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Node export

Posted by danielb on May 14, 2008 at 4:42am

This module allows users to export nodes and then import it into another Drupal installation, or on the same site.
Using this module you can save yourself a lot of time setting up new websites that have similar nodes to websites
you've already made, migrating nodes to new Drupal versions, or between development/staging/production sites.
You will need the same content types for the imports to work (unless using Feeds to import), and ideally relevant
compatibility with fields, and modules.

How to use Node export

There are several ways to use Node export:
Through a tab that appears on the node page.
Using update options on the Content page.
In a command line using Drush.
Using the Features module.
Using the Views Bulk Operations module.
Nodes exported with Node export can be imported:
Simple imports
Using the form at Node export: import under Create content ( Add content in D7).
In a command line using Drush.
Using the Features module.
Advanced imports
For advanced importing enable Node export feeds and import via the Feeds interface. (From Drupal 7

Node export formats

The format to export with is configurable, and the Node export package comes with the following formats:
JSON - JavaScript Object Notation code which is known for being security friendly. (Drupal 7 only)
Drupal var export - A Drupalized PHP array which is similar to var_export(). (Drupal 7 only)
Node code - A customized PHP array which is similar to var_export(). (Drupal 6 only)
CSV - RFC4180 compliant CSV code. Ideal for viewing in Windows software, and editing data as spreadsheets.
Serialize - Very robust, though not human readable, representation through Serialization using the PHP serialize
XML - XML 1.0 representation which is good for machine-readability and human-readability.

Migrating nodes between Drupal versions

To migrate nodes from Drupal 5 to Drupal 6 use versions 5.x-2.5 and 6.x-2.24.
To migrate nodes from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 use latest versions of 6.x-3.x and 7.x-3.x. To import; you must enable
Node export feeds and import via the Feeds interface. This is not a very easy/automatic process, and it is
recommended to avoid doing this. Instead upgrade a copy of the D6 site to D7 before exporting, this will allow you to
use the simple import functionality.

Images and files

Node export in Drupal 6 comes with a module from James Andres to assist with exporting files/images. The
functionality has been added directly to Node export in Drupal 7.

Dependencies, references, relationships, structures, hierarchies, etc...

Node export relation (Drupal 6, deprecated in Drupal 7)
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Supports: node reference, taxonomy, and organic groups.

Node export dependency (Drupal 7)

Supports: authors, translated content, books, organic groups, taxonomy term reference, file, image, node reference,
user reference, entity reference, and field collection.

Node export modules require the Universally Unique IDentifier module.

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