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SOP HTST Machine

Design by

Version: 1.0
Code: SOP/M012 HTST Machine

I Putu Putra Widia Semara,S.T.

Date :

Approval by
Drs. Ing. W. (Willem) van der Loop

This procedure is concern of everything
related with the HTST machine

Prosedur ini mengatur semua hal yang
berhubungan dengan mesin HTST

1 This procedure is concern how to
operating the HTST machine
2 Service and maintenance
3 Cleaning and sanitizing

1 Prosedur pengoperasian mesin HTST
2 Perawatan dan perbaikan
3 Pembersihan dan sanitasi

Material and Equipment

1. Spare part
2. Tool kits
3. Lubricant
4. Fat injector
5. High pressure cleaner
6. Oxonia
7. Oxonia sprayer
8. Foam cleaner ( Maxifoam )
Safety and Quality aspect
Make sure the condition of the HTST
machine is ready to use during production

Material dan peralatan

1. Spare part
2. Alat bantu
3. Pelumas
4. Gemuk injek
5. High pressure cleaner
6. Oxonia
7. Oxonia sprayer
8. Foam cleaner ( Maxifoam )
Keselamatan dan aspek kualitas
Memastikan bahwa kondisi mesin HTST
siap digunakan selama produksi

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SOP HTST Machine

Design by

Version: 1.0
Code: SOP/M012 HTST Machine

I Putu Putra Widia Semara,S.T.

Date :

I. Operating
To start up the pasteurizer:
1. Check water pressure of the hot
water circuit, it has to be 1 - 1,5
2. Make sure that:
Valve VM02 is closed
Valve VM03 is opened
Valve VM04 is closed
Valve VM06 is opened
Valve VM10 is opened
Valve VM11 is closed
Valve VM12 is opened
3. Fill balance tank with water by
opening valve VM09
4. Switch on the main switch on
the side of the panel.
5. The following screen will appear:

6. Press the starting up button

7. Let the water off to the balance
tank and not to the filling line.
(Short circuit, by opening Valve
VM07 and closing valve VM08)
8. Make sure that the flow meter
shows at least 1500 Lt/h. Check if
the required temperature is
adjusted well.
9. If not; adjust by pressing the Past.
Temp button
10. If this is right, open the steam

Approval by
Drs. Ing. W. (Willem) van der Loop


Memulai proses pasteurisasi :
1. Periksa tekanan air pada sirkuit air
panas, itu harus 1 - 1,5 bar.
2. Pastikan bahwa:
- Valve VM02 ditutup
- Valve VM03 dibuka
- Valve VM04 ditutup
- Valve VM06 dibuka
- Valve VM10 dibuka
- Valve VM11 ditutup
- Valve VM12 dibuka
3. Isi tangki penampung dengan air
dengan membuka katup VM09
4. Aktifkan "pada" saklar utama di sisi
5. Layar berikut akan muncul:

6. Tekan tombol 'memulai' tombol

7. Biarkan air ke tangki keseimbangan
dan tidak ke pengisian. (Short circuit,
dengan membuka katup VM07 dan
menutup katup VM08)
8. Pastikan bahwa aliran meteran
menunjukkan setidaknya 1500 Lt / jam
Periksa apakah suhu yang diperlukan
disesuaikan dengan baik.
9. Jika tidak; menyesuaikan dengan
menekan tombol 'Past. Temp '
10. Jika ini benar, buka katup uap VM14
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SOP HTST Machine

Design by

Version: 1.0
Code: SOP/M012 HTST Machine

I Putu Putra Widia Semara,S.T.

Date :

valve VM14 slowly

11. Now the pasteurizer will heat up to
the adjusted pasteurizing
12. Check if the water is returning into
the balance tank.
13. Now open the glycol valve VM13
slowly, but make sure that the
product output temperature stays
about 2C.
14. Now everything is in operation,
water will flow through the
pasteurizer, back to the balance
15. When you attain the adjusted
pasteurizing temperature, for
example 80C, and the output
temperature is right, you can
empty the balance tank:
- water out by turning the
swingbend to the drain.
- Aloe vera in, by starting
feed pump.
- make sure that air will not
get sucked in.
- when the aloe vera is
returning in the float tank
the circuit is complete.
- Press the button operation
to start pasteurizing
16. Check everything again. If
everything is running well, open
valve VM08 to the filling line,
close valve VM07 to the balance
tank and start production.
17. Check every now and then all
parameters such as: steam,
compressed air, cooling water,
temperatures and pressures.
18. If flow diversion valve opens,
operator has to check what is
wrong: low steam pressure, low air
pressure, aloevera finished etc.
19. In the end of processing, recollect

Approval by
Drs. Ing. W. (Willem) van der Loop

11. Sekarang pasteuriser memanas sampai

suhu pasteurisasi yang disesuaikan
12. Periksa apakah airkembali ke tangki
13. Sekarang buka katup VM13 glikol
perlahan, tapi pastikan bahwa produk
keluaran tetap suhu sekitar 2C.
14. Sekarang semuanya sudah beroperasi,
air akan mengalir melalui pasteuriser,
kembali ke keseimbangan tangki.
15. Ketika Anda mencapai suhu
pasteurising disesuaikan, misalnya 80
C, dan suhu output benar, Anda dapat
mengosongkan tangki keseimbangan:
- Air keluar dengan memutar ke
swingbend tiriskan.
- Lidah buaya di, dengan memulai
- Pastikan bahwa udara tidak akan
tersedot masuk
- Ketika lidah buaya adalah kembali
dalam tangki rangkaian selesai.
- Tekan tombol 'operasi' untuk
memulai pasteurising
16. Periksa semua lagi. Jika semuanya
berjalan dengan baik, buka katup
VM08 ke pengisian, dekat katup
VM07 dengan tangki penyeimbang
dan memulai produksi.
17. Periksa setiap sekarang dan kemudian
semua parameter seperti: uap,
kompresi udara, air pendingin,
temperatur dan tekanan.
18. Jika pengalihan aliran katup terbuka,
operator harus memeriksa apa yang
salah: steampressure rendah,
rendahnya airpressure, lidah buaya
selesai dll
19. Di akhir proses, ambil sisa extrak lidah
buaya dengan cara mengisi tangki
dengan air, lihat di glas pengintip air
akan tiba sekitar 3 menit. tutup valve
VM08, dan buka valve VM07, maka
air akan dialirkan ke tangki.
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SOP HTST Machine

Design by

Version: 1.0
Code: SOP/M012 HTST Machine


I Putu Putra Widia Semara,S.T.

Date :

the aloevera extract, by fill the

balance tank with water, see in
sight glass the water remain about
3 minute. Close valve VM08, and
open valve VM07, and water is
turn to balance tank.
Service and maintenance
Do maintenanance following
maintenance schedule
Read on manual pasteur unit book,
abaut how to servis and
Valve actuator
Electric Panel

7. Air filter
8. Steam traps
9. Strainer
Cleaning and sanitation
To clean the installation:
1. Bring the aloe vera in the balance
tank to a low level, or if finished,
open the water valve VM09 (be
aware that no air will get sucked
2. Once the sight glass in the output
shows water, open valve VM07 to
the balance tank and close valve
VM08 to the factory. Turn the
valve to the drain so that the aloe
vera/water mixture will flow into
the sewerage. Once the water gets
clear, turn the swing bend to the
float tank and then the circulation
3. If long circuit through whole
filling line has to be cleaned, open
valve VM08 to factory and close
valve VM07 to balance tank.
Water will return by aloevera
input to balance tank, visible in
sight glass. Drain first
water/aloevera mixture until it is

Approval by
Drs. Ing. W. (Willem) van der Loop

Perawatan dan perbaikan
1. Lakukan perawatan sesui dengabn
2. Cara perawatan dan perbaikan dapat di
baca di buku manual pasteur unit
3. Valve actuator
4. Pump
5. PHE
6. Electric Panel
7. Air filter
8. Steam traps
9. Strainer
Membersihkan instalasi:
1. Bawalah lidah buaya di tangki ke
tingkat rendah, atau jika selesai, buka
katup air VM09 (perhatian bahwa tidak
ada udara akan terjebak di dalam).
2. Setelah sightglass menunjukkan output
air, katup terbuka keseimbangan VM07
tangki dan tutup katup VM08 ke
pabrik. Putar keran pembuangan
sehingga lidah buaya/campuran air
akan mengalir ke dalam pembuangan
kotoran. Setelah mendapatkan air
jernih, putar swingband ke tangki dan
kemudian sirkulasi dimulai.
3. Jika rangkaian panjang melalui seluruh
jalur pengisian harus dibersihkan,
membuka katup VM08 untuk pengisian
dan menutup katup VM07 untuk ke
tangki. Air akan kembali dengan lidah
buaya masukan untuk tangki
penyeimbang, terlihat di sightglass.
Pertama Tiriskan air/campuran lidah
buaya sampai bersih
4. Pada layar sentuh tekan tombol
5. Tutup Valve VM13 dari glycol, tetapi
steam valve VM14 tetap terbuka.
6. Atur suhu untuk membersihkan sekitar
70C dengan menekan tombol 'Past.
Temp ' dan sesuaikan suhu.
7. Masukkan jumlah yang tepat deterjen
dalam tangki sedikit demi sedikit, tapi
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SOP HTST Machine

Design by

Version: 1.0
Code: SOP/M012 HTST Machine

I Putu Putra Widia Semara,S.T.

Date :

4. On the touch screen press the
cleaning button.
5. Close valve VM13 of glycol, but
keep the steam valve VM14 open.
6. Adjust the cleaning temperature to
about 70C by pressing the Past.
Temp button and adjust
7. Put the right amount of cleaning
detergent in the balance tank little
by little, but mind that it takes
about 5 minutes to get a good
8. Cleaner used : Acid cleaner DS3
2%, and alkaline cleaner CP5 2%
(dont use two kind cleaner in the
same time)
9. When the output temperature
indicates the adjusted temperature,
let it circulate for about 25
10. When the cleaning has finished
drain the cleaning material by
turning the swingbend to the drain.
Open valve VM09 at the balance
tank and run the system clean for
about 10 minutes.
11. Flush all cleaner, check pH value
is 6,5-7,7 and the cleaner are
12. Continuo with 80 o C hot water,
and circulate for 15 minute
13. Switch off the water pump and so
pasteurizer will cool down.
14. Once the pasteurizer has a
temperature of 30-35C, switch
product pump off and close water
15. Switch off main switch.

Approval by
Drs. Ing. W. (Willem) van der Loop

ingat bahwa dibutuhkan waktu sekitar 5

menit untuk mendapatkan distribusi
yang baik.
8. Jumlah larutan pembersih : acid cleaner
DS3 2%, dan alkaline cleaner CP5 2%.
( jangan gunakan dua tipe secara
9. Ketika temperatur output menunjukkan
suhu yang disesuaikan, biarkan beredar
selama sekitar 25 menit.
10. Bila telah selesai membersihkan buang
bahan pembersih dengan memutar
batang keran ke saluran pembuangan.
Buka katup VM09 di tangki dan
menjalankan sistem bersih selama 10
11. Bilas semua sisa pembersih, cek pH
6,5-7,5 dan semua pembersih sudah
12. Lanjutkan dengan air panas 800C,
sirkulasi selama 15 menit
13. Nonaktifkan pompa air dan pasteuriser
dingin perlahan- lahan.
14. Setelah pasteuriser memiliki temperatur
30-35C, beralih product pump off dan
menutup keran air.
15. Matikan saklar utama.
Perhatian bahwa:
Tekanan uap harus tepat, 3 bar.
Tekanan air harus tepat, 1,5 sampai
2 bar.
Tekanan udara harus tepat, 5-6 bar.
Tekanan air es harus tepat, 1,5
sampai 2 bar.
Catatan dan dokumentasi
Logs Machine, HTST Machine

Steam pressure has to be right, 3
Page 5 of 7

SOP HTST Machine

Approval by

Design by

Version: 1.0
Code: SOP/M012 HTST Machine

I Putu Putra Widia Semara,S.T.

Date :

Drs. Ing. W. (Willem) van der Loop


Water pressure has to be right, 1,5

up to 2 bar.
Air pressure has to be right, 5-6
Ice water pressure has to be right,
1,5 up to 2 bar

Record and Documentation

Logs Machine, HTST Machine

Cleaning point
Machine body

Maintenance Point
Valve actuator

Cleaning Sanitation Plan

Daily after use Weekly on


Maintenance plan
Repair if any

Acid , and
Hot water

High pressure
Foam cleaning

Spare part
See manual
See manual

Maxi foam

Part Nr

See manual
Page 6 of 7

SOP HTST Machine

Design by

Version: 1.0
Code: SOP/M012 HTST Machine
Electric Panel


Air filter


Steam traps
Machine body


I Putu Putra Widia Semara,S.T.

Date :

Tight if any
Repair if any

Approval by
Drs. Ing. W. (Willem) van der Loop

See manual
See manual
See manual
See manual
See manual

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