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Call for Undergraduate Student Research

For presentation at The 6th Annual Collin College
Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Student Research
Conference April 15 & 16, 2015
THEME: Research Across the Disciplines

Including Literature Reviews, Research Papers, Research Manuscripts, Research Reports,

Service Learning Research, Scientific Experiment Research, Exploratory Research, etc.

OPEN TO: Undergraduate students at both 2-year and 4-year institutions. Students who complete their
undergraduate degree in Dec. 2014 are eligible for conference consideration.
CRITERIA FOR SELECTION: Scholarly Work; Defined Justification; Logical Organization; Mastery of
Subject; Appropriate Citation Documentation.

Panel (students verbally explain their research to an audience. An expert makes comments.
Ends with Q & A)
o Students may submit an individual paper and, if accepted, will be placed on a panel with
other students who have written papers on similar topics.
o Students may submit a complete panel, which includes 4-7 students who have done
similar research
Roundtable (a group of students lead the audience through an interactive discussion of their
group research)
Performance (student(s) present their research to an audience in the form of a rehearsed
Poster boards (student(s) present their research to hallway passersby in the form of designed
poster boards. This is similar in style to a Science Fair presentation).

EXCITING NEWS: Complete panels sanctioned by a professor will be automatically accepted to

the conference.
In other words, professors (from any institution) who put together a panel(s) AND agree to act as the
Chair/Respondent of that panel(s) will be immediately accepted for conference presentation!!!!!
Such panel submissions should be submitted by the sponsoring faculty member.
Research not only bridges the gap between knowledge and experience but has the benefit of laying the
groundwork for career exploration and development. The opportunity for undergraduates to participate in
a regional conference is an added value to the overall education experience and to the process of selfdiscovery.

Awards given for top research.

Please send submissions electronically, by hand, or postal mail:

Electronic submissions: as an e-mail attachment to StudentConference@collin.edu

Hand delivered submissions: Collin College Spring Creek Campus, Honors Institute Office F-103,
c/o Jenny Warren
Postal mail submissions: 2800 Spring Creek Parkway. Plano, TX 75074. Collin College Spring
Creek Campus, Honors Institute Office F-103, c/o Jenny Warren.

Students who have begun writing their paper should submit:
1. Abstract with name and contact information, on detachable cover page
2. Research Paper (partial paper or completed paper)
Students who have yet to begin writing their paper should submit:
1. Abstract with name and contact information, on detachable cover page
Students submitting a Poster Board Presentation should submit:
1. Abstract with name and contact information, on detachable cover page
Students submitting a Performance Presentation should submit:
1. Abstract with name and contact information, on detachable cover page
2. Script or outline (partial or completed)

No Required Registration Fee

See website for sample submissions.

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