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The energy used by living beings on the earth to feed, move,

and reproduce all comes from what original source?
the soil
the water
the sun

2. Jellyfish have a body plan that is described by biologists as:


3. Which of the following is composed of nervous tissue?

the spinal cord
the skin
the liver
a paper mache statue of Jerry Lewis

4. A leech survives by feeding off the blood of other, larger beings. This type of behavior is
known as:
working for the IRS

5. Lobsters, crabs, and shrimp all belong to what group of animals?



6. Which of the following lives in a cocoon for part of its life cycle?
a mollusk
a moth
a bee
Dick Clark

7. Which of the following vertebrates lacks a bony spine?

a salamander
a lawyer
a frog
a lamprey

8. Where are you more likely to find the largest number of living organisms (including
microbes) in one gallon of water?
Mick Jagger's swimming pool
Caribbean Sea
Arctic Ocean
Caspian Sea

9. Why do fish swim in schools?

to confuse predators
to surround prey
to chase away larger fish
to get to college

10. Which of the following animals are gutless?

sea cucumbers

11. Many herbivorous animals, such as rabbits, will pass partially digested food in the feces
only to be eaten again for further digestion. What is this process called?
really, really gross

12. Bacteria of the genus Rhizobium form nodules on the roots of leguminous plants. They
are important in the food cycle because:
They produce vitamin A
They fix nitrogen into nitrates
They decontaminate the soil
They make vegetables tasty with farm-fresh goodness

13. The overgrowth of algae in ponds and lakes that occurs when nitrates from the soil
escape into groundwater is called:
the green peril

14. The increasing use of nitrogen fertilizers has sent more and more nitrous oxide into the
atmosphere and water during the last century. Which of the following problems on earth is
partly due to this fact?
proliferation of daytime talk shows

decreased rainfall
overgrowth of algae in streams and lakes, leading to decreased oxygen levels
increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels

15. What is a gizzard?

a hollow lymphoid organ where B lymphocytes mature
a drunken lizard
a specialized respiratory organ used to produce sound
a muscular digestive organ, often containing small stones to help grind food

16. An animal that eats only meat is called:

a carnivore
a canine
an omnivore
a Teamster

17. In almost every species of mammals, the female is only receptive to mating during a
certain time of year. This period is called:

18. The word 'taxon' refers to what?

a category that describes animals which have a defined set of homologous structures
an intervening region of noncoding DNA within a gene
a reproductive organ of nonflowering plants which defines the male gender
what the Karate Kid does before he is told to 'taxoff'

19. What is the scientific term for a 'cold-blooded' animal?

a homeotherm
a prosecuting attorney
a cryotherm
a poikilotherm

20. In many invertebrates, especially flatworms, ovaries and testes occur in the same animal.
This is called:
a dizygote
a hermaphrodite
a dicot
one happy worm

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