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Articles Slides for Parents Seminar

Maths & Memory - for Years 6-8

- establishing the patterning base of maths and memory

Learning About Learning for Years 7-10

- noticing and improving learning strategies and

techniques, developing personal learning style for success at

Exam Confidence for Years 10-13

- practical study and self-motivation skills for high

achievement in all tests and exams

Learning Resilience for Years 12 & 13 & GATE

- developing flexible thinking, understanding intelligence,
becoming a resilient learner

To help your children:

To help them become:

gain good qualifications?


get into a good university?


get a good job?


prepare for life?


develop into brilliant



successful, lifelong

able to focus and concentrate

good planners, organised


hard working, persevering

independent researchers

creative, innovative thinkers

responsible for their own actions

self-evaluating, reflective


get them out of bed

make sure they eat their breakfast
check their school bag

have them taken to school and picked up after school

clean up after them at home
drop off anything they have forgotten at school for them

take them to after-school activities

provide extra tutors and extra classes for them outside of school
provide motivation, rewards and planning for them

help them with their homework

find resources for them
make sure they go to bed on time

organise their sports, social, musical and academic calendars

provide them with all the necessities of teenage life:

cell phone
access to high-speed broadband
railcards and taxi fares?
in return for.?

Efficacy + Agency + Action

1) Efficacy they must first believe that success
in learning is possible for them

2) Agency they must have all the skills,

strategies and techniques of effective learning

3) Action they must be prepared to take

action, make mistakes and fail well

role models biographies, own stories

self-confidence measuring self against self

self-esteem valuing children for who they are

reaction to challenges
helping them move from
I cant I havent yet

In the USA - 400 top corporate recruiters look for:

1) Oral and written communication skills
2) Critical thinking and problem solving skills
3) Professionalism and work ethic

4) Collaboration across networks

5) Ability to work in diverse teams
6) Fluency with information technology
7) Leadership and project management skills

Knowledge of mathematics came 14th on the list just ahead of science

knowledge and foreign language comprehension

Ways of Thinking
Creativity and innovation
Critical thinking, problem solving, decision making
Learning to learn, metacognition
Ways of Working
Collaboration & teamwork
Tools for Working
Information literacy
ICT literacy
Living in the World
Citizenship local and global
Life and career
Personal & social responsibility including cultural awareness and

Learning Skills in the UK

2008 QCA - A Framework of personal, learning and
thinking skills that are essential to success in learning,
life and work:

Independent inquirers

Creative thinkers

Reflective learners

Team workers


Effective participators

CCSS Common Core State Standards adopted by 47 states

Critical Thinking:

Analyze, Evaluate, Problem Solve

Creative Thinking:

Generate, Associate, Hypothesize

Complex Thinking:

Clarify, Interpret, Determine

Comprehensive Thinking:

Understand, Infer, Compare

Collaborative Thinking:

Explain, Develop, Decide

Communicative Thinking:

Reason, Connect, Represent

Cognitive Transfer of Thinking:

Synthesize, Generalize, Apply

Learning Skills and Work Habits:



Independent Work




New Zealand
The Slovak Republic
and Turkey
have all developed (or are currently
developing) curricula of essential learning
skills for students

5 Skill Categories
Self Management



10 Skill Clusters

Affective Skills
Information Literacy
Media Literacy
Critical Thinking
Creative Thinking

Cognitive skills note-making, listening, time management,

questioning, summarising, remembering

- critical thinking, creative thinking, problem solving

Affective skills self-motivation, perseverance, resilience,

emotional management, concentration

Metacognitive skills noticing learning and thinking
strategies, trying new strategies, continuously improving
learning effectiveness

The most significant difference between the high

achievers and the underachievers was that

all the high achievers had learned how to

fail well

whereas all the underachievers were

failing badly

Failing Badly

Failing Well

Acknowledging your failures


- taking responsibility for your

own actions

- working out what you did

Blaming other people

Pretending you never get or do

anything wrong

- making changes, and

Blaming the school or the

Adding drama to failures to

avoid dealing with them

- having another go

Avoiding any activity that could

possibly result in failure

Americas newly identified at-risk group is pre-teens and teens

from affluent, well educated families. In spite of their
economic and social advantages, they experience among the
highest rates of depression, substance abuse, somatic
complaints and unhappiness of any group of kids in this
country (Dr Suniya Luthar, Columbia University).
The two main contributing factors are achievement pressure
and isolation from parents over-involved in the wrong
things and under-involved in the right things (The Price of
Privilege, Dr Madeline Levine)

Encourage them to take on new challenges

and to use failure as feedback

Help them to notice their own strategies for

recovery from adversity

If they have any problems understanding or

learning schoolwork, focus them on the
factors they can control effort and strategy

for effort

for ability

you are so hard working,

persistent, determined.

you are so smart, talented,


links your approval to

something the child has
control over - they can
always do more - grow,
develop and improve

links your approval to

something the child has no
control over - they cant do
more of it - grow, develop
or improve

assessment becomes a
measure of progress, an
opportunity to learn

assessment becomes a
critical judgment, an
opportunity to fail

Focus any praise for achievement on observed effort

rather than ability

Help them to focus on the processes of learning

the strategies they are using as the best source of

Help them learn to use internet resources well

- my site with links to all the best free sites to help your study, including:

- educational search engine for good school-subject based websites

- really clear clips explaining every part of most subjects

- great videos and much more in Maths, Science and English (American English anyway)

- all subjects at all levels, great new shared resources arriving from other students daily

- make and share online flashcards, quizzes and notes, study on-line and on your phone

johndclare.net and spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk

- good sites for history, all countries, all ages

s-cool.co.uk and bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/

- good resources for all subjects for IGCSE

- a collection of free Maths sites for all levels

- great site for Chemistry at all levels

- many languages at every level

- self-tests in most subjects sent to your phone!

languageperfect.com/worldchamps/SiteShell.html - simply the best way to learn any

language (it is a school subscription site though)

quizlet.com and easynotecards.com/index

- flash card makers for most subjects

High speed internet is necessary look into

gateways, access restrictions, parental tools

Make sure they have an place to do school work

which suits them physically

Help build good habits of study - give your childs

learning the highest priority in the home for a period

of time every evening


Help them learn to use their pleasures as rewards for

getting work done - develop delayed gratification

To remember what they learn at school, each night

they need to read over what they did that day

Allow them to form study groups with friends as long

as they use time together to get work done

The idea of success through learning is picked up

best by imitation - make the culture of your family a
learning culture

Strive to be worthy of imitation

had to work hard?

had to suffer physically, mentally, emotionally?

had to forgo pleasures in your life?

have suffered personal or business set-backs?

And how many want to give your children the
benefits of your struggles without them having
to go through the distress?

but how many of you think that the difficulties

you have faced, the problems you have overcome, the

suffering you have endured have helped you to develop

the resilience you need to create the success for your

self and your family that you enjoy today?

So why protect your children

from responsibility and the

possibility of failure?

earn what they get

organise their own lives

take responsibility for their own actions

fight their own battles

make their own decisions and take all the



fail well

The Art of Learning web-page - www.taolearn.com

- Tips for Parents through the year
- Tips for Students multi-sensory resources
- articles
- links
- videos
- books for parents and for students
- blog www.lancegking.wordpress.com

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