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Es el ms grande del reino animal, los machos pueden llegar a pesar entre 100

y 300 Kg y, tener una longitud de 100cm a 335. Las hembras marcan un peso
de 85 a 165 Kg. Son expertos nadadores.
Los tigres tienen cierta visin del color. Por otra parte, su visin nocturna es
muy aguda. Los tigres viven en solitario y marcan agresivamente con su olor
grandes territorios para mantener alejados a los rivales. Los tigres usan su
caracterstico pelaje para camuflarse (no hay dos tigres con las mismas rayas)
El tigre es originario de Asia. Los Tigres utilizan un hbitat enorme, ya que son
capaces de adaptarse a diferentes tipos de ambientes. El TIGRE es un animal
adaptado a vivir en el hbitat, como BOSQUES, LLANURAS de HERBCEAS y
reas PANTANOSAS, en SELVAS, SABANAS. Los Tigres tienden a vivir por su cuenta,
dependiendo de s mismos para subsistir. Slo se vern con los dems cuando estn
buscando parejas o en el caso de las hembras cuando estn cuidando de sus hijos
Especies: El tigre de Bengala, El tigre de Indochina, El tigre malayo, El tigre de Sumatra, El
tigre de Amur, El tigre del sur de China

Sexual reproduction
A female is only receptive for a few days, and mating may occur several times
during this time. The gestation lasts approximately 103 days, and after passing
this period, the female gives birth to one to six pups of less than one kilogram.
Adult males can kill crias to make receptive females.
Young specimens become independent around 18 months of age, but up to 2
years are separated from their mother.
The tigers reach sexual maturity at three or four years old.

Tigers prey on large animals, though, also feed on monkeys, rabbits and even
Its usual prey are also hyenas, wolves, bears and crocodiles.
In Siberia the main prey are wild boar and deer.

Hunting methods
It is known that the old or injured tigers are most likely to attack domestic
livestock or humans.
Tiger uses his size and strength to hit his potential prey and swing.

It is the largest animal kingdom, males can weigh between 100 and 300 kg and
have a length of 100cm to 335 marked females weighing 85-165 kg.'re Expert
The Tigers have some color vision. Moreover, your night vision is very. Tigers
live alone and aggressively with its scent mark large territories to keep out
rivals. Tigers use their distinctive coats as camouflage (no two tigers with the
same stripes
The tiger is native to Asia, the Tigers used a huge habitat, as they are able to
adapt to different types of environments. TIGER is an animal adapted to live in
habitats such as forests, plains and herbaceous wetlands in SELVAS SHEETS.
Tigers tend to live on their own, depending on their own to survive. Only they
will be with others when they are looking for partners or in the case of females
when they are caring for their children
Species: Bengal Tiger, Indochinese Tiger, Malayan Tiger, Sumatran tiger, Amur
Tiger, Tiger South China

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