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2015 in Astrology: The Year of Manifestation








17th February 2015

By Simon Vorster
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World
What an incredibly exciting time to be alive! Since 2012 humanity has been experiencing very powerful shifts in
energy and awareness. The veils that have kept us from seeing the true nature of reality are being removed, and this
cosmic saga will continue to get even more intense as we passage deeper into 2015.
As we transition through important points in this years solar cycle, the nature of what reality actually is will truly be
discovered, and there are a number of important astrological alignments in store for us to help the process along.

Keep your seatbelt securely fastened! Here we go! Everything has come to this, the time for humanity to start taking
a stand for the new direction is now! Who is in?
So what are we experiencing exactly? In this article I wish to offer an astrological perspective of the nature of our
awakening to which you are able to add practical ideas and ways of integrating it into your life.

Uranus in Aries
As with all things, to really make sense of the present we have to understand the events that have shaped us and
brought us to the point we have arrived at now. Without going into too much detail about planetary definitions, we
have since 2012 been experiencing the brand new evolutionary cycle of Uranus in the sign Aries. Amplified by the
Square it has been making to Pluto in Capricorn, the energy of the Uranus in Aries cycle has been the major cause
for all of this new advancement within the evolution of human consciousness. The structures and models in which
we have previously lived have been broken down. Our old outdated perspectives have been brought to the surface
and through a collective unrest a new evolutionary impulse has begun to emerge. A new direction and a collective
awakening is the result.
Another layer to this story plays out on a much deeper level, and unless we are paying really close attention to the
energy flow most of us wont actually see it materialize yet. This is the gradual rebalancing of the negative and
positive expressions, the masculine and feminine, the expressive and the receptive, or simply, the Ying and Yang.
This cycle of harmonising is part of a gradual shift that is happening on Earth, but which will take a long time to
become grounded in totality in our physical reality.
So at this stage of our cosmic journey, one natural cycle is ending while our new identity is being manifested,
shaping and designing our lives to hold the new direction of our consciousness. As this is happening at a collective
and individual level, each and every one of us plays an incredible role in making this happen. The simplest thing you
can do at this point is allow your heart to be open and present. Until now we have learned to keep our hearts closed
off, due to many distorted experiences and outdated beliefs. This evolutionary cycle of Uranus in Aries is an
invitation to live more wholly, to understand and embrace our inner truth, and to manifest our new consciousness
into reality. This is why as, we progress into 2015, a brand new chapter truly awaits us and I personally feel this
one is going to be big!

Saturn in Sagittarius 2015 2017

This cycle will bring about an interesting dynamic to the way we have been seeing reality. Much of what I feel will
change for us is the relationship we have to each other. As we remove the illusions of separateness and move past
the barriers that have been instilled into the collective human psyche, we will be asked to see past our own ego
based perceptions of ourselves and to see the interconnectedness we all share.
The way we see ourselves will continue changing and evolving. Our challenge will be to assimilate our newly
discovered truths and understandings, both personal and shared, into our manifest reality.

Jupiter Trine Uranus

Continuing this theme, the Jupter Trine Uranus cycle will be an interesting one for us as we will be heavily invested
in what Uranus has been reflecting to us since 2012. This aspect will heat up our creative spark and really
revolutionize the way we are seeing ourselves on Earth and the way we are going about integrating our sense of
special destiny into the world. From here on out, this message stands to be very clear: as our existing social
structures continue to break down, each and every one of us will be asked to step into a role of individuated
authority over our own lives. Unless you take charge and full sovereign ownership of your life, at all levels, nothing
is going to manifest for you the way you want it to. So buckle up, and BE the change you wish to see in the world.
You are needed in this consciousness (r)evolution! It is time to follow your dreams, no matter what!

The Final Pluto Uranus Square

Finally! I think many souls will be pleased to see the back of this planetary alignment. I am not going to lie, this
formation has reflected incredible chaos in peoples lives. So much loss and deep personal confusion. On the
brighter side of things, this alignment got us where we are today. This is one of the greatest, most important
alignments of our current times. The main reason I speak of this transit in this way is that on the deepest level, our
outdated perceptions and ideas that were previously crystallized into our psyches are now laying fractured all over
the place. Our job now, is to try and integrate a totally new identity, and to heal the wounds caused by those distorted
modes of being.

The Retrograde Season

The retrograde season this year will bring about much individuation. The motion of retrograde always reflects the
natural law of breath and more specifically, retrograde will reflect the process of inhalation. When you inhale, you
are in the receiving space of going back within. Think of it as a mental retreat.
During the months of June/July 2015, we will have Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Venus in all moving in
Retrograde motion. What this pattern will be showing us is an intense reflection of how we go about aligning our
choices and desires into the world. By June/July, Jupiter will have completed its cycle through Leo leaving all our
creative ideas and lifelong dreams and desires out on the table. With this phase of self-discovery completed, what
the retrograde cycle will induce is the necessary key ingredient for manifestation Individuality. This is because
our creativity reflects our individuality and our individuality reflects our creative expression. So, by August 2015,
Jupiter will have moved into Virgo and the path of true, creative service to rebuilding humanity begins. Will you be

The Cardinal Cross Fundamental Change

During April 2014 we had a total formation of planets that directly changed and set in motion the reshaping of
direction for humanity. This was the Cardinal Grand Cross. I wont go into too much of the detailed astrology of this
aspect, but the effects of that alignment are being felt extremely loudly today.
The way you can simply identify this effect is through the current division between old and new beliefs, values and
opinions in the world. The awakened and the sleeping. The anti-vaccine vs. the vaccine. I will go deeper into this
concept in an coming article The Shift, but for now what the Cardinal Cross really symbolizes is a change in
direction (Aries) that reflects a formation of a new identity (Cancer) that then has a direct effect on social relations
(Libra) which in turn impacts the total construction of our reality (Capricorn). Pretty neat hey? This new direction
will continue to be shaped as we move along the Earth timeline. To transcend this, embrace the unity of all things;
that we are all of the same source.

Pluto in Capricorn Freedom from Within!

It is time to re-program your own mind and develop your ability to consciously rise up and above the pre-existing
system. This current movement of Pluto through the sign Capricorn is arguably one of the most important transits of
our current awakening times. As explained more thoroughly in my previous article, Understanding Our Ancestral
Timeline, since 2008 we have been experiencing what you can call an involution of the pre-existing structure in
which we have based our reality on, including our conditioning patterns, social norms, thought behaviour etc. These
structures and conditions hold our truths that then inform and become the nature of our reality. Make sense?
Since 2012, we have been experiencing an energetic shift back into our natural vibration an awakening and this
has had a direct effect on the way we live our lives. These new, liberating changes and impulses have created the

beginnings of a massive change in direction for humanity. This shift currently having, and will continue to have, a
profound effect on humanity and its choices over the next coming years.
Plutos return to Capricorn only occurs once every 248 years. Plutos current transit through Capricorn (until 2023)
now sets the platform for the culmination of an entire chapter of human evolution. It is at the very baseline of all the
changes taking place.
Capricorn is associated with Cardinal energy. Very simply put, cardinal energy (that of Aries, Cancer, Libra and
Capricorn) reflects a change that induces a motion for a new direction. This alignment has a direct relationship with
Libra, Aries and Cancer. As our desires start to shift into a new direction, a new formation of social rules, conditions
and truths are being created. This process within our consciousness is now at a point where we have shifted our
focus from seeing what the problem is to figuring out how to fix it. Awareness is the first step.

Pluto Square the Nodes of the Moon

Finally, Pluto has recently been making crisis aspects to the Nodes of the Moon. The Nodes of the Moon are abstract
points in space that reflect two dimensions of reality. The South Node of the Moon reflects the aspect of our
emotional reality that were formed by experiences that have happened, and we experience this as feelings of
security. The North Node of the Moon reflects the dimension of time that is unconditioned to notions of security and
awaits the free interaction of your consciousness. There is a middle point, the Moon itself, which reflects the present
moment the constant space in our conscious awareness that reflects that relationship between what has happened
(past) and what we feel is available for us (future).
So as Pluto makes these squares to the lunar Nodes, which act as aspects of tension, we are faced with the deeper
process of integrating new paradigm thoughts, truths, awarenesses that reflect completely new social norms and
ultimately change the nature of our constructed reality. Such new direction requires total inner security, to support
our journey into the unknown as we deconstruct the false constructs of security in our outer world. Moving from the
present into the future (as opposed to clearing our past to move into the present) can only manifest itself from
within. Change starts from within! Be the change!

Neptune in Pisces The Return

The purpose of Neptune is really to induce a state of spiritual integration; to bring awareness of the spiritual nature
along with the physical, and unify the unconscious and conscious.
At present, Neptune is actually moving through its natural sign of Pisces, which is one reason why we are all
resonating so much with this spiritual awakening; our natural connection to our spiritual self is reflected and
amplified by the return of Neptune (consciousness) to its natural sign Pisces (source energy). This cycle will
continue to infuse you with inspiration and acceptance of the higher realms of consciousness. This is what many call
the 5D or 5th dimensional reality. What is really important to bring to our attention is the need to find love and to
let it guide us in our journey. The return to our roots and origins are also brought to light during this cycle.

Because it reflects the return of consciousness and source, extreme sensitivity is often the result of the
Neptune/Pisces vibration. So what will be happening during this 14 year cycle is that our sensitivity to our
environment will be heightened. We are and have already become more sensitive than before to products and
consumables that are synthetic/chemical based, and we are finding ourselves increasingly unable to tolerate the
failing synthetic reality our society has embraced since the industrial revolution. So, bearing in mind that Neptune
(sensitivity) and Saturn (physical form) will be forming crisis aspects to each other throughout this year, we will
have this element of life brought to our attention even more.
This will be a challenging experience to deal with since what is essentially being reflected to us here is the need to
remedy areas of our lives in which we are individually and collectively out of alignment with our natural ways of
living and being. Many of you reading this at the moment would have already come to understand this, and many of
you have no doubt begun seeking natural (not chemically-based) products, honoring your body with more organic
ways of nourishing your bodies and adopting natural dietary methods of natural hygiene and health care.
Your body is organic and is directly connected to nature and the principles that exist within it. Your body responds to
your environment and at a cellular level is in constant communication with it. Your body warns you and tells you
when something is wrong. But how much trust do we place in our bodies telling us what is important to us, and how
much trust do we give to outside authorities to provide us the answers? The Neptune in Pisces vibration asks us to
reclaim our sovereignty and to make the changes that bring us into alignment with the spiritual body.
Another aspect that I wish to address during this time is the need for discernment. Neptune in Pisces can also cause
feeling of hopelessness and despair. This is actually a natural effect of Neptunes vibration because it induces the
effect of things dissolving, and the emotions that result in that process. If your security is found outside yourself, in
external attachments, then as Neptune promotes changes in the formation you will naturally be met with those
feelings. The key with this 14 year cycle will be to help us gain more clarity about what is the actual nature of our
reality, and what will support our return back to the state of balance.
This cycle will not be easy. All personal illusions that reflect outdated emotional attachments will be removed,
which can be incredibly confronting. So, during this time it is important to apply the Virgo archetype of discernment
and asking questions, following a logical sequence, and making sure there is proper application of truth in your life.
The Virgo archetype represents the energy of grounding thoughts into the physical, by applying practical approaches
implement change in the world.
Spiritual Truth cannot be perceived from any state that is not aligned to absolute truth and thus spiritual mastery
is the product of a transmutation and renunciation of all illusions. Lies and pretences create barriers and resistance to
true intimacy with the Universe, so be careful of the big false promise of salvation from an external channel or
waiting for a government to fabricate a disclosure about a saviour. You are your own saviour! If you wait for
salvation to be gifted to you, you may be sorely disappointed. For the Universe to be completely open to you, you
must be open to it.

Finding Your Place in the World

The message that 2015 holds is very clear. As we are now fully entrenched into a global transmutation, the time for
each and every one of us to take control of our lives and face the truth of our reality is here, now. All outdated
philosophies, truths and prejudices about what we know need to be reformed, and our evolution at this time will
be an ongoing and intensified search for our personal truth. Our intolerance for fear-based media and control
structures will become even more heightened. Our desire to find our natural connection to Earth, each other, and
natural law will inform our sense of duty.
We are now being asked to manifest our gifts into the world, and build a new world around us. The creative spark
that exists within each and every one of us must be allowed to shine brightly! We are all here with a purpose. NOW
is the time to manifest it.
In order to follow how the process of these planetary changes unfold, please follow my regular New Moon and Full
Moon updates. I also provide personal guidance to individuals, based on their own unique signature, to help them
objectify and validate their own inner knowing and strengthen the connection to their higher self.
To learn more about evolutionary astrology, please enjoy these articles, or visit SimonVorster.com

Cleaning the Lens an Introduction to Evolutionary Astrology

Understanding Your Sun and Moon Signs in Astrology

The Astrology of Relationships Understanding Mars and Venus in Your Birth Chart

Evolutionary Astrology Understanding Our Ancestral Timeline

Understanding Saturn Return The Cycle of Maturation

Recent updates by Simon Vorster:

Full Moon in Leo We Come One!

New Moon in Aquarius The 5th Element

Full Moon in Cancer As Above, So Below

New Moon in Capricorn The Souls Purpose

Full Moon in Gemini Earths New Language

New Moon in Sagittarius Our New Horizons

Full Moon in Taurus 11:11 The Return from Darkness to Light

New Moon in Scorpio the Resurrection of Desire

Full Moon in Aries The Cosmic Gateway

New Moon in Libra Fear or Love?

About the author:

Simon Vorster is an evolutionary astrologer and teacher who has been practising astrology for
over 10 years.
Simons professional work is rooted in helping souls de-condition the self and empower the soul into making new
conscious choices. His soul work, sharing his thoughts and insights and using the powerful tool of evolutionary
astrology, is to help others find their own spiritual paths, live in the moment and understand that they are able to
change and effect their own evolution.
Keep up to date with Simon Vorster at
SimonVorster.com Facebook/EvoAstro YouTube/Raising Vibrations
Or sign up to the free Raising Vibrations e-Newsletter!

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