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This work is an exercise in written tangential discourse.

The act of thought is imperative to the preservation of a meaningful existence.

Of course in the act of thinking the frivolous and immoral items must be decimated.
The abstract landscapes that dominate the thinking continuum are important in the realization of
the reaches of thought
Diversity in thought patterns is beneficial in the sustenance of intellectual creativity
Diversity is the accumulation, implementation and transformation or design of multiple
structures, systems, ideas, etc. that range in substance, scope and influence but remain similarly
grand in importance.
Diversity allows these structures, systems, ideas, etc. to converge together for a meaningful
purpose while retaining their individual and/or distinctive properties; the maintenance of unity
with the preservation of individualism is the key to true diversity.
Particle extraction and filmmaking
Conservation of energy in physics and film: parallels, a comparison
Film essays
Mathematical filmmaking
Sound, light and image

Greatest Thinker of the 21st Century: Volume III

Part II
The following is in defense of tangents.
Tangents are good, both in mathematics and in discourse.

Tangents allow the individual(s) who is engaging in this form of dialog to explore the nature of
unbridled creativity
Tangents are products of unbridled creativity and intellectualism
Tangents of the mathematical persuasion help in mathematical reasoning, understanding and
discourse which ultimately aids in the understanding of the mechanics of nature and the universe
Tangents should be encouraged. They are not to be shunned nor apologized for. To halt tangents
is to halt creativity at its purest and most productive form. The act of creative and critical thought
has already been damaged in order to appease the vast consumerist landscape that dominates
modern society today. It is fundamental that the human race takes back its right to engage in
creative and meaningful thought, unrestricted.
Tangents in mathematics are more readily accepted than tangents in conservation although both
are equally valuable
The tangent in mathematics was probably a product of a tangent or series of tangents from
discourse of the past
To halt tangents is to halt autonomy
Tangents are jolts to the monotonous systems that define the present state of time
It is obvious that in the denial or shortening of tangents, practicality and the feeble social
constraints that surround time are more important that intellectual and creative expression
Part III
The Nature of Unbridled Creativity
Like the abstract, the nature of unbridled creativity is a vast terrain with an assortment of
landscapes and intellectual creativity that allows the exploration of concepts that are pure in
intellect, position, and impact. Unbridled creativity is a state of intellectual and perceptual
autonomy. It is important that several instances of unbridled creativity occur whether induced or

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