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Sterilization of instruments and equipment may be effected by several methods according to the
durability of the item and the degree of sterilization required. Methods include the following:
Sterlizimi I instrumentave dhe pajisjeve realizohet nepermjet disa metodave ne varesi te fortesise se
pajisjes dhe shkalles se kerkuar te sterilizimit. Metodat e perdorura perfshijne:
1. Dry heat. Some items may be sterilized by heating to 150[d]C or more in a special oven. The items
are normally wrapped in special paper sealed with tape which includes a colour indicator to show when
the process has been completed. Some care is required to ensure that items made of different materials
are not damaged due to the differential expansion rates of the components.
1. Ngrohje te thate. Disa pajisje mund te sterilizohen ne furra te vecanta ne temperatura 150oC ose me
te larta. Keto pajisje normalisht mbeshtillen ne leter te vecante te mbyllura hermetikisht te cilat kane
nje tregues me ngjyre qe tregon kur ka perfunduar procesi. Kerkohet kujdes per te garantuar qe pajisje
te ndertuara nga materiale te ndryshme te mos demtohen per shkak te normave te ndryshme te
zgjerimit te komponenteve te tyre.
2. Pasteurization. Delicate items (e.g. some plastic items) may be sterilized by heating in water to 7075[d]C for a minimum of 20 minutes. Most infective agents are destroyed but the process is only really
suitable where a high degree of sterilization is not required.
2. Pasterizimi. Artikuj delicate (p.sh. disa artikuj plastik) mund te sterilizohen duke u ngrohur ne uje ne
temperaturen 70-75 oC per nje minimum kohe prej 20 minutash. Me kete metode asgjesohen shume
agjente infektues por ky proces eshte I pershtatshem kur nuk kerkohet nje nivel i larte sterilizimi.
3. Boiling. Boiling for a least 10 minutes is a satisfactory method for most metal items. Tubing and
instruments with complex contours may not be adequately sterilized.
3. Me zierje. Per shume artikuj metalike perdoret metoda e vlimit per te pakten 10 minuta. Tubat dhe
instumenta me forma komplekse mund te mos sterilizohen plotesisht me ane te kesaj metode.
4. Autoclaving. This is probably the most satisfactory and widely used method. Instruments are packed
in special paper sealed with an indicator tape to show completion of the process, and are placed in a
pressure vessel which first exhausts the air before releasing high-pressure (and therefore hightemperature) steam into the chamber. Because of the vacuum created initially, the steam penetrates to
every part of the equipment. After a few minutes (depending on the steam temperature used) the steam
is evacuated leaving the instruments dry. Many plastic items and some rubbers are damaged by
repeated autoclaving.
4. Autoklava. Kjo eshte metoda me e shume e perdorur dhe qe jep rezultate te kenaqshme sterilizimi.
Instrumentat paketohen ne leter te vecante te mbyllura hermetikisht te cilat kane nje tregues me ngjyre
qe tregon kur ka perfunduar procesi dhe jane vendosur ne dhoma me presion ku me perpara i hiqet ajri
dhe me pas i nenshtrohen avullit me presion te larte (dhe si rrjedhim edhe me temperature te larte). Per
shkak te vakumit te krijuar fillimisht, avulli penetron ne cdo pjese te pajisjes. Pas disa minutash (ne
varesi te temperatures se avullit te perdorur) avulli hiqet duke i lene instrumentet te thate. Shume
artikuj plastike dhe disa lloje gome demtohen nga perdorimi i vazhdueshem i kesaj metode.

5. Chemical sterilization. Fumigation or immersion in anti- bacterial agents may be appropriate for
some items. However this cannot provide reliable sterilization with complex items, or tubing unless
great care is taken. An exception is ethylene oxide sterilization which employs a process similar to the
autoclaving cycle to ensure total penetration of all contours. Such machines are complex and expensive
to purchase and operate, and require meticulous anti-pollution measures since the gas is highly toxic.
5. Sterilimi me kimikate. Perdorimi I avujve te agjenteve anti-bakteriale ose zhytja ne to mund te jete
nje menyre e pershtatshme sterilizimi per disa pajisje. Megjithate kjo menyre nuk realizon sterilizim te
plote te artikujve komplekse ose te tubaturave nese nuk i kushtohet nje kujdes shume i vecante.
Perjashtim ben sterilizimi me oksid etileni i cili i ngjan nje procesi te ngjashem me autoklaven dhe
siguron penetrim te plote ne te gjitha format e pajisjes. Pajisjet e sterilizimit te kesaj metode jane
komplekse dhe te shtrenjta per tu blere dhe perdorur dhe kerkojne masa te kujdesshme kunderndotjeje pasi gazi i perdorur eshte shume helmues.
6. Gamma rays. Many disposable items are sterilized by irradiation from a gamma-ray source. This is
highly effective but disrupts the polymer structure of some plastics causing hardening, decomposition
and discolouring.
6. Rreze gama. Shume artikuj sterilizohen permes rrezatimit te leshuar nga nje burim rrezesh gama.
Kjo eshte nje metode shume efektive por qe demton strukturen polimere te disa artikujve plastike duke
shkaktuar forcimin, dekompozimin dhe cngjyrosjen e tyre.

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