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$ection $11.43 of the Emptoyee ancl Labor Relattions Manual (ELM)states, "Unscheduled
Absence - Employee Responsihilities. Employees are expected to maintain their assigned
schedule and make every effort to avoid unscheduled absences. ln addition, employeeslnust
provide acceptable evidence for absences when required.,,

$ection 665.11 of the Ernployee and Labar Relations Manual (ELM) states, "Loyalty.
Employees are expected to be loyal to the United States government and upholO tfre policies
and regulations of the Postal Service."
$ection $65.13 of the Employee and Labar Re/afions Manual (ELM) states, "Discharge of
Duties. Employees are expected to discharge their assigned duties conscientiousty and


$ection 6SS.4t of the Emplayee and Labor Retatians Manual (ELM) states, "Requirement of
Regular Attendance. Employees are required to be regular in attendance. Faiture to be
regular in attendance may resuit in disciptinary action, including removal from the postal

$ection 6S5.42 of the Employee and Labor Retations Manual {ELM) states, "Absence without
Ferrnission. Employees who fail to report for duty on scheduled days, including Saturdays.
Sundays, and holidays, are considered absent without leave except in cases where actuaj
emergencies prevent them from obtaining permission in advance. tn emergencies, the
supervisor or proper official must be notified of the inability to report as soon as possible.
Satisfactory evidence of the ernerEency must be furnished later. An employee who is absent
without permission or who fails to provide satisfactory evidence that an actual emergency
existed vvill be piaced in a nonpay status for the period of such absence. The absence may be
the basis for disciplinary action."
$ection 665.,43 of the Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) states, "Tardiness Any
employee failing to report at his or her scheduled time in installations where time recorders are
not used is considered tardy. Tardiness in installations equipped with time recorders is defined
as any deviation fronr schedule."
It is hoped that this official letter of warning will serve to impress upon you the seriousness of
your aciions and that future discipline will not be necessary. lf you are having difficulties,
I rnay not be aware of, or if you need additional assistance or instructions for-improving your
perforrnance please call on me, or you may consult with your other supervisors and
we will
assist you where possible. However, I must warn you thit future deficiencies such as ouflined
above will result in more severe disciplinary action being taken against you including
suspension or removal from the Postal Service.
You have the right to file a grievance under the grievance-arbitration procedure set forlh in
Article 1!,qf tk FjelionatQeement within 14 days of receipt of this tetter.
Calvin Smallwood


I received this letter on

Employee's Signaiure: Paul Barb

Note: Your signature indicates receipt

and is NOT an admission of guilt

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