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La qualit
dans tous ses tats
Quality gest into a state

QSE et
QSE and European

La marque NF
en campagne
NF Mark launches
publicity campaign

Equal opportunity
employer practices

clients en bref/ clients in brief/

Certificat environnemental pour DCNS

DCNS vient dtre certifi AFAQ
ISO 14001 pour lensemble de son
activit, depuis la conception jusqu
la maintenance des navires arms,
et pour lintgralit de ses centres.
Il aura fallu seulement dix-huit mois
au groupe pour se mettre en conformit avec la norme et dployer un
systme de management unique
tous ses sites. Une conscration
pour ce gant de lindustrie navale
europenne qui applique une
approche environnementale ds
la conception des navires. Attentif
aux impacts environnementaux dans
les villes o il est implant, DCNS
est galement soucieux de matriser
ses cots et de fournir ses clients
des solutions performantes respectant les milieux naturels. La difficult
du challenge rsidait dans lexhaustivit de la dmarche, qui concerne

toutes les activits []. Nous avons

russi lun de ces grands dfis dont
notre groupe a le secret : cest une
nouvelle preuve de notre capacit
nous mobiliser tous ensemble
autour dun objectif ambitieux et
tenir nos chances , a dclar
Bernard Planchais, directeur gnral
dlgu de DCNS dans un communiqu la presse.

Environmental certificate
for DCNS
DCNS has just been given AFAQ
ISO 14001 certification for its entire
activity, from the design to the
maintenance of armed ships, and
for all its centres. It took the group
eighteen months to come into line with
the standard and introduce a single
management system for all its sites.

Premiers titulaires pour le label Diversit

PSA Peugeot Citron,
Eau de Paris, BNP Paribas,
CNP Assurances, International
Language Organisation (ILO),
NEF Osmose, Randstad sont les
premires entreprises recevoir
le label Diversit, attribu par AFNOR
Certification. Lanc en septembre
2008, le label vise favoriser lgalit
des chances et prvenir les discriminations dans lentreprise afin de
promouvoir la diversit. Ainsi, pour
tre labelliss, les candidats doivent
rpondre aux cinq items dun cahier
des charges complet : tat des lieux
de la diversit dans lorganisme,
politique diversit (dfinition et mise
en uvre), communication interne
(sensibilisation, formation), prise
en compte de la diversit dans les

activits, valuation et axes damlioration de la dmarche. Aprs avis

de la commission, les entreprises
peuvent bnficier du label pendant
3 ans. En savoir plus : www.afnor.org

First holders of the Diversity

Label award
PSA Peugeot Citron, Eau de Paris,
BNP Paribas, CNP Assurances,
International Language Organisation
(ILO), NEF Osmose and Randstad
are the first companies to be awarded
the Diversity Label by AFNOR
Certification. Launched in September
2008, the label aims to favour
equal opportunities and prevent
discrimination in the company in order
to promote diversity. To receive the


A great reward for the European

naval industry giant, which applies
an environmental approach from the
ship design stage. DCNS keeps a close
eye on environmental impacts in the
towns in which it is established and is
also keen to control its costs and
provide its customers with effective
solutions that are respectful of natural
environments. The difficulty of the
challenge lay in the fact that the
approach was exhaustive, it covered
every activity [] Weve carried off
one of those great challenges in a way
that the group does so well. Proof
once again of our ability to work
together on an ambitious objective and
keep to our deadlines, said Bernard
Planchais, Deputy Managing Director
of DCNS, in a press release.

AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11

label, applicants have to respond

to five headings in a full set of
specifications: an inventory of diversity
in the organisation, diversity policy
(definition and implementation) internal
communication (awareness-raising,
training), consideration of diversity in
activities, evaluation of the diversity
approach and areas for improvement.
Following an opinion from the
committee, companies may benefit
from the label for 3 years. For further
information: www.afnor.org


rencontre/ a meeting

mars/march 2009

Groupe Bartin Recycling

Le dmantlement davions
lheure de lISO 14001
>>> Groupe Bartin Recycling, filiale de Veolia Propret, a cr Chteauroux la
premire plate-forme europenne de dmantlement davions. Une nouvelle activit
gre dsormais par la filiale Bartin Aero Recycling, et rcemment certifie ISO 14001
par AFNOR Certification.

Dismantling aircraft in the days of ISO 14001

>>>>>> Bartin Recycling Group, a subsidiary of Veolia Propret, has set up Europes first
aircraft dismantling platform in Chteauroux. A new activity, now managed by the Bartin Aero
Recycling subsidiary and recently ISO 14001 certified by AFNOR Certification.

Le march du dmantlement
davions est estim,
sur trois ans, environ 500
600 avions dans le monde.
Over three years, the market
for dismantling aircraft is
estimated at approximately
500 to 600 aircraft worldwide.

ISO 14001 et douze certifis

ISO 9001. Nous connaissions
le systme de management
environnemental pour lavoir
dj mis en uvre. Nous avons
largement puis dans les outils
en vigueur sur nos sites, comme
la gestion lectronique des
Jusque-l concentr sur la
documents, ou lanalyse envicollecte et le recyclage des
dchets ferreux et non ferreux, ronnementale. Mais nous avons
aussi d grer de nouveaux
le groupe Bartin Recycling
risques environnementaux. Par
sest lanc, en 2006, dans
exemple, notre activit princiune activit alors unique
pale vise la collecte et la valorien Europe : le dmantlement
davions. Demble sest pose sation de chutes neuves dindustrie. Dans le cas prsent,
la question dune valorisation
il nous fallait prendre en compte
environnementale pour cette
le dmantlement daronefs.
nouvelle activit soumise au
Un partenaire qui intervient en
contrle des installations
amont du processus de dmanclasses : nous souhaitions
accder au plus grand nombre tlement a galement t associ
notre dmarche de certificade clients possibles, dont
Enfin, nous avons appris
larme, pour qui la certification

notre dmarche enviISO 14001 reprsente une
ronnementale des activits
condition sine qua non ,
et des installations nouvelles ,
retrace Romain Chagnon,
dtaille Romain Chagnon.
directeur du systme dinformation et de management.
Une implantation
Dans un premier temps,
lentreprise a pu capitaliser
sur son exprience, puisquelle Ainsi, la premire plate-forme
possdait onze sites certifis
europenne de dmantlement

In 2006, having previously

concentrated on collecting and
recycling ferrous and non-ferrous
waste, the Bartin Recycling Group
started up an activity unique in
Europe at the time: dismantling
aircraft. The question immediately
arose of an environmental
evaluation for this new activity,
which is subject to controls as
a listed installation. We wanted
to reach as many customers as
possible, including the Army,
for whom ISO 14001 certification
is an essential condition,
said information system and
management director Romain
Chagnon. The company initially
capitalised on its experience,
as it had eleven sites certified
ISO 14001 and twelve certified
ISO 9001. We knew all about
the environmental management
system as we had already
introduced it. We made extensive
use of the systems in place on
our sites, such as electronic


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11




mars/march 2009


Groupe Bartin Recycling

Le dmantlement davions
lheure de lISO 14001
Dismantling aircraft in the days of ISO 14001

Activits :
- collecte de rebus neufs
ferreux et non ferreux
auprs de groupes
industriels, recyclage,
et revente aux aciristes,
- dmantlement davions
et recyclage des pices,
- organisation du
dmantlement davions.
Sige : Vierzon (Cher).
Sites de production :
25 en France, principalement situs en rgions
Ile-de-France, Centre
et Nord. Implantations
internationales en Europe
Effectif : 400 personnes.
Chiffre daffaires 2008 :
310 millions deuros.

- collecting new ferrous
and non-ferrous scrap
from industrial groups,
recycling and resale
to steel manufacturers,
- dismantling aircraft
and recycling the parts,
- organising the
dismantling of aircraft.
Head office: Vierzon
Production sites:
25 in France, mainly in
the Ile-de-France,
Centre and Nord regions.
International sites
in Central Europe.
Workforce: 400 people.
Sales for 2008:
310 million euros.

davions, installe sur le site de

laroport de Chteauroux-Dols,
a t pense en prenant en
compte lensemble des risques
environnementaux connus
des mtiers du recyclage, et
dote ds le dpart doutils
de contrle et de mesure dj
prouvs dans le groupe. Un
projet presque co-conu .
Nous avons dfini un cahier
des charges environnemental
bien en amont du projet, et
nous avons travaill main dans
la main avec le directeur des
oprations pour traduire nos
prconisations sur le terrain,
de faon tre rapidement
certifis tout en prenant en
compte les contraintes conomiques , note le directeur
du systme dinformation et
de management. Dix-huit mois
ont t ncessaires pour la
construction du site, et dix-huit
mois de fonctionnement ont
t mis profit pour valider
lanalyse environnementale et
tirer parti des premiers retours
dexprience. En novembre
2008, la filiale Bartin Aro
Recycling recevait le certificat
ISO 14001. Dsormais, lheure
est lamlioration du systme
et, dj, un nouveau dfi :
depuis dbut 2008, nous
sommes filiale de Veolia Propret
qui souhaite mettre en place
une certification QSE lchelle
du groupe. Le premier audit
de certification intgr est prvu
mi-2010 , annonce Romain


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11

Les risques environnementaux lis aux mtiers du recyclage

ont t intgrs ds la conception de la plate-forme.
The platform was designed to take into account all the
environmental risks.

document management
and environmental analysis.
But we also had to deal with
new environmental risks.
For example, our main activity
involves collecting and recovering
new industrial scrap. In this case,
we were involved in dismantling
aircraft. A partner with whom we
work upstream of the dismantling
process was included in our
certification approach. Finally,
we learned to adapt our
environmental approach to
new activities and installations,
explained Romain Chagnon.

with the operations director

to turn our recommendations
into reality in the field so that we
could be rapidly certified, though
we had to consider financial
constraints, said the information
system and management director.
It took eighteen months to build
the site and a further eighteen
months of operations were used
to validate the environmental
analysis and take advantage of
early feedback. In November
2008, the subsidiary Bartin Aro
Recycling was awarded the
ISO 14001certificate. The time
has now come to improve
the system, and already theres
An eco-designed facility
a new challenge: Since early
And so, the Europes first aircraft 2008 weve been a subsidiary
dismantling platform, on the
of Veolia Propret, which wants
Chteauroux-Dols airport site,
to introduce QSE certification
was designed to take into account across the group. The first
all the environmental risks known integrated certification audit is
to the recycling sector. From
planned for mid-2010 said
the outset it was equipped with
Romain Chagnon.
all the control and measurement
systems already tried and tested
in the group. An almost ecodesigned project. We worked
out a set of environmental
specifications well upstream of
the project, and worked closely

rencontre/ a meeting
Banque de France

Sadapter la concurrence
europenne avec une dmarche
Qualit, Scurit, Environnement
>>>>>>>> Larrive de leuro sest traduite pour la papeterie et limprimerie de
la Banque de France par une mise en concurrence progressive. Pour maintenir leur
position en Europe, les deux sites de fabrication auvergnats se sont lancs dans
une dmarche qualit, puis environnement et scurit. Une dmarche aujourdhui
totalement intgre.

Adapting to European competition with a Quality,

Safety, Environment system
>>>>> For the Banque de France paper and printing factories, the arrival of the Euro meant
gradually increasing exposure to competition. To maintain their position in Europe, the two
Auvergne production sites started out on a Quality approach, soon followed by Environment
and Safety. Today, the approach is totally integrated.

Le taux de rebut a t divis par

trois et la productivit sest accrue
de 30 40 % selon les machines.
The scrap rate was divided by
three and productivity went up by
30 to 40% depending on the

nouvelles, tant sur le plan

du produit fabriquer que sur
les conditions dexploitation,
notamment en termes de
qualit et de scurit. Le fait
dtre compar dautres
oprateurs europens nous
a oblig revoir lensemble de
Lorsque dans les annes 90
leuro sest profil, cette dcision nos pratiques , retrace Olivier
a sonn comme une rvolution Gallet, responsable qualit
systme. Les deux entits ICPE
au sein de la papeterie et de
(Installation classe pour la
limprimerie de la Banque de
protection de lenvironnement)
France. Les deux sites induset
soumises autorisation
triels, qui voluaient jusqualors
prfectorale, se lancent alors
dans une situation de quasi
monopole, se sont rorganiss dans une dmarche de certification. Tout est ensuite all trs
dans le contexte dune mise
vite : une certification ISO 9001
en concurrence progressive
obtenue en onze mois en 1999,
des fabricants des billets
et une dmarche environneeuropens. Il a fallu adapter
nos fabrications aux exigences mentale mene bien en vingtquatre mois sur les deux sites
dun donneur dordre, la
en 2001. Les rsultats ne se
Banque Centrale Europenne,
qui apportait des contraintes
sont pas fait attendre. Le taux

In the 1990s, with the Euro on

the horizon, the decision was
something of a revolution in the
Banque de France paper and
printing factories. The two
manufacturing sites, which had
enjoyed a virtual monopoly up
until then, were reorganised
against a background of gradually
increasing competition from
European banknote manufacturers.
We had to adapt our production
to the requirements of a
contractor, the European Central
Bank, which was introducing
new constraints in terms of
the product to be manufactured
and the operating conditions,


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11




mars/march 2009


Banque de France

Sadapter la concurrence europenne

avec une dmarche QSE
Constructing a coherent, ambitious QSE system



de rebut a t divis par trois et damliorer la qualit des rejets

dans la rivire Allier, proche
la productivit sest accrue de
30 40 % selon les machines. de la papeterie. limprimerie,
les systmes de nettoyage des
Trois dmarches
plaques dimpression utilisant
des solvants ont t revus ou
remplacs, et lensemble des
En matire environnementale,
rejets a t plac sous contrle
laccent ayant dj t mis sur et mesur. Restait structurer
le respect de la rglementation, le dernier volet du triptyque :
priorit a t donne au tri
le management de la scurit
et la valorisation des dchets. et de la sant au travail.
Lincinrateur de dchets
La dmarche OHSAS est alors
papiers de la papeterie a ainsi
entre en scne en 2007, et
cd la place un dilacrateur en fin danne dernire, impri(dchiqueteur). Un travail la
merie et papeterie se sont vues
source et des collaborations
dcerner un certificat QSE.
renforces avec les parties int- Les trois systmes sont
resses (DRIRE, associations
dsormais totalement intgrs
de pcheurs) ont permis
et dploys grce des animateurs qui, au sein de chaque
atelier ou bureau, sont les relais
des services QSE pour faire
vivre le systme damlioration
Activity: manufacturing paper
continue. Les certifications
and printing banknotes for
constituent des dmarches
Europe, Overseas Departments
structurantes pour notre orgaand twenty foreign countries,
nisation. Elles ont permis
mainly in Africa. In 2009,
de changer profondment la
the Banque de France will
culture de lentreprise et de
deliver 2.7 billion banknotes,
poser les bases dune dmarche
including 2.2 billion Euro notes.
de dveloppement durable ,
Location: the printing works
is in Chamalires, just
souligne Olivier Gallet.

Activits : fabrication
du papier et impression
de billets de banque
pour lEurope, lOutre-mer
et une vingtaine de pays
trangers, en Afrique
principalement. En 2009,
la Banque de France
livrera 2,7milliards de
billets, dont 2,2 milliards
de billets euros.
Localisation : installe
Chamalires, limprimerie
est distante d peine
500 mtres du centre-ville
de Clermont-Ferrand,
alors que la papeterie,
situe Vic-le-Comte,
une vingtaine de kilomtres de limprimerie,
est installe en bordure
de la rivire Allier.
Effectif : environ 1 000
personnes pour lensemble
des deux sites.
March : une douzaine
dimprimeurs europens
publics et privs interviennent sur le march
de la fabrication des
billets euros ; la Banque
de France assure 20 %
de la production totale.

500 metres from the centre of

Clermont-Ferrand, while the
paper works is in Vic-le-Comte,
twenty kilometres from the
printing works, on the banks of
the River Allier.
Workforce: approximately
1,000 people on the two sites.
Market: a dozen European printers,
public and private, are involved
in the Euro banknote production
market; the Banque de France is
responsible for 20% of total


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11

particularly those linked to
quality and safety. The fact of
being compared with other
European operators forced us to
review all our practices, said
Quality System Manager Olivier
Gallet. The two ICPE (Listed
environmental protection facility)
entities, subject to prefectoral
authorisation, therefore started
out on a certification approach.
Things then moved very fast:
ISO 9001 certification obtained
in eleven months in 1999,
and an Environmental approach
completed on both sites in
twenty-four months in 2001. The
results were soon clearly visible.

The scrap rate was divided by

three and productivity went up
by 30 to 40% depending on the

Three structuring approaches

With regard to Environmental
issues, as the emphasis had
already placed on compliance
with the regulations, priority
was given to waste sorting and
recovery. The paper waste
incinerator at the paper works
thus gave way to a shredderpulper. Work at the source
and reinforced collaboration
with the parties involved (DRIRE,
fishing associations, etc.) led to
improvements in the quality of
discharges into the River Allier
near the paper works. At the
printing works, the printing plate
cleaning systems that used
solvents were reviewed or
replaced, and all discharges
were placed under control and
measured. All that remained was
to structure the last part of the
triptych: the management of
Health and Safety at work. The
OHSAS approach thus came
on the scene in 2007 and, at the
end of last year, both the printing
works and the paper works
were awarded a QSE certificate.
The three systems are now
totally integrated and deployed
via coordinators who work in
each workshop and office to
represent the QSE departments
and give life to the continuing
improvement system. These
certifications have given a
structure to our organisation.
They have helped us make major
changes to the company culture
and have set the foundations
for a sustainable development
approach, said Olivier Gallet.

rencontre/ a meeting



La scurit alimentaire
nest pas ngociable !
En capitalisant sur les apports de lISO 9001,
du rfrentiel interne de la maison mre Nestl
et de lISO 22000, Davigel se place souvent
au-del des exigences rglementaires en scurit
Chez Davigel, qualit et scurit des produits
ne se discutent pas. Ce nest pas ngociable et
notre engagement nous conduit tre parfois plus
exigeant que la rglementation , affirme Gatan
Blin, directeur qualit du fabricant et distributeur
de produits alimentaires pour les professionnels de
la restauration. Afin de remplir cet objectif, Davigel
sest appuy sur la norme ISO 9001 ds 1993.
La norme a permis dunifier nos mthodes de
travail dans les usines et le rseau de distribution,
en dployant les meilleures pratiques pour, entre
autres, garantir scurit et traabilit , commente
Gatan Blin. Des pratiques renforces au fil du temps
par des indicateurs de performance, des outils de
contrle, ladoption de la version 2000 de lISO 9001,
et surtout, par lapport du rfrentiel NQMS (Nestl
Quality Management System) de Nestl, qui a rachet
Davigel en 1988. Sur la forme, le NQMS est un
outil organisationnel cal sur lISO 9001. Sur le fond,
il rpertorie toutes les exigences du groupe, et en
particulier celles visant la scurit alimentaire ,
rsume le directeur qualit.

Des outils de management et de veille sanitaire

Outre le dploiement de processus communs
lensemble du groupe Nestl garantissant la scurit
alimentaire, la filiale sest galement dote doutils
de management et de veille sanitaire. Par exemple,
un comit regroupant les quipes de direction est
comptable des pratiques en matire de scurit.
Ce comit anticipe et analyse les modifications
pouvant avoir un impact sur la scurit alimentaire,
que ce soit sur les mthodes de travail ou sur les
process mis en uvre, afin de sassurer que les
changements sont conformes aux exigences des
normes, celles imposes par Nestl, et sans danger
pour les consommateurs , fait valoir Gatan Blin.
Le NQMS sert galement de base aux auditeurs de
Davigel qui, chaque anne, procdent quelque 170
audits chez les fournisseurs du groupe. Des avances
et un niveau dexigence qui ont incit Davigel,
en octobre 2008, sengager dans la certification
ISO 22000 des sites de fabrication et du rseau de
distribution. Deux usines ont dj obtenu le certificat,
et deux autres devraient suivre au cours du premier
semestre 2009.

Food safety is non-negotiable!

In capitalising on the contribution made by
ISO 9001, the frame of reference used by
the mother company Nestl, and by ISO 22000,
Davigel is often placed well beyond the
requirements of the food safety regulations.
Theres no discussion about product quality and safety
at Davigel. Its non-negotiable and our commitment
often makes us more demanding than the regulations,
said Gatan Blin, Quality Director of the manufacturer
and distributor of food products for the catering trade.
To meet this objective, Davigel has used the ISO 9001
standard since 1993. The standard has helped us
unify our working methods in the factories and the
distribution network and deploy the best practices in
order to guarantee safety and traceability, commented
Gatan Blin. Over time, these practices have been
reinforced by performance indicators, control systems,
the adoption of ISO 9001:2000 and, above all, by the
introduction of the NQMS (Nestl Quality Management
System) frame of reference by Nestl, which bought
Davigel in 1988. In terms of form, the NQMS is an
organisational tool based on ISO 9001. In substance,
it lists all group requirements, especially those relating
to food safety, said the Quality Director.

Ds 1993, Davigel sappuie sur lISO 9001

pour dployer les meilleures pratiques et
garantir scurit et traabilit.
Davigel has used the ISO 9001 standard
since 1993 and has deployed the best
practices in order to guarantee safety and

Filiale de Nestl depuis 1988, Davigel
produit et distribue des produits
alimentaires surgels, des glaces et
produits rfrigrs pour la restauration
hors foyer (RHF).
Implantations : sige Dieppe,
quatre usines de production, 24 agences
de distribution en France, permettant
de servir 66 000 clients.
Effectif : 2 800 personnes, dont 755
sur les sites industriels.
Chiffre daffaires 2007 : 674 millions

Management and health monitoring tools


In addition to deploying processes common to

the entire Nestl Group to guarantee food safety,
the subsidiary has also introduced management and
health monitoring tools. For example, a committee
of management teams is responsible for safety
practices. The committee anticipates and analyses
changes in working methods or processes that may
have an impact on food safety to ensure that these
changes comply with the requirements of the standards
and with those imposed by Nestl, and that they are
not dangerous to consumers, explained Gatan Blin.
The NQMS also acts as a base for Davigels auditors
who carry out some 170 audits of group suppliers
every year. In October 2008, these advances and
levels of requirement encouraged Davigel to seek
ISO 22000 certification for its manufacturing sites
and distribution network. Two factories have already
obtained the certificate and two others should follow
suit during the first half of 2009.

A subsidiary of Nestl since 1988, Davigel

produces and distributes frozen food
products, ice creams and refrigerated
products for non-domestic catering.
Locations: head office in Dieppe,
four production sites, 24 distribution
branches in France, serving 66,000
Workforce: 2,800 people, including
755 on the manufacturing sites.
Sales in 2007: 674 million euros.

AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11



mars/march 2009

Bilan encourageant pour

NFMaison individuelle
La marque NF Maison individuelle et son option dmarche HQE simposent
progressivement comme lun des repres qualit les plus fiables en construction individuelle.

En 2008, un grand nombre de

constructeurs et de particuliers ont
fait le choix de la marque NF
Maison individuelle, gage dun suivi
et dun encadrement rigoureux.
Cequami prvoit un dveloppement
de la certification en 2009, avec
une gnralisation de loption HQE
lensemble des constructeurs NF.
Pour ces derniers, lintrt est
danticiper la rglementation
de 2012, en proposant une offre
de maison BBC-Effinergie (btiment
basse consommation).

An encouraging result
for NF Maison individuelle
(=Single Homes)
The NF Maison individuelle
and its HEQ* approach option are
gradually making their mark as one
of the most reliable quality pointers
in single-home construction.
In 2008, a large number of builders
and private individuals chose the
NF Maison individuelle label as a sign
of rigorous monitoring and supervision.
Cequami is planning a development of
the certification in 2009, with the HEQ
option being used by all NF builders.
This is in the builders interests as it
anticipates the 2012 regulations by
proposing a BBC-Effinergie (BBC=
low-consumption building) home offer.

et perspectives
pour NFBtiments tertiaires !
Aprs un peu plus de 3 ans dexistence, la certification NF Btiments
tertiaires - dmarche HQE connat un succs grandissant.

En effet, elle poursuit un dveloppement significatif avec lextension

de nouveaux champs de la
construction, comme la sant,
le commerce, et dernirement
la logistique et lhtellerie.
En juin, la marque devrait souvrir
lexploitation des btiments
existants. Ce sont de vritables
outils qui se dveloppent pour
sadapter aux enjeux environnementaux et nergtiques dans
la construction et lexploitation.

and prospects for NF Btiments

tertiaires (=Service Sector Buildings)!
After a little over 3 years existence,
NF Btiments tertiaires - HEQ*
approach certification is enjoying
increasing success.
A significant development has been
seen with its extension to new
areas of construction, such as health,
commerce and, recently, logistics
and hotels. Next June, the label should
be opened up to the operation of existing
buildings. These are real tools and are
developing to adapt to environmental
and energy challenges in the building
construction and operation sectors.
* High Environmental Quality.


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11

Turquie :
une premire ligne
de mtro certifie
NF Service
La ligne de mtro n 2
dIstanbul qui transporte plus
de 200 millions de voyageurs
par an et dessert six stations
vient dtre certifie NF Service
Service de transport urbain
de voyageurs par AFNOR
Certification. Les caractristiques
certifies portent sur laccueil,
le confort, la disponibilit
des quipements, linformation
des voyageurs, la nettet et
la propret des installations
et des modules de transport,
la rgularit et la ponctualit
ainsi que la scurit et le contrle.
Pour mener bien son projet
de certification, lentreprise
gestionnaire de la ligne de mtro
turque Istanbul-Ulasim na pas
hsit signer un contrat de
collaboration avec son
homologue belge, la STIB
(transports publics de Bruxelles),
elle-mme certifie NF Service.

Turkey: a first
Underground line
Istanbuls Underground line no. 2,
which carries over 200 million
passengers a year and serves
six stations, has just been awarded
NF Service Service de transport
urbain de de voyageurs (=Urban
passenger transport service) by
AFNOR Certification. Certified
features include reception, comfort,
availability of facilities, passenger
information, cleanliness and tidiness
of installations and transport
modules, regularity, punctuality,
safety and inspection. To bring the
certification project to a successful
conclusion, the company managing
the Turkish Underground line,
Istanbul-Ulasim, decided to sign
a collaboration contract with its
Belgian equivalent, STIB (Brussels
public transport), which also has
NF Service certification.

Lactualit de la marque NF/ news from the

NF mark/

La marque NF fait campagne

AFNOR Certification a lanc une campagne de communication
autour de la marque NF dans la presse crite grand public et
La signature NF, le monde
est plus sr est apparue dans
plusieurs titres phares :
Paris Match, lExpress, le Point,
lExpansion, lUsine Nouvelle et
lEntreprise. Lobjectif ? Sensibiliser
tous les acteurs socio-conomiques la qualit et la fiabilit
garanties par les produits ou services marqus NF. La campagne,
qui a dbut le 15 janvier et
sest acheve le 5 fvrier dernier,
tourne autour de 5 accroches,
en lien avec lactualit, imagines
par lagence Boxinc.
Signe de reconnaissance,
la marque NF [NDLR : entendre NF,
NF Environnement et NF Service]
est le fruit dune dmarche volontaire de professionnels dcids
prendre de rels engagements
vis--vis de leurs clients.
En sappuyant sur des normes
franaises et internationales,
elle offre une garantie de la qualit
et de la scurit des produits et
des services. La marque NF
fait partie de la vie des franais
depuis 60 ans ; cette campagne
de publicit met en exergue le rle
fondamental quelle joue dans
notre quotidien priv comme
En savoir plus :

The NF label opens its

AFNOR Certification has launched
a communication campaign
concerning the NF label in the
general and financial press.
The caption The worlds a safer
place with the NF label has
appeared in a number of flagship
titles: Paris Match, lExpress,
le Point, lExpansion, lUsine
Nouvelle and lEntreprise.
The aim is to raise awareness
amongst socio-economic leaders of
the quality and reliability guaranteed
by NF label products and services.
The campaign began on 15 January
and ended on 5 February and is
based on 5 slogans linked to topical
issues and invented by the Boxinc
A sign of recognition, the NF label
[Editors note: by this we mean NF,
NF Environment and NF Service] is
the result of a pro-active approach
by professionals determined to take
on real commitments vis--vis their
customers. The label is based on
French and international standards
and guarantees the quality and
safety of the products and services.
The NF label has been part of French
life for 60 years: this advertising
campaign highlights the fundamental
role that it plays in our daily private
and working lives.

Find out more:


titulaires pour
la marque
NF Escaliers
en bton
Le 3 fvrier dernier, douze
premires usines ont reu du Cerib
(Centre dtudes et de recherches
de lindustrie du bton) le certificat
NF Escaliers en bton.
Les titulaires se dnomment
Chazey Bons Prefa, LG Bton,
Normandie Bton, Prfa 26,
PBM 67, Prefall, EB2, Morin
Systme Architechtonique, PBM
Industrie, Prefa 31, Prefa 68,
Socarel (PBM 13). Ils couvrent
85 % de la production franaise
et sont rpartis sur tout le
territoire national. Alors que le
marquage CE est obligatoire
depuis le 1er janvier 2009,
la marque NF Escaliers en bton
certifie la conformit des produits
aux exigences de la norme
NF EN 14843 et aux exigences
complmentaires du rfrentiel
de certification NF 417.
Elle complte les exigences
de la rglementation,
notamment pour laccessibilit
des personnes. Deux familles
de produits sont concernes :
les escaliers monoblocs et les
marches individuelles.


First companies to be
awarded the NF Escaliers
en bton (=Concrete
staircases) label
On 3 February, the first twelve factories
received the NF Escaliers en bton
certificate from CERIB (Concrete industry
studies and research centre).
The holders are Chazey Bons
Prefa, LG Bton, Normandie Bton,
Prfa 26, PBM 67, Prefall, EB2,
Morin Systme Architechtonique,
PBM Industrie, Prefa 31, Prefa 68
and Socarel (PBM 13). They cover
85% of French production and
are spread across the country.
Although EC marking has been
compulsory since 1st January 2009,
the NF Escaliers en bton label
certifies that the products comply
with the requirements of the NF
EN 14843 standard and the
extra requirements of the NF 417
certification frame of reference.
It supplements the requirements
of the regulations, particularly with
regard to individual accessibility.
Two product families are concerned:
one-piece staircases and individual

en bref/ in brief/
Lagglomration de Montpellier certifie NF Service
Services funraires, organisation dobsques
Elle est la premire rgie de service public obtenir ce certificat
et rejoint les 8 entreprises dj titulaires de cette marque NF.

The Montpellier conurbation awarded NF Service Services

funraires, organisation dobsques (=Funeral services,
organisation of funerals certification)
It is the first public authority to obtain the certificate and joins
the 8 companies that already hold this NF label.

AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11 action&performance07


clients en bref/ clients in brief/

mars/march 2009

Thales Alenia Space allie management

de la qualit et rfrentiels mtiers
Acteur majeur dans le
domaine spatial et leader
europen des solutions
par satellites, Thales Alenia
Space vient dtre valu
officiellement CMMi niveau 3
(Modles Dveloppement
et Acquisition) pour lensemble
de ses activits au travers
dun systme de management
intgr ISO 9001, EN 9100,
AQAP 2110 et ISO 14001.
Mene par AFNOR Certification, lvaluation de porte
mondiale distingue les performances et la maturit
des processus partags par
7 200 salaris travers la
France, lItalie, la Belgique

et lEspagne (11 sites).

Combiner management
de la qualit et rfrentiels
mtiers traduit la volont
de Thales Alenia Space de
toujours samliorer pour
satisfaire ses clients (lire aussi
page 23).

Thales Alenia Space

combines quality
management and
business frames of
Thales Alenia Space,
a major player in the space
sector and European leader
for satellite solutions, has just

13 auditeurs internes
Le 4 dcembre dernier
Besanon, Vincent Gillet,
secrtaire gnral adjoint
du groupe AFNOR, a dlivr
la certification AFAQ COMPETENCES auditeur interne
treize laurats.
La promotion Besanon
est linitiative des membres
du club dauditeurs du
Mouvement franais pour
la qualit de Franche-Comt
(MFQFC) dont lobjectif est
de rapprocher des auditeurs
venant dhorizons diffrents.

Les comptences valides

par la certification portent
sur laptitude de la personne
conduire un audit interne,
depuis la prparation jusqu
sa ralisation. AFNOR Certification compte 146 auditeurs
internes certifis, dont 125
en qualit et 21 en environnement.

13 internal auditors
AFAQ SKILLS certified
On 4 December, in Besanon,
Vincent Gillet, assistant general


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11

been officially evaluated for

CMMi level 3 (Development
and Acquisition Models)
for all its activities through an
integrated ISO 9001, EN 9100,
AQAP 2110 and ISO 14001
management system.
The worldwide evaluation was
led by AFNOR Certification
and pointed up the performance
and maturity of the processes
shared by 7,200 employees
across France, Italy, Belgium
and Spain (11 sites).
This combination of quality
management and business
frames of reference illustrates
Thales Alenia Spaces
determination to continuously
improve in order to satisfy its
customers (read page 23).

secretary of the AFNOR Group,

issued AFAQ SKILLS internal
auditor certification to thirteen
award winners.
The Besanon group was
organised on the initiative
of the members of the French
Movement for Quality in
Franche-Comt (MFQFC)
auditors club, which aims
to bring together auditors from
different horizons. The skills
validated by the certification
are centred on the individuals
ability to run an internal audit,
from the preparation phase to
carrying out the audit. AFNOR
Certification has 146 certified
internal auditors: 125 for quality
and 21 for environment.

Un premier
certifi Ecolabel europen
graphique et
papier copier
International Paper est
la premire usine franaise a
obtenir lEco-label europen
Papier graphique et papier
copier pour son papier
Rey eco-nature. Fabriqu en
Haute-Vienne, depuis lusine
de Saillat, Rey eco-nature
est conu sans adjonction
dagents de blanchiment
ce qui lui confre une teinte
ivoire. 85 % des besoins
en nergie sont couverts
par la production sur site
dnergie verte (biomasse),
et le bois utilis provient de
forts situes dans un rayon
de 150 km autour de lusine,
rduisant ainsi lempreinte
carbone due au transport !

A first European
Graphics paper
and copy paper
Eco-label certification
International Paper is the first
French factory to obtain the
European Graphics paper and
copy paper Eco-label for its
Rey eco-nature paper. Made
in the Saillat factory in HauteVienne, Rey eco-nature is
designed without the addition
of bleaching agents hence
its ivory colour. 85% of energy
needs are covered by the onsite production of green energy
(biomass), and the wood used
comes from forests located
within a radius of 150 km
around the factory, thus
reducing the carbon footprint
due to transport!


dossier/ special

mars/march 2009


La Qualit en 2009 :

lheure de la relance ?
Quality in 2009: a time for revival?

AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11



mars/march 2009


La Qualit en 2009 :
lheure de la relance ?
>>>>>>>>> Il y a 20 ans, AFAQ dlivrait son premier certificat ISO 9001. Deux
dcennies plus tard, alors que le monde de lentreprise a profondment chang, les
dmarches qualit en France marquent le pas. lheure de la crise, leur relance en
tant que facteurs cl de performance est pourtant imprative. AFNOR Certification
se mobilise autour de cet objectif central.

Quality in 2009: a time for revival?

>>>>>>> Twenty years ago, AFAQ issued its first ISO 9001 certificate. Two decades later,
the business world has deeply changed and quality approaches in France are losing steam.
In a time of crisis, reviving them as performance key-factors is imperative. AFNOR Certification
focuses on this crucial goal.

de lamlioration continue.
Noublions pas enfin, que pour
certains marchs, le certificat
constitue un passage oblig
pour accder aux contrats.

Crise de qualit
Pourtant, depuis quelques
annes, le thme de la qualit
La norme ISO 9001, au fil
semble avoir perdu de son
de rvisions successives,
acuit en France. Lenqute
na pas pris une ride , affirme
annuelle de lISO (Organisation
Florence Maux, directrice
internationale de normalisation)
gnrale dAFNOR Certification. met en vidence un net ralenPour elle, la pertinence de
tissement de la certification
ce rfrentiel fondateur reste
ISO 9001 dans lHexagone,
vidente, tout comme la certiquand celle-ci progresse
fication. Ses bnfices
fortement au niveau mondial.
sont multiples : la certification
La France narrive quen
dmontre aux clients que
neuvime position en nombre
lorganisation est oriente vers de certificats, derrire la Chine,
leur satisfaction, une tape vers premier mondial, mais aussi
la diffrenciation particulirement trs loin de sa voisine italienne,
pertinente en temps de crise.
qui en compte 5 fois plus ou
Par ailleurs, la certification
de lEspagne, 3 fois plus !
valorise les collaborateurs.
Selon Stphane Mathieu,
En outre, elle maintient lentre- dlgu rgional du groupe
prise niveau grce au cycle
AFNOR pour le Sud-Ouest,



AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11

The ISO 9001 standard, in the

course of successive revisions,
hasnt aged a day, states
Florence Maux, executive
manager of AFNOR Certification.
In her opinion, the relevance
of this fundamental referential
remains obvious, as well as
certification. It has numerous
beneficial effects: certification
proves to customers that the
organisation is oriented towards
their satisfaction, which is a very
valid step towards differentiation
in a time of crisis. Further more,
certification promotes the staff.
In addition, it maintains the
companys level thanks to
continual improvement. Finally,
one should not forget that in
order to obtain contracts,
a certificate can be mandatory.

Quality crisis
Yet, for the past few years, the
topic of quality seems to have
lost its acuity in France. The last
annual ISO Survey (International
Standard Organisation) shows
a distinct slowing down of
certification in the country, while


dossier/ special

bon nombre dentreprises
mettent des doutes autour de
la valeur ajoute des dmarches
qualit et de leur certification.
Il faut donc dmontrer que la
qualit est un rel facteur de
comptitivit pour lui redonner
ses lettres de noblesse. Il en
veut pour preuve les rsultats
dtudes, dont lune ralise
en 2005*, qui met en vidence
que les entreprises certifies
sont plus productives et obtiennent de meilleurs rsultats en
terme de commercialisation.

Les entreprises certifies sont plus productives et obtiennent

de meilleurs rsultats en terme de commercialisation.
Certified companies are more productive and gain better
results in terms of marketing.


Des galons acquis

il y a plus de 20 ans
Lors de son lancement en
1987, lISO 9001 matrialise
laspiration des normes gnriques de management par la
qualit en vue dune application
mondiale. Le succs est quasiimmdiat puis se confirme au
fil des rvisions, en 1994 puis
en 2000, qui ouvrent lISO 9001
au monde des services puis
ladministration. La plus rcente
des versions a t publie en
novembre dernier : un amendement qui renoue avec la
qualit produit et insiste sur la
cohrence avec les autres
grands systmes de management tels que lenvironnement
et la scurit. Paralllement,
le rle de lauditeur a lui aussi
volu. Entre 1987 et 2000,
on est pass de lauditeur
contrleur lauditeur
management . Lauditeur
daujourdhui est devenu un
partenaire qui se focalise
sur la relle intgration du
systme dans lentreprise et
la valeur ajoute en termes de
performance , explique Patrick
Renaud, expert ISO 9001 et
responsable de la dlgation
Limousin Poitou-Charentes
du groupe AFNOR.


it makes progress worldwide.

France only stands in ninth
position, behind China, wich
stands first, but also far behind
its Italian neighbour, who totalizes
5 times the French number of
certificates or Spain, three times
as much. According to Stphane
Mathieu, regional delegate for
AFNOR group in the South-West,
a good many companies express
doubts concerning the added
value of quality approaches
and their certification. It is now
important to prove that quality
is a true competitivity factor
in order to restore its previous
prestige. And indeed, several
studies, one of which was carried
out in 2005*, underline that
certified companies are more
productive and gain better
results in terms of marketing.

A prestige acquired 20 years ago

At the time of its launching in
1987, ISO 9001 materialised a
general aspiration for generic
standards of quality management
with an eye to a worldwide
implementation. The instant
success was confirmed in the
course of various revisions, in
1994 which introduced ISO 9001
to the world of services, and
then in 2000 to civil services.
The latest version was published
last November: this amendment

goes back to product quality and

emphasises the consistency with
the other major management
systems, such as environment
and security. In parallel, the role
of the auditor itself has evolved.
Between 1987 and 2000, the
control auditor has developed
into a management auditor.
Todays auditor has become a
partner who focuses on the
true integration of the system
in the companys organisation
and its added value in terms of
performance, explains Patrick
Renaud, ISO 9001 expert and
responsible for AFNOR groups
delegation in Limousin PoitouCharentes.

Promoting voluntary approaches

Still, these evolutions havent
always convinced organisations
that are called upon their short
term financial competitivity
as much as on their economic,
social and ethic performance on
the long term. Reasons for this
are numerous. The support to
quality given by authorities in


Colloque auditeurs
2009, la qualit
dans tous ses tats
La publication de lISO 9001:2008
a t pour le groupe AFNOR loccasion
de procder une analyse de fond
sur la certification, analyse dont
les rsultats ont t dlivrs en janvier,
lors du Colloque auditeurs annuel.
Nous voulions revenir sur le bon
positionnement de cette norme, socle
indispensable toute organisation ,
explique Gilles Gueugnot, responsable
du dpartement gestion expertise et
comptences extrieures. Loccasion,
face aux 600 participants runis
Paris, de dmentir bon nombre dides
reues sur le management de la qualit
( coteux, mauvais pour linnovation,
sans retour sur investissement )
et dexposer au contraire toutes les
retombes positives recueillies ces
dernires annes. titre dexemple,
70 % des entreprises distingues lors
des Trophes INPI (Institut national de
la proprit industrielle) sont certifies
ISO 9001. De mme, dans le cas dune
transmission de TPE/PME, la certification permet de rassurer le repreneur sur
le fonctionnement de lentreprise et de
partir sur des bases solides. Par ailleurs,
une tude de 2005 dmontre que les
entreprises certifies obtiennent de
meilleurs rendements. Nos auditeurs
sont rsolument tourns vers lavenir.
Ces lments ne peuvent que les
conforter , conclut Gilles Gueugnot.

AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11



mars/march 2009


La Qualit en 2009 :
lheure de la relance ?
Quality in 2009: a time for revival?




explique Stphane Mathieu.

Florence Maux renchrit :
la raison dtre de lentreprise
est de produire une qualit
qui va satisfaire ses clients.
La qualit doit donc ce titre
tre compltement lie et intgre la vie de lentreprise.

20 ans de
30 juin 1988 : Cration de
lAFAQ - association franaise
pour lassurance de la qualit.
1989 : Premier certificat
ISO 9000.
1990 : 100 e certificat
ISO 9000.
1993 : 1 000 e certificat
ISO 9000.
1996 : 2 000 e certificat
ISO 9000.
AFAQ accrdite par le
COFRAC pour la certification
de systme de management
de la qualit.
1998 : AFAQ a 10 ans et
10 000 certificats. Jacques
Chirac envoie un mot de
flicitations : Reconnue par
les clients les plus exigeants
dans plus de 40 pays, lAFAQ
dlivre son 10 000 e certificat
une entreprise de services
prestigieuses, France Tlcom
qui fait confiance de longue
date ses fournisseurs par
votre association [] .
2000 : 15 dcembre, sortie
de la norme ISO 9001:2000
et premiers certifis.
2003 : Nouvelle tendance,
plus de la moiti des
certificats ISO 9001 mis
2008 : 15 novembre, sortie
de la norme ISO 9001:2008
et premiers certifis.
2009 : Anniversaire, 20 ans
de certification AFAQ ISO 9001.

La certification, une tape vers la
diffrenciation particulirement pertinente
en temps de crise. Florence Maux
Certification, is a very valid step towards
differentiation in a time of crisis.
Florence Maux

Favoriser les dmarches
Mais ces volutions nont
pas toujours convaincu des
organisations sollicites tant
sur leur comptitivit financire
court terme, que sur leurs
performances conomique,
environnementale, socitale
et thique plus long terme.
Les raisons en sont multiples.
Le soutien apport la qualit
par les pouvoirs publics, fort
dans les annes 80 et 90, sest
tari , dplore dabord Florence
Maux. Un autre facteur
dexplication rside dans les
motivations qui poussent une
entreprise se lancer dans
une dmarche qualit. En effet,
les organisations qui engagent
des dmarches sous la
contrainte ont tendance
juxtaposer le systme qualit
au management rel. La qualit
y est applique de faon minimaliste. Ds lors, elle napporte
pas les bnfices attendus
qui sont ceux de lamlioration
des performances et dun projet
dentreprise mobilisateur ,


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11

Or il y a bien aujourdhui
urgence se rapproprier la
qualit. Car, rappelle Florence
Maux, au moment o la
croissance mondiale ralentit,
la qualit est un des moyens
essentiels pour que les entreprises franaises rsistent.
Les socits nationales prennent
des risques se dtourner de
la certification alors que leurs
concurrents trangers progressent ce niveau. Leurs rivaux
asiatiques, qui leur ont pris des
marchs en produisant bas
cot, continueront demain en
voluant vers la qualit dans
tous les sens du terme.
Dans cette optique, le groupe
AFNOR multiplie les initiatives
depuis un an. En attirant
lattention des pouvoirs publics
sur le sujet dabord, par lintermdiaire dactions auprs de
ltat et des collectivits locales.
En mobilisant les acteurs du
dveloppement conomique
ensuite, travers une srie de
runions-dbats autour du
thme La qualit, facteur de
comptitivit : quelle ralit en
Aquitaine en Poitou-Charentes
en Ile-de-France ? .
Loccasion dinterpeller les
acteurs qui gravitent autour
de lentreprise et qui ont une
responsabilit en terme de
prescription et de promotion
de la qualit , prcise Stphane
Mathieu. Trois priorits ont
merg de ces runions :
revenir aux fondamentaux de
la qualit, adapter le langage


the 80s and the 90s has since

then dried up, deplores Florence
Maux. Another explaining factor
can be found in the very motives
of a company for initiating
a quality approach. Indeed,
organisations which engage
approaches in answer to outside
pressure tend to juxtapose their
quality management system next
to their real management. They
apply quality in a minimalist way.
Thus, quality doesnt supply
the expected benefits such as
performances improvement
and a rallying company project,
explains Stphane Mathieu.
Florence Maux adds
a companys essential purpose
is to produce a quality able to
satisfy its customers. In this
regard, quality must be
completely linked and included
in the life of the company.

Indeed, reclaiming Quality
again is a matter of urgency.
For, reminds Florence Maux,
at a time of general slowing of
the world growth, quality is one
of the main means for French
enterprises to resist. National
companies take huge risks by
turning away from certification
while their foreign competitors
make progress on this level.
Their Asian rivals, who won
market shares by producing low
cost, will keep doing it tomorrow
by evolving towards quality in
every way. In this perspective,
the AFNOR group has been
multiplying initiatives for the
past year. First by drawing the
attention of the authorities on the
subject through actions aimed
specifically towards the State
and territorial collectivities.
Then, by rallying the actors of


dossier/ special

pour viter le jargon dexpert
et repositionner la qualit
comme facteur de comptitivit
et de confiance dans les
relations clients-fournisseurs.
Enfin, des plateformes rgionales dchange sur la norme
ISO 9001 ont permis aux
entreprises de simpliquer en
apportant leurs contributions
sur lvolution des normes
qualit mais aussi de partager
leurs bonnes pratiques et donc,
de faire vivre la qualit sur le

Objectif 2010
La prise de conscience
commence se dessiner :
en dcembre dernier, Luc Chtel,
secrtaire dtat charg de
lindustrie et de la consommation, lanait le plan Qualit
et Performance 2010, destin
prenniser lemploi industriel
en France. Une impulsion qui
sera relaye son niveau par le
groupe AFNOR sur la priode
2009-2010. Des colloques sur
la qualit facteur de comptitivit sont prvus tout au
long du deuxime semestre
2009**, ainsi que la publication
dune brochure sur les
bnfices cachs de la Qualit.
Les rencontres Management
et Performance, destins aux
clients dAFNOR Certification,
aborderont des thmes comme
mieux promouvoir sa certification . Enfin, dmontrer la
complmentarit croissante du
Lean Manufacturing (lutte tous
azimuts contre les gaspillages)
porteur de rsultats spectaculaires et de lISO 9001
pour prenniser les effets du
Lean , figure galement
au rang des priorits. Reste
convaincre les entreprises,
principales intresses.
La crise pourrait tre un argument dterminant. ce jour,

notre portefeuille de clients

rsiste bien. De l penser
que la certification et les
dmarches qualit les protgent,
jen suis convaincue, mais cela
restera confirmer dans les
mois venir , conclut Florence

Il faut interpeller les acteurs

qui ont une responsabilit
en terme de prescription et
de promotion de la qualit.
Stphane Mathieu
We question the players
which have a responsibility
in terms of prescription
and promotion of quality.
Stphane Mathieu

economic development in a
series of debate-meetings. The
topic: Quality as a competitivity
factor: what reality in Aquitaine
in Poitou-Charentes in Ilede-France?. These meetings
provided the opportunity to
question the players which
orbit around the business world
and have a responsibility in
terms of prescription and
promotion of quality, clarifies
Stphane Mathieu. The debates
established three priorities:
getting back to quality basics,
adapting language in order to
avoid expert gibberish and set
quality back up as a competitivity
and trust factor in customerssuppliers relationships. Finally,
regional exchange platforms
regarding the ISO 9001 standard
allowed companies to involve
themselves by contributing
about quality standards
evolution but also to share their
best practices and thus, to keep
quality alive on the ground.

Focusing on 2010
The awareness is beginning
to take shape: last December,
Luc Chtel, secretary of State
for industry and consumption,
launched the Quality and
Performance Plan for 2010,
which aims to perpetuate
industrial employment in France.
This impulse will be relaid at
the AFNOR group level over the

2009-2010 period. Symposiums

on quality as a competitivity
factor are scheduled over the
course of the second semester
2009**, as well as the publication
of a booklet regarding the
unknown benefits of Quality.
Management and Performance
meetings, reserved to AFNOR
Certifications customers,
will tackle topics such as
how to better promote ones
certification. Last but not least,
one of the piorities of the years
to come will be to demonstrate
the increasing adequacy of
Lean Manufacturing which
bears spectacular results to
ISO 9001, in order to
perpetuate the Leans effects.
Companies now remain to be
convinced. Up until this day,
our clients portfolio stands up
quite well to the crisis.
Whether certfication and quality
approaches protect them
remains to be confirmed in the
upcoming months, even though
Im personnally convinced of
that fact, concludes Florence

Auditors Symposium
2009, quality gets into
a state
The publication of ISO 9001:2008
was an occasion for the AFNOR group
to conduct an indepth analysis on
certification, the result of which was
delivered in January, during the yearly
auditors Symposium. We wanted to go
back over the right positioning for
this standard, which is an essential
basis for any organisation, states
Gilles Gueugnot, head of the expertise
and outside competencies management
department. An opportunity, facing
the 600 participants combined in Paris,
to refute a good many received ideas
about quality management (expensive,
bad for innovation, lack of return on
investment) and to display the positive
consequences recorded over the past few
years. For example, 70% of the companies
awarded by the INPI (National Institute
of Industrial Property) are ISO 9001
certified. The same is true in the event
of a SME transfer: certification reassures
the acquirer about the business
functioning and ensures a solid basis.
Furthermore, a 2005 study shows that
certified companies get better outputs.
Our auditors are resolutely turned
towards the future. These elements can
only strengthen them, concludes Gilles

* tude Corbett et al., 2005, sur la base de 373 entreprises.

** Le 2 juillet Bordeaux, le 7 juillet Poitiers et le 10 juillet
Toulouse pour les trois premiers.
* Corbett Study, 2005, on a basis of 373 companies.
** July 2 nd in Bordeaux, July 7 th in Poitiers and July 10 th
in Toulouse for the first three conferences.

AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11



mars/march 2009


La Qualit en 2009 :
lheure de la relance ?

LISO 9001:2008 renoue

avec la qualit produit.
ISO 9001:2008 goes back
to product quality.

Quality in 2009: a time for revival?



Twenty years of
June 30 th 1988: Creation
of AFAQ French Association
for Quality Assurance.
1989: First ISO 9000
1990: Hundredth ISO 9000
1993: Thousandth ISO 9000
1996:2000ISO9000 certificates.
AFAQ is accredited by COFRAC
(French Accreditation Association)
for the certification of quality
management systems.
1998: AFAQ celebrates its
tenth birthday. Jacques
Chirac himself sends a
congratulation note:
Acknowledged by the most
demanding clients in more
than 40 countries, AFAQ
delivers its certificate number
10 000 to a prestigious
services company, France
Telecom, which has already
trusted its suppliers for
a long time through your
association [].
2000: December 15th: release
of the ISO 9001 standard in
its 2000 version and first
certified companies according
to this new standard.
2003: New tendency:
more than half of ISO 9001
certificates are issued in
foreign countries.
2008: November 15 th: release
of the 2008 version of ISO 9001
standard and first certified
companies according to this
new standard.
2009: Birthday: 20 years of
ISO9001 certification by AFAQ.

Carrires Gouyer

Pursuing quality rather than withdrawing

Poursuivre vers la qualit plutt
que choisir le repli
En Martinique, lentreprise familiale Carrires Gouyer extrait
et commercialise des matriaux de carrire destination du
secteur du Btiment. En novembre dernier, la socit cre
en 1962 devenait lun des tout premiers certifis franais
selon la version 2008 de lISO 9001. Son responsable qualit,
Alexandre Cluzel, revient sur ce choix offensif.
Action&Performance (A&P) : Pourquoi avez-vous souhait vous
aligner trs tt sur le nouveau rfrentiel ?
Alexandre Cluzel (AC) : Nous souhaitions perptuer notre dmarche
damlioration continue. Nous avons trouv dans la version 2008
de lISO 9001 une approche plus pousse de lintgration des oprations de sous-traitance, ainsi quune insistance renouvele sur
la qualit produit . Nous avons adapt nos processus pour que
lentreprise soit prte tre certifie sur la version 2008 lors de
laudit de suivi QSE. Au-del de lamlioration continue, dans la
conjoncture mondiale difficile quaffrontent les acteurs industriels,
nous avons pris le parti de poursuivre en direction de la qualit et
de la matrise des cots plutt que de choisir le repli.
A&P : Pourtant, lentreprise a fait le choix de faire prcder la certification ISO 9001 par lISO 14001
AC : Lapproche environnementale tait la plus urgente. Notre entreprise est situe dans lune des plus belles baies du monde et nos
activits peuvent avoir un fort impact sur le paysage. Mais nous
avons trs rapidement ralis que les approches environnementales
sont troitement lies la qualit des procdures et des oprations,
elle-mme connecte la gestion des risques et de la scurit dans
lentreprise. Il nexiste pas de manuvres prennes au niveau environnemental si elles ne sont pas relies des dmarches durables au
niveau du management de lorganisation. Do notre choix de construire une approche intgre.
A&P : Concrtement, quels sont les impacts de lISO 9001 pour
Carrires Gouyer ?
AC : De la productivit, un meilleur partage du temps de travail qui
favorise le bien-tre du personnel, une production zro retour, des
conomies deau multiplies par 30 Grce la mise en place de
cellules qualit, lvolution de nos process ne vient pas dexperts
dtachs de notre quotidien mais dides simples dveloppes en
interne. Notre entreprise est performante et elle est la fois plus
implique et mieux accueillie dans sa cit. Nous souhaitons maintenant gnraliser ces dmarches lensemble du groupe Gouyer :
Gravillonord est dsormais certifi QSE et Btonord devrait ltre
en 2010. Par ailleurs, lentreprise Colas a rachet la holding qui
gre notre groupe en juin 2008 et nos choix de certification
ny ont pas t trangers. Enfin, nous prparons lavenir avec
lISO 26000, en participant la plateforme rgionale dchanges
sur la future norme.


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11

In Martinique, Carrires Gouyer, a family-run company,

extracts and markets quarry materials for the construction
sector. Last November, the company which was created in
1962 became one of the very first French enterprise to be
certified according to the 2008 version of ISO 9001. The firms
quality manager, Alexandre Cluzel, explains this offensive
Action&Performance (A&P): Why did the company want to align
itself this early with the new referential?
Alexandre Cluzel (AC): We wished to perpetuate our continual
improvement approach. We also found with ISO 9001:2008 an
approach more suited to the integration of sub-contracting
operations, as well as a renewed focus on product quality. We
adapted our processes in order for the company to be ready for
certification on the 2008 version at the time of our QSE follow-up
audit. Beyond continual improvement, in the critical situation that
industrial players are faced with, we chose to pursue quality rather
than to withdraw.
A&P: And yet, the company decided to begin its certification process
with environmental standard ISO 14001 rather than ISO 9001
AC: The environmental approach was the most pressing. Our company
is located in one of the worlds most beautiful bay and our business
can have a strong impact on the landscape. However, we soon
realised that environmental approaches are closely linked to the
quality of procedures and operations, which are in turn strongly
connected to risk and security management in the company. No
sustainable environmental process can exist without being joined to
lasting organisational management approaches. Thus, we chose to
built an integrated system.
A&P: In practical terms, what are the impacts of ISO 9001 on
Carrires Gouyer?
AC: Productivity, a better division of working time which favours the
staffs well-being, a no-return production, water savings increased
by 30 Thanks to the setting up of quality units, the evolution of our
processes doesnt derive from experts detached from our daily
routine but from simple ideas developped in the company. Our
enterprise is competitive and both more involved and more welcome
in its city. We now wish to generalize those approaches to the Gouyer
group as a whole: Gravillonord is already QSE certified and Btonord
should be certified too in 2010. Furthermore, the company Colas
bought the holding which manages our group in June 2008 and our
certification options had an influence on their choice. Finally, we are
currently preparing the future with the ISO 26000, through our
involvement in the regional exchange platform regarding the
intended standard.

Chiffres cls

Key Figures

Carrires Gouyer :
24 salaris pour
9 millions deuros de CA.
Groupe Gouyer :
130 salaris pour
45 millions deuros de CA.

Carrires Gouyer:
24 employees and sales
of 9 million euros.
Groupe Gouyer:
130 employees and sales
of 45 million euros.

en pratique/ in practice/

Nouveau rapport d'audit

New audit report

Un document
unique et efficace
>>>>>> Le rapport daudit reprsente lun des maillons essentiels de la relation
client/auditeur/certificateur. En 2008, AFNOR Certification a entrepris une refonte
en profondeur de son modle pour le rtablir dans sa fonction premire : un outil
de pilotage au service de lentreprise.

A single, effective document

>>>>>> The audit report is one of the key links in the client/auditor/certification body
relationship. In 2008, AFNOR Certification carried out an in-depth revision of its model to
bring it back to its primary function as a company management tool.

dirigeant de sapproprier le
projet de certification.

Un outil de pilotage

En savoir plus :
To find out more:

Avec labandon de la notion

triennale, exit la confusion dans
les annes du cycle daudit !
Nouveau look, rubriquage
Lentreprise certifie dispose
simplifi, document unique,
le rapport daudit QSE dernire dune analyse en temps rel
gnration privilgie une lecture de sa situation. Chaque audit
intuitive tout en conservant son (suivi 1, suivi 2, renouvellement)
potentiel danalyse approfondie. est dsormais matrialis par
un onglet qui permet de suivre
Une lecture simplifie
lvolution du (des) systme(s)
qualit /environnement /scurit
Premire (r)volution : le sens
tout au long des 3 ans du cycle
de lecture est volontairement
certification. Autre nouveaut,
invers. Le lecteur dcouvre tout
met laccent sur des
dabord le rsultat de laudit
la rponse la question : mon lments de maturit de lorgaentreprise est-elle certifie ? , nisation utiles aux managers,
et fournit la liste des constats
puis la synthse des forces et
immdiatement exploitable
des pistes damlioration pour
comme plan dactions.
entrer ensuite dans le dtail des
informations avec les constats Un document universel
et les fiches de non conformit.
Le choix dun vocabulaire op- disponible 24h sur 24
rationnel permet nimporte
Accessible depuis son
quel acteur de lentreprise
espace scuris sur
audite qualiticien comme

The latest-generation QSE

audit report has a new look and
simplified headings, and comes
as a single document for easier
intuitive reading, but it maintains
its potential for in-depth analysis.

Easier to read
First (r)evolution: the reading
direction is deliberately reversed.
The reader first of all finds the
result of the audit the answer
to the question: is my company
certified? , then comes a
summary of strengths and areas
for improvement, followed by
detailed information, along with
observations and non-compliance
sheets. An operational vocabulary
is used to allow anyone in the
audited company quality
manager or director to take
the certification project on


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11



mars/march 2009


Nouveau rapport daudit :

un document unique et efficace
New audit report: a single, effective document

Nouveaut : le rapport
daudit Etape 1
Certains dentre vous ont
peut tre eu connaissance
du rapport daudit Etape 1.
Il sagit dune nouvelle
exigence de la norme
ISO/CEI 17021 qui stipule
quun audit initial se ralise
en 2 tapes. Dsormais,
tout audit initial, ou tout
audit qui comporte des
modifications majeures,
doit donner lieu une
analyse de faisabilit
formalise dans le rapport
dEtape 1. Il est ralis
sur site ou non, et permet
lentreprise audite de
sexprimer sur sa capacit
traiter les problmes
ventuels avant laudit
dEtape 2 ou bien den
repousser la programmation,
le cas chant.
New: the Stage 1
audit report
Some of you may have
heard about the Stage 1
audit report. This is a new
requirement of the ISO/CEI
17021 standard, which
stipulates that an initial
audit should be carried out
in 2 stages. From now on,
any initial audit, or any
audit that includes major
changes, should lead to a
feasibility analysis that is
set out in the Stage 1
report. It is drawn up on or
off site and allows the
audited company to talk
about its ability to deal
with any problems before
the Stage 2 audit or even to
put back the schedule if

An effective
management tool

le pdf format de document
universel peut tre consult
distance par le client.
En travaillant sur un modle
unique, disponible en franais,
anglais et traduit en langues
locales, AFNOR Certification
et son rseau international
engagent un processus de
rationalisation des audits tierce
partie, dans le respect de la
norme ISO/CEI 17021. terme,
ce sont prs de 1 400 auditeurs
qui travailleront selon le mme
dispositif, quelle que soit leur
rgion dorigine.
Et demain ? Les quipes
dAFNOR Certification rflchissent dj la version 2
du rapport daudit qui intgrera
dautres rfrentiels (ISO/TS
16949, EN 9100, Iris, certification de service). Il sera
galement possible, terme,
de consolider des rapports
daudits en un seul pour des
directions centrales dentreprise au meilleur niveau !


other frames of reference

(ISO/TS 16949, EN 9100,
Iris, service certification, etc.).
A system for consolidating
several reports into one is
currently under study to enable
any central management group
to view a summary of audit
reports for its network.

AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11

Having abandoned the triennial

notion, there is no longer any
confusion about the years
of the audit cycle! The certified
company is given a real-time
analysis of its situation. Each
audit (follow-up 1, follow-up 2,
renewal) is now indicated by
a tab that allows the reader
to monitor the evolution in the
system(s) throughout the 3 years
of the certification cycle.
Another innovation is that
the auditor places the emphasis
on the components of the
organisation that have reached
maturity useful to managers
and provides a list of observations
that can be used immediately
as action plans.

A universal document
available 24 hours a day
The pdf universal document
format can be accessed
via its secure space on
http://espaceclient.afaq.org and
may be consulted by the client
at a distance. By working on a
single model available in French
and English and translated into
local languages, AFNOR
Certification and its international
network are entering into a
process of rationalising thirdparty audits, in accordance
with the ISO/CEI 17021 standard.
Nearly 1,400 auditors will be
working on the same system,
wherever they come from.
And the future? AFNOR
Certifications team are already
thinking about version 2 of the
audit report, which will include

Dploiement progressif
Le nouveau rapport daudit
est oprationnel depuis
le 28 janvier 2009. Ce qui
signifie que tout audit
planifi compter de cette
date sera ralis selon le
nouveau formulaire. Il doit
remplacer ds votre prochain
audit (suivi 1, suivi 2 ou
renouvellement) lancien
modle dit triennal .
Vous souhaitez savoir quel
modle de rapport sera
utilis par votre auditeur ?
Contactez votre charg
Gradual deployment
The new audit report has
been in operation since
28 January 2009, which
means that any audit
scheduled after that date
will be carried out using
the new format. From your
next audit (follow-up 1,
follow-up 2 or renewal),
it should replaced the former
triennial model. Please
contact your representative
if you would like to know
which report model your
auditor will be using.

veille sur lactualit/ monitoring new

Normes, rfrentiels

LEN 9100:2009
sur la piste de dcollage
>>>>>>>>> Cale sur les dernires volutions de lISO 9001, plus claire dans
ses exigences et tendue au secteur de la Dfense, lEN 9100:2009 prend son envol.
Les industriels de laronautique ont jusqu 2011 pour se mettre en conformit.

EN 9100:2009 on the runway

>>>>>>>>> Based on the latest changes to ISO 9001, clearer in its requirements and
extended to the Defence sector, EN 9100:2009 takes off. Aeronautics manufacturers have until
2011 to comply.
The aeronautics profession
will soon be publishing the 2009
version of the EN 9100 standard.
The evolution aims first of all to
Trois grands niveaux
take into account the changes
to ISO 9001:2008 and feedback
from the previous version of
Les volutions sont de trois
EN 9100:2003. A further aim is
La profession aronautique
to adapt to the strategy of the
auditeur AFNOR Certification :
publiera prochainement la
IAQG (International Aerospace
des exigences clarifies par
Quality Group), an authority that
version 2009 de la norme
includes all the contractors in the
EN 9100. Lvolution vise dabord une meilleure formulation,
prendre en compte les modi- des exigences dplaces dans sector, which would like to see
higher standards in the industry
la norme afin den renforcer
fications de lISO 9001:2008,
and develop links between
le sens, quelques exigences
ainsi que les retours dexpthe companies involved. It is
rience de la prcdente version nouvelles . Parmi celles-ci,
therefore more important than
de lEN 9100:2003. Il sagit par
ever for manufacturers who
ailleurs de sadapter la strat- mesure du respect des dlais
supply the aeronautics industry
de livraison, qui saccompagne to take on the EN 9100:2009
gie de lIAQG (International
dactions correctives si le
aerospace quality group),
approach in order to stand out
niveau de performance nest
instance rassemblant tous les
from the crowd as soon as
possible. Certification is a
donneurs dordres du secteur,
pas atteint. La norme cre
virtually indispensable gateway
qui souhaite tirer vers le haut
un lien entre la performance
to the market for manufacturers,
lensemble de la filire et
du systme de management
said AFNOR Certification
dvelopper les liens entre les
de la qualit et les performanproduct manager Christelle
acteurs. Les industriels fournis- ces qualit de lorganisme ,

responsable produit chez

AFNOR Certification.

Une norme pour tirer vers le haut

lensemble dune filire et
dvelopper les liens entre acteurs.
A new standard in order to develop
links between the companies

seurs de laronautique ont

donc plus que jamais intrt
sengager sur la voie de
lEN 9100:2009 pour se dmarquer au plus vite. La certification est une porte dentre
au march quasiment indispensable pour les industriels ,
constate Christelle Rebillet,



Un recentrage
sur le produit
Au-del de lamlioration
de la satisfaction du client,
dj exprime dans la version
prcdente de la norme, cest


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11



mars/march 2009


LEN 9100:2009
sur la piste de dcollage
EN 9100:2009 on the runway


Services la personne :
le succs au rendez-vous !
Le groupe AFNOR sengage dans la professionnalisation des services la personne au travers dune
initiative originale de sensibilisation la qualit,
qui sest droule en rgion entre octobre 2008 et
janvier dernier. Gratuits et interactifs, les 35 ateliers
Qualit des services la personne ont runi 600
directeurs ou responsables qualit de structures
(associations, entreprises ou centres communaux
daction sociale). Pendant 2h30, les participants
se sont mis en situation autour de problmes
courants, dont la rsolution peut tre amliore
par une dmarche qualit : laccueil des familles
et du bnficiaire, les pratiques dontologiques ou
la mise en place denqutes de satisfaction.
Des changes constructifs autour de bonnes
pratiques acquises ou acqurir ont permis
aux nophytes en dmarche qualit de dcouvrir
une premire approche intressante dans le cadre
dune future structuration. Les plus familiers,
se sont vus rappeler les bnfices de la certification
NF Service Services aux personnes domicile.
Forte de son succs, lopration est reconduite cette
anne : 16/03 (Nmes), 28/04 (Paris), 30/04 (Pau),
04/06 (Dunkerque), 09/06 (Chartres), 11/06
(Narbonne), 16/06 (Troyes et Grenoble), 23/06

Personal services: a successful initiative!

le calendrier sur :
A list of available
dates may be found on:

The AFNOR Group has set out to professionalise

personal services through an original initiative to
raise awareness of quality, which took place in the
regions between October 2008 and January this year.
The 35 free, interactive Personal services quality
workshops attracted 600 directors and quality
managers of organisations (associations, companies
and community social welfare centres). For 2hr30,
participants were faced with a series of common
problems that could be resolved more effectively
with a quality approach: the reception of families
and the beneficiary, ethical practices or the
introduction of satisfaction surveys. Constructive
discussions of good practices already acquired
or to be acquired helped newcomers to the quality
approach to discover an initial, useful approach as
part of a future structuring. Those who were more
familiar were reminded of the benefits of NF Service
Services aux personnes domicile (=Personal
services in the home) certification, the training
programme and the literature available from the
AFNOR Group. This successful operation will be
repeated this year in other towns.


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11

lamlioration de la qualit des

produits qui fait son apparition,
ainsi que les processus et
mthodes de management
de projet, de management
des risques, et de management
de configuration. Enfin, en
souhaitant rduire le nombre
daudits, lEN 9100:2009
introduit la reconnaissance
des donnes issues des tierces
parties et celles manant
des organismes certificateurs
accrdits ou des autorits,
comme des donnes valables
pour la slection et lvaluation
des sous-traitants et fournisseurs. La version 2009 ne
devrait pas crer de bouleversements majeurs pour les
industriels, car la plupart des
exigences nouvelles taient de
fait dj formules par certains
de leurs clients , assure Michel

Un primtre dapplication
tendu la Dfense
La dernire grande nouveaut
de la version 2009 vise le
primtre dapplication de
la norme, qui inclut bien sr
les industries de laronautique
et de lespace, mais aussi,
dsormais, celles de la Dfense.
Une volution dj anticipe
par AFNOR Certification :
nos auditeurs sont parfaitement
oprationnels sur ce nouveau
primtre, grce notamment
leurs pratiques des audits
groups aronautique et
Dfense , fait valoir Michel

Three major levels of evolution
There are three types of
evolutions summarised AFNOR
Certification auditor Michel
Frances: requirements clarified
by better wording, requirements

moved elsewhere in the standard

to reinforce their meaning,
a few new requirements.
Amongst these, the auditor
points out the duty of moderation
in compliance with delivery
times, which is accompanied
by corrective actions if the level
of performance is not achieved.
The standard creates a link
between the performance of
the quality management system
and the organisations quality
performance, he emphasised.

Re-focusing on the product

In addition to improving
customer satisfaction, which
was already expressed in the
previous version of the standard,
the new standard also refers
to improvements in product
quality, project management
processes and methods, risk
management and configuration
management. Finally, out of
a wish to reduce the number of
audits, EN 9100:2009 introduces
the recognition of data from
third parties, accredited
certification organisations or
authorities as being valid for
the selection and evaluation of
subcontractors and suppliers.
The 2009 version should not
create any major upsets for
manufacturers, as most of the
new requirements had already
been formulated by some of
their customers, said Michel

A field of application
extended to Defence
The last major innovation
in the 2009 version concerns
the field of application of the
standard, which of course
includes the aeronautics and
space industries, but which
now encompasses the Defence
industry. AFNOR Certification
had already anticipated this
evolution. Our auditors are
totally operational in this new
area, as they are already involved
in combined aeronautics and
Defence audits, explained
Michel Frances.

duo/ duo/


Donner plus de place aux femmes

dans les mtiers du BTP
>>>>>>> Filiale de Bouygues Construction, Quille a dcroch en octobre dernier
le label Egalit professionnelle. Regards croiss sur les pratiques dgalit
hommes-femmes dans une grande entreprise du BTP.

Giving women more opportunities in the Building

and Public Works sector
>>>>>> A subsidiary of Bouygues Construction, Quille was awarded the Equality at Work
label last October. Heres a view from both sides of the male-female equality practices that
take place in one of the leading companies in the Building and Public Works sector.


Jacques CREMER
Directeur des ressources humaines. / DHR.

Conducteur de travaux. / Section engineer.

Lydie GIOT
Coffreur-bancheur. / Form-setter.

Le pari tait os dans le

secteur du BTP. Quille la relev
avec une dtermination sans
faille et limplication de tous.
Notre objectif de dpart
tait daugmenter le nombre de
femmes chez nos compagnons.
travers cette dmarche,
nous avons en outre souhait
nous inscrire dans des plans
de progrs sur les grands axes
du label Egalit, comme la mixit
ou la parentalit , retrace
Jacques Cremer, DRH de la
filiale de Bouygues Construction.

Des volutions de
carrire quivalentes
Une premire tape est passe
par la signature dun accord
dentreprise sur lgalit professionnelle. Puis des groupes
de travail composs de colla-

borateurs et collaboratrices
de lentreprise se sont mis en
place. Nous voulions avoir
le ressenti de nos salaris sur
la politique de lentreprise en
matire dgalit et de gestion
des carrires , explique le DRH.
Cette analyse qualitative a
t complte par une tude
chiffre sur les pratiques, visant
reflter de ce que le DRH
qualifie de terreau sobre :
pas dcarts de salaires, ni de
diffrences de gestion de carrire
entre hommes et femmes, et
pas plus de dcalage sur laccs
la formation. Je nai jamais
not de diffrence de progression
de carrire entre mes collgues
masculins et moi-mme ,
atteste Odile Cazet, conducteur
de travaux chez Quille depuis
2003. Des indicateurs de suivis
mensuels veillent dsormais
lvolution de ces diffrents
aspects de gestion des ressources humaines, et les actions se
multiplient. Certaines rsultent
de la dmarche interne, dautres
sont puises parmi les bonnes
pratiques instaures par les

It was quite a challenge in the

Building and Public Works sector.
Quille took it up with unfailing
determination and the commitment of everyone. Our initial aim
was to increase the number of
women amongst our employees.
Through this approach, we also
wanted to become involved in
the progress plans linked to the
key issues underlining the Equality
label, such as balance between
the sexes and parenthood,
said Jacques Cremer, DHR of
the Bouygues Construction

Equivalent career development

The first stage involved the
signature of a company agreement
on workplace equality. Working
parties consisting of male and
female company employees
were then set up. We wanted to
hear our employees opinions on
the companys policy concerning


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11




mars/march 2009



Donner plus de place aux femmes

dans les mtiers du BTP
Giving women more opportunities in the Building and
Public Works sector

filiales du groupe Bouygues.
Ainsi, des places loues dans
une crche voisine du sige
sont la disposition des salaris
de lentreprise. Quille garantit
une augmentation de salaire
gale la moyenne des hausses
de sa catgorie chaque
femme de retour dun cong
maternit. Elle complte le
salaire des collaborateurs
souhaitant prendre un cong

Premire filiale BTP
de Bouygues Construction,
Quille se rpartit entre
les mtiers du Btiment
(60 %) et du Gnie Civil
(40 %).
Sige : Rouen.
Effectif : 2 100 personnes,
dont 12,6 % de personnel
Chiffre daffaires 2008 :
480 millions deuros.
Chiffre daffaires
prvisionnel 2009 :
450 millions deuros.
Bouygues Constructions
leading Building and
Public Works subsidiary,
Quille divided between
Building (60%) and Civil
Engineering (40%).
Head office: Rouen.
Workforce: 2,100 people,
including 12.6% female
Sales in 2008:
480 million euros.
Provisional sales for
2009: 450 million euros.

paternit, et les heures darrive

et de dpart cdent la place
des plages horaires au sein
desquelles les salaris grent
eux-mmes leur temps de travail.

Adapter lergonomie et
les conditions de travail
Reste donner davantage de
place aux femmes dans lentreprise. Et l, la tche savre plus
complique. Nous avons lanc
une campagne de recrutement
dapprentis, et nous avons
seulement obtenu trois contacts
fminins, dont aucun na abouti.
Nous avons galement mont,
en collaboration avec lANPE,
une formation au mtier de
grutier. Nous souhaitions embaucher cinq femmes, nous en
avons trois , regrette Jacques
Cremer. Il note toutefois quen
un an, les femmes compagnons
sont passes de trois douze.
Mais surtout, insiste, le DRH,
cette dmarche nous a fait
progresser dans une certaine
forme de neutralit des rapports
humains, et aussi en matire
dergonomie et de conditions de
travail . Ainsi, Quille privilgie
dsormais des matriels moins
lourds et adapte les postes
de travail. On ne fait aucune
diffrence entre hommes et
femmes. Je le constate personnellement lorsque lon sadresse
moi et sur les chantiers, les
compagnons font preuve
de solidarit et de complmentarit , analyse Odile Cazet.
Nous sommes sur un vritable
pied dgalit dans les tches
que nous accomplissons. Et si
nous ne parvenons pas raliser
une mission, il y a toujours
un collgue pour nous venir en
aide. Et ce, sans aucun mpris
ou arrire-pense , renchrit
Lydie Giot, coffreur-bancheur
chez Quille, actuellement en
mission sur le chantier de lEPR*


AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11

equality and career management,
explained the DHR. This qualitative
analysis was backed up by a
costed study of practices, aimed
at reflecting what the DHR calls
simple humus: no differences
in salary or career management
between men and women, and
no difference in access to training.
Ive never noticed any difference
in career progression between
my male colleagues and me,
said Odile Cazet, section engineer
at Quille since 2003. There are
now monthly monitoring
indicators to keep an eye on
these different aspects of human
resources management, and
more and more initiatives are
being taken. Some of these arise
out of the internal approach,
while others come from good
practices introduced by
subsidiaries of the Bouygues
Group. For example, places are
made available for company
employees in a crche near to
the head office. Quille guarantees
a salary increase equal to the
average increases in her category
to any woman returning from
maternity leave. It tops up the
salaries of employees wanting to
take paternity leave, and arrival
and departure times have given
way to time bands in which
employees organise their working
time themselves.

Adapting working ergonomics

and conditions
All that remained was to make
more space for women in the

En un an, le nombre de femmes

compagnons a t multipli par quatre.
The number of female workers has risen
from three to twelve in the space of a year.
company. And thats where
things became more complicated.
We launched an apprentice
recruitment campaign and only
had three contacts from women,
none of which came to anything.
We also worked with the ANPE
(=French Job Centre) to set up
a training course for crane
operators. We were looking to
recruit five women, but only got
three, said Jacques Cremer with
regret. However, he has noted
that the number of female workers
has risen from three to twelve in
the space of a year. But the
DHR emphasises that, above all,
the approach has helped us
progress in terms of a certain
neutrality in human relations and
in terms of working ergonomics
and conditions. For example,
Quille gives preference to
lighter equipment and adapts
workstations. We dont make
any distinction between men
and women. I see this personally
when people talk to me and, out
on the sites, workers show proof
of solidarity and complementarity,
said Odile Cazet. We are on a
totally equal footing in the work
we do. And if we cant manage
a particular task, theres always
someone to give us a hand,
without any scorn or ulterior
motive, added Lydie Giot,
a form-setter at Quille, currently
working on the EPR* site at
* European Pressurized Reactor, nouvelle gnration
de racteurs nuclaires.
* European Pressurized Reactor, the new generation of
nuclear reactors.

AFNOR Certification actus/

AFNOR Certification reconnue

pour lvaluation CMMi
En devenant membre officiel du rseau SEI Partner (Software Engineering
Institute), AFNOR Certification peut valuer nimporte quelle organisation/entreprise selon les modles CMMi*.

lire : valuer avec

CMMi, tape par tape
de Moustanir Lamnabi,
un guide mthodologique pour
rendre lutilisation
du modle plus abordable.
Read Evaluating with
CMMi, stage by stage
by Moustanir Lamnabi,
a methodological guide that
makes using the model
more approachable.

Elle est lun des rares certificateurs

pouvoir combiner audit de
certification et valuation CMMi,
une solution dont a bnfici dernirement Thales Alenia Space (lire
page 10). Le CMMi est un ensemble
de bonnes pratiques largement
employ par les entreprises dingnierie informatique et les industriels
pour valuer et amliorer leur
propres dveloppement de produits.
* Capability Maturity Model Integration.

AFNOR Certification recognised

for CMMi evaluation
By becoming an official member
of the SEI Partner network (Software
Engineering Institute), AFNOR
Certification can now evaluate any
organisation/company using CMMi*
It is one of the few certifying bodies
to be able to combine a certification
audit and CMMi evaluation, a solution
used recently by Thales Alenia Space
(read page 10). CMMi is a set of
good practices widely employed by
computer engineering companies and
manufacturers to evaluate and improve
their own product development.

et rfrence
par le numro 2
de la grande distribution anglaise
pour la certification BRC !

* Capability Maturity Model Integration.

Asda, deuxime chane de grandes surfaces au Royaume-Uni, vient de

rfrencer AFNOR Certification pour la certification BRC de ses fournisseurs agroalimentaires.
Une reconnaissance supplmentaire pour la filiale du groupe
AFNOR, qui compte dj 80 certificats BRC (en BRC food et BRC IoP)
sous accrditation COFRAC.
Le rfrentiel britannique porte
sur des exigences en matire de
scurit des aliments et sadresse
aux fournisseurs de produits alimentaires vendus sous marque de
distributeurs. Le BRC British Retail
Consortium (Consortium des distributeurs britanniques) regroupe les
grandes enseignes de la distribution
anglaise comme Asda, Tesco et

Nouvel espace
Depuis fin mars, le portail
dinformation du groupe AFNOR
vous propose une nouvelle
interface plus ergonomique,
intuitive et lisible : www.afnor.org
Conciliant vos impratifs de suivi
dactualits et de recherches
facilites, ce nouveau portail
vous place au cur de loffre
de certification et dvaluation.
Pour vous, clients dAFNOR
Certification, votre espace
personnel et son adresse
daccs demeurent inchangs :
pour les certifis AFAQ, et
www.marque-nf.com pour les
titulaires dune marque NF.
Bonne navigation !

A new information
space to discover
Since the end of March, the
AFNOR Group information portal
has had a new user-friendly, intuitive,
clearer interface: www.afnor.org
The new portal meets your need for
keeping up to date with the latest
news and for easier searches,
and places you at the heart of the
certification and evaluation offer.
As clients of AFNOR Certification,
your personal space and its access
address remain unchanged:
http://espaceclient.afaq.org for
AFAQ certificate-holders and
www.marque-nf.com for the holders
of an NF label. Happy browsing!

and listed by Englands

number 2 supermarket chain
for BRC certification!
Asda, the United Kingdoms second
largest supermarket chain, has just
listed AFNOR Certification for the
BRC certification of its food industry
Further recognition for the AFNOR
Group subsidiary, which now has 80
BRC certificates (BRC food and BRC
IoP) under COFRAC accreditation. The
British frame of reference is centred on
food safety requirements and is aimed
at suppliers of food products sold
under an own-brand label. The BRC
(British Retail Consortium) is made up
of the leading English distribution
companies, such as Asda, Tesco and

AFNOR Certification - Tel. : + 33 (0)1 41 62 80 11


Les rencontres
& Performances

Plus dinformation : delegation.rennes@afnor.org

Organises prs de chez vous, les

rencontres Management & Performances
sont rserves aux entreprises certifies.
Dun format souple, 2 3 heures, elles
vous offrent lopportunit dapprofondir
vos connaissances. Vous bnficiez
de retours daudits, de tmoignages,

16 > 18 juin / Preventica / Lyon /

Hygine-scurit, ergonomie et sant au travail sont lhonneur avec le groupe
AFNOR. voir galement : deux confrences sur le management de la sant et
de la scurit au travail avec la prsentation de lopration collective Rhne-Alpes.
Plus dinformation : www.preventica.com
24 > 26 juin / Salon des solutions techniques territoriales / Lyon / Eurexpo /
loccasion de lvnement technique territorial, dcouvrez les solutions du
groupe AFNOR ddies aux administrations publiques et collectivits territoriales.
Plus dinformation : www.salonstt.com

11 June. 2.00 pm > 5.30 pm. / Rennes / Agrocampus Site /

CONFERENCE: Systems and services certification, official quality labels,
private inspections should we choose, coordinate, harmonise, anticipate?
The AFNOR Group and its partner Certipaq answer your questions. Personal accounts
and debates involving representatives of institutions, companies, cooperatives and
Further information: delegation.rennes@afnor.org

En savoir plus :
www.afnor.org (rubrique Agenda)

Management &
Performance Seminars
Management & Performance seminars
are organised locally and are for certified
companies. They have a flexible format,
last 2 to 3 hours and give you an
opportunity to add to your knowledge, with
feedback from audits, personal accounts,
studies, etc.
For further information:

16 > 18 June. / Preventica / Lyon /

On the agenda, hygiene-safety, ergonomics and health at work with the AFNOR
Group. Also: two talks on health and safety management at work with a presentation
of the group operation in Rhne-Alpes.
Further information: www.preventica.com
24 > 26 June. / National conference for the regional engineering departments /
Lyon Eurexpo /
At this major event for regional technical operators, find out about the solutions
offered by the AFNOR Group to Government departments and local authorities.
Further information: www.salonstt.com

Nouvelle adresse
AFNOR Certification a dmnag
pour rejoindre lensemble
des quipes du groupe AFNOR au
11 rue Francis de Pressens,
La Plaine Saint-Denis.



Directrice de la publication / Publisher : Florence Maux

Rdactrice en chef / Editor : Nathalie Lochet
Rdaction / Staff : Anne-Sophie Morinet, Marie-Hlne Towhill, Elisabeth Ballery,
Franoise Sigot, Vronique Antunes
Graphisme / Graphic artist : Perrine Gretener
Imprim par / Printed by : DBA

11 rue Francis de Pressens 93571 La Plaine Saint-Denis Cedex France

T. : +33 (0)1 41 62 80 11 F. : +33 (0)1 49 17 90 00 certification@afnor.org www.afnor.org

Accueil commercial : +33 (0)1 41 62 80 11

Standard tlphonique : +33 (0)1 41 62 80 00

New address
AFNOR Certification has moved to join
the other teams in the AFNOR Group at
11 rue Francis de Pressens,
La Plaine Saint-Denis.
Sales reception: +33 (0)1 41 62 80 11
Telephone switchboard: +33 (0)1 41 62 80 00

AFNOR Certification. SAS au capital de 18187000 . RCS Bobigny B 479 076 002. Sige : 11 rue Francis de Pressens - 93571 La Plaine Saint Denis cedex.

11 juin. 14h > 17h30 / Rennes / Site Agrocampus /

CONFRENCE : Certification de systmes, de services, signes officiels de qualit,
contrles privs faut-t-il choisir, coordonner, harmoniser, anticiper ?
Le groupe AFNOR et son partenaire Certipaq vous rpondent. Tmoignages et tablesrondes runissent institutionnels, entreprises, coopratives et grande distribution.

Tous droits de reproduction, textes et illustrations mme partiels, restent soumis laccord pralable de la directrice de la publication. La rdaction nest pas responsable des documents qui lui sont adresss spontanment.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission of the publisher. The editor accepts no responsability for any unsolicited material submitted.


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