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8 Nipissing District

(~evebpmentat screen)

Child's Name

sinh Date

8 Nipissing District


vebpmentat Scree

Today's Date

ONDDS. Revised Januarv 2 0 0 0

BNDDS, Revised January 2 0 0 0


d d
Yes No

The Nipissing Developmental Screen is intended to identi& problem

areas with your child's development. The following activities wUl
help you play your part in your child's development.

B -y O n e Month, d o e s your
baby ...
Look at you?


Get to know me. Touch me as you feed, dress and bathe me. Try to
learn how I like to be handled; firmly or lightly, quickly or slowly.
Massage my arms, legs, back, tummy and face. This is a good time to
get to know one another.


You're my first friend and my interaction with you will help me with my
relationships in the future.

Startle to loud or sudden noise

Calm down when comforted?
Suck well on the nipple?

By Ruo M o n t h s , d o e s
your b a b y...

Relate to me by talking, singing, or cooing a s you change my diaper,

@ give
me a bath, feed or dress me. I want you to be involved with me.

Follow movement with


9 1 am most interested in your voice and face.

Study your face?

sing lullabies, say rhymes, or make up sayings so 1 can listen to

@ Talk,
the sound of your voice. Change your voice, I may like a high pitch or

Startle or wake to loud noises?

low pitch.

Stop crying when comforted by you?

Respond to my crying. I will learn that when I cry you will come. It's
my way of communicating if I'm hungry, tired, warm, need a diaper
change, or am in discomfort. Hold me close: you won't spoil me.

Enjoy being touched and cuddled?


Recognize and calm down to familiar gentle voice?

Have different cries (e.g. tired, hungry]?

Smile, let me gaze into

To help me relax, hold me close to you and cuddle me as we rock in a

Q rocking
chair. Talk or sing to me, touch me, talk in a soft low voice, or

Suck well on the nipple?

play lullaby music. Loud noises scare me.

Feed every 2-4 hours during the day?

Lift head when on tummy? (Picture A)*

Hold head up when held at your shoulder? (Picture B)

C3 AS you feed me hold me close and look at me.

your eyes, and tell me how wonderful I am.

Have a variety of sounds [e.g. coos, gurgles)?


1want you to hold me

close s o I can study your face.

& Mirrors, mobiles and dangling things are big favorites of mine.

Move arms

* item may not be

common to all cultures

I want my head supported as you hold me against your shoulder and

you talk to me. I may try to lift my head for a few seconds to see my
new world. There is so much to see.


If I cry too much I should be seen by the doctor.


I need to sleep on my back on a firm, flat surface.

Please don't let anyone smoke around me.

I'm too little to go for a long time without eating. I will need to eat
sometime during the night.
When I am awake, and being watched. I need tummy time.


Infant Development Program (Children's Aid Society)
RehabilitationOutreach Services (North Bay General Hospital)
Near North Community Care Access Centre
Nipissing District Community Action Program for Children
IntegratedServices for Northern Children
Pre-school Speech and Language Services



Toronto Health Connection


I like movement but please don't shake me; it's not safe.
My head is too heavy for my neck. Since I am so young,
always support my head.

[Developmntd Scnen
O Nipissing Dfstrict

Child's Name
Binh Date

Today's Date

QNDDS. Revised January 2000

B y Nine Months,does your b a b y...

Yes No

Cl 0

ONDDS. Revised January 2M)O

The Nipissing Developmental Screen is intended to identify problem

areas with your child's development. Thefollowing activities will
help you play your part in your child's de%elopment.


Look for a hidden toy?


Imitate facial expressions?


Turn to look for a source of sound?


Understand short instructions (e.g. "Where i s the ball?".

"Wave bye-bye")?

@ Let me imitate your actions and facial expressions. Play with me face to
face and wait for me to respond. Repeat actions several times. Once I
can do it let me lead and you imitate me.
@ I like books with short sentences and simple pictures. Let me hold the
book and turn the pages. Name the pictures. Don't be afraid to read the
same book over and over again. I like the repetition. Read animal books
and make the animal sounds too! Cut out pictures from magazines and
use photos to make me a book of my own.

5. Babble a series of different sounds? (e.g. ba, da, tongue

clicks, dugu-dugu)?
Make sounds to get attention?
Sit without support for a few minutes?
Attempt to move by crawling, "bum" shuffling or pivoting o n
tummy? (Picture A)
Stand with support?
Pass a n object from one hand to the other?
Pick u p small items using thumb and first finger
(e.g. crumbs, cheerios, rice)? (Picture B)




12. Bang two objects together?

0 13.

You can teach me how to follow short instructions by showing me. Help
me wave bye-bye, blow kisses and clap hands.

Have a special smile for familiar adults?

k s s or cry if familiar caregiver looks or behaves differently?

15. Reach to be picked up and held?

When I am on the floor I can move in many different ways. Put toys out
of my reach and encourage me to move towards them.
Let's climb. Place pillows and cushions o n the floor. Put one of my
favorite toys on top of the pillow and I will try to get it. When you are
lying o n the floor, let me climb over you too.
When I am in my crib or near the couch, I like to try to pull myself to
stand. Remember I am not too steady s o stay close by.
When I am sitting alone, encourage me to reach up and to the side for toys.
I like to practise getting in and out of a sitting position by n~yself.
I like things that I can hold and bang together, such a s plastic bottles,

pots, pans and blocks. Give me a spoon o r toy hammer and show me
how to tap the pot lid, plastic container, block or floor.
Help me practise using my fingers. Give me chances to feed myself with
finger foods like crackers and dry cereal. Place them in a small bowl
and encourage me to pick them out.
Encourage me to drop my toys into large containers such a s dishpans,
shoeboxes or plastic buckets. Show me how to dump them out and put
them back in again.


Infant Develbpment Program (Children's Aid Society)
Rehabilitation Outreach Services (North Bay General Hospital)
Near North Community Care Access Centre
Nipissing District Community Action Program for Children
Integrated Services for Northern Children
Pre-school Speech and Language Services



Toronto Health Connection ;

(416) 338-7600



Hug and cuddle me often throughout the day. Tell me how wonderful I


Continue to talk to me about my world. Make me feel safe and secure

by holding me, singing, and having quiet time with me. It i s very
common for me to make strange with new people and even with people 1
already know.
I would like to join you for dinner. Let me sit with you for family meals.

I'm getting into everything. Time to child proof my home.

0 Nipissing District

Developmental Screen

Child's Name

Birth Date

Today's Date
ONDDS. Revised January 2000

ONDDS, Revised January 2000

By Eighteen Months, does your toddler...

Yes No

The Nipissing Developmental Screen is intended to identify problem

areas with your child's development. Thefollowing activities will
help you play your part in your child's development.

1. Identify pictures in a book (e.g. "Show me the baby")?

2. Use familiar gestures (e.g. waving, pushing away)?

Follow directions when given without gestures (e.g. "Throw

me the ball", "Bring me your shoes")?

me to notice familiar sounds, such a s birds chirping, car or truck

& Help
motors, airplanes, dogs barking, sirens, or splashing water. Imitate the
noise you hear and see if I will imitate you. Encourage me by smiling
and clapping.

4. Use common expressions (e.g. "all gone" or "oh-oh")?

am learning new words every day. Play games to help me learn the
@ Inames
of things. Put pictures of familiar things such a s toy animals,

Point to a t least three different body parts when asked

(e.g. "Where i s your nose?")?

people or objects in a bag and say "One, two, three, what do we see?"
and pull a picture from the bag.


6. Say five or more words? (Words do not have to be clear.)

@ Pretend to talk to me on the phone or encourage me to call someone.

Don't be afraid to let me see what I can do with my body. I need to
practise climbing, swinging, jumping, running, going up and down
stairs, and going down slides. Stay close to me so I don't get hurt.

7. Hold a cup to drink?*

8. Pick up and eat finger food?

Play some of my favorite music. Encourage me to move to the music

by swaying my arms, moving slowly, marching to the music, hopping,
clapping my hands, tapping my legs, etc. Let's have fun doing actions
while listening to the music.

9. Help with dressing by putting out

arms and legs?*

10. Crawl or walk up stairslsteps?

11. Walk alone?


12. Squat to pick up a toy

without falling?
13. Push and pull toys or other
objects while walking?
(Picture A)
14. Stack three or more blocks?

I'm not too little to play with large crayons. Let's scribble and talk
about our art work.


16. Point to show you something?

17. Look at you when you are talking
or playing together?
item may not be common to all cultures

I like toys that I can pull apart and put back together: large "LEGO".
containers with lids, or plastic links. Talk to me about what I am doing
using words like "push" and "pull".

like simple puzzles with two to four pieces and shape-sorters with
& Isimple
shapes. Encourage me to match the pieces by taking turns with

15. Show affection towards people,

pets or toys?

Let me play with balls of different sizes. Take some of the air out of a
beach ball. Watch me kick, throw, and try to catch it.

I pant to do things just like you. Let me have toys s o I can pretend to
dress up, have tea parties, and play mommy or daddy.
I feel safe and secure when I know what is expected of me. You can
help me with this by following routines and setting limits. Praise my
good behaviour.

I like new toys s o find the local toy lending library o r play groups in
our community.
Infant Development Program (Children'sAid Society)
Rehabilitation Outreach Services (North Bay General Hospital)
Near North Commuriity Care Access Centre
Nipissing District Community Aclion Program for Children
Integrated Services for Northern Children
Pre-school Speech and Language Services



Toronto Health Connection


I enjoy exploring the world but I need to know that you are
close by. I may cry when you leave me with others, so give
me a hug and tell me you will be back.

O Nipissing District

Child's Name

Birth Date

Today's Date
BNDDS.Revised January 2000

ONDDS.Revised January 2000

The Nipissing Developmental Screen is intended to identifi problem

areas with your child's devetopment. Thefollowing activities will
help you pfay your part in your child's devetopment.


By 30 Months of Age, does your child

Yes No

1. Usually have healthy ears and seem to hear well?



Put a toy in and put a toy under when asked?


Join three words together like "Me want ball"?


Recognize the names and pictures of most common items

(i.e. "Show me the ball")?


Use pronouns I, you, me, and mine?

6. Lift and drink from a cup and replace it on the table?*



Imitate drawing vertical and horizontal lines? (Picture A)


Remove clothing already unzipped or unbuttoned?


Run without falling most of the time?

we go for a walk collect rocks, seeds, leaves, twigs, and flowers

& When
etc. Feel the objects while we look at them and talk about the different
weights, colours, shapes and sizes.
Let me help sort the clean laundry. Make a pile for each family
0 member.
Pull out an item and ask, "Whose shirt is this? Yes, this is
Mom's shirt. Put it in Mom's pile". This will help me learn to observe
and compare.

Play my favorite music and encourage me to move in and out, over and
under furniture, roll on the carpet, run, bend, lie, stretch, jump, march,
and walk. As the music changes my movements can be fast, slow, or

I like a challenge. Play movement games with me where I change my

speed and direction. Give me easy directions like: stop and go, run to
the door, walk backwards, sway side to side, clap fast, crawl slow, etc.
I will learn to follow directions.

10. Kick a ball forward?

11. Jump off the floor with both feet? (Picture B)

12. Try to join in songs and rhymes


Listen to simple stories?

14. Act out daily routines with toys

( e . ~feed
doll, s w e e ~

15. Wait briefly for needs to be met

(e.g. when placed in high
chair a t meal time]?

Recognize self in mirror or


* item may not be

common to all cultures

I want to help you shop for groceries. Keep me interested by talking

about the things we are buying. Ask me questions and wait for me to

I like to knock things down. Set up large plastic bottles, empty cans or
milk cartons. Let me have a ball to roll and knock them over. Give me
the words for what happens. Let me set them up again.
I like to explore play dough by poking, cutting, rolling or pressing it. I
can use a popsicle stick, safety scissors and cookie cutters to cut the
play dough.

do puzzles of different sizes, textures, number of pieces, and

L Let's
colours. We can take turns adding one or two pieces at a time and
continue this way until I can do the whole puzzle on my own. Give me a
hint when I need help.

It's fun to use markers, crayons, paint, or chalk to make a picture. Ask
0 me
to tell you about my picture when I am finished. Make a book of all
my pictures and we can look at it together.
Dressing up is fun. I like hats, old clothing, jewelry, household objects.

XXX dolls or anything I can use to make believe. I will act out things that
are familiar and this will help me learn about relationships.


Infant Development Program (Children's Aid Society)
Rehabilitation Outreach Services (North Bay General Hospital)
Near North Communitv Care Access Centre
Nipissing District community Action Program for Children
Integrated Services for Northern Children
Pre-school Speech and Language Services



Toronto Health Connection


Q My actions will tell you how I feel. Celebrate with me when I am happy

and be patient with me when I am sad or angry.

I need the chance to play with other children my age. Let's

go to a play group often.

O Nipissing District

Child's Name

Birth Date

Today's Date

ONDDS. Revised January 2000


Yes No

ONDDS. Revised January 2000

The Nipissing Developmental Screen is intended to identify problem

areas with your child's development. Thefollowing activities will
help you play your part in your child's development.

By l b o Years ofAge, does your toddler...

1. Usually have healthy ears and seem to hear well?


Point to at least two familiar objects when asked (e.g. car,


@ Sing songs with me throughout the day and repeat them often. I will
soon learn to sing them on my own. Leave out parts of the song or
rhyme for me to finish.


Ask for help using words or actions?

@ Help me learn new words. Talk to me during bathing. feeding. dressing


Learn and use one or more new words a week (may only be
understood by family)?


Join two words together like "want cookie". "more milk",

"my hat"?


Eat most foods without coughing

- - and choking?


Eat with a utensil with little spilling?*


Take off own shoes, socks or hat?*


~ r to
y run?


Play in a squat position? (Picture A)

11. Walk backwards or sideways pulling

a toy?




Let's play a game. Use two shoeboxes and two toys. We each get a box
and a toy. Let's e,
turns putting our toy in the box, over, under,
behind, and on. Talk to me about what we are doing.


Provide me with toys that allow me to push or pedal with my feet. This
will help me learn to climb on and off and to pedal. Make sure I have
lots of room. Praise my efforts.


Make scribbles and dots on paper or in sand?


Put objects into a small container? (Picture B)


Like to watch and play near other children?


Say "no", and like to do some things without help?*


Recognize the use of familiar objects (e.g. drink from cup.

hug doll)?


Use skills already learned and develop

new ones (i.e. no loss of skills)?


Copy your actions (i.e. you clap your

hands and helshe claps hands)?


Let's practice climbing and jumping. I love to get in and out of a box or
jump from a bottom step. We can have fun together.
Let's sing Old MacDonald and move our bodies like the animals: hop
like a frog or bunny, squat or waddle like a duck or jump up and down
like a kangaroo; etc.
I like to play sorting games with you. We can sort objects by shape,
touch. colour, and size. Use spoons, blocks, toys, and clothing.

Let me open and close plastic containers by twisting and turning the
lids. Help me find the right lid to put on each container.
I love to pour water from containers during my bath.
I enjoy stringing beads or buttons on a shoelace, string or pipe cleaner.
Talk to me about the colour and count the beads a s I lace them.
Remember, I may still put things in my mouth - so watch me.
I want to become independent. Encourage me to get dressed and
undressed, do household tasks, turn lights on and off, and open and
close doors.
I am learning about my feelings. Give me words for my feelings and
show that you understand.

item may not be

common to all cultures


Infant Development Program (Ch~ldren'sAid Society)
Rehabilitation Outreach Services (North Bay General Hospital)
Near North Community Care Access Centre
Nipissing District Community Action Program for Children
lntegrated Services for ~ o i h e r nchildren
Pre-school Speech and Language Services

and doing daily chores. Name my clothing and body parts. Let me help
set the table, sort the laundry, and put groceries away.

I love sharing storybooks with you. Cuddle me while we read together.



Toronto Health Connection


I am learning to make decisions. Offer me simple choices

throughout the day. For example, "Doyou want juice or

milk? "

O Nipissing District

Child's Name

Birth Date

Today's Date

ONDDS. Revised January 2000

ONDDS, Revised January 2000

* item may not be common to all cultures

The Nipissing Developmental Screen is intended to identify problem

areas with your child's development. Thefollowing activities will
help you play your part in your child's development.


Yes No

By Three Years of Age, does your child

1. Speak clearly enough to be understood most of the time by


Understand two step directions (e.g. "Pick up your shoes

and put them in the closet")?


Speak in two to five word sentences (e.g. "I go home now")?


Correctly say the words - my, home, pie, hop, bee, bib. no,
man, one?

Q Books are some of my favorite things. Read to me often throughout

the day. Make it part of our daily routine by setting aside a special
time. Choose books that are colourful and interesting to me.


@ I enjoy guessing games. Place some familiar objects on the table and
we can take turns describing them. For example "Show me something
we use to brush our hair". Sometimes make it silly so we can laugh.

Understand and use some describing words like big, dirty,

wet, hot?


Walk up the stairslsteps using the handrail?

Stand on one foot briefly?
Throw a ball forward a t least one metre (three feet)?
Twist lids off jars or turn knobs?
Turn the pages of a book one at a time?
Play make-believe games with actions and words?
Dress or undress with help?*

Share some of the time (e.g. toys, books)?

Show affection with words and actions?
Play alongside others comfortably?
Cooperate with parent's request half
of th'e time?

We can play by making a line on the floor with a rope or masking tape.
We can lie, stand, walk, run, gallop on or jump over the line. Let me
try this on a curb or balance beam.
Let's play ball! Encourage me to throw and catch a ball, hit a ball with
a bat or racket, or kick a ball a t a target. We can hold a beach ball
between us using different parts of our bodies (elbows, legs, hands,
knees, feet, etc.).
I like sorting objects. Give me an empty egg carton where I can put
different objects into the cups. Things like buttons, different coloured
objects, shapes, and rocks are fun to sort.
Encourage me to create with LEGO, puzzles, play dough, nesting toys,
peg boards, beads and blocks.
I enjoy surprises. Let's hide different objects in a box or bag for a
game of touch and tell. We can take turns feeling the objects and
describing what's in the bag. Pull them out to see if we were right.
Encourage me to do things by myself s o I will become independent. It
i s important for me to be able to get dressed and undressed, wash
myself, and help to clean up. I'm learning about responsibility.,

Listen to music or stories for 5

to 10 minutes with you?

I like to play with other children but sometimes I need help to take

Greet friends and familiar

adults when reminded?

XXX turns. share and co-operate.

We can be whomever we want or do what ever we want when we play
XXX make believe. Let's pretend to go camping, play astronaut. firefighter

Note: It is recommended that all children by this age have a vision,

hearing and dental checkup. Ask your family doctor or public
health unit where these sevices are available in your community.
Infant Development Program (Children'sAid Society)
* Rehabilitation Outreach Services (North Bay General Hospital)
Near North Community Care Access Centre
Nlp~ssingD~strrct~ o r n m u nAct~on
~ t ~ Program for Chlldren
Integrated Servlces for Northern Ch~ldren
Pre-school Speech and Language S e ~ c e s

Silly games make me laugh. Make cards using simple magazine

pictures. Add something that does not belong like a girl with a
moustache or a fish with legs. Giggle with me as we talk about what's


or dancer, etc.


Toronto Health Connection

(416) 338-7600

I may be afraid of things that didn't bother me before. My fears are real
to me so help me to feel safe.

I have lots of energy and need space to run, climb, pull a

wagon and ride a tricycle.

O Nipissing District

Child's Name

Birth Date

Today's Date

ONDDS. Revised January 2000

ONDDS. Revised January 2000

Yes No

By Four Years ofAge, d o e s your child


The Nipissing Developmental Screen is intended to identi& probkm

areas with your child's development. Thefollowing activities will
help you play your part in your child's development.


Understand three-part related directions and longer sentences

(e.g. "Put your toys away and wash your hands before lunch")?

Now I can now tell longer stories. Show me a series of pictures and tell
me a story about them. After I know it well, have me put the pictures
in order. I can retell the story or make up one of my own.

Say rhymes or sing children's songs?

Ask lots of questions (e.g. "How?" and "Why?")?

Correctly say the words - two, hat, do, mud, fun, off, key,
cookie, go, hug?

I like it when you read to me. Storybooks are more exciting for me
when you change your voice for different parts. Sometimes we can
listen to books on tape too. Take me to the library.


Use some word endings as in running and jumped?

Tell what i s happening in a picture when you ask?

about words and sounds. Play rhyming games and laugh

@ aI tamthelearning
silly words we can make together.

Speak clearly enough to be understood most of the time?

Let's play a memory game. We can take turns giving each other

& directions. e.g. "Put your hands on your head. then turn around, then
touch the ground."

Go up and down stairs alternating feet (with one foot on each


I want to show you what I can do. Set up an obstacle course so I can
practice many skills: walking, running, crawling, balancing, climbing.
jumping over things, and hopping (on one foot or both feet).

Stand on one foot for one to three seconds without support?

Try to hop on one foot?

Catch a large ball with outstretched arm

Snip paper with scissors? (Picture A)

Draw a person with three or more body paits?



14. Hold a crayon or pencil correctly?


15. Undo buttons and zippers?

16. Use the toiletlpotty during the day (i.e. toilet trained)?

17. Take turns and share with other children in small group
18. Try to comfort someone who is upset?
19. Play near and talk to other children while continuing with
own activity?



Look for adult approval (e.g. "Watch me." or "Look what I did)?

Note: It is recommended that all children by this age have a vision, hearing and
dental checkup. Ask your family doctor or public health unit where these services
are available in your community.
Infant Development Program (Children's Aid Society)
Rehabilitation ~ u t r e a c h S e ~ i c e(North
Bay ~ e n e r aHospital)
Near North Community Care Access Centre
Nipissing District Community Action Program for Children
Integrated Services for Northern children
Pre-school Speech and Language Services

Toronto Health Connection
(41 6 ) 338-7600


I enjoy ball games. I want to learn to use a bat, racket, hockey stick,
golf club, ball glove, etc. I like to play with you or a friend.
I can play group games with simple rules: Duck Duck Goose, Ring
Around the Rosie, London Bridge is Falling Down and the Farmer in
the Dell.
I like activities that let me practice cutting, gluing, painting, drawing,
dot to dot, simple mazes and puzzles. Soon I will be able to print
letters, numbers and my name.
I want to practice my lacing skills. Encourage me to thread a shoelace
through the holes in my shoes or holes punched around a picture. I
am getting better a t doing buttons and zippers but I still need practice.


I need to be responsible for my decisions and learn from them. Give

me choices and let me make mistakes.


I need to be heard to know that I am special. Listen when I talk to you.

I'm never too old or big to be hugged so please do it often.
I need opportunities to play with other children. If I'm not in school I
need to be involved in group activities on a regular basis.

important for me to know my full name, address and telephone

& It's

I learn best by playing and using my imagination. Please

limit and monitor my video game, computer and TV time.

Q Nipissing District

Child's Name

Today's Date
QNDDS. Revised January 2000



ONDDS. Revlsed January 2000

* item may not be common to all cultures

B y Five Years of Age, does your child..

Yes No

Count to ten and know common colours and shapes?

The Nipissing Developmental Screen is intended t o identify problem

a r e a s w i t h your child's development. Thefollowing activities will
help you play your part in your child's development.

learning so much. Let's play using letters, numbers and colours.

L I'm
e.g. "I spy with my little eye three things that are red." or "1 spy

Speak clearly in adult-like sentences most of the time?

something blue that starts with B".

Tell long stories about own past experiences?

@ 1 like a mystery. You think of something and I will guess what it is by

Correctly say the words - sew, house, zoo, buzz, chop.

much, jam, fudge, shoe, push, look, ball?
Use sentences to describe objects and events?

asking you questions, "Is it food?" "Is it an animal?" "Does it have four
legs?" "Is it a dog?"

@ I have a lot to say. Talk with me often throughout the day about things

Walk on a straight line, only stepping off once or twice?

that interest me. When you listen to me I will learn how to tell a story
from beginning to end. Ask questions s o that I can remember the
details of my day.

Stop, start and change direction smoothly when running?

Throw and catch a ball successfully most of the time?

C3 I like to answer the phone and talk to people I know.

Hold a crayon or pencil correctly? (Picture A)


Climb playground equipment without difficulty?

12. Draw lines, simple shapes and a few letters?*

0 13.

Hop on one foot?

Use scissors to cut along a thick line
drawn on a piece of paper?


My friends and I enjoy going to the park or playground with you. We

love to climb, swing, slide, and explore the equipment s o we can try
new things.


I like to play games such a s hide and seek, tag, dodge the ball and red
rover. This helps me learn rules of games and helps me to take turns.

Usually play well in groups?

I like to experiment using different materials. Fill up a craft box so I

can be creative using glue, clay, wood, yarn, tape. scissors, paper,
pencils, markers, crayons or odds and ends.

Talk about having a best friend?

Share willingly with others?
Work alone a t an activity for
20-30 minutes?

0 21.

Separate easily from you?

Play make believe games
with others?
Respond verbally to "hi" and
"how are you"?


Infant Development Program (Children'sAid Society)
RehabilitationOutreach Services (North Bay General Hospital)
Near North Community Care Access Centre
Nipissing D~strictCommunity Action Program for Children
lntegated Services for Northern children
Pre-schoolSpeech and Language Services

I love to ride my bicycle and I may even be ready to let go of my training

wheels. Make sure I am wearing my helmet.
I still need lots of practice with pencils, crayons, and chalk. Activities
like colouring, drawing, dot to dot, mazes, as well a s tracing and
copying letters, shapes and numbers will help me at school.

Dress and undress with little help?*


I feel proud to

take a message for you.

Cooperate with adult requests most of the time?

Board games are fun. I learn about rules, counting, taking turns,
& winning
and losing. Don't always let me win. It's all right for me to
Note: It is recommended that
all children by this age have a
vision, hearing and dental
checkup. Ask gour-familg
doctor or
health unit
these SeruiCes are
available in your community.


Toronto Health Connection





catch me doing something good and tell me how proud you are of me.
This will make me feel good about myself and I will want to do it again.


Help me learn about the feelings of others through stories. Characters

in books have feelings and experiences, are afraid, or have problems to
overcome. You can probably find a book about someone who is just
like me.

& I feel important when I have a few simple jobs.

Sign me up. I want to be part of a team.

O Nipissing D i s t r i c t

BNDDS, Revised January 2000


- a



Birth Date

O Nipissing D i s t r i c t

Today's Date

The Nipissing Developmental Screen is intended t o identify problem

areas with your child's development. Thefollowing activit&s will
help you play your part in your child's development.

By Six Years of Age, does your child

1. Understand some words about time and order (e.g.

morning, afternoon, yesterday, next, last)?


Recognize letters and the sounds they make?


Correctly say all sounds in words except t h and v?


Speak clearly enough to be understood by everyone?


Recognize some familiar written words (e.g. own name.

sdme store signs)?
Tell about own experiences and ask about yours?


Skip across a room?


Wdk'on a beam without falling (e.g. curb)?


Catch a small ball?

seasons. We can plan holidays and activities together.

can play a memory game with letters, numbers and words. Write
& We
numbers, letters or words on cards. Let me see them. Then turn them
over and see if I can match them.
Let's have family fun time where I can practise new sports such as
bowling, basketball, skating, bicycling, roller blading, skiing, baseball,
soccer, or swimming. Make sure I am safe when trying these activities.

11. Copy shapes (e.g. circle, square, triangle)? (Picture A)

Cut out simple shapes following an outline (e.g. circle,

Know right from left on own body?
In a group, pay attention and follow simple instructions?


I am ready to be more independent and want to explore my

neighbourhood. Once I show you that I know the safety rules I can use
my bicycle or roller blades to visit my friends.
I enjoy making gifts and cards for special people. Pull out my craft box
so I can practise all the skills I'm learning at school.
I love keeping a journal. I can draw pictures and write simple
sentences about the pictures. I still need help p,ting
the words.
I may be afraid of the dark, thunderstorms, animals and monsters.
Books about my fears will help me feel better. Listen to me and I'll feel

v I learn best by example. Please teach me the difference between right

and wrong.
v You can help me to learn some things I can say to myself when I need

Play cooperatively with 2-3 children for 20 minutes?

Complete washroom routines without help?*
Apologize for actioris helshe didn't mean to do?*

to calm down or work through a task.

Listen while others are speaking?

It's okay to be angry but it's not okay to hurt myself, hurt others or
lCIX break
things. I can use my words.

Show an understanding of right and wrong?

Help others?

I am learning to read at school. Let me show you how I can read

simple stories.

Explain rules of a game or activity to others?

Note: It is recommended that all children by this age have a vision, hearing and
dental checkup. Ask your family doctor or public health unit where these services
are available in your community.
Infant Development Program (Children's Ad Soc~ety)
Outreach Serv~ces(North Bay General Hosp~tal)
Near North Commun~tyCare Access Centre
N~plsslngDlstrlct Commun~tyAct~onProgram for Ch~ldren
Integrated Serv~cesforNorthern Chlldren
Pre-school Speech and Language Serv~ces

I am ready for longer stories now so read chapter books to me. I will
look forward to hearing what happens next.

me understand about time like morning, afternoon, yesterday,

Q Help
next and last. Use a calendar to talk about the days, months. and

10. Hop on one foot for 3 metres (lofeet)?


BNDDS, Revised January 2000

* item may not be common to all cultures


Yes No

0 n

Child's Name



Toronto Health Connection

(416) 338-7600

& YOU should talk to my teacher about what I am doing at school.

TV shows and movies with me. I have many questions and you
Q Watch
have the best answers.

Please treat me with respect. I have a right to say "NO"to

my friends and adults when I feel uncomfortable.

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