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Did you know that after the cross, the first Christian was the Apostle Paul, and not the
Jewish apostles of Jesus?

1st letter to Timothy 1:16 says: “… that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering…”

Neither Moses, nor the minor Prophets, or the mayor Prophets were the first, but it was Paul
whom God manifested all of his longsuffering and all of his mercy. We know that God, through
the law, dealt with his people in many forms; but in two thousand years nobody had noticed that it
was Paul to whom the riches of his grace was shown (Colossians 1:27).

God’s “beloved” started with the Gentiles, since PAUL is always the first in everything. He was
the first to remove the rudiments (Hebrews 6:1). He revealed that baptism with water were of no
importance, because we have been baptized with the death of Christ. Besides Paul was not
called to baptize (1st letter to the Corinthians 1:17). But nowadays, religion requires their faithful
to be baptized.

Paul was the first to say that the devil no longer exists and that the empire of death was
destroyed (Hebrews 2:14). He was the first to say that sin was transmitted to mankind by one
man, Adam, and not Eve (Romans 5:12). He is the first to lay the foundation to build the church
(Matthew 16:8, 1st letter to the Corinthians 3:10).

Paul was the fist to say: “Imitate me…” (1st letter to the Corinthians 11:1), meaning do not
imitate Jesus of Nazareth because he had died. Besides, after the cross Paul was the first
Christian (Acts 11:25-26), not Jesus of Nazareth’s apostles. Clearly we understand that Paul was
the one that laid the foundation, not the apostles. What these apostles brought instead was
condemnation; therefore the only one that brought light and immortality through the gospel was

Paul was the first one to call us angels and spirits (angel and spirit is a synonym). He also called
us the “congregation of the spirits made perfect forever” That’s the reason the Man Christ Jesus,
the righteous judge today gives the crowns of justice to Paul (2nd letter to Timothy 4:8). If you
don’t understand Paul, do not waste your time. If you don’t understand his 14 epistles, then you
don’t know where the New Testament is.

Paul is the only one that shows us Christ court, where we would be “judged”; either in bodies
(alive) or out of bodies (without physical bodies).

We declare that your eyes have been enlightened and that you receive that with this knowledge
we reign in life, we are blessed and we proceed from triumph to triumph…

Dear brethren: Paul laid the foundation, and the Other: the Man Christ Jesus, Dr. Jose Luis de
Jesus, is the builder of the Church. Blessed!

God is on Earth. Investigate: www.cegenglish.com

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