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2015 Definition of a human being in conceptual complexity science terms

Shifting perspectives: In a complexity perspective any thing in the universe is
a complexity pattern. A human being is nothing but another complexity pattern to complexity itself. So, what distinguishes human beings from other
complexity patterns?
Humans pretend to be things they are not. Trees, Animals or a stones do not
so. A pig will smell a human, but not pretend to name it or transform it. Instead, human beings call them selves human. Self-expressing complexity
patterns calling them selves human previous to complexity theory writing and
awareness feel that they are no different of a pig or a dog in scientific complexity terms and in the complexity perspective. A dog barks, a pig grunts, a
human being plays with language. Humans simply pretend to be superior
mammals more, better than a pig or a dog.
This is a phenomenological definition of the self and the environment
that is adapted to the skills and potential of a species that describes itself in terms of absolute complexity. 1
As long as research has not gone further, this objectivist definition is useful in
the spirit of encyclopedic thinking of Darwin or Humboldt. This is a kindergarten of intellectual evolution. Humans invent concepts and names, like children play, due to their inborn creativity, their ignorance, their naivety and the
fact that they do all they can to accommodate a hostile environment. So,
naming one self human helps coping with the hostility in the environment,
while adaptation takes course. Its a way of constructing an integrated selfperception that accommodates the degree of social complexity of the
group as it evolves. In complexity science context, the hull of a human looks
like a mammal, but humans are not just what they look like.
Once complexity rises, the definition of the self also accommodates to new
standards. In the age of complexity architecture the same being defining itself in the past as human chooses new concepts. Since the awareness of
complexity growth in physics and sociology, human perception of the self
As long as humans describe them selves as a symptom of a complexity
expression, instead of adopting any structural complexity definition,
they equate any other mammal they describe. From the moment on,
human beings refer to them selves in complexity science terms, then
they switch from being a symptom to becoming a responsible creator
and actor.
Scientifically speaking, humans are self-expressing complexity patterns. To be precise, a human being is a calculable interdependent autonomous contingent relational self-expressing complexity pattern.
The awareness about complexity, its qualities and consequences for human
species definitely set a before and an after in terms of self-awareness. Since


the awareness of complexity humans create a gap between the self and
other living species in the universe only because of their awareness about
complexity and its architecture.
Self-expressing complexity patterns describing them selves as human
have a special role within the general complexity pattern named nature. Their special role is to diversify complexity patterns within nature.
Since their first appearance on planet earth self-expressing complexity patterns have evolved over millions of years. The delay of time in which they
manage to jump from complexity awareness to complexity architecture and
design is infinitesimally small in comparison to the first steps of their own evolution as species.
The diversification of complexity patterns is in terms of an evolutionary
idea what nature does by it self. This is the process of life. Self-expressing
complexity patterns calling them selves human are not able to replace
nature. They are not and they will never be sufficiently complex. Selfexpressing complexity patterns are able to add some new threads or
strings to the evolution of life by diversifying complexity patterns outside
their own. Thats all.
To complexity itself, self-expressing complexity patterns calling themselves human are a playful diversification of assets, regardless of their
moral orientation or their attitude (generating life or destroying life).
If a species that pretends to be human (which is a blunt but maybe kind and
nice lie) is in fact a mathematically quantifiable self-expressing complexity
pattern and follows the rules of life and learns to further foster and apply the
internal rules of complexity as its own rules in life, then that species may have
the most magnificent future ahead. Otherwise it will be a simple dead-end
within complexity progression. It will be replaced and recycled.

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