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evening I am delighted that you have taken advantage of the warmer weather to
adventure out to share thoughts on our communitys future

Special thanks to our hosts: The beau>ful and historic Masonic Temple in which we are
mee>ng tonight has served our Lakewood community since its grand opening in the fall
of 2016. Ground was broken in April 1915, and the cornerstone was laid in June 1915.
The Lakewood Masonic Family of organiza>ons invites the community to be present on
Saturday morning, May 30, for the laying of a centennial cornerstone by the Grand
Master of the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Ohio, assisted by the Grand
Lodge Ocers and local Freemasons. Please watch our local media for details.

This is my 5th state of the city speech. This is the rst one, however, that I feel we are
back playing oense. The past several years have presented daun>ng challenges
imposed by external forces.

This year I am pleased to adopt theme of a city by design Lakewoods a plan for our
2nd century.

We are in the strongest posi>on to inuence our des>ny more than any >me in the last

I am delighted that you have taken advantage of the warmer weather to venture out to
share thoughts on our communitys future

Our agenda tonight:
Focusing on Sound Governance
Mee>ng External Challenges, Head-On
Transforma>ve Investments
Looking Toward the Future

To become scally sound and sustainable by con2nuously improving:

By living within our means
By living within the means of our ci>zens
By being eec>ve investors of hard earned tax dollars on things that ma^er.
In fact we have targeted Over 30 processes that will improve our
governance, lower cost, gain speed, improve service

I am very pleased to report that our city government is in the strongest shape in
decades. You have in your seat a graph that shows signcant improvement towardd
A basic bench mark which is is a nancial reserve of 60 days of daily general fund
expenditures. Today, as you can see we have well over double that amount.
Our Directors, chiefs, and employees are >ght with a buck, while delivering strong
This nancial strength allows us to weather headwinds, and posi>on ourselves to be
in much greater control of our own des>ny.

The last four years have been challenging

Financial challenges,
legal challenges,
regulatory challenges from the Federal and State EPA,
healthcare market place that threatens our100 year old community hospital

be brief!!!!!!
Very pleased to report that were reached an agreement with the Ohio EPA on a new
5 year waster water treatment permit addressing the requirements of the Clean
Water Act of 1972.
Three years ago we were facing a federal law suite. Instead, we nego>ated
investments that we and the two EPAs agree are appropriate, aordable, and make
sense for lakewood

We have recovered from the 3 million in lost revenues imposed by our state
governments 2011 budget.
We accomplished this by reducing our costs and increasing revenues both from a
recovering economy and our economic development investments, including our
housing ini>a>ves. .

Old healthcare model is no longer an op2on.

Tom Zenty, CEO of University Hospitals , at a recent panel discussion at CSU, said
the 25% of the na2ons community hospitals will not survive. He said communi2es
that fail to address these challenges will be in for a great shock.
However you may feel about this subject today, it is important that we meet
these changes head on. Unlike many governments we know- we are not failing
to confront our challenges and opportuni2es.
I will circle back to this subject at the end of tonights remarks,

Having met the aforemen>oned challenges head on,

Our new found strength provides the opportunity to consider and propose several
transforma>ve investments that will con>nue to create unparalleled vibrancy.
Lets take a look at several of them:

Our Board of Educa>on , with the support of this community is embarked upon the
most ambi>ous re tooling of its educa>onal plagorm sine the late 1920s
$100 million of new construc>on between now and Fall 2017
This ac>vity will create a signicant amount of disrup>on.
We will all have to put up with some inconvenience- but it will be worth it.


Lakewood has 3 miles of coastline, but less than 3,000 feet of publicly accessible
waterfront at Lakewood Park
Summer sols>ce construc>on begins in a few weeks. While we will not be ready for
this years June 21st sols>ce- we will be on our way for next year! This job is
expected to be nished before Labor day.
While our lakefront is limited, it is unique to our region. this project will make our
park even more of a gem than it is today


Lakewood has 3 miles of coastline, but less than 3,000 feet of publicly accessible
waterfront at Lakewood Park
Summer sols>ce construc>on begins in a few weeks. While we will not be ready for
this years June 21st sols>ce- we will be on our way for next year! This job is
expected to be nished before Labor day.
While our lakefront is limited, it is unique to our region. We have a plan to make our
park even more of a gem than it is today


We are in the planning stages of a $400,000 update of our biggest

playground. Times have changed, and playground preferences have as well.
Time to invest!


We are in year three of a ten year plan to address all 180 miles of our
This includes iden>fying, and xing every trip hazard.
Through a combina>on of leveling, grinding, and replacing these uneven
slabs we will drama>cally improve our much lauded and much loved


We have a once a century opportunity to redevelop almost 3 acres for

residen2al use
This picture shows the plan; with a mul>-million-dollar townhouse/single
oor living op>on
We have worked collabora>vely with the school board to oer these new
housing designs in Lakewood


We have a once a century opportunity to redevelop almost 3 acres for

residen2al use
This picture shows the plan; with a mul>-million-dollar townhouse/single
oor living op>on
We have worked collabora>vely with the school board to oer these new
housing designs in Lakewood


1. Lakewood will be a very busy place this construc>on season

2. The high lighted sec>ons and dots indicate where infrastructure will
be upgraded this year.
3. Water main replacements on four streets
4. Street resurfacing
5. Combined sewer separa>on
6. Pilot program in a 100 house neighborhood to prove or disprove
separa>ng storm water from sanitary as it leaves our homes is the
best long term strategy for mee>ng our clean water act obliga>ons


As the citys aging trees begin to die many of them planted around the same >me,
100 years ago many of the warm and invi>ng canopies have disappeared.
The citys forestry department and Lakewood Tree Task Force have developed a
comprehensive strategy to improve the tree canopy and add diversity to the variety
of species around the city.
In just two years, the Tree Task Force has already helped plant dozens of trees at
Madison and Lakewood parks, presented 19 recommenda>ons to Lakewood City
Council suppor>ng tree legisla>on and worked with the citys forestry department to
plant nearly 600 trees around Lakewood.
The citys strategy also includes an eort to prepare the city for climate change, add
diversity to the urban forest, withstand pest infesta>ons and storms, and add in
trees with more fall colors. More trees also means less storm water runo.
The current Lakewood tree canopy has been assessed by satellite at 28.5 percent.
Its good for a high-density, urban area But we can do be^er.
The goal is to increase the tree canopy by 10 percent, to 38.5 percent by the year
Diversity is going to be the driver to achieving a more sustainable urban forest.
Each home owner in Lakewood can help by taking care of personal and tree lawn
trees as well as plan>ng addi>onal trees.


1. We have terric opportunity to capture energy from our waste

treatment facility and convert it into electricity. Not only is this a
smart nancial move, it will be a signicant investment in be^er
environmental stewardship.


1. Another great opportunity


$2.4 million resurfacing the en>re street no local funds

New trac signaliza>on
Madison Park Skatehouse Improvements
Birdtown streetscape and housing projects, completed in 2014
$250,000 storefront improvement funds
Millions more in private investment


Northeast Ohio isnt the sunniest place on Earth. But dont tell Lakewood residents
Chris Bata (BAY-tah) and his wife, Ka>e Romik (Ro-mick).
The couple transplants of Aus>n, TX
Looking to reduce their carbon footprint, in they invested in 33 solar panels, moun>ng
them to the top of their Virginia Avenue home and garage in 2012.
Their electric bill has been slashed to around $6 per month
Bata and Romick are examples of the forward-thinking that this city embraces.

Their investment shows the way for each of our 100 year old houses to be a modern
micro grid
This provides lower cost of energy , lessens our carbon footprint, and provides
resiliency from the changing threat of mother nature and climate change.


Our Goal: to be the safest city in the region

Big challenge; Very important challenge
New police cars have 5 cameras.
This year we will provide body cameras to improve ocer safety ,
provide improved inves>ga>on, and increased performance
We plan to expand video surveillance in more public spaces. Events
through out the na>on, par>cularly Boston bombings have shown the
wisdom of these investments.


We are in the nal planning stages to run a public/private Big Gig ber op>c
network throughout our main corridors.
This will provide greatly expanded capacity for our educa>onal ins>tu>ons, libraries,
and governments.
It will also serve as an incen>ve for companies to set up shop here, and stay here.
100 gigabit/second speeds will be as fast as any where in the region.
For our government, This means be^er surveillance in our public spaces, free Wi-Fi
in our parks,
For our schools- it secures their future growth needs for educa>onal content
For our businesses, it allows them to compete at the speed of business in the 21st


Enhanced communica2ons strategy

Improved our use of social media:

Recently completed a website dedicated to the Community

A completely redesigned and reimagined onelakewood.com
website to be unveiled this spring, designed to think as our
customers think- not around the organiza>on structure of city
Twi^er: 4,181, nearly double what it was this >me last year.
Facebook: 5,508 likes Up more than 700 from last year.
Dozens of YouTube videos during the past year- much more to
Ready no>fy- emergency no>ca>on system- 7000 household-
not nearly enough- but more than any community in the


1. Our Housing Forward ini2a2ve began in 2011

We made great strides with our 1 & 2 family houses
This year, we will Begin to focus Mul>-family housing ( 4 + units)
We will Con>nue to Connect our residents to resources to help
improve their house- and thus our neighborhoods
2. But we are overdue in celebra2ng our century homes-
We will launch a Century Home cer>ca>on, with a plaque, to be
placed on the front of every century home.
By 2020- 50% of Our homes will proudly bear this plaque


1. There are tremendous changes occurring in healthcare today and

even more so in the future
2. Every day we read and hear about the drama>c shix from ac>vity
based care and costs to outcome based care and costs
3. Technology is rapidly changing the landscape of not only how care is
delivered, but also where it will be delivered
4. The trustees are being proac>ve not reac>ve They have
proposed a plan that recognizes these forces.
5. Their plan has the goal of addressing preven>on, early detec>on, is
more aordable, and more accessible.
6. The proposed plan will increase primary care resources in our
7. It has the extraordinary opportunity to benet from a community
led, community focused wellness founda>on with $32 million dollars
as a star>ng point. There are only a handful of such community
founda>ons in the en>re country and we will be one of them!
8. I am condent that Lakewood ci>zens will be well served by a
modern, sustainable healthcare system that will serve our needs
now and decades from now
9. Our next community discussion will be held Tuesday march 10th
7PM. Cleveland clinc will present their views of healthcare delivery
and how their proposed Family Health Center will be^er serve our


A very big part of improved health and lower health care costs is increased
ac>ve and healthy living
We plan to make signicant park enhancements and investments to
add opportuni>es to keep moving
We need to think long term to explore how ac>ve and healthy living
should be incorporated into our plans and lifestyles
Several hardworking and inspired ci>zens are serving on a task
force to help us shape the opportuni>es and investments that
will advance healthier exercise choices for our ci>zens.
A great opportunity is to improve our heralded Walkability-
we need to be able to walk 365 days of the year -snow or no snow


This is a great >me to be lakewoodite.

Sure we have challenges- but we are mee>ng them head on

We have great strengths

We will con>nue to become a city by design which will make us a city of choice.

I thank you for listening tonight. As is our custom, I would be delighted to entertain any


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