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Root of Anger:

Blocked Desire
You should not try to stop anger. You should not, in any way, keep the anger
controlled, otherwise it will burn you, it will destroy you. You have to go to the
root - some desire which has been blocked, and the frustration has created the
anger. Don't take desires very seriously. Don't take anything seriously, says Osho.

he psychology of anger is that you wanted

something, and somebody prevented you from
getting it. Somebody came as a block, as an
obstacle. Your whole energy was going to get something
and somebody blocked the energy. You could not get
what you wanted. Now this frustrated energy becomes
anger...anger against the person who has destroyed the
possibility of fulfilling your desire. You cannot prevent
anger because anger is a by-product, but you can do

something else so that the by-product does not happen

at all. In life, remember one thing: never desire anything
so intensely as if it is a question of life and death. Be a
little playful. I am not saying, don't desire because that
will become a repression in you.
I am saying, desire but let your desire be playful. If
you can fullfil it, good. If you cannot, perhaps it was not
the right time; we will see next time. Learn about the art
of the player. You become so identified with the desire,

then when it is blocked or prevented, your own

energy becomes fire; it burns you. And in that state of
near insanity you can do anything, for which you are
going to repent. It can create a series of events that your
whole life may get entangled with.
Because of this, for thousands of years, they have
been saying, "Become desireless." Now that is asking
something inhuman. Even the people who have said,
Become desireless have also given you a motive, a
desire: if you become desireless you will attain to the
ultimate freedom of moksha, nirvana. That too is a
desire. You can repress desire for some bigger desire,
and you may even forget that you are still the same
person. You have only changed the target.
Certainly, there are not many people who are trying
to get moksha, so you will not have any great
competition. In fact, people will be very happy that you
have started going towards moksha, one competitor
less in life. But as far as you are concerned nothing has
changed. And if anything can be created which disturbs
your desire for moksha, again the anger will flare up.
And this time it will be far bigger, because now the
desire is far bigger. Anger is always proportionate to
I have heard.... There were three Christian
monasteries which were very close to each other in the
forest. One day three monks met at a crossroad. They
were returning from the villages back to their
monasteries; each monk belonged to a different
monastery. They were tired. They sat down under the
trees and started talking to pass their time. One monk
said, One thing you will have to accept is that as far as
scholarship is concerned, learning is concerned, our
monastery is the best. The other monk said, I agree, it
is true. Your people are far more scholarly, but as far as
austerities are concerned, discipline is concerned,
spiritual training is concerned, you don't come
anywhere near our monastery. And remember,
scholarship will not help you realise the truth. Only
spiritual discipline, can and we are the best as far as
spiritual discipline is concerned. The third monk said,
You are both right. The first monastery is best in
learning, scholarship. The second monastery is best in
spiritual discipline, austerities, fasting. But as far as
humbleness, egolessness is concerned, we are at the
top. Humbleness, egolessness...but the monk seemed
to be absolutely unaware of what he was saying: As far
as humbleness, egolessness is concerned, we are at the
top. Even humbleness can become an ego trip.
Egolessness can become an ego trip.
One has to be very aware. You should not try to stop

Anger: Signs in Behaviour

Distrustful, skeptical.
Argumentative, irritable, indirectly challenging.
Resentful, jealous, envious.
Disruptive, uncooperative, or distracting actions.
Unforgiving or unsympathetic attitude.
Sulky, sullen, pouting.
Passively resistant, interferes with progress.
Given to sarcasm, cynical humor, and teasing.
Judgmental, has a superior or holier-than-thou

Anger: Reaction
Assaulting: physical and verbal cruelty, rage,
slapping, shoving, kicking, hitting, threaten with a
knife or gun,
Aggression: overly critical, fault finding, namecalling, accusing someone of having immoral or
despicable traits or motives, nagging, whining,
sarcasm, prejudice, flashes of temper.
Hurtful: malicious gossip, stealing, trouble-making.
Rebellious: anti-social behavior, open defiance,
refusal to talk.

anger. You should not, in any way, keep the anger

controlled, otherwise it will burn you. It will destroy you.
What I am saying is: you have to go to the roots. At the
root is always some desire which has been blocked, and
the frustration has created the anger. Don't take desires
very seriously. Don't take anything seriously. It is
unfortunate that humour is not one of the basic qualities
of the religious man. I want you to understand that a
sense of humour and, playfulness should be the
fundamental qualities. When you do take things
seriously, then anger does not arise. You can simply
laugh at the whole thing. You can start laughing at
yourself. You can start laughing at situations in which
you would have been angry and mad.
It is a big world, and there are millions of people.
trying to get something. It is very natural that sometimes
people may get in each other's way; not that they want
to, it is just accidental.

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