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Kant and Consequential Theory

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Ethics is a necessity for human life. It is our method for choosing a blueprint.
Without it, our activities would be irregular and erratic. There would be no real way
to work towards an objective in light of the fact that there would be no real way to
pick between a boundless numbers of objectives. Indeed with a moral standard, we
may be not able to seek after our objectives with the likelihood of achievement. To
the degree which a balanced moral standard is taken, we have the capacity to
accurately arrange our objectives and activities to finish our most imperative
qualities. Any defect in our morals will lessen our capacity to be effective.

Kants Theory
Immanuel Kant's hypothesis of morals is viewed as deontological for a few diverse
reasons. First, Kant contends that to demonstrate in the ethically right way,
individuals must act from obligation (deon). Second, Kant contended that it was not
the results of activities that make them right or wrong however the intentions of the
individual who does the activity. Kant's theory suggests that to demonstrate in the
ethically right way one must demonstrate absolutely from obligation starts with a
contention that the most "astounding great" must be both great in itself and great
without qualification. Something is "great in itself" when it is characteristically
great, and "great without capability", when the expansion of that thing never
exacerbates things. Kant then contends that those things that are typically thought
to be great, for example, insight, constancy and delight, neglect to be either
inherently great or great without capability. Joy, for instance, seems not to be great
without capability, on the grounds that when individuals take joy in viewing
somebody enduring, this appears to exacerbate things.
Particularly, in this case, Steve doesnt trust the abilities of his friend which is in fact
in the relevant field of HVAC business. That was the reason why Steve preferred a
more reputable and proven company to analyze the problem and could be said that
he made a second opinion over his friends opinion. Company sends an employee
Paul to survey the premises and as Paul is extremely passionate personal regarding
his work, he made a specific plan to rectify the temperature issue of the Steve. Paul
also handed over his specific plan that he sketched to Steve. This reception of the
plans suggests that Steve is interested to do a contract job with Paul but now he is
considering to it to give to his friend.
From Kant Deontology theory Steve must do right in whatever the circumstance is.
Steve should not steal the ideas without considering the consequences of its. He
must not share the ideas with his friends. As he is not obliged to do so because he
did not sign any agreement with the company. But according to Kant, Steve must do
the contract with Paul as Paul has committed his time and efforts to sketch a plan.
Consequence would be that Steve will bear the extra cost.

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Consequential Theory
Consequential Theory suggests that an actions approach should be determined
accordingly to the consequence of it. Theory suggests that if the consequence of
any action is good then essentially that action is also considered to be good. Sub
form of consequentialism is utilitarianism; to enhance the well-being of the society,
other form is Hendonism which suggests that human pleasure should be the priority.
Other forms says that the individuals should satisfy their preferences.
So according to the consequential theory, Steve should prefer the consequences of
the decision. The consequence would be that he might lost money by giving project
to Paul or even Paul may not get paid for the job as Steve has not enough money.
Also the relationship between Steve and his friend Terry could get strong if Steve
give project to Terry. Terry has already seen the sketch so Steve should give project
to Terry.

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