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~ No. 2/15 ~


Terror Attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris A False Flag Operation?

dd./sl. There are important knew the other brothers name. except that he had a clean
It happened in Paris on
countervoices that show differ- In that way no further investi- criminal record. All this does
January 7th, 2015. Blood
ent connections in regards to gation was necessary to an- certainly not indicate a heaviwas shed. Beloved people
died. An awful crime was Charlie Hebdo than those nounce the offenders names, ly armed, professional death
committed. Millions ga- stated by the press. Similari- thanks to the brothers forget- squad which would commit a
ties to the terror attack of 9/11 fulness. That rather looks like mass murder within 5 minutes
ther on the streets full of
cannot be overlooked. Accord- a prepared placement of evi- with precision and discipline.
sympathy. The fear of
ing to many experts 9/11 was dence. It reminds us of the Another contradiction is that
Islamic terror in Europe
a so-called false flag opera- 9/11 passport which was the third murderer was not
is growing. These are the
tion, an attack staged by their found completely undamaged in Paris when the crime
cruel facts.
own government and the on the top of the ruins of the happened according to several
But what happened really
secret services in order to World Trade Center after the witness statements. Furtheron this tragic 7th of
blame Islamic fundamen- catastrophe physically im- more in a short video we see a
January? Once more the
talists and justify the war on possible. There are further gunman shooting at a policemedia has quickly served
contradictions regarding the man at very close range. The
up alleged facts as irrevo- terror.
cable truth to the mesme- Are there hints of a false flag two brothers. A witness who policeman is lying on the
operation in the Paris attack, saw the two offenders de- ground, yet we see no
rized television viewers
and newspaper readers. too? The most noticeable fact scribes them as tall and evidence of injury or blood on
is that the French investigators black. However, according the ground.
But many questions that
arise to the careful obser- found an ID in the mad to the ID the older brother That could be a reason why the
gunmans getaway car. The should actually only be five video was taken from the Youver remain unanswered in
the mainstream press. offender apparently must have foot five. A former lawyer Tube-website. Whatever the
lost the ID in the car in the characterized him as a naive, case might be, the question of
Since then, our editorial
office has received count- heat of the moment. Since two little crook and that he was no who are the guilty ones in this
fundamentalist. attack should be carefully inbrothers are said to have com- committed
less reports asking those
mitted the crime, the investiga- There is not much known vestigated.
questions and suggesting
tors, of course, immediately about his younger brother [1]
explanations. We have
compiled for you a selection in this edition. For Terrorist attacks of Paris and Boston always the same pattern?
we will not be fobbed off
dd./ham. The alleged assas- achi brothers. The pattern is le to provide a statement and
with answers which are
sins of Paris, Chrif and Sad very reminiscent of the terro- to disprove the accusations
not persuasive, it is our
Kouachi, were shot by special rist attack at the Boston mara- against them. Afterwards wild
right and duty to seek the
units of the French police. In thon in April 2013, which was speculations about the alleged
another operation an alleged allegedly committed by two assassins started to circulate.
Not just the families of the
third assassin and his four hos- Chechen brothers. The elder In Paris we see the same patdead but the whole world
tages lost their lives. Mean- brother was shot by the police, tern again: Instead of a sober
has the right to a compre- while, many inconsistencies while the younger one ended hearing of evidence, speculatihensive, unbiased and
raise the question that this up in the hospital, critically ons were hastily brought into
genuine analysis of the
terrorist attack may not have injured with damaged vocal circulation.
happenings, of the initia- been committed by the Kou- chords. Thus, both were unab- [2]
tors and the consequences.
May this V&C-edition be
Sources: [1] http://alles-schallundrauch.blogspot.ch/2015/01/die-offizielle-charlie-hebdo-story.html |
www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Terror-Anschlag-in-Paris-De-Maiziere-fuer-Loeschung-von-Youtube-Videosa contribution to a tho2513252.html | http://alles-schallundrauch.blogspot.ch/2015/01/frankreich-wer-wind-sat-wird-sturm.html |
rough consideration.
[2]http://alles-schallundrauch.blogspot.ch/2013/04/boston-die-offizielle-story-bricht.html |
The editor (sm.)
Virus alert! Countervoice web sites seem to be at high risk of virus attacks. Hand-to-Hand Express avoids this danger - information concise and
to the point, without using the internet - Advice for all who still consult the links: never access the internet from a PC with sensitive data.

You have important news? Write a short Hand-to-Hand Express article. Clearly state the major point and name the
responsible people! Sources if possible without internet! Then send your short article to SuG@infopool.info


~ No. 2/15 ~

Attack on the Freedom of Press:

Applying Double Standards?
dd./mm. In the recent Paris
attack the western mass
media unanimously talk of
an attack on the freedom of
press. The satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo is well
known for knowing no boundaries regarding the denigration of Islam or the Catholic
Church. Regarding the freedom of press, however, that
our mass media is insisting
upon so much at the moment,
it doesnt seem to matter in
other cases. An example
was in 2013 when the German newspaper Stuttgarter
Zeitung showed a carica-

Consequence of the attack:

Increasing global surveillance

ture of Israels prime minis- mh./ham. The levels of

ter Netanjahu with the state- security and surveillance
ment that his politics was threaten to intensify once
poisoning the peace process again worldwide after the
Palestinians. attack in Paris.
Israels Embassy denounced In Germany the issue of
this caricature as anti- data retention was subsemitic. The paper yielded sequently brought to the
and voiced regrets for the table again, although this
published caricature. Yet surveillance practice has
the paper Charlie Hebdo been declared contrary to
was urged from all sides to the Constitution by the Fedecarry on. The freedom of ral Constitutional Court in
press freedom in general 2010.
seems to be quite an elastic Furthermore a closer collaterm depending on who boration between internatioreports about whom.
nal operating intelligence
and secret services is an-

nounced. The US government is the driving force

behind that. Within 3 days
after the terrorist attacks 12
European Ministers of the
Interior met US Attorney
General Eric Holder, the
Canadian Public Security
Minister Steve Blaney and
high-level EU representatives in Paris.
It is a collaboration of the
western governments in the
fight against terrorism and
therefore a significant step
to a One World Government.

If we restrict liberty to attain security, we will lose both.

Benjamin Franklin, American statesman

Terrorist attacks - systematic discrediting of Islam?

training and supply. This all
Closing Point
raises an important question:
"The whole search area
Is the recent stoked-up rage
against Islam simply a coinci- around Paris has been
cordoned off. There is
dence or rather a strategically
no getting through for
created and intended climate?
journalists and thereCould it be that the global
fore no possibility for
community is currently being
them to form their own
generally trained to turn away
image. That might be in
from all sorts of traditional
religions? In favor of a One- the nature of things.
However, the fact reWorld-Religion created by
the same architects who
mains that what the
pursue a One-World-Govern- journalists excitedly parment? [5]
rot is an exclusive story
of and by the security
services. The journalists
have let themselves be
Sources: [3] www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Terror-Anschlag-in-Paris-De-Maiziere-fuer-Loeschung-vonYoutube-Videos-2513252.html |
pushed forward by the
http://alles-schallundrauch.blogspot.ch/2015/01/frankreich-wer-wind-sat-wird-sturm.html |
dramatics of the police
[4] www.bundesverfassungsgericht.de/pressemitteilungen/bvg10-011.html |
without themselves thinwww.welt.de/newsticker/news1/article136246249/EU-Innenminister-wollen-Grenzkontrollen-staerken.html |
king first.
[5] www.youtube.com/watch?V=NUEv4yx51nY (Andreas von Blow: Covert operation und deren Erahnung

mh./ham. Throughout the

media worldwide, Islam is
constantly depicted as "a religion of intolerant and terrorready fundamentalists" and
made "a stench". Almost
incessantly, the mass media
has reported in the past few
months on massacres by
so-called "Islamic fundamentalists". Currently we especially have to deal with the
so-called "Islamic terror" in
Syria and Iraq by IS militia.
At the same time, the media
makes us aware of the terror

movement "Boko Haram" in

Nigeria. And singular terrorist attacks, such as in the
Chechen capitol of Grozny in
December 2014 and, shortly
before Christmas, the hostage
attacks in Sydney with the
perpetrator possibly having
an Islamic background.
But in the end, more and
more of the so-called Islamic
attacks turn out to have western secret services behind
them as puppeteers. These
agencies have played an important role in organization,

durch den Laien) |

www.freiepresse.de/NACHRICHTEN/WELT/Drei-Tote-bei-Geiselnahme-in-Sydney-artikel9064179.php |
[6] http://info.kopp-verlag.de/hintergruende/europa/gerhard-wisnewski/anschlag-auf-charlie-hebdo-boston-2-.html

Gerhard Wisnewski,
German journalist

The sources were taken from the German edition and may contain German references.

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Sources possibly attacked by hackers or lost in the internet are saved in the V&C archives.
Masthead: 10/02/15
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