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– An Educational Rational


Too often “L” plate* theological students are expected to digest the condensed (which does not equal
simplified!) learning of their seniors, when they have not first grasped the more basic understandings.

Equally they fail to see the immediate relevancy of what they are being asked to absorb and digest, either
to themselves or to those whom they will be serving in the Church.

Also, all too often they come away at the end of their course with a distorted view of what theology is all
about because the specialities of their studies have failed to first provide them with a balanced view of
the whole.
Thumbnail theology seeks to
• start from the lowest rung of the theological learning ladder, rather than somewhere up or down
that ladder.
Sound educational method employs spiral learning that:
• begins with a core idea, theme, skill or case, expressed in its simplest form, and then
• examines it again several times, each time round introducing further related material
• develops the original core learning further each time it is re-examined.
It is thus simple, without being simplistic, in its starting point.

Just as “attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference”, so a small picture of things can lead to a
great insight that makes a big difference to how we go about our theological work.

So Thumbnail Theology represents the preliminary core of understanding

It also builds on the idea that
• people learn more easily and thoroughly when they can see how the particular matter they are
learning relates to a general understanding of the subject. Thus, their learning becomes
orientated when they hold a map in their mind’s eye of where each bit of learning fits in.
• Maps can be simple or complex. Starting with the simplest map (the “thumbnail” stage) – rather
than tackling a complex sector of a more detailed map first – makes the learning more
comprehensible from the start.
Thumbnail Theology, by providing a map of the various disciplines involved, orientates
theological understanding

In addition, because thumbnail theology is so basic, it can

• start with topics that are immediately recognised as being relevant to the learner & thus
• help the learner to see what is important now before starting on specialised learning that might
only become relevant much later.
• be applied universally irrespective of a particular culture since the core principles under-girding
it are not dependant on local custom and perceptions.

Thumbnail Theology starts at the point where

learning is seen to be immediately relevant.

It also strives to:

• provide overall a balanced overview of the main theological disciplines and subjects.
• show how, in the Body of Christ, all the parts of the whole fit together in ministry,
complementing each other.
Thumbnail Theology enables the student to develop a balanced learning
contributing to building up the whole Church.

Thumbnail Files
Basic Theological Education
• A Progressive Classification: A Taxonomy of Theological Fields and Topics relevant to
Theological study to M.Div level. Relates Library Classification to Curriculum Syllabi. “Said in the
Classroom – Read in the Library”. Titles from A Basic Library Bibliography noted alongside topics.
• A Manual of Curriculum Development: A stage by stage interactive guide to developing a
basic theological curriculum from scratch (or radically revising an existing one). Based on a three year
Faculty exercise developing a Curriculum for Gujranwala Theological Seminary, Pakistan.
• Exegesis for Expository Preaching: Interactive courses and models providing training in the
preparatory work of Exegesis for expounding Scripture passages in the pulpit. (18 Lessons on
PowerPoint, accessible, clear and capable of adapting to local needs.)
• Bibliographies for Theological Education: Selected titles of introductory books serviceable as
text-books in basic theological education:
o A Basic Library Bibliography: Accessible books that introduce each of the main fields and topics
likely to be met in studying for M.Div. level Theology. (500+ titles)
o An Essential Syllabus Bibliography: Books that may serve as introductory text-books for
teaching the Curriculum developed at Gujranwala Theological Seminary, Pakistan (140 titles)
o A Personal Reading List: A reading list for those wishing to cover the main subjects of Theology
as taught in residential colleges to M.Div. level. (60+ titles, one for each subject)
o A Personal Reading Schedule: A schedule for studying the Personal Reading List over a three
stage period at Discipleship, Ministerial, and Leadership level. (Universal study guide included)
o Two Minimal Reading Lists: A Revolutionary Reading List: Paradigm shifting books that may
change your way of thinking about the subjects concerned. (Ten titles) A Classic Reading List.
Modern Accessible Theological Classics (Six titles)
Where to start with Thumbnail Theology documents?
(These are currently published on the internet for free downloading at SCRIBD Paul C J Burgess.)
Note: This is not an academic web site!

If you are interested in Expository Preaching…

• EP0 Provides a comprehensive list of the tasks involved in preparing an expository sermon.
• EP1 Provides a simple demonstration in 7 frames of the five basic steps in Expository
preaching, expounding Luke 2:39-40 and its message about parental priorities.
• EP2 Shows the difference between Expository preaching and other (equally legitimate!) forms of
• EP8 Shows how to exegete Genesis 39:6-8 - a passage about sexual temptation.
• EP9 Demonstrates the difference between Exegesis and Exposition in preaching a sermon on
spiritual growth from 1 Peter 2:1-3.
• EP12 Demonstrates how to preach on wisdom by expounding Proverbs 9:1-6

If you are interested in applying the methods of exegesis to group Bible Study….

• BS1 Shows how exegete Luke 2:39-40 for a bible study (perhaps as a follow-up to a sermon on
the same passage. See EP1)

In the pipeline…

• Bible Exegetes A blog site for those interested in practising their skills of basic exegesis with
some come-back. Again, not an academic exercise!
• What the Bible Teaches about Marriage PowerPoint exegesis inspired by Marriage: Sex in the
Service of God by C. Ash
If you are interested in Theological Education and books to introduce basic
theological subjects…

• Bib1 Lists 535 accessible introductory books that could form the basis o a Library collection for
a basic educational institute of theology (Bible School or Theological College).
• Bib2 Provides 140 suggestions for accessible text books to introduce each subject taught in a
basic theological educational institute.
• Bib3a Lists 60+ books that take an individual reader through the range of subjects usually
covered in a basic theological curriculum.
• Bib3b Lays out a schedule for studying the above 60 books over a three stage period:
Discipleship, Ministerial, Leadership

If you are involved in Theological Education…

• C1 Is a manual of Theological Curriculum development, taking a potential faculty study group

through the process of developing a curriculum from scratch.
• C2 Classifies all the main fields and topics of Theology in a taxonomy that caters for M:Div.
students. Also includes all the titles of the Library bibliography in Bib1.

In the pipeline:

• Study Methods for a basic theological education

For more details see www.SCRIBD/Paul C J Burgess

or contact: Paul Burgess at paulandcathie@gmail.com

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