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General Certificate of Education Advanced Level

Higher 2



PHYSICS 9745t03
JC2 Pre 'A' Level Examination 16 October 2009
Paper 3 Longer structured euestions 2 hours
Candidates answer on the euestion paper.
No additional materials required.


Write your Civics group number, index number and name on all the work you hand in.
Write in dark blue or black pen on both sides of the paper.
You may use a soft pencil for any diagrams, graphs or rough working.
Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid.

Section A
For Examiner's Use
Answer all questions.
Section B
Answer any two questions. 2

You are advised to spend about one hour on each section. 3

At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely 4

The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of 5
each question or part question.


This document consists of 21 printed pages and 1 blank page.

sRJC 2009 9745/03/Pre A Leveu2009 ffurn Over

speed of light in free space, 3.00x108ms1
permeability of free space, 4rx1O-7Hm1
permittivity of free space, 8.85 x 10 12 F m-r
(1 /(36Tr))x10eFm1
elementary charge, e 1.60 x 10 1e c
the Planck constant, h 6.63x1034Js
unified atomic mass constant, u 1.66 x 10 27 kg
rest mass of electron, 9.11 x 10 31
rest mass of proton, m^ 1.67xlO27kg
molar gas constant, R 8.31 J K rmol 1
the Avogadro constant, 6.02 x 1023 mol 1

the Boltzmann constant, k 1.38x10-23JK1

gravilational constant. 6.67x 1O-11 N m2kg 2

acceleration of free fall, s 9.81 ms 2

uniformly accelerated motion, ut+%a(
uz + 2as
work done on/by a gas, PAV
hydrostatic pressure, Nh
gravitational potential, Gm

displacement of particle in s.h.m., xo sin .rl

velocity of particle in s.h.m., vo cos.ol

+u.!Qi -il
resislors in series. R1 +R2+...
resistors in parallel, 1lR = llRt + llRz + ...
electric potential, Q / 4reer
alternating current/voltage, xNin., f
transmission coeff icient, exp(-2kd\
8n'}m(lJ - E)
where k =

radioactive decay, xa exp(-^t)

decay constant,

sRJC 200S S745l03/Pre'A' Level/2009 lfurn Over


Section A
Answer ALL questions in this section

Fig 1.1 shows a vertical current carrying wire I of 2.O A (flowing out of paper) inside
uniform hodzontal magnetic field (shown along plane of the paper).


Fig. l.1

The direction of the magnetic field is at bearing 340" (or 20' west of north). The magnetic
flux density B of the field is 0.040 T. The wire carrying the currenl 1 is 30.0 cm long.

(a) Draw on Fig 1.1 the magnetic field at P due to the current and label it "a". tll
(b) Give the bearing of the magnetic field at P due to the current L

bearing = ' tlt

(c) lf the resultant magnetic field al P points exactly north, find the ratio
magnetic flux density at P due to the current

ratio = l2l

(d) Draw on Fig 1.'l the magnetic force acting on the current and label it "d". 111

sRJC 2009 9745/03iPre A Level/2009 [urn Over


(e) Determine the magnetic force acting on the current and give its bearing.

magnetic force = N [1]

bearing = ' t1l

(0 lf a second vertical wire carrying a current flowing into the paper is now placed at P,
give the bearing of the resultant force acting on this second wire.

bearing = " t1l

sRJC 200S 9745/03/P.e'A' Levei/2009 lTum Over


(a) Explain why the potential difference across the terminals of

a battery is always lower
than its e.m.f when it is connected to a circuit.

State the condition under which the potential difference acrcss a baftery,s termjnals
equal to its e.m.f.

,"r r r rrt
in series wilh a "
r;;-, ; ;; ;";,, ;;;; ;; ;";",;; ;, :;j:'
";wilh internal resistance 0.5 O.
cell Z of e.m.f. 3.0 V "


Calculate the potential difference between X and y.

potential difference = v l2l

sRJC 200S 9745/03/Pre'A' Level/2009 ffurn Over


(c) Another circuit consisting of a cell W in series with .1.0 O and 2.0 O resistors is
connected to positions X and p which are 8O.O cm apart. This is illustrated in Fig. 2.2.

1.0 () 2.o a

(0 lf the galvanometer registers a null deflection at position P, determine the reading
shown on the ammeter

ammeter reading = A 121

(ii) Calculate the power loss in cellZ.

power loss = w t2l

sRJC 2009 9745/03/Pre'A' Level/2009 ffurn Over


(iii)Wire XY is replaced with another wire of the same material and length but with a
smaller cross-sectional area.

State and explain the changes (if any) in

1. the balance length,

.................... ... t21

2. the final ammeter reading at balance.

sRJC 2009 9745/03/Pre'A' Level/2009 [furn Over


3 (a) When Uranium-23s nuclei are fissioned by slow moving neutrons, the foilowing
reaction takes place:
{iu*,jn >'lj .O
ldentify the particle c and state-1he number b of such particles produced in the reaction.

= lqLna{ - Re*r"rn, o= ....3.............. trl
t Lr\u,rJ. (l4/lyg*( - lfu.,r
J----\ )c'
- "=....1t1...........
(b) The blngng enQrgy per nucleon of U-235, I-131 and Y-102 are 7.6 lvlev, 8.5 MeV and
8.6 MeV respectively. Calculate the enerqy released bV '1.0 kq of Uranium.

tT. v4k",,c = liEr BEy *

A^ + n

-- ( 1(luz'1'u)- 1rr<" 1e )
rrr x 9-g)

= >otf'AleV = ?->? x t,!'J ')

f . 1' l'9' , pt
Nr- q uw'rJ-'r. tQ ,t "t,,t = :I*r+l^o-,a energy released =
- h+u E ,rc r!&-a : ?->?,,D.'* I*i6l o-,? - ...,
(c) ln all nuclear plants, radioactive wastes are being produced. One of the radioactive
wastes lodine-131('fjl ) decays spontaneously with a halflife of 8.02 days.

(i) Calculate the decay constant for lodine-131.

\ _ ai-
/\ - w-,

decay constant - ..1.:9.Y.1.\9....... st tzl

(ii) Another radioactive product Strontium-go (::Sr) has a half-life of 2B.B years.
Suggest one problem encountered in the disposal of
i. '-': r

h.'n . it".l-cl

'Tt'l;r+ o gh*.u. ,^a*l y<a-.lfiN n f.+rtria


sR.JC 2009 9745/03/Pre'A' Level/2009 ffurn Over


ln scientific research, spectroscopists often use the emission line spectrum of gases to
uniquely identify the elements that constitute the gases. The emission line speitrum of
hydrogen is shown in Fig 4.1.

400 nm 700 nm
Fig 4.1
(a) Using the concept of electron energy levels in atoms, explain how an emission line
spectrum is formed.


(b) Fig 4.2 below represents the lowest energy levels of the electron in a hydrogen atom,
with the principal quantum number n and the corresponding valuls of energy
associated with each level shown.

0.54 eV n=5
-0.85 eV n=4
eV n=3

-3.40 eV n=2

-13.6 eV
Fig 4.2
Calculate the longest possible wavelength of the spectral line observed when an
electron undergoes a transition from the energy levels shown in Fig 4.2 to the ground
state (n =1).

wavelength = m [3]
SRJC 2009 9745/03/Pre'A' Level/2oos lfurn Over

(c) The electron transition in part (b)(i) is an example of spontaneous emission.

ln contrast, in lasers the dominant process that leads to that formation of a welF
collimated intense beam is stimulated emission. The word LASER is an acronym for
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

By drawing a suitable energy level diagram, explain the process of stimulaled


(d) Explain why the energy of electrons in solids is represented by energy bands, whereas
those in isolated gas atoms are represented by discrete energy levels.

. ............J........
or-on^r a* i{r,."eJ
'7 o\,t?-hnur+ e- & ,r.ot iu€-^i tr ,-g. o_
'. r- lpr .e"pryl
. .... ...-...... .I ...... c' AC,^iL l!,r'at,,

fr!}.. :.. e:Fr:.. ?3..s".W f:*t!:{.


v ' Pal,, tc 6e (u-'- f.\',o@:

4 L- gt W;r z 2o-<.
CWc 6J [ Qcw< 't;*-2.

T w"-tnt 1fl1" Xnon


t. ln A)*t+t gLer.*L +-g

o / f0 ^9**'t^rry"{.*
h-'." f^*ft ib
4rro { e-qq -rhyr^1
S+d <l
SRJC 2009 e745/03/pre A Lever/2 o[s CCtU I V)IL, . flurn Over

Section B
Answer two questions from this section.

5 (a) (i) Explain what is meant by the intemalenetgy of agas.


(ii) The pressure of ideal gas, p, is related to its density, p, by the equation
p = ir(c')wnere (c') istne mean scuare speed of the molecules.
Show that the internal energy of an ideal gas is directly proportional to its
thermodynamic temperature. t3I

(b) Exprain. using kinetic theory

"ffi$l_-z-a l,u{r'4 I",, ,&^*r (0,^ ;
(i) the specific latent heat of iApoi.--rsation is higher than the specitrc lalent hei
fusion for the same substance,

sRJC 2009 9745/03/Pre'A' Level/2009 lfurn Over


(ii) cooling effect accompanies evaporation.

V,^KA_ e,y_,_t ,+-t
'' ''' 'ir'''

-'- <t+> J/
<(F) .. T J,


(c) An engine contains 5.2 r 10 3 mol of gas at volume 5.0 x 10 3 mol of gas at volume
5.0 r10 5 m3 and pressure 6.0 x 105 Pa.

(i) Assuming ideal gas behavior, caiculate the temperature of thegas.

,,a 1,1- = {, >u r otl vu-w
V= y.o * rc>-{ *!
r, = b-o *r-(,r?o.

Pv rv --Nt-T

temperature of gas - ..)4.I.-l .......... .. K t2l

The gas is then heated ut e!"tu!!_yglgle, raising its temperature by
800 l_(. This is oone by supplying B5 J of energy to the gas.
& =+grJ
'1. The molar heat capacity, cv, of the gas at constant volume is the energy needed
lo rarse the lemperatu'e ol unit amount ol qas by unrt temperature. Calculate c..
rrl ( J'.oL I- J 4wroVh gt ,fu
a-- Cv , r,u " a'ft/ (W:\) G

Lv - \tt

- +Kgso
: >r.t 6^oL,l/,
f,z.r rv-!

sRJC 200S
& molar heat capacity =
9745/03/Pre A Level/2009
t J mot
[urn Over

2. Determine the final pressure ofthe gas.

finar pressure of ga" = ... lr..?.1.1.1.y.'-.... p" t t

(iii)During the power stroke of the engine, the gas expands by doing 62 J of work,
while no lhermal energy enters or leaves the gas.

'L State the tirsf /aw of thermodynamics.


2. By applying the law to this process, calculate the change in the internal energy
of the gas during the power stroke.

change in intemal energy = J I2I

SRJC 2009 9745103/Pre'A' Level/2009 lfurn Over


6 (a) Define magn etic flux densitylot a conductor carrying a current.


(b) The arrow shows the path of a c-harge_d particle moving with constant velocity
the shaded region in Fig. 6.1.
&+ =o

Fig. 6.1

Discuss whether the slatements I and ll below may be true of the region.
Statement l: Only an electric field exists in the region.
Statement ll; Only a magnetic field exists in the region.

1: l.* Jr*.,
: aw1 cb.tv12! pa,$,u u.al{ lfff:i:f * arcL ) u,^
1P(a.ra i". a ..0*tr.,,v" /b trF-e{.

g': . f-*- |v-/-

/\or .fr,rz 131

E6t B+t,,
*t^o- F&" , t ,t, .-!\ !tt\-!
kq^r.no wl'
J"Vl"+''" 'X A uw'por.-x J
y',1.Il-,lb .Lr ,. A"v,lri^ ob
cl/o-+a r4.o+f yy {b-hr.{rJ
k .

l^@., lB, fo)

$_-o )

sRJC 2009 9745/03/Pre'A' Leveu2009 lfurn Over


(ii) Use Fig. 6.2 to explain how a magnetic field and an electric field may exist
simultaneously in the region without changing the motion of the charged particle.


Fc'FE fr- fuu+" lt v-{.rttz.feJ

fuu= u1, r3l

(c)Two parallel rails of negligible resistance are placed 15.0 cm apart as shown in
Fig. 6.3 below. Two metal rods, AB and CD, which can stide smoothly along the rails,
are berng pulled away by exlernal forces. Rod AB is being pulled at a constant speed
of 3.0 m s' whrle rod CD is being pulled at a constant speed oi 5.0 m s-r in the
opposite direction There is a uniform rnagnetic field strength of 0.15 T applied
perpendicular to the plane of the rails into the paper.

15.0 cm


(u 4r , 6wa rnlr u.r *B = I'
!'eg'-s o-t !
0. rY
(i) Define magnetic flux and state its unit.
fi'ra{ .-r,- =1.
2. I


sRJC 2009 9745/03/Pre A level/2009 [T!rn Over


(ii) Calculate the rate of increase of ihe area of toop ABDCA.

rate of increase of area = m' st 121

(iii)As the rods AB and CD move, an electrical signal is generated in the coil ABDCA.
Explain why an electrical signal is generated using Faraday's law of
electromaonetic induction
'b -G


(iv)Calculate the e.m.f. induced jn the loop ABDCA.

, r= l-gJ
-- $ru^ ) (d=)
- A&
= 0.({ ( v't go
-- o,rgo J e.m.f. induced = v L2l

-l (?vi\ 1611),-1BAu)i

sRJC 2009 9745/03/Pre A' Level/2009 lturn Over


(v) Describe and explain the direction of the induced cunent in the loop ABDCA.


(vi)Rod AB is now being pulled at 3.0 m sl in the same direction as rod CD as shown
in Fig. 6.4. Explain whether the e.m.f. induced will have a smaller or larger
magnitude compared to that calculated in (cxiv).

t-ums 15.0 cm

Fig. 6.4

- S X sb^;rte,v'


SRJC 200S 9745/03/Pre'A' Level/2009 lfurn Over


Fig 7.1 below shows how x-rays are produced inside an x-ray tube. The electrons emitted
al the calhode are accelerated from rest using an accelerating voltage to hit a target
made of a metal at the anode and produce x-rays as a resull.
E'ectrons Vacuum
Heated f ilamenl calhode

voltage %


A graph of relative inlensity against wavelength of the emitted radiation shows an

emission line spectrum superimposed on a continuous spectrum as shown in Fig. 7.2.


Wavelaqtlr / l0'll m
l'L Fig.,.z
(a) (i) Determine the maximum energy of the x-ray photons emitted, and state how such
a photon arises. r* . J_
cn v-
L - '.. - l. b6.r r9-'f 5
maximum energy = lrk! {le-.11 J l2l
l.h.+ rnjY
sRJC 2009 9745/O3/Pre'A' Level/2009 ffurn Over

Shotv that the acceterating vottage Vd used is 104 kV.

P7X*wtl e' - 4\/ = t'ro1,r,P''*

V : . ,. .-- lrtgbV

(iii)The accelerating voltage is reduced to one lhird of its original value. Determine the
minlmum wavelength of the x-rays emitted.

(Tw4t V nt*t V * vb *:,'^.1 .


et--* lb f L1 hra-r.-a:e fa *06 tl."?L."e .

minimum wavelength =. ................... m til

(iv)Sketch on Fig. 7.3 a graph to show how the new retative intensity of the x_rays
emitted varies with wavelength.



(v) Calculate the speed at which the electrons hit the target when the accelerating
voltage is 104 kV.

speed or erectrons = l1l..i.!9.1.. r",o,

SRJC 2009 9745/03/Pre'A' Level/2009 ffurn Over


(vi) By making other suitable calculations, suggest why the wave properties of
electrons are not observable in this experiment.

\ -- C-At xtD-'t"^

4tl, v9J(

.. ... f\ . .... . ......... ...................!.y. ...... . .. ...

/\A e' I t--* svn'k" +t \r^ ; aloF{-1 * r*

9*Y wJ
(b) (i) Explain how the following observation of the photoelectric prouiO""B?if;* M{t-
that electromagnetic radiation has a particulate nature: "ff""t
There is no no-ticeable time lag between iltumination and the emission of electrons,
irrespective of the light intensity.

e- &K"*,'o-r

liele-399::: SJ
e^,ttr^^g: #-pna;.+44 l3l
0(4+\^}t t& at^. w^,L? .

(ii) Ultra-violet radialion of frequency 4.83 x

1015 Hz is incident on a metal surface and
the resulting photoelectrons have a maximum kinetic energy of 1.2g x 1O-18 J.

1. Calculate the energy of a photon of this radiation.

energy = ev [2]

sRJC 2009 9745/03/Pre'A' Leveu2009 ffurn Ove.


2. Calculate the maximum kinetic_ energy of the photoetectrons produced by

radiation of frequency 6.76 x 10'5 Hz incident on the same melal surface.

maximum kinetic energy = ................. J t31

3. By making suitable calculations, explain briefly what will happen when a very
high intensity radiation of frequency 2.50 x 101' Hz is incident on the same
metal surface.




With thanks to

SRJC 2OO9 9745/03/Pre'A' Level/2009 ffurn Over

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