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Lzi'ri\ Q'

Nz€k 3 r,t-rlotictlt

Two 9ourc€ lnterreren.e (e.s. vounsrs Do!bl€ S!it Experimenrl E:3!!ple2

Wtlr referen@ to Exampte 1, the h{o colrerent sou.@s are now generating waves out ol
phase Detem ne wheth€r constructve or desttuclve interferen€ occuB ai each oo nt
Conditlons iorobsetuable. steadv interterence panerns (irinoes)

(i) The sources mlsl be cohereni (ioplyng sources rrave same rrequency afd Exampie 3
Two microwaves solrces A and B are n phase wrh one anolher. They emt waves or
(i) They have roughLy ih€ sahe amplillde {1o achlev€ mmpete wave cznceLalion wavelength 40 0 mm The ampllrde ofthewavefom source B s 3 times thal ot solrce A A
and good cont.asl belween maxima and miniha or nlensly) deleclor s pla@d at po nl P where it is 1.00 m irom A 6nd 1.19 m i.om B as shown berow
(i) For lrais@6e wav€s they mlsl be eilhe. unpolarlsed or polarized in rh6 same
plane (rortknsveFewaves)

Constructivs oesirucrive
lX =nr. _ =r" jn
where,=0.1 2. wrerer=o j,z.
= 2nr Ed A,l = {2n lrr €d
wher€n=01 2

-nL o" =1a l1i (i) Expainwhvthe intensity detected at pont P s a m nma
wherer=0,'l 2 wh€re.=o 1 2
Path dlilerencG BP - AP;1 18'1,00 =0,13 h = 4,51, Since the sources Aand B are
in phas€, dgstruclive inlerference occuE at P.nd intensityat P is minlmum.
.lfth€ bro coheBnt sources ha\e a ohase ditrerence aln /ad.
the conditions for constructive and d€structive interlerence are lnterchanded. (i) What s the facl on ofth€ nlenslyatPcomparedlorhe nlenstyatO

Amplituds at P = 34-A= 2A
EI3lplel Ampliluds at O -3A+ A= 44
d agram below shows n{o coherenl sour@s ge.eratino wave n phase Tlre dashed lnes
denote the wave lroughs soid ines denole lrre wsve cresls Th€ tvo waves nterfere ln the
since r.,a:. ! = /arll'?= %

shaded.eglon Delemine whelher conslructve ordeskuctve l.lerierence occuis ateaclr po nl

Palhdfle.ene/i lnlerferefce (iD As the deteclor s moved from P lo O. a serles ofminma and ha,maw€.€ obsetued
Expla n lh s phenomenon and staie how many mi.imum and ma{mum po nts w I be
encouflercd alons lhe way to o (ncus ve ol P and o)
As the d6tecto. moves to Oj the intenslty alt6rnates dueto rhe changing path
l difierence. There willbe 5 minlma {lncruding P)and 5 maxima (inctuding O)

5 31. - 2.5I=0.5t
(iv) State lhe type ol fl€rfe@nce al P when solre B is changed to be anl,phase wlh

Conslructive interf erenco-

Ya!-o-s5-D.a!.bl9sl!!s-q-a!.s! 1c) Delermine how the sDacnq belween lhe tlnges on th€ screen woud be ,fieded if the
lo low ng changes were made separatey
Lighl sou.ce olwavelen9th r.
O lhe screen Ls brought nearerlo lhe sits by0 5 m
io, Slnc6 r cD, il D decreases by 0.5 m, x willdocrease too.

I. (i) the sits are separaled turlh€rapad by 0.5 mm

J I lerBrorsflrnse
I+ enlG brgrrLrrnge
Since x d 1/a, ifa is increased, x willdecrease,
I I. (i) r

tI a red lght oiwaveLength 7 O x 1o m is used

Sinc€ x d l, if l increases, x lncreases too.

(v) one olthe doube s ts s cove@d

Th6 interference fringes will disappear,

where x s lhe dlstan@ benve€f tuo adia@nl brqhl fnnqes {or two dark ir.ges)
a s the distan@ behreen the doLbre sils (sitsepamton) (v) the d slan@ betleen lhe doub e slls and slng e sLit s edlced
D s lhe distan@ irom the sltslo the sc€en
i is the wavelenglh orllre ighl Ths rring. sopa€tion is unaffected, lntensliy ol brighlfringes is increased.

Exampl€ 4 (v) lhe spae between the doube sll and sceen slledwlhal.ansoarentm€diumoJ
lnaYouiqsdoubLesllexpe nent a tulrerent honochromallc bue llghl ol waveength 4 0 x reiracl ve index lrigher than thal for air orvac!um
10' m I lum nales two naFow para Ie s its s€paraled by 0 50 mm A wh le screen s p a@d 2 !
m aqay irom lhe slls as shown below: Th€ rringes produced on the sc@en wlrl b6 narrowor. This is becauso tho
wavel6n9th I is smaller in medium where the refracttve index is higher than

=g h,^",,t,w,,w,r'v",.rrr,wl

=B I
I ,,.,.
(vi) one of the doubie sits iscovered by a thin g ass sh€et

Descib€ whal caf be seen on thescreen.

The opticaL path ls increased and the tringe sysbm is shilted
Evonly spaced and approxlnately equally brighltringos of blu€ llghiwill be fomed

(b) Calculalethe separaton beh{een the fringeson lhe screen

Examolo 5
O Wial s the phase d li€rence. in rad ans. befiveen lhe waves atrving at po nl S?
phase diite6nce atS = 2r x fl =znx/2 .3nad
Fg 5.1 below shows nol lo see a. expermenta arangemenl ior srldynS the tEnsmtsston
(c) The spaclng ol the s s in the expenmenl was 020.0nr. use lhs tolerher wlh
. ro
't. io,. )6 .o,
nirrmation kom th€ d aqrams.lo ca cltate rhe wave enarh oi the toht

F.om Fig, 5,2, fringe separatlon y = 1,8 x 1ot m

'o Youns s Doubls s irs Equarroni). = !l

=6.0r 10i m

(d) Descrbeandexpranchanges(itany) nFi!.5.2 I the I ne pQ is I led wirh p ctoser to

l4onochromatic lghl from a aser fa]ls norma yontwo narrow coseyspa@dparae sits.
The inl€fsily olLght transmtted is sludied by movng a sma ighl sensor a ong the inepe,at
2 perpe.d cu ar d stane of 6 0 m froh llre s its Fg 5 2 shows how the iqhl ntenstv vartes From O ro Qj the intonsity peaks wi become sma erand the separation between
r I'or r" f )'oi e ad por'O. rhe peaks (frrng€ separatioh)wideras e ts now turtheriion theatirs.

+o"OtoP the nr€nsity peahs wittbe(ome tdrgerand rhe soparaton berw.en the
OQ pea(s wil become "a ro6or .s P is now nearerro rho stirs

Exaholo 6

Fg.6 beow shows n{o speakers. S, and S,, confected to a stgfatlenerator The wav€s

so€ed ofi.'rn.l'q rrn (

-6.0 -4.r1 0 ?.0 ,10 6.0
Fig. 5,2

Explalnwhyllre Nvo lghl waves from the stG prodLe a min mum intensity at R
As the two wav6s are oul of phase on aniva at R, destructive interfe@nce takes Fiq.6
Ih6 superposed wav€ is a minimum and thus intensity (that is proporUo.at to (0 Whal woud a person standng at point p h€ar a oud or soit sound tntensty?
sqlate of €surtanr ampritudel is atso a minimum,

(i) Point o s equid slanl fron the sirs sial€ . re.ns oithe wavee.gth I rhe parh Path diftereace = 1 m = 2(0.5) = A, ie. n A, duftipte ot wavetensth
d fferen@ belween the waves arriv.q atS sinc. sources arc in phase, cohsttuctive inteiercnce takes ptace atp
Thetelore,.taud saund wilt be heard atpointp.
Since il ls the second order mtmim!m arS, the path difierence = {1 + %)L
{ii) Ih€person stzds lo move away rrom p towards O Ca cu ate rhe d slance that
he has ro
coversuch thal he wt frst reaclr a pointthalgiv€s mnimum sound inlensity?
Diitraction qratinq eouatlon

Th€ sou.ces are at in phase

Atthe biglrt spots @nstructive interieren@ occurs,lhus path dlferen@ ni.
a='l(1f14-5n =
)D Ai.t2
Hencehe haslo nave0,6 n ftom p. 1.",
ExamFle 7 1..-"..'
),."..' ,"
Two oudspeake6 L, and L, drven rrom a @nmon osci taror a@ ara.ged as showf be ow A 1,:t',, ... where n s an nteger. the order ot diffraction
ddd-o'r dd co! D ea , o rpos.ratoi gred_atr .cd.eo
I rs the waverength ol tght
ioa,-0! to,000.1/rt-oele.Fo -
ord pd.sF. 1.o.q' o F,60o
d is the 9ratng spacng
3i is the anqte ofdifiracl on

Ange oi d lrraction s the angte beh!€ef the dnedon oi the nlh order brqrrt ine and the
Ca cu ate the frequency al whch the second m n hum is obsetoed q ven that the speed ot stra ghtlhro!gh d.ectior

Example 8 (N95/l /3)

You ae asked 1o nnd ttie wavelefOth ot

monochromatic red tght emred by a taser
The appdrarus s Iustral€d n the n9!re

The dillEclon gratng has 5.gt105 ines per

melre and s set so that irs plane is fomatio
the incident ight and is situated 1 50 m froh
a arg€ screen Bright spols are obserued at
patn aifierencs
= ---
rzo- Lro= ./40t;!i - qo = r m 055 m and I44 m from lhe @nlE bnght

f10 0 Ca cu ate lhe wave ength ofthe taser tghr ofthe nrst ord€r dfiracted tqht
Since thesound waves orlglnating tron both sp€akeF are tf phase, the sound waves
ariving at D are tr rad ou!-of"phase and a minimum ts obsewed when t= t70 Hz.
d =1/5.5x10' = 1,82x10' m,

As tinc€ases, A oisound waves decreases,

Using I andforn-1 1=dnn, =r 82\Loir-fll=625,,
When Ax;l, a maxlmum is obseNed and when Ax = 3/2l, a htnimum is obseru€d il5r+o 5t
(i) suqs€st o.e advanrage and one dsadvantaqe oi obtaining lhe wav€tengrh by usng
Ihe second nln mum occurswh€n obseryations olthe secand,orderdifiracred ighl ratherlhan thef6rode.d fiiacte; i!ht.'

oisadvantago: 2"d ord6r tmage is t6ss shalp and tess brlqhl determinarion of th6
oostrroa ol ,? is toss accu€!6i tess accuacy in ca c-tdred vatue ot i.,
!19 = 5 ro H. Aold-rage: 2 d oro€r image has targe, d) compae ro r. lrom 1! oder rmdge.
Largervarue of A? g&€s towet percenkge uncedaj.ty itr tho measurem6nt ofr? a;d
cal.ulated value of i.,
Example 10
Example 9
ddsa. o-aar.gr'r/50 .pdro I o..oid
.espermm susedtoexamine ilhl toh a gtow ng gas lis
Adiifraction gEting wlh 500 o bl Fl0r' Fd200.n b.yolor.Fo.h 9les
loundthatlhelrslordervioelfrngeefrergedalangtell.5 lromthe st.atghllhro!gh positior pos ons on ^ s! eF.ola
a scale o.lhe s.r€en as showf n F. 4 2
o L6 adge! rda-.i-o c..-,dI

0 Show that llr€ wave enqth ofthe votet lghr ts 3 99 x tO r m

d =O.OO1/5OO-2x10{ m,€ = 11.5, n=1

dsino = nl
2 x 1Oi Xsin11,5l = (1)A
l - 399nm

(i) obseNed lrral the 3'd order red fiinge overaps wilh the 4ri order vio el irnoe
Lt s
Deterfrine the wave ength oithe red tght

Since theirlnq6s ovedap, the difractlon angle,0, isrhe same i

n,Ir/d = n!4,/d
sin 0=
h€nce, n..\. : n! A!
3I. :4(399x10!)
l, : 532 nm o.5.32 x lot h (i) Use the lrst orderspectrum to dedu@ a va!e forthe waveenlth ofih€ btu€ ighl

d "dqed*ri o , -.tEna' .226, =ra1.3

slnce sio 3: n,l,/ d <1, dsin9,=h^

n, <d/4,
< (2t 10-6)/(5.32 x 101=3.3 r'-l! =ro.ro". and ."i =! ard n = 1
Thereforc maximum order ls 3

FromsnS=n,4./d 5 r=4ra=14 !. o.,la,=4rr, o .

s = sini(3)(s.32x 1oJ)/(2 x 1011

(D Howwourd the panem obl:ined be diflerenl itred tghtwere used n p a@ of blle lght?
(v) comment on how the irnge palteh and co rasr oirhe fringeswolld chafqe ifa gratng You are nol elpected lo make any €tcuatonswhen answering ths parl oithe queston.
or'1000 ines p€rmm sLsed.stead Assumetlre stiwidrh is corslanl
Red light has a rongerwavetongrh than that of the bhe tiqht. Fron the equatjon
When numberolslits pe.mm is doubled, spacing between brightriinges ircrease, , - o , we erpsct the orderspecrums ro be sodcod runhe,apaar;or oae
totalnumberoi brightlringes reduced, Fringes b€come brighrerand sharperj or
contrast is improved (not bn9ht34. anot'oron thesc.een slnco is largerto d tong"rsave,elgr".
(i) Whatprobemwolld arse rtheexperimenr;ere rep€aledw h jnrra.ed.adia|on?
Suggesl how lh s prob em cou d be overcome.

The 6ain problom i3 that lrfra{ed radiation is invisibt€, hence no image can b€
seen on th€ sceen. Any dovice which can b€ used to d6t€cr heat auch as a
thernopilo may be used to de16ct regions oinaxima,
200s Jczts2Fhyscs SlpeFoston

E&splc]l (v) Sial6 one assumpUon in your *lcuallons in part {iii).

Lighl waves ollrequency 7 5 x 10! Hz is used 10 oblan a pallern of high and ow intens ly on a
-"p" D ) a OR Amaximsm int€nsity lstoond alO.
S. a " 2
"t" soJ es

(') The above expe mentis repealed bltwith a tew modiicalons

1 LishlorwavelenglhS0xl0i misused
2. A dlfi.acton gratinA wth 1000 inespermo sused
lvhe lhe deEcro. c plsFo dl P, a xal o.de fa, r L- 5
where this maxihum is delecled.


using d sin€ : nI, n: 1

{,) Siale and explain the princlp e wh ch causeslhe patlem iofom on th€ screef

Principle of Superposition,
Wh6n 2 or moro waves me6t in tne same space a.d time, the Esultant ot the waves
ls the vector sum ot the indivldual waves and 6ach wavo procoods as tholgh no

(D Skte 2 condliofs thal musibe F.esentin orderlo oblaln obsetoabe interlerene panems.

The sources mustbe coheent AND

2. The waves mlsleither be unpolartzed or b. polarlzed ln tho san€ plan€

3,Ihe waves dlsl
be or the safre tpo,
4. Th€ wav€s mustbo of simlla. am plitud€$

(ii) A deiecior. whose inlia posillon is O, s moved along the screen inlhe d recllon ofP
nlelJa d ar P srdlig noa o o-o erorg dl P d roe or 6
aa.rr.r I e.!psa'edFrA.ed 'roJ Tl'"d6ra ceD s I0ihl.'eoDbb0r r0'{. f'1d
lhe dslan@ betwe€n the 2 sources

(Dirqfn / Annhine 10 $h@ lhal OP ?., rims the d stare b€lwd 2 @'rsu1ile
harimlm iit.nr ly 3p.L) 's

7 5x=6.0x 103 m hen@ x=8Ox1Orm

u.n..=19 o= ?5 10"^to 5^ro '-

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