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Beyond The Pallid Dreams

Start With Love

Start with Love

Before I get into the darker gradient of existence, which, in fact, is a cosmos of trivial and unverified
faith of duality Id better start from the best way possible, love. What is? It is mostly consorted with
mystifying riddle, but it is the feeling living is attached with. You can go berserk thinking it is not so, is
not the most important and even does not exist then my friend you wereI mean I am sorry for you.
Most fail because selfishness, egos and values are bundled with it; planted by greed, a result from the
system manipulated by politics, corporations and religion affirming and selling love as a form of matter,
i.e. mainly money, which takes everything in spite of value of life. Please try to exalt beyond that, so we
can explicate further, dont be afraid as love is to give without any expectations, never to forgive as
there is nothing to forgive, it is not only your thinking conscious brain it is the coexistence of whole
being driven by the creativity of living.

It is the feeling everyone deserves and needs but unfortunately because of few peoples greed for
insatiable material possession the whole human existence abides the control of systems, which abuses
others, as the chain is created, it precisely ascends towards more, and so it will only increase. An abused
child will most likely be traumatized and become psychologically unstable with the sense of weakness
but if the child is confident and square, it all comes from his ability to abuse. Many studies in criminal
psychology clearly point that criminals are waxed by the social system of control; everyone is not born a
criminal and those who do, need medical attention and love rather than more hate to fuel them. The
cycle of love is also the same; Love makes wanting to love, feel love for others so always spread love, or
you can kill and die expecting a better new world. Please do that, karma is a spirit, which comes around
goes around You will just create more. Hate a soul it will love to hate as living is understood through
the milieu. Aggression follows its cycle, e.g most domestic violence occurs due to the job pressure
where domination and inequality are the cherished code of hierarchy mainly perpetrated against the
lowly favorites. The silence towards someones anger is channelized to someone else who is helpless
and weak like the perpetrator was.
Especially in a relationship, as we know and see, if you act and focus with your conscious mind, build it
in your thoughts and feel love within the boundaries created by your superficial thoughts you risk
everything and can hurt yourself plus the one you imagined loving. The subconscious will leap away
through your behaviorism with feelings of rejection and mood swings along with the sense of delusive
perplexity. The tuning of the whole of being with the unconscious plays a major role; it can exalt us
towards the immaculate dimension of love which you cannot feel exists because of your clouded
existence, love gives, sacrifices everything without any selfish expectations hence its always fail-safe.
Most love I see is ill-advisedly built upon greed, control system manipulating our thought patterns, our
analytically derived logical understanding. They either make people violent or succumbed to its
stratification and within this environment, human instincts are clouded and feeling of love is being
replaced by the self-preserving destructive instincts.

by MTM.

When covered with sky touching trees, ground naturally becomes stronger. Unripened fruits are all over
the ground; flowers are floating with wind, helpless and with no hope of worth. Not just the wind, rain,
storm ruins such capable future makers, but inability of the plants too.
Protection is required but nothing or no one is concerned for betterment of the seeds. Let a plant cover
the area with lots of plants. Serve the ground rather than strengthening it with concrete, which
obstructs the seedlings and compel the seeds to decay within, 'Concrete desert,

If you cant educate, at least flourish knowledge to help ascending the helpless. Let every seed grow up,
provide space and care so that one day each seed will produce more seeds of glory and guidance. Let
every seed decide the strength and size of the future. Let glory be. Let every child get as much space and
care as the best one; rest is in the hands of the individual. But at least give a chance. Let every star be
the Sun of its solar system.
Stop child abuse. Start the revolution: we can do it. Wake up. Be them and feel it. Do nothing but just
give your hand to pull them up. Let every child know the vastness of the world they belong to. Feed
them once and teach them to grow more; theyll understand. After all, we could be one of them.
Awake. Every second and every child counts. Be human; we all are same.
Seed, seedling, plant, flower, fruit and seed again
Your nightmare; Someones reality

by Partizan

Effort For A New Design

I simply ask you to sit back, relax and ask yourself What am I? What is the best I can attain? What is the
epitome I seek?
After asking these questions, what answers did u get?

Is it I need to work and fight for my loved ones or my obligation to my society, country, race or just for
myself? If you get the answer only for me ask What if I achieve utmost, can it be real or worth if I have
none to share my achievements with?

Obvious Answer is I live as myself but not just for self-gain but to achieve tranquility and happiness
with the ones I love, love is the only thing needed (remember the context here is not just sexual love*
**). And if your answer is the preceding one, it is only because the prevailing power is constantly laying
a foundation for your beliefs, the institutes determine what you are, the tyrants makes you believe you
are worthless if you cannot align with their thoughts. All political systems are based upon tyranny, even
democracy is tyranny, the loosing faction of democracy will precisely conceive this; patriotism is good
but it is racism if it is based on area, race and religion.
The killing of each other, one of the common trait we always possessed is mostly driven by the thirst for
power and virtues created by tyrants and patricians confined to certain ethnicity along imaginary border
lines within the morals created through religion and culture, considered by societies for the betterment
of living standard; especially the material gain but now we have come to a truly globalizing multiculture. We all are different, each an individual and special in own way but since we are born into social
prison controlled by sadistic corporations and various institutes which incessantly manipulate what and
how we think.
Even from our early age people are used to someone else making decisions for them, first the parents
then the educational institutes, governments and the money making corporations, they are counselors
for everything we do, making us believe we are not capable to decide what is best for us, and what we
believes always transpires, its not the law of a book but the law of nature; existence. The holistic
concept is staggeringly real.
People find hard time believing ancient wisdom of gods but easily believe the media, news, as they have
created the illusion, a sense of mass hypnosis. The mainstream media is a gateway for misinformation
and thoroughly damaging , it forces an instant relief, cheap entertainment and recreation with senseless
half naked people singing and dancing like monkeys about unimportant things solely driven from a form
of lecherousness make huge amounts of money , calling themselves idol and diva which literally means
god , the weak hearted and imprisoned mind worship them, the paradigm is hilarious , people trying to
attain greatness by reaching the fake social hierarchy , the enslaving power structure believe they are
better and only they can decide what is best for us ,the life of a human deprived of material possession
is of no value , people work senseless jobs producing goods and services without any natural desire or
need to do so, just for the few elites insatiable lust for riches to improve their bowel movement while
poor die of hunger and simple disease since they are designated worthless, eventually the produced

goods becomes obsolete and its thrown away , huge workforce and resources are necessitated to keep
the systems wheels running, the show of madness must go on. for e.g. the immense advancement in
microchips, automation, renewal source of energy, hydroponics etc. with the working force we have can
easily provide equally for everyone to take our civilization to the next level, a peaceful world without a
biased sense of personal pride by believing others as low and unworthy installed by the system denying
progress and continuing to kill our mother earth instead of sharing its fruits and relishing the gift of life.

The advancement of robotics and automation has the ability to render human workforce obsolete, then
once the jobs are taken over by machines what will be the faith of common people born without
privileges, its quite axiomatic and very scary, the technology can be only implemented by the rich and
elite, all the benefits will be for them while a common worker becomes useless and will have no way to
sustain life in the system created to tyrannize.
Gross domestic product (GDP) is the market value of all officially recognized final goods and services
produced within a country in a given period of time. GDP per capita is often considered an indicator of a
countrys standard of living from Wikipedia. It is a mockery of human understanding, development
means betterment of life not the falsely created system of economy with total disregard to its planetary
implications. With the technical breakthrough we are falsely made to believe the growth in GDP means
development, which doesnt mean better living conditions.
Development is never complete, design is never perfect it is always perfected through iteration with
better chance, so the current political-economic time will be just a passing phase for a better
understanding and utilization of advancement of civilization or the annihilation of all, particularly with
high probability for the poor. Since the difference is created by the socioeconomic system figuring the
vastness through a purely imaginary entity called money.
Before the natural realism becomes self-aware the society governed by law thrives within the weakness
of our culture making us withdraw from our spiritually free prudence for abiding or contradicting the
moral judgments of what we are and what we can become cannot attain us the path towards pinnacle
of living which always becomes better and better with the deeper understanding of our natural drives
and the antithesis is represented as immoral even though it is sometimes used without intentions.
Understanding of anything can be done by analytical logic and spiritual senses, the beliefs we develop
comes from the experiences or repetition of something over and over again can falter human brain to
believe it, even if it is unreal; a very dark truth, and this is an evident problem which is being used to
assert the belief system like all laws are for our good, we need to be controlled because evil is naturally
present within us and is innate, we need well equipped armies perfected to kill in order to protect us
from evil and fight for our rights , government is required to control because we are not able to control
our urges and tell right from wrong. The person in power; the rulers are always right , they are better
than us , they are the height everyone should inspire to reach .
All institution, even the institutes that control the world and hence every aspect of our life are never
fully adept .We as a human, for us to attain high grounds we need to protect ourselves and our children
from social dogmas and paradigms.
by MTM

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