time
to start anticipating something wonderful that is about to happen.

Daughters of Isabella
Carrie Smith
Marilyn Bradshaw
Kapauns Men: Fridays at 6:00am in the hall

Schedule of Stations of the Cross during Lent:

Arma Tuesdays at 5:30 followed by mass
Girard- Fridays after the benediction at 6PM

As we end this weekend the celebration of Marriage and Family Life Week it is timely to note
that this years Midwest Family Conference will be this August 7-9, 2015 at Wichita, KS
Century II Convention Center. This years theme is "The Wedding Feast of the Lamb." There
are lots of exciting programs for: Adults, Young Adults, High School, Middle School & Children!
This years conference like in the previous years are packed with wonderful and famous speakers
dealing on varied relevant topics on the family. Aside from these conferences there is a live concert
Friday Evening by Matt Maher, a Contemporary Catholic musician. And of course, there are
Daily Mass - Confessions - Adoration - Outdoor Eucharistic Procession. If you are also
interested, there are a great selection of Catholic Vendors. Kindly access the diocesan website for
details! Two years ago, Marcel and Helen Normand attended this conference and aside from
enjoying all the activities, they have enriched their spiritual life and knowledge of the faith. I hope
you and your family will consider attending. Invite your friends!

God bless you!

Fr. Roger

Mass Schedule and Intentions for Feb. 14 - 22

Feb. 14 Saturday

Wednesday 12:00noon
6:30 pm
Thursday 8:00am
Saturday 4:00pm

Mary Ginardi
John Twarog
Joe & Betty Youvan
For the People
Edwin Madl
No Intention
No Intention
Frank Johnson
No Intention
Joseph Hofer
Stations of the Cross
Mary Ginardi
Patricia Haderlein
Charles & Virginia Schaub
Dave Gall


Altar Ministers for Feb. 21 & 22

Next Saturday (2/21/15)

!Altar Servers:
Gift Bearers

5:30 pm

Last Week

July 2014 to date



Childrens Offering



Expenses - January




Notes from the Pastor

Next Sunday (2/22/15)

10:00 am

Laklyn Arthur, Trevor Teddy Paoni, Broc

& Peyton Amershek & Kaleb Scales
Linda DeGarmo
Marilyn McCracken
Linda Moore

Denny Heidrick

Mark & Trish Peak

Tom & Jessica

Stegman family

St. Peregrine Items Available

Over / (Under)


After The Gift Retreat for Birth Mothers

This weekend retreat, held March 20 22, 2015, offers a celebration

of the birthmotherhonoring life, for support, encouragement,
compassion and understanding for the birthmother experience,
addressing the unique experience of birthmothers. Ongoing support
is offered on a monthly basis after the retreat through groups,
mentoring, counseling and a private Facebook page. The cost of the
retreat is $100 per person, with limited financial scholarships
available. To register, go online to www.respectlifesocialjustice.org to
download, fill out and mail in the registration form. For more
information, please contact the Respect Life Social Justice Office at

New Catholic Radio Station

We now have a Catholic radio station that broadcasts 24 hr daily

from Pittsburg. 93.1 FM COOJ (cause of our joy). Please check it
out! Maybe choose to listen only to this station for the 40 days of
Lent, the results could be life-changing.

Knights of Columbus Soup/Chili Feed

The Girard/Arma Knights of Columbus Council is hosting their

annual soup and chili feed on Saturday, Feb. 21, from 5 - 7pm, and
on Sunday, Feb. 22, from 10am - 1pm at St. Michael hall. In
addition to soup or chili, there will also be choice of coffee, tea, or
lemonade, and a dessert. Free will donations will be accepted.

Knights of Columbus Baby Shower

The Girard-Arma Knights of Columbus Council 7607 are

conducting the 16th annual Pro-Life baby shower. This is a Pro-Life
clothing & supply drive to benefit mothers-to-be who might otherwise
choose abortion, and also to benefit the unborn that might not
otherwise be given the Right-To-Life". Parishioners are asked to
donate new or used baby or maternity clothing, baby and pregnancy
supplies, diapers, bottles, formula, etc. Receptacles will be placed in
both churches for depositing items. Thank you!

Parish Council Meeting

The St. Michael Parish Council will meet this Tuesday, Feb. 17 at
6:30 pm.

St. Peregrine cards, medals and tokens are available free of charge for
persons with a cancer diagnosis or cancer survivors. St. Peregrine is
the patron saint of persons suffering from cancer. If you would like
one for yourself or a loved one, call Teresa Davenport at 362-3042.

A Note from the Secretary

Please do not post notices or announcements anywhere in the church

except on the bulletin board in the narthex. Tape pulls off the new
paint and makes the new doors look sloppy.

Knights of Columbus District Meeting

The Girard/Arma Knights of Columbus Council will host the

Knights of Columbus District 16 meeting on Saturday, March 14 at
7pm, following the 5:30pm mass. Bob Duffin, the State Membership
Chairman, will host.
Dennis Harris, the Supreme Consultant
Membership Director, will also be attending from Supreme.

CYM Bake Sale

This weekend the CYM students will be hosting a bake sale after
the Saturday and Sunday Masses. They are participating in the
Diocesan Mission Challenge to raise money for missionaries from the
Wichita Diocese serving in other countries. They will present the
proceeds from the bake sale at the upcoming DCYC (Diocesan
Catholic Youth Conference) in Wichita next month! Winning youth
group will receive the diocesan Mission trophy and a pizza party,
awarded at the DCYC. CYM participants, please bring baked
goodies and help after the weekend Masses! Please label and package
your baked items before bringing them to the church. Thank you! If
you have questions, please contact Carrie Smith or Rachel Ausemus.

Scammon Knights of Columbus Lenten Fish Fry

The Knights of Columbus Council #3316 will be hosting their

annual Fish Fry every Friday during Lent (except Good Friday) at St.
Bridgets Parish Hall in Scammon, KS. Serving starts at 6pm.
Choices include: Catfish Dinner, Cod Dinner, Shrimp Platter, St.
Elmos Platter, Bowl of Chowder, and Grilled Cheese Sandwich.
Prices range from $2 to $12. Carryouts are welcome.

ReMembering Church Invitation

ReMembering Church is an outreach ministry to those who have left

the active practice of their Catholic faith and are considering a
return. Often it is difficult for those who've been away to take the first
step to more active participation. You could help by inviting them to
our sessions. Or better yet, offer to come with them! Sessions are held
from 6:30 to 8:00 PM at St. Mary's Elementary School, 301 E 9th St.,
at Our Lady of Lourdes parish in Pittsburg. We welcome those from
other parishes who are seeking to re-engage in their home church.

Donate Your Old iPod

The Alzheimers Association Heart of America Chapter is

sponsoring The Music and Memory Program. Music is profoundly
linked to personal memories, even for persons with severe dementia.
The Music and Memory Program connects individuals with
Alzheimers disease or a related dementia to an iPod loaded with a
personalized playlist, often reducing instances of difficult behavior in
those individuals. They are asking for donations of new or used
iPods, charging cords, and/or iTunes gift cards.
For more
information or to donate, call the Alzheimers Association at

A big Thank You to our advertisers. Please support them!

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