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Teachers play an important role as front liners in every education system and because
they have a daily influence on the lives of children, teachers are often held to high standards. In
the midst of all of their responsibilities, they're required to serve as strong role models and
demonstrate ethical behaviours as they interact with students, colleagues, parents and others.
Their role is not simply that of disseminating knowledge or imparting information. It goes far
beyond as their role is to create a stimulating learning environment to ensure that all students
reach their full potential. They are role models within themselves for their students who,
consciously or subconsciously, emulate or imitate their behaviour. There is the responsibility to
understand the needs of their students even outside the school walls and there is the
responsibility to nurture and to cherish. Our teachers remain the prime investment in good
quality education. I fully appreciate the professional way in which teachers are implementing the
fundamental reforms our country has embarked upon in recent years. They are adapting to
different norms and rising to meet new challenges with an enthusiasm that does them credit.
Technology is a wonderful gift but it also brings with it a new and steep learning curve for many
of us.
One of the hardest jobs in this world is being a teacher. Why? Because if you think that
teaching is just talking in front of students and conducting exams to evaluate, well youre wrong.
A teacher's job is to provide a quality education to all students. A professional code of ethics
must address this fact, stating that teachers must not show favouritism or discriminate against
students. A teacher must implement an environment in which students dont feel a barrier
between him and his teacher. It must be a stimulating environment in which students are eager to
learn. Teachers also must interact with students appropriately, not taking advantage of students in
any way, bullying students or putting them down. They should not use brute force or implement
an authoritative figure to the students. Teachers and learners must have a friendly relationship
with each other but not forgetting their part in each others lives. Contact with students outside of
the classroom or school building must be kept to a minimum and must focus on school-related
activities and events. And that further contact with students with irrelevant purpose should be
avoided by teachers. As professionals, teachers should not forget what position they are in and
remind students to not forget that teachers are to be respected in any place or time. Teaching or
being a teacher is not just to facilitate the learning; it is a role in which you assist in solving your
learners problems and difficulties. In addition to a teacher's job to help all students learn, a
professional code of ethics also addresses a teacher's responsibility to keep students safe.
Teachers must abide by all school and classroom safety procedures to ensure student safety. It's
also a teacher's responsibility to report instances of bullying and harassment. If a teacher suspects
cases of abuse or neglect, or a student entrust in a teacher in cases of abuse or neglect, the
teacher is required to report it to the proper authorities, even if the student requests otherwise. As
teachers we have that responsibility to always make the best things happen for our learners. We
are the ones who develop them in terms of their physical, emotional, social, intellectual and
spiritual wellbeing.


Teaching is a profession that lies at the heart of both the learning of children and young
people and their social, cultural and economic development. It is crucial to transmitting and
implanting social values, such as democracy equality, tolerance cultural understanding, and
respect for each persons fundamental freedoms.
Teachers play an important role in educating the future members of a society through
their work in schools. Furthermore, teachers in institutions play a critical part in advancing
economic and technological development as well as sustaining the well-being of the societies
they serve. Therefore, the factors influencing the commitment of the teachers in schools and in
the wider education systems must necessarily be the focus of an important field of research
leading to the introduction of change within classrooms and lecture, schools, institutions and
learning centres, and national systems of education.
Our institutions have certain goals in which teachers and other personnel of the state have
to achieve in order to become a more effective and efficient school. As teachers of every
particular state we should obey the rules and make our institution better. Being able to be an
exceptional in school can be a great help in letting the state be known to other places. A teacher
should also develop their understanding of the school and classroom environments which can
both promote and inhibit learning and effective teaching. And when learners find it stimulating to
have that kind of environment then it would be a more comfortable place for him to learn.
Teaching necessitates passion, dedication, and commitment. Teachers, critical factors of any
education system, play an important role in promoting education by enhancing the abilities of
students through their work in schools. Teaching is a complex and demanding career that
requires intense dedication. Commitment is highly related to teachers work performance.
Teacher commitment deeply contributes to future of students and schools. Teachers play a crucial
role in promoting school. It should be noted that commitment level of teachers to their
profession, students, and school increases when they achieve something through their efforts.
Committed teachers make a difference to the success of the school and the learning of the
students. So being a committed teacher is one of the roles that we must pursue in order for us to
be effective and let the learners know that we are dedicated to our work and that we are
committed to help their needs in school. And even though we are teachers we must help in
carrying out the policies of the state. Following the laws or policies of the institution is making
the state a more organized and effective institution. Teachers with high level of commitment will
be more loyal to schools where they work; similarly, teachers with high level of commitment will
contribute students achievement effectively. Commitment is praiseworthy because it facilitates
learning. If good working conditions are provided for committed teachers, effectiveness of the
educational organization that will lead to positive consequences for the school and students will


Teachers recognise that they work in collaboration with the parents/guardians and family
of learners, encouraging their active involvement in the education of their children. They
acknowledge the rights of caregivers to consultation on the welfare and progress of their children
and respect lawful parental authority, although professional decisions must always be weighted
towards what is judged to be the best interests of learners. Aside from colleagues, teachers have
a responsibility to interact positively with parents and other stakeholders in a child's education.
Contact with parents must be kept professional, free from arguments and physical contact. If a
teacher has an issue with a parent, another teacher or administrator must be present during all
meetings. Teachers also must avoid being unduly influenced by parents and other stakeholders
when it comes to students' grades or other school-related matters. As teachers of our learners and
as their second parents, we are concerned with the safety of our students but the ones who knows
our students best is their parents. In deciding for the betterment of our students we must
involved their parents in decision making about the care and education of their children. Who
else would know more about your students other than their parents? Second, establish open,
honest and respectful relationships with the parents. Being able to establish this kind relationship
with the parents makes it easier for you to get to know more about your students. And one of the
things that we should consider is respecting their privacy. Not all of the time parents or students
can tell everything about their family. We must respect the privacy or solitude of their family.
Aside from those things we should also respect their rights to information about their children,
unless that is judged to be not in the best interests of the children. They have the right to know
about the status of their children in school. We teachers should inform them about their childrens
performance if their child is doing good or not. For them to be able to help their children in
developing and make room for improvement. Thus, if this kind of relationship is implemented in
school it will be a great help not just in the terms of the school but most importantly in the terms
of the students. The will have an environment in which they are comfortable learning and seeing
that parents and teachers have a harmonious relationship gives them positive vibe. Parents come
from diverse backgrounds with distinct needs and wants. Through proper training, teachers can
learn how to communicate with parents of various socio-economic and cultural backgrounds and
personalities. Teachers and parents must realize their circle of influence and attempt to manage
circumstances within this realm. Teachers and parents can learn how to deal or act with each


Teachers are vested by the public with trust and responsibility, together with an
expectation that they will help prepare students for life in society in the broadest sense. A teacher
is committed to giving back to our community. Being locally based and locally owned, teachers
play a major role in fostering community well-being. Teachers success is directly related to the
success of our communities. Supporting our local suppliers and businesses for products and
services is one way we support our community, volunteering our time and efforts is another. One
of our key initiatives going forward will be to support mental health education in our school
system at both the student and teacher level. Whether through scholarships for post-secondary
education, volunteering for adult literacy or childrens sports, we are all active in our
As teachers we are responsible for developing our students in order for them to be
prepared for the world. And producing professionals is one of the things that teachers do. One of
the things that we are obliged to do is actively support policies and programmes which promote
equality of opportunity for all. Supporting programs such as these things and being able to
expose it to our students is one way of making it more effective. Why? One thing is that youre
exposing the children to a more just and humane way of implementing policies. And you are
opening their young minds understand more about their community. Another thing is that
teachers should work collegially to develop schools and centres which model democratic ideals.
Being able to develop or help develop in your institution would help promote the school and
other facilities in which will help communities be renowned to other places. Another is being a
model of democratic ideals not just for the people outside of the institution but most importantly
for the students, being a figure that is impartial and just is something which a teacher should
have. Lastly, teach and model those positive values which are widely accepted in society and
encourage learners to apply them and critically appreciate their significance. Actually, you dont
need to teach moral values because students are already aware of that, instead be an example of
those positive values. And teachers should let the learners appreciate what is the relevance of
those moral values and let them apply it in their lives. Being an effective teacher is not just a
benefit for just the teacher, its also beneficial for the community. Having to have a teacher who
is able to help the students accomplish their needs is being able to help them to become a more
effective and efficient citizen, thus making the community a more developed and successful
constitution for the people.


In a school, teachers must collaborate with administrators, fellow teachers and other
employees in order to provide a safe and positive learning experience for students. A teacher
must follow the direction of administrators, even if rules or expectations seem unreasonable, in
order to avoid undermining an administrator's authority and to set a positive example for
students. When disagreements arise between teachers, they must handle the disagreements in
private and refrain from talking negatively about colleagues in front of students. In addition,
teachers must engage in appropriate relationships with colleagues, keeping personal feelings and
adult behaviours out of the school. Our faculty peers are usually aware of the departments
teaching mission and the intended learning outcomes of our programs. They teach the same
students and face the same challenges that we do. Many are themselves, experienced, effective
teachers. Therefore, they are likely to be competent observers of various aspects of our teaching.
One of the thing teachers should do, having to be able to interact with their co-workers is that
they should constantly talk about developing teaching approaches. In this way, they will have
opportunities to know the different kinds of approaches that can be used in the diversity of the
students. Second is that teachers should continuously observe each others performance, and
evaluate their own performances through these observations. By means of this they would be
able to point out their mistakes and the things that they need to develop in order for them to be an
effective and competent teacher. Teachers should together supply education materials. Supplying
each others education materials is practically a help to each teachers especially in terms of
money, it would really help them and they could invest in more important things that the students
needs to help their learning. Lastly, teachers should help each other with development of
teaching approaches. In terms like this, teachers would have better understanding of the
approaches and that it will help them to accomplish what the needs of their learners based on
how they execute the approaches.


Teachers share with the public a strong commitment to providing the best education
possible for children. Teachers are charged with the education of the youth. In order to perform
effectively, teachers must demonstrate a belief in the worth and dignity of each human being,
recognizing the supreme importance of the pursuit of truth, devotion to excellence, and the
nurture of democratic principles. In recognition of the magnitude of the responsibility inherent in
the teaching process and by virtue of the desire of the respect and confidence of their colleagues,
students, parents, and the community, teachers are to be guided in their conduct by their
commitment to their students and their profession.
As the public servants of the society we teacher have our obligations to our institution
and to our government. And teachers in the Education Teaching Service have a responsibility to
ensure that students gain the knowledge and skills they require to become effective learners and
ultimately effective and responsible citizens and understand and appreciate the values and
beliefs. The role of the school and teachers has always been vital in the all round personality
development of the students. In fact, a teacher is a role model influencing every facet of the
students growth and developing their innate potentials, in addition to being a motivator, guide
and friend. Besides, the teacher of today is also responsible to enable and empower the learner to
emerge as a competent youth, ready to take on the challenges of the rapidly changing world.
Hence, it is vital that the teacher continuously upgrades his/her knowledge and methodology in
order to enhance the quality of teaching. If the quality of teaching is good and the commitment of
teachers is high, the standard of the Institution is bound to rise. Our commitment to the
government is not just doing our job well and handing informations to learners. We also take
part in developing their skills in which they need in the real world and we develop their wellbeing not just in terms of the physicality but also the mental and emotional well-beings. And
letting the students be aware of the circumstance happening in their community is also a way for
the students to be good citizens, exposing the learners is a good idea. Attaining this kinds of
approaches in developing the minds of the students is way in which teachers can produce
professionals in which can serve the government and the community to build a better future not
just for that certain persons gaining but also for his community.

Sorsogon State College

Sorsogon City Campus
S.Y. 2014-2015

My Personal
Commitments as a
Professional Teacher
Submitted by:
Laarni J. Santiago
Submitted to:
Mrs. Lydia Doctor

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