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MCQ Questions
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MCQ Questions Fundamentals of Computer
Operating Systems
C/C++ Programming Language
Computer Networking
HTML & Web Designing
Database Management System
Microsoft Office >>Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Access
Online Quizzes Fundamentals of Computer
Operating Systems
C/C++ Programming Language
Computer Networking
HTML & Web Designing
Microsoft Office >>Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Access

MCQ of Web Designing Set 5

HTML & Web Designing (MCQs)
__reach_config = { pid: '5045f365a782f365900000fb', title: 'MCQ of Web
Designing &ndash; Set 5', tags:
authors: ["Ganesh Maharjan"], channels: ["html-web-designing-objective"],
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This set of MCQ Questions is related to Web Designing. This series of Multiple
Choice Questions (MCQs) covers Web Deigning Language and Tools such as HTML,
XHTML, Java Script, Web Topology & Terminology, Domain Name, Web Hosting & etc.

Here is the 5th Set of this series.

Multiple Choice Questions on Web Designing


How to define target in new page in HTML?

<a href = http://www.ghumti.com/ target
<a href = http://www.ghumti.com/ target
<a href = http://www.ghumti.com/ target
<a href = http://www.ghumti.com/ target




CSS is an acronym for

Cascading Style Sheet
Costume Style Sheet
Cascading System Style
None of the Above


Which of the following protocol is not used in the Internet



Who invented World Wide Web (WWW)?

Blaise Pascal
Charles Babbage
Herman Hollerith
Tim Berners-Lee


What is the use of Web Font in HTML ?

that is the core font that is use to develop Web Pages.
that enables to use fonts over the Web without installation.
that is the special font that developed by Microsoft Corp.
All of the Above.


What is <tt> tag in

It renders fonts as
It renders fonts as
It renders fonts as
None of the Above.


What is the use of Forms in HTML?

to display contents of email.
to display animation effect.
to collect users input.
None of the Above.


What is the use of iframe in HTML?

to display a web page within a web page.
to display a web page with animation effect.
to display a web page without browser.
All of the Above.


blank>Click Here</a>
_blank> Click Here </a>
#blank> Click Here </a>
@blank> Click Here </a>

HTML, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is used to

create a frame document .
create a image map in the webpage.
customize the image in the webpage.
identify a name or a resource on the internet.

teletype text font style.
truetype text font style.
truncate text font style.



is an acronym for
Transaction Protocol
Transmission Protocol
Translation Protocol
Transfer Protocol

Click Here for Answers

1 B / 2 D / 3 A / 4 B / 5 D / 6 B / 7 A / 8 C / 9 A / 10 D
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Free Font
Free website templates
Microsoft Words

Incoming search terms:

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Related posts:
MCQ of Microsoft Word Set 4
MCQ of Web Designing Set 1
MCQ of Web Designing Set 2
MCQ of Web Designing Set 3
MCQ of Web Designing Set 4
Tags: Computer, HTML, IT, MCQ, MCQ Questions, Multiple Choice Questions,
Objective Questions, Web Designing

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