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Your Agilent ICP-OES incorporates interlocks and covers that are designed to prevent inadvertent
contact with any potential hazards. If the instrument is used in any manner not specified by
Agilent, this protection may be impaired. It is good practice to develop safe working habits which
do not depend upon the correct operation of the interlocks for safe operation.
A brief description is provided for these available interlock types:

Plasma/HV interlock

Filament sense

Water flow monitoring

Cooling fan monitoring

Plasma ON monitoring

RF control watchdog

High voltage power supply failure

Plasma/HV Interlock
The Plasma/HV interlock monitors the state of the internal interlock on the RF oscillator covers,
plasma compartment door interlock and the Plasma Emergency Off button on the front panel. An
open interlock switch or operation of the Plasma Emergency Off button will inhibit plasma
ignition or extinguish an existing plasma.
Filament Sense
The filament of the RF oscillator valve must be hot before high voltage can be applied to the
plasma generation system. If the filament supply fails the error message 'Filament Voltage Failure'
is displayed in the ICP Expert II software.
Water Flow Monitoring
A water flow switch is fitted on the water manifold assembly. If there is insufficient water flow an
error message 'Low water flow' is displayed in the ICP Expert II software, and plasma ignition is
inhibited. If this error is detected while the plasma is in operation, an immediate shutdown will
Cooling Fan Monitoring
Cooling fan operation is detected by an air pressure switch. Fan failure causes the air pressure
switch to open which in turn causes the error message 'Filament airflow failure' to be displayed in
the ICP Expert II software. This fault condition will inhibit plasma ignition or operation.
Plasma ON Monitoring
An optical fiber in the torch compartment is positioned to detect light emitted by the plasma. If
the plasma goes out an alert message 'Plasma has gone out' is displayed in the ICP Expert II
software. If this fault condition is detected while the plasma is on, the RF generator and the gas
control unit are shut down.
RF Control Watchdog
The RF control watchdog effectively controls the plasma generating system. If the watchdog
system detects that the plasma generation system is not operating correctly, the high voltage
supply is shut down.

High Voltage Power Supply Failure

If an overload condition is detected, ignition of the plasma will be inhibited or, if the plasma is
already running, the RF power is shut down.
See also:


Sequence Parameters
The Sequence Parameters dialog box is accessible by:

Clicking the Sequence Parameters button on the Sequence page.

Clicking the Sequence Parameters icon on the Main Toolbar.

Choosing Sequence Parameters from the Window menu.

Pressing CONTROL+Q.

When your calibration has failed

Worksheet Window
The New Worksheet window is accessed by clicking the New button in the Load Worksheet
dialog box. It can also be accessed by choosing New from the File menu in the Main Index
window or the Worksheet window.
The New Worksheet window enables you to create a brand new worksheet file that contains the
default software parameters.

The New Worksheet window com

the following:
1. Option panel

2. Navigation panel (left and righ

3. Filter on

Click the links on the image or ab

go to descriptions about each sec
this dialog box.

Click here for information on how

create a new worksheet.
New worksheet window
Option Panel
Lists the available options for creating new worksheets and navigating to worksheet storage
locations. Available options are dependent on the software installation type ('File only' or 'File

and Database') and instrument type.

Create Worksheet
The following is displayed:
When selected a new worksheet will be created using the file storage format and is selected by
default for all non 21 CFR 11 (database) installations. The File storage option is not available for
21 CFR 11 installations.
A new worksheet will be created using the database storage format and is selected by default for
21 CFR 11 installations. This option is not available for 'File Only' installations.
Displays the 'Transfer Wizard'. Use to convert worksheets stored in the database format into the
file storage format. This option is not available for 'File Only' installations.
Tell me how to convert my worksheets.
Displays the 'Template Wizard'. Creates new worksheets using an existing worksheet as a
template. Method parameters, Sequence parameters or initial Calibration data from the source
worksheet can be included in the new worksheet.
Tell me how to create a new worksheet using a template.
Worksheet Type
Displays the following options:
A new Quantitative analysis worksheet is created. The right pane of the Navigation Panel will
display only existing Quantitative worksheets in the selected location. 710/715 ICP-OES
instruments default to Quantitative because TRS is not available for these instruments.
A new Time Resolved Scan (TRS) worksheet is created. The right pane of the Navigation Panel
will display only existing TRS worksheets in the selected location. This is available only for
720/725/730/735 ICP-OES instruments.
Tell me more about TRS files
Displays the default Results and Templates shortcut links and any other user added shortcuts.
Click on a shortcut to navigate to the specified location. The shortcut is highlighted in the left
pane and the worksheet content of that location is displayed in the right pane. The actual locations
of the default shortcuts (Results and Templates) are defined in the File Locators section of the
ICP Expert II Preferences (accessed from the Options Menu).
The Templates folder location (file or database) is an alternate storage location for worksheets
intended to be used as templates. The location itself and the worksheets contained within it have
no special properties to distinguish them from any other location or worksheet.

For shortcuts to Network drive locations (File storage), the Network entry/icon in the left pane of the
Navigation Panel must be selected to activate network browsing prior to clicking on the Shortcut
link. If the Network entry/icon is not selected first the shortcut wont navigate to the specified

Navigation Panel
The navigation panel allows you to select the location the new worksheet will be stored in.
Left Pane
When 'File' is selected the 'tree view' of the file system directory structure is displayed.
When 'Database' is selected the servers attached to the PC that you are using are displayed. Once
a server has been selected, any databases on the server are also displayed.
Right-click on a selected drive/database/folder in this pane to display a menu with the following
Create Shortcut
Select to add a new shortcut, linked to the selected location, to the Shortcuts list in the Option
Panel. Shortcuts created here will also appear in the 'Open Worksheet' window.
New Folder
Select this option to create a new folder in the specified location. Rename as appropriate.
Right Pane
When the File storage format is selected (not available for 21 CFR 11 installations):

With drive locations listed in the left pane, the right pane displays the sub-directory
and/or worksheet file content of the selected drive.

When a directory/folder has been selected in the left pane, the right pane displays the subdirectory and/or worksheet file content of the selected directory/folder.

Any new worksheets created are saved to the specified hard disk or network drive

When the Database storage format is selected (not available for File Only installations):

With the servers listed in the left pane, the right pane displays all databases on the
selected server.

When a database has been selected in the left pane, the right pane displays any
worksheets stored in the selected database.

Any new worksheets created are saved to a database. During installation of the software a
default Results database is created, with the default Results and Templates shortcuts
linked to folders in this database. To store worksheets in another database you will need
to setup the Spectroscopy Database Administrator (VSDA) software and create a new
database. Click here for instructions on setting up VSDA.

Filter On
Filters the content displayed in the right pane of the Navigation Panel according to the text typed
in the Filter on: text box. The filter is applied as text is typed in the text box.

Opening a Worksheet
To open an existing worksheet:
Step 1
In the Main Index window, click the Worksheet icon.
Step 2
From the Load Worksheet dialog box, click Open.
Alternatively, you can click File > Open from the main menu at the top of the ICP Expert II

Step 3
Select the Worksheet Type that you wish to open on the Options Panel. Choose from Quantitative
or TRS worksheets (if available).
Step 4
Navigate to the intended worksheet storage location by using the available shortcuts or selecting
the appropriate path via the Navigation Panel. Any worksheets already in existence will be
displayed in the right pane.
Step 5
Highlight the worksheet you wish to open.
Step 6
Click OK.
The worksheet will be opened in ICP Expert II.
See also:

Main Index window

Load worksheet

Open worksheet

Worksheet window

Loading a worksheet

Load Worksheet
The Load Worksheet dialog box is accessed by clicking the Worksheet icon in the Main Index
window, or by clicking the Load Worksheet toolbar icon.
Load Worksheet contains these buttons:

Opens the New Worksheet window, enabling you to create a new worksheet.


Displays the Open Worksheet window, allowing you to open an existing worksheet.

See also:

Loading a worksheet

Loading a Worksheet
To analyze samples, you must first load a worksheet. There are three ways of doing this:

Creating a new worksheet

Creating a new worksheet from a template

Opening an existing worksheet

See also:

Load Worksheet

Creating a New Worksheet

For 'File only' storage, any new worksheets are saved to the selected location.
For database installations, any new worksheets created are saved to a database. A default 'Results'
database is created during ICP Expert II installation that allows worksheets to be created
immediately. VSDA is only required to create new databases or manage existing databases. Click
here for instructions on setting up VSDA.
To create a new worksheet:
Step 1
From the Main Index window, click the Worksheet icon from the menu. The Load Worksheet
dialog box will be displayed.
Step 2
In the Load Worksheet dialog box, click New. The New Worksheet window will open.
Alternatively, you can click File > New from the main menu at the top of the ICP Expert II software.

Step 3
For database installations, ensure 'Database' is selected and then select the database you want to
save your worksheet to.
For 'File only' installations, 'File' is automatically selected.
Step 4
Select the Worksheet Type that you wish to create on the Options Panel. Choose from
Quantitative or TRS (if available) worksheets.

Step 5
Navigate to the intended worksheet storage location by using the available shortcuts or by
selecting the appropriate path via the Navigation Panel. Any worksheets already in existence will
be displayed in the right pane.
Step 6
In the Name field, type a name for the worksheet you are about to create.
Step 7
Click OK.
You should now develop the method.
See also:

Main Index window

Load Worksheet

New Worksheet

Worksheet window

Loading a worksheet

Creating a New Worksheet from a Template

Any worksheet can be used as a template. There are four basic steps included in the procedure

Select the location of the worksheet file to be used as a template

Specify the destination

Choose the method/sequence/calibration data to include in the new worksheet

Create the file

Worksheets that are currently 'Locked' (for worksheets saved in a database) or 'Open' in ICP Expert
II cannot be used as a template. Close the worksheet to use it.

To create a new worksheet from a template:

Step 1
Open ICP Expert II.
Step 2
Click File > New.
Step 3
Under 'Create Worksheet' on the top left side of the window, click Template.
Step 4

Navigate to the location where template worksheets are stored. Default locations are shown

For Windows XP with 'File Only' file structure - C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Shared Documents\Varian\ICP Expert II\Supplied Worksheets\

For Windows 7 with 'File Only' file structure - C:\Users\Public\(Public)

Documents\Varian\ICP Expert II\Supplied Worksheets\

For Windows 7 with 'File and Database' file structure - Database Server(Computer
Name\SQLExpress)|VAIMDB_SuppliedWorksheets(000)|Supplied Worksheets\

Step 5
Select the worksheet you want to use as the template.
Step 6
Click Next in the top right corner of the 'New Worksheet' window.
Step 7
Either leave the new file in the same directory as the selected one, or navigate to where you want
to save the new file to.
Step 8
Enter the name in the 'Name' field at the bottom of the 'New Worksheet' window.
Step 9
Click Next.
Step 10
Select Method, Sequence and/or Calibration depending on what you want to import from the
source file. Confirm your selected file and new name are correct.
Step 11
Click OK.
When creating a new worksheet from template that uses Standard Addition it is recommended that
you never select the 'Include Calibration' option. This is because the calibration standards used in the
template were created from samples, i.e., Sample 1 equals Addition 0.

Analysis results are not copied with the worksheet settings.

See also:

File menu

Main Index window

Load Worksheet

New Worksheet

Worksheet window

Opening a Worksheet
To open an existing worksheet:
Step 1
In the Main Index window, click the Worksheet icon.
Step 2
From the Load Worksheet dialog box, click Open.
Alternatively, you can click File > Open from the main menu at the top of the ICP Expert II

Step 3
Select the Worksheet Type that you wish to open on the Options Panel. Choose from Quantitative
or TRS worksheets (if available).
Step 4
Navigate to the intended worksheet storage location by using the available shortcuts or selecting
the appropriate path via the Navigation Panel. Any worksheets already in existence will be
displayed in the right pane.
Step 5
Highlight the worksheet you wish to open.
Step 6
Click OK.
The worksheet will be opened in ICP Expert II.
See also:

Main Index window

Load worksheet

Open worksheet

Worksheet window

Loading a worksheet

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