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Materi ini diadaptasi dari Making Sense of Functional Grammar (Gerot and

Wignell, 1994) serta Presentasi oleh Helena I.R. Agustien Phd




Generic Structure

Features (Ciri ciri
yang menonjol)

a. Orientation:
Sets the scene and
introduces the
tokoh dan
Complication : A
crisis arises
Resolution : the
crisis is resolved
To amuse, entertain,
and to deal with actual (Terselesainya
or vicarious
experiences in different Evaluation : A
stepping back to
ways. (Untuk
evaluate the plight.
menghibur pembaca
(Melangkah ke
melalui cerita).
belakang untuk
memikirkan nilai /
makna sebuah
peristiwa, bisa ada
dan tidak)d.
Reorientation :
Optional (Bisa
ada / atau tidak
ada fungsinya
menyimpulkan isi
cerita )

a. Focus on specific
usually individualized
participants. (Fokus
pada tokoh tokoh
tertentu secara
individu).b. The use of
Simple Past
(Penggunaan Tenses
Masa Lampau)c. The
use of temporal
(Penggunaan kata
penghubung yang
menunjukkan waktu ex :
After, before, when
dll).d. The use of noun
phrases (Penggunaan
frasa kata benda yang
kaya dengan adjective
misalnya : long black
hair, two red apples.

a. Identification :
To describe a particular Identifies
person, place or thing phenomenon
( Mengidentifikasi /

a. The Use of Simple

Present Tense
(Penggunaan Simple
Present Tense). b.
Focus on Specific

Social Function
(Tujuan / Fungsi

orang, benda, atau

tempat tertentu secara

To tell events for the

purpose of informing or
(Melaporkan peristiwa,
kejadian atau
kegiatandengan tujuan
memberitakan atau




Social Function (Tujuan /

Fungsi Sosial)

To describe the way things

are with reference to a
range of natural, man
made and social
phenomenon in our
(Menyampaikan informasi

fenomena / hal
Description :
bagian, kualitas,
maupun ciri

Participant (Fokus
kepada Hal / orang /
tempat secara khusus)

a. Orientation :
Provides the
setting and
introduces the
participants (yaitu
informasi tentang
apa, siapa, di
mana dan kapan).
b. Events : Tell
what happened in
what sequence
( Laporan urutan
kegiatan yang
Reorientation :
closure of events.
(biasanya berisi
komentar pribadi /
penilaian jika ada

a. Use of past tense :

Penggunaan waktu
masa lampau) b. Focus
on temporal sequence
(Fokus pada urutan
waktu dengan kata
kata penghubung yang
menunjukkan waktu
mis : when, after, then
dsb). c. Noun dan noun

Generic Structure

Features (Ciri ciri yang

a. General
Classification: tells
what the phenomenon
under discussion is
( Pernyataan secara
umum yang
menjelaskan tentang

a. Focus on generic
participants : Fokus pada hal
secara umum. b. Use of
Present Tense (Unless
extinct) (Pengunaan Present
Tense kecuali kalau benda itu
sudah punah.



tentang sesuatu, apa

adanya, sebagai hasil
pengamatan. Yang
dideskripsikan dapat
meliputi gajala alam,
lingkungan, benda buatan
manusia, atau gejala-gejala

objek yang
Keterangan, dan
klasifikasinya). b.
Description : tells
what phenomenon
under discussion is like
in terms of parts,
qualities, habits, or
behaviors (if living) or
uses (if non-natural)
penjelasan tentang hal
yang dideskripsikan.
kalau hal yang
merupakan benda
hidup maka bisa
dideskripsikan bgian
kebiasaanya, atau
perilakunya. Kalau
benda mati maka yang
dideskripsikan adalah

To describe how something

is accomplished through a
sequence of actions or
steps (Menjelaskan
bagaimana mencapai
sebuah tujuan dengan
memberikan serangkaian
langkah / tindakkan)

a. Goals (Tujuan yang

hendak dicapai,
biasanya ada dalam
judulnya)b. Materials
(Bahan bahan,
tidak semua jenis teks
Prosedur ada). c.
Steps A series of
steps oriented to
achieve the goal
(Sejumlah langkah
untuk mencapai

a. Use of simple present

Tense often imperative
(Penggunaan Simple Present
Tense, sering kali merupakan
kalimat perintah). b. Use
mainly of temporal
conjunction / connectives
(penggunaan kata untuk
mnerangkan waktu misalnya
then, after that) c.
Penggunaan action verbs
(Cut, Mix.

To persuade the reader or

listener that something is
the case. (Untuk
meyakinkan dan
mempengaruhi pembaca
atau pendengar bahwa ada
masalah yang perlu
mendapat perhatian)

a. Thesis Position:
Introduces topics and
indicates writers
(Memberitahukan topic
dan menunjukkan
pendapat penulis). b.
Arguments Points :
Menjelaskan argument
dan elaborasi
(dijelaskan secara
Reiteration : Restates

General nouns, misalnya car,

pollution, leaded petrol car,
dsb. Abstract nouns,
misalnya policy, government,
dsb. Technical verbs,
misalnya species of animals,
dsb. Relating verbs,
misalnya It is important,
dsb. Action verbs,
misalnya She must save,
dsb. Thinking verbs,
misalnya Many people

writer position :
Menjelaskan kembali
posisi penulis atau
penguatan kembali
posisi penulis

believe, dsb Modal verbs,

misalnya we must preserve,
Modal adverbs, misalnya
certainly, we, dsb.
Connectives, misalnya
firstly, secondly,dsb.
Bahasa evaluatif,
misalnya important, valuable,
trustworthy, dsb.
* Kalimat pasif

To persuade the reader that

something should or should
not be the case.
(Meyakinkan kepada
pembaca bahwa sesuatu
seharusnya dilakukan atau
tidak dilakukan)


a. Thesis :
announcement of
issue concern
(Menjelaskan tentang
hal yang dibahas) b.
Arguments : Reasons
for concerns, leading
to recommendation
(Alasan yang
digunakan yang
menuju pada
rekomendasi tentang
apa yang seharusnya /
tidak seharusnya
Statement : statement
of what ought or ought
not to happen
(Pernyataan tentang
apa yang seharusnya
atau tidak seharusnya
terjadi / dilakukan)

Terfokus ke pembicara /
penulis yang mengangkat
isu. Abstract nouns,
misalnya policy,
government,dsb. Technical
verbs, misalnya species of
animals, dsb. Relating
verbs, misalnya should be,
doesnt seem to be
dsb. Action verbs,
misalnya We must act,
dsb. Thinking verbs,
misalnya I believe, dsb
Modal verbs, misalnya we
must preserve, dsb
Modal adverbs, misalnya
certainly, wem dsb.
Connectives, misalnya
firstly, secondly, dsb
Simple present tense
Kalimat pasif
Bahasa evaluatif, misalnya
important, valuable,
trustworthy, dsb.


To critique an art work,

event for a public audience.
It includes movies, TV
shows, books, plays,

a. Orientation: places
the work in its general
context often by
comparing it with

Terfokus pada
partisipan tertentu;

operas, recordings,
exhibitions, concerts, and
ballets. (Melakukan kritik
terhadap peristiwa atau
karya seni untuk pembaca
atau pendengar halayak
ramai, misalnya film,
pertunjukan, buku, dll.)

To present (at least) two

points of view about an
issue (Membahas suatu
maslah yang paling tidak
dipandang dari dua sudut


others of its kind

(Menempatkan karya
tersebut dalam
konteks secara umum
seringkali dengan
membandingkan karya
lain yang sejenis). b.
Interpretive Recount:
summarizes the plot or
/ and provides an
account of how the
reviewed rendition of
the work came into
being. (Memberikan
ringkasan alur dan
atau Menafsirkan
karya itu, struktur ini
biasa ada atau tidak
ada dalam suatu
review). c.
Evaluation : Provides
an evaluation of the
work and / or its
performance or
(Memberikan evaluasi
tentang karya atau
a. Issue : Statement
(Pernyataan tentang
hal yang dibahas) b.
Arguments for and
against or statemetn of
differingv points of
view (Argumen yang
mendukung atau
melawan pernyataan).
c. Point d. Elaboration
(Penjelasan) e.
Conclusion or
(Ringkasan atau


menunjukkan sikap,
seperti bad, good;

klausa panjang dan



a. general nouns untuk

menyatakan kategori,
misalnya uniforms, alcohol,
dsb,b. relating verbs untuk
memberi informasi tentang
isu yang didiskusikan,
misalnya smoking is harmful,
dsb.c. thinking verbs untuk
mengungkapkan pandangan
pribadi penulis, misalnya feel,
believe, hope, dsb.d.
additives, contrastives dan
causal connectives untuk
menghubungkan argumen,
misalnya similarly, on the
hand, however, dsb.e.
detailed noun groups untuk
memberikan informasi secara
padu, misalnya the dumping
of unwanted kittens, dsb.f.
modalities, seperti perhaps,
must, should, should have
been, could be, dsb.g.
adverbials of maner,
misalnya deliberately.

News Item


To inform readers, listeners,

or viewers about events of
the day which are
considered newsworthy or
important (memberitahukan
kepada pembaca,
pendengar, atau penonton
tentang sebuah peristiwa
atau kejadian yang

a. Newsworthy
events: Penceritaan
kembali tentang
Ringkasan kejadian. b.
Background Events :
Menjelaskan apa yang
terjadi, kepada siapa
dan dalam kondisi
seperti apa. c.
Source : komentar
komentar oleh para
saksi, pelaku, pejabat
setempat, atau ahli
dalam kejadian

a. Terfokus pada orang,

binatang, benda tertentu;b.
Menggunakan action verbs,
misalnya eat, run;c.
Menggunakan keterangan
waktu dan tempat;d.
Menggunakan past tense;e.
Disusun sesuai dengan
urutan kejadian

Menerangkan proses yang

berlangsung dalam
pembentukkan atau
pelaksanaan kegiatan yang
berhubungan dengan gejala
gelaja / fenomena sosio

a. A general
statement :
Pernyataan umum b. A
explanation :
Penjelasan secara
brerurutan mengapa
atau bagaimana
sesuatu terjadi.

a. general dan abstract

nouns, misalnya word
chopping, earthquakes;b.
action verbs;c. simple
present tense;d. passive
voice;e. conjunctions of time
dan cause;f. noun phrase,
misalnya the large cloud;g.
abstract nouns, misalnya the
h. adverbial phrases;
complex sentences;
bahasa teknis;

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Once there were three bears that lived in a house in the woods : a papa bear, a mama bear,
and a baby bear. One morning they decided to take a walk before breakfast to let their
porridge cool.
A little girl named Goldilocks lived with her mother nearby. Golddocks took a walk
through the woods and found the bears house. She snielled the porridge in the kitchens
and went inside. Goldilocks tasted the porridge in each bowl and finally ate up the
porridge in the small bowl. Then she sat on a big chair, but she didnt like it, because it
was hard. Afterwards she sat on the small chair, and it was just right. But while she was
sitting on it she broke it. After eating the porridge, Goldilocks felt full and sleepy, and
then she went upstairs. There she found a small bed. She lay down on it and fell asleep.

While she was sleeping, the three bears came home. When they went into the kitchen,
they got very surprised. Someone had tasted their porridge, even eaten up baby bears
porridge, while they were taking a walk. Moreover the poor baby bear was upset when he
found that his little chair broke into pieces. When they went upstairs, they found out that
Goldilocks was sleeping. Baby bear cried out, Someone has been sleeping in my bed
and here she is!
Goldilocks woke up when she saw the three bears; she jumped out of bed and ran out of
the house to her home. Never again did she make herself at home in anyone elses house.
1. How did Goldilocks find the bears house?
2. What did she find in the bears house?
3. What did she do there?
4. What happened to the small chair?
5. What happened when Goldilocks was sleeping?
6. Why were the three bears surprised?
7. What did Goldilocks do when she saw the three bears?
8. What would you do if you were Goldilocks? Would you come to the bears house

The Chipmunk That Ran Away

Once upon a time, there was a nervous little chipmunk. She was always afraid that
something bad happened to her. One day, she heard a little noise. It was really only an
apple that fell to the ground. But the little Chipmunk was afraid and said The sky is
falling in. Then she railed away as fast as she could go.Soon she met an old brother
Chipmunk, who asked, Where are you running to, little Chipmunk?And the little
Chipmunk answered, The sky is falling in, and I am running away.
The sky is falling in? said the old brother Chipmunk. And he told the story to his
brother chipmunk, until at last there were a hundred brother Chipmunks shouting, The
sky is failing in.
Soon the larger animals heard what the Chipmunks were saying. The Deer,the Sheep, the
Pig, the Camel, the Tiger, and the Elephant began to say, The sky is falling in.Then the
wise Lion heard all the noise and wanted to know what was happening. He stopped all
the animals and asked, What are you saying? The brother Chipmunks said, Oh we
heard it from that little Chipmunk! And the Lion said, Little Chipmunk, what made you
say that the sky was falling in? And the little Chipmunk said, I saw it there near the
tree. Well, said the Lion, Come with me and I will show you how something. Now

get on my back. The Lion took her on his back, and asked the animal, to stay where they
were until they returned.
Then he showed the little Chipmunk that the apple had fallen to the ground. This made
the noise that had made her
afraid. The little Chipmunk said, Oh, I see. The sky is not falling in.
the Lion said, Lets go back and tell the other animals.
So they went back. At last all the animals knew that the sky was not falling in.
1. What did the little Chipmunk hear one day?
2. What did the little Chipmunk think the noise was?
3. What did she do then? Did she meet the older brother Chipmunk? . What did the little
Chipmunk say?
4. Did the old brother Chipmunk believe her? How do you know? . Did the other animals
believe her? How do you know?
5. Did the Lion believe her? How do you know?
6. What did the Lion do to show the little Chipmunk that the sky was not falling in?
7. What did the Lion ask the other animals to do?
8. What did the little Chipmunk learn at last?
(Taken from Contextual Teaching And Learning for class 9 SMP BSE Depdiknas 2008)

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