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Bad News Comes in s

The Poison Plastic, Health Hazards
and the Looming Waste Crisis



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Bad News Comes in s

The Poison Plastic, Health Hazards
and the Looming Waste Crisis


Michael Belliveau, Environmental Health Strategy Center (EHSC)

Stephen Lester, Center for Health, Environment and Justice (CHEJ)

Editorial Direction:

Lois Gibbs, Anne Rabe and Monica Rohde Buckhorn, CHEJ

Research Interns:

Austin Saylor, Alicia Fraser and Jessica Mackow, CHEJ


Margaret Stemper

Layout and Design:

Kieran Daly, KDaddy Design and Barbara Sullivan, CHEJ

The Center for Health, Environment and Justice

was founded in 1981 by Lois Gibbs, the community
leader at Love Canal. CHEJ empowers local groups
to be active, ongoing, democratic forces working to
protect people and the environment from healththreatening contaminants. We provide one-on-one
organizing and technical assistance, and coordinate
nationwide issue-focused campaigns that strengthen
and broaden the movement.

The Environmental Health Strategy Center

is a public health organization that exists to
protect human health from exposure to toxic
chemicals. The Center promotes safe alternatives
and clean industry and builds partnerships that
focus on environmental solutions as a public
health priority. The Center conducts strategic
issue campaigns that help set the pace for national
chemicals policy reform.


One Pleasant Street, Fourth Floor

Portland, Maine 04101

P.O. Box 6806

Falls Church, Virginia 22040

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The authors of this report wish to gratefully acknowledge all those who contributed by defining its scope,
providing information, and reviewing the report drafts.
Without them, it would not have been as comprehensive, grounded or as useful a tool. We especially appreciate the leadership of Hans Schoepflin and the Panta
Rhea Foundation, which generously funded the
research and publication of this report.
The release of this report is sponsored by the BE SAFE
Campaign, a nationwide initiative of the Center for
Health, Environment and Justice (CHEJ) to build
support for the precautionary approach to prevent
pollution and environmental destruction before it
happens. CHEJ greatly appreciates the support of the
Bauman Foundation, Beldon Fund, Bush Foundation,
Homeland Foundation, Mitchell Kapor Foundation,
Alida R. Messinger Charitable Lead Trust, Park
Foundation, Patagonia, Inc., Underdog Fund and Alki
Fund of the Tides Foundation, and the Turner
Foundation, for its work to promote precaution and
The Environmental Health Strategy Center greatly
appreciates the support of the John Merck Fund,
Beldon Fund, Alida R. Messenger Charitable Lead
Trust and the Proteus Fund for its work to promote
safer alternatives and the leadership of health-affected
people and health professionals in preventing harm
from persistent toxic chemicals.
Several reviewers provided helpful comments on the
draft of this report. Their feedback strengthened the
final publication. We thank the following reviewers for
their thoughtful efforts and assistance: *
Frank Ackerman, Tufts University Global Development
& Environment Institute; Peter Anderson, Recycle
Worlds Consulting; Nina Bellucci, Northern California
Recycling Association; Pat Costner, Greenpeace;
Monique Harden, Advocates for Environmental

Human Rights; Rachel Massey, Tufts University Global

Development & Environment Institute; Anne Rabe, BE
SAFE, Center for Health, Environment & Justice;
Judith Robinson, Environmental Health Fund; Bill
Sheehan, Product Policy Project; Brandie Smith,
Washington Toxics Coalition; Joe Thornton, University
of Oregon; Beverly Thorpe, Clean Production Action;
and Monica Wilson, GAIA (Global Alliance for
Incinerator Alternatives).
We are also thankful for additional early input on the
PVC problem and its solutions provided by: Paul
Bogart, Healthy Building Network; Mary Beth Doyle,
Ecology Center; Jackie Elliot, Citizens Leading for
Environmental Action & Responsibility; Alexandra
Gorman, Women's Voices for the Earth; Toral Jha,
Grassroots Recycling Network; Tom Lent, Healthy
Building Network; Stacy Malkan, Health Care Without
Harm; Shawna Larson, Alaska Community Action on
Toxics; Mark Rossi, Clean Production Action; Mike
Schade, Citizens' Environmental Coalition; Laurie
Valeriano, Washington Toxics Coalition; Bill Walsh,
Healthy Building Network; and Janet Zeller, Blue Ridge
Environmental Defense League.*
We owe special thanks to Lois Gibbs for vision and
inspiration, Monica Rohde Buckhorn for developing the
original report concept, Anne Rabe for coordination
and project management, and Gary Cohen for developing funder support.
The conclusions and recommendations in this report
are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect
the views or opinions of the funders or reviewers. The
authors retain full responsibility for the content of the

*Organizations listed for identification purposes.

Keeping the American Promise:

Achieve Safer and Healthier Future
By Eliminating PVC, The Poison Plastic

Dear Friends,
This report provides the facts and a plan of action for one of the most important changes society can make to protect the public's health and the environment.
PVC is a poison plastic. It has earned the title after decades of harming our health and environment. PVC's
destructive toxic life begins with manufacturing, continues during product use, and then creates devastating pollution problems when it is disposed. I cannot think of another product that is so destructive throughout its entire life
cycle as PVC.
In Louisiana, families gather to talk about how growing health problems in their neighborhood are connected to
the local plastic chemical plant's emissions. In Massachusetts, families meet to discuss the rising cancer rates in
their valley and the nearby incinerators burning large amounts of PVC and releasing dioxin into the air.
I have traveled across the nation visiting neighborhoods that confront the hazards from manufacturing or disposing
of PVC plastics every day. These American families find their homes are suddenly worthless and they are trapped
in a nightmare of frustrationtrying to prove the pollution from the plant or incinerator has caused the damage to
their health. Many of these community stories are briefly described in this report.
Our country's fire fighters and first responders are worried about exposures to PVC's toxic fumes every time they
encounter a fire. Consumers are concerned about vinyl plastic tablecloths or shower curtains that release toxic
fumes, often referred to as "that new smell." Parents are worried about the leaching of toxic chemicals from PVC
toys that their children used in the past.
The sad truth behind the destruction and harm caused by PVC, is that in most cases it is not needed. There are
plenty of alternatives that are readily available on the market today. On store shelves, consumers can choose
shampoo with a PVC bottle (marked with a #3 or V in the recycle symbol triangle) or a safer PVC-free plastic bottle. A growing number of responsible corporations have decided to stop using PVC. Irresponsible corporations, on
the other hand, have refused to move to safer plastics.
An important part of this report is the well-documented fact that there is no "away" for PVC. There is no way to
get rid of the product once manufactured. It is with us forevera legacy left to the next generation. You can't
burn itit just changes to dioxin, another very toxic pollutant. You can't bury itchemicals leak out into the surrounding soil and groundwater. You can't recycle itit contaminates the recycling process.

This report gives us hope by outlining how we as a society can phase out PVC in the future, with clear models to
begin that phase out now. You'll learn in this document about the many safer, affordable alternatives to PVC that
are available today.
We need to begin a nationwide conversation, community by community, on how to phase out PVC. As consumers
we need to send a strong message to corporations who are resisting the effort to eliminate PVC and let them know
we will not purchase their products. We need to encourage companies to use their entrepreneurial ingenuity to
develop new products without PVC, the poison plastic. And, we need to enlist all levels of government to pass
strong policies to phase-out PVC.
We must move quickly. Generating as much as seven billion pounds of PVC waste each year cannot continue. We
can't bury it, burn it or recycle it. PVC wastes will live beyond the lifetime of everybody on this planeta terrible
legacy to leave for future generations.
A road map for how society can eliminate PVC is included in this report. If everyone takes a step down this road
we can achieve a phase-out and begin to safeguard public health and the environment. I hope you will join us and
help to leave our children a healthier, more sustainable world.

Lois Marie Gibbs

Executive Director
Center for Health, Environment and Justice

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...............................................................................................................................1
Chapter 1

INTRODUCTION: PVC The Poison Plastic ...........................................................................5

Chapter 2

THE PVC GENERATION: Large and Growing Amounts of PVC Waste ......................................9

Chapter 3

TROUBLE FROM THE START: The Production and Use of PVC ................................................15

Chapter 4

THE DEADLY CONNECTION: PVC, Chlorine and Dioxin ..........................................................23

Chapter 5

DON'T BURN IT: The Hazards of Burning PVC Waste ............................................................27

Chapter 6

NO PLACE LEFT: Problems with PVC in Landfills ....................................................................35

Chapter 7

RECYCLING MENACE: PVC Undermines Recycling Efforts ......................................................41

Chapter 8

DON'T BUY IT: Safer Alternatives to PVC are Available, Effective and Affordable ..................47

Chapter 9

TAKE ACTION: Preventing Harm from PVC Use and Disposal ...............................................55

APPENDIX A Common Household Products and Packaging That May Contain PVC ..................................69
APPENDIX B Amount of PVC Generated, Incinerated and Landfilled in Each State ...................................71
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................73





Annual PVC Waste Production in the U.S. .............................................................................10

PVC Products Disposed in U.S. Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in 2001 .................................12
PVC Increases the Toxicity of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) ..................................................14
Overview of Hazards Associated with PVC Production, Use and Disposal ..............................17
Common Additives Found in PVC .........................................................................................20
Dioxin Emissions in the U.S. from Sources that Include PVC .................................................25
States with the Heaviest Reliance on Municipal Waste Incineration ......................................28
Estimated Amounts of PVC Discarded in Landfills According
to States that Landfill the Most Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) .............................................36
Typical Composition of PVC Products and Materials ............................................................42
PVC Contaminates the Recycling of Many Materials and Products ........................................43
PVC-Free Alternatives to Common Materials ........................................................................50
The Cost of Replacing PVC ...................................................................................................52
National Priorities for Solid Waste Management ...................................................................56
The State of Maine's Waste Management Policy Favors Incineration Over Landfill Disposal ...56
Proposed Priorities for PVC Waste Management ...................................................................57
A PVC-Free Policy Action Agenda .........................................................................................63



Uses of PVC in the U.S. and Canada (2002) ...........................................................................5

The Life Cycle of PVC Plastic .................................................................................................16
Current State Regulations on Backyard Burning of Household Waste in the U.S. ..................33
A Plastics Pyramid ................................................................................................................48


Mossville, Louisiana: PVC Production in the New "Cancer Alley" ..................................................................19
Illiopolis, Illinois: PVC Plant Explodes .........................................................................................................22
Montreal, Canada: PVC Fire and Firefighter Exposure .................................................................................22
Detroit, Michigan: Henry Ford Hospital Medical Waste Incinerator .............................................................30
Oakland, California: IES Medical Waste Incinerator ....................................................................................31
Gila River Indian Reservation, Arizona: Stericycle Medical Waste Incinerator ...............................................31
Maine Bans Backyard Burning; Warns Public About PVC Hazards ...............................................................32
Side Bar: The Impact of a PVC Phase-Out on Jobs ......................................................................................53
Intimate Brands Responds to 6,000 Consumers and Stops Using PVC ........................................................59
Side Bar: PVC Identified as Household Hazardous Waste ...........................................................................64
San Francisco Bay Area Adopts Dioxin-Free Purchasing Policies ..................................................................64
Side Bar: U.S. Companies Stop Using PVC in Products ..............................................................................65
Side Bar: Health Care Institutions Move to Phase Out PVC .........................................................................66
Model Policy Action Taken to Phase Out PBTs and PVC ...............................................................................66

P V C :
B a d


N e w s

How much PVC do we use?

poison plastic, are being thrown

Billions of Pounds of PVC

are Discarded Each Year

chemicals associated with PVC.

The disposal of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic threatens
public health and the environment. Although
problematic throughout its lifecycle from production
through final use the discarding of PVC as waste poses
perpetual hazards. PVC is widely used in plastic pipes,
building materials (e.g., vinyl siding, windows), consumer
products, disposable packaging and many everyday
products. We can prevent harm from PVC by replacing it
with safer, cost-effective alternatives that are available,
and by diverting PVC waste away from incineration and
open burning. This report summarizes data on PVC

T h r e e s

away for the health threatening

Large and growing amounts of PVC are discarded daily

in the U.S. As much as 7 billion pounds of PVC is discarded every year in municipal solid waste, medical
waste, and construction and demolition debris. PVC disposal is the largest source of dioxin-forming chlorine and
hazardous phthalates in solid waste, as well as a major
source of lead, cadmium and organotins. Dioxins are a
family of highly toxic chemicals that are known to cause
cancer, reproductive, developmental and immune problems. More than 2 billion pounds per year of nondurable
(short-lived) PVC products are discarded with U.S.
household trash, including blister packs and other packaging, plastic bottles and containers, plastic wrap and
bags, and more. In fact, nondurable products account
for more than 70% of the PVC disposed of in U.S.
municipal solid waste. Worldwide, an estimated 300 billion pounds of PVC, which was installed in the last 30 to
40 years in construction and other long lasting uses, will
soon reach the end of its useful life and require disposal.

I n

away in the U.S. but there is no

C o m e s

Billions of pounds of PVC, the

production, use and disposal in the United States, though

its conclusions about the environmental health hazards of
PVC are applicable to every country.

Whats so bad
about PVC plastic?
PVC: A Truly Poison Plastic
Unlike the many plastics made without chlorine, PVC


poses serious environmental health threats from the

start. The production of PVC requires the manufacture
of raw chemicals, including highly polluting chlorine,
and cancer-causing vinyl chloride monomer (VCM)
and ethylene dichloride (EDC). Communities surrounding U.S. vinyl chloride chemical facilities, half of
which are in Louisiana, suffer from serious toxic chemical pollution of their groundwater supplies, surface
waters and air. Residents of the town of Mossville,
Louisiana had dioxin levels in their blood that were
three times higher than normal. PVC plastic also
requires large amounts of toxic additives to make it stable and usable. These additives are released during the
use (and disposal) of PVC products, resulting in elevated human exposures to phthalates, lead, cadmium, tin
and other toxic chemicals. Dioxin emissions from PVC
combustion occur regularly due to the 1 million annual
fires that burn buildings and vehicles, two sectors that
use substantial amounts of PVC.

What are the options for

disposing of used PVC?
PVC Products + Waste Incinerators or
Open Burning = Dioxin Emissions
Dioxin formation is the Achilles heel of PVC. Burning
PVC plastic, which contains 57% chlorine when pure,
forms dioxins, a highly toxic group of chemicals that
build up in the food chain. PVC is the major contributor of chlorine to four combustion sourcesmunicipal
solid waste incinerators, backyard burn barrels, medical
waste incinerators and secondary copper smeltersthat
account for a significant portion of dioxin air emissions.
In the most recent USEPA Inventory of Sources of
Dioxin in the United States, these four sources
accounted for more than 80% of dioxin emissions to air
based on data collected in 1995. Since then, the closure of many incinerators and tighter regulations have
reduced dioxin air emissions from waste incineration,
while increasing the proportion of dioxin disposed of in
landfills with incinerator ash. The PVC content in the
waste steam fed to incinerators has been linked to elevated levels of dioxins in stack air emissions and incinerator ash.
Incineration and open burning of PVC-laden waste
seriously impacts public health and the environment.
More than 100 municipal waste incinerators in the U.S.
burn 500 to 600 million pounds of PVC each year,
forming highly toxic dioxins that are released to the air
and disposed of on land as ash. The biggest PVC-burning states include Massachusetts, Connecticut,

Mainewhich all burn more than half of their waste

Florida, New York, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland,
Minnesota, Michigan, New Jersey, Indiana and
Washington. The incineration of medical waste, which
has the highest PVC content of any waste stream, is
finally being replaced across the U.S. by cleaner nonburn technologies after years of community activism
and leadership by environmentally-minded hospitals.
Backyard burning of PVC-containing household trash is
not regulated at the federal level and is poorly regulated
by the states. There are no restrictions on backyard
burning in Michigan and Pennsylvania. It is partially
restricted in 30 states, and banned in 18 states.

PVC Products + Landfill Disposal =

Groundwater Contamination
Land disposal of PVC is also problematic. Dumping
PVC in landfills poses significant long-term environmental threats due to leaching of toxic additives into
groundwater, dioxin-forming landfill fires, and the
release of toxic emissions in landfill gases. Land disposal is the final fate of between 2 billion and 4 billion pounds of PVC that are discarded every year at
some 1,800 municipal waste landfills in the U.S.
Most PVC in construction and demolition debris ends
up in landfills, many of which are unlined and cannot
capture any contaminants that leak out. An average
of 8,400 landfill fires are reported every year in the
U.S., contributing further to PVC waste combustion
and dioxin pollution.

PVC Products + Recycling =

Contamination of the Entire
Plastics Recycling Process
Unfortunately, PVC recycling is not the answer. The
amount of PVC products that are recycled is negligible,
with estimates ranging from only 0.1% to 3%. PVC is
very difficult to recycle because of the many different
formulations used to make PVC products. Its composition varies because of the many additives used to make
PVC products. When these different formulations of
PVC are mixed together, they cannot readily be separated which is necessary to recycle the PVC into its
original formulation. Its also virtually impossible to
create a formulation that can be used for a specific
application. PVC can never be truly recycled into the
same quality materialit usually ends up being made
into lower quality products with less stringent requirements such as park benches or speed bumps.
When PVC products are mixed in with the recycling of
non-chlorinated plastics, such as in the all-bottle
recycling programs favored by the plastics industry, they
contaminate the entire recycling process. Although

other types of non-chlorine plastics make up more than

95% of all plastic bottles, introducing only one PVC
bottle into the recycling process can contaminate
100,000 bottles, rendering the entire stock unusable for
making new bottles or products of similar quality. PVC
also increases the toxic impacts of other discarded products such as computers, automobiles and corrugated
cardboard during the recycling process.

Safer alternatives are

available to replace PVC

PVC alternatives are affordable and already competitive

in the market place. In many cases, the alternatives are
only slightly more costly than PVC, and in some cases
the costs of the alternative materials are comparable to
PVC when measured over the useful life of the product.
Phasing out PVC in favor of safer alternatives is economically achievable. A PVC phase-out will likely
require the same total employment as PVC production.
The current jobs associated with U.S. PVC production
(an estimated 9,000 in VCM and PVC resin production, and 126,000 in PVC fabrication) would simply be
translated into production of the same products from
safer plastic resins.

Accomplish Within Three Years


Ban all open waste burning.


Educate the public about PVC hazards.


Ban the incineration of PVC waste.


Collect PVC products separately from other



In the interim, divert PVC away from incineration to hazardous waste landfills.

Accomplish Within Five Years


Safer alternatives to PVC are widely available and

effective for almost all major uses in building materials,
medical products, packaging, office supplies, toys and
consumer goods. PVC is the most environmentally
harmful plastic. Many other plastic resins can substitute more safely for PVC when natural materials are
not available.

A PVC-Free
Policy Action Agenda


In the interim, any PVC waste generated should be

diverted away from incineration to hazardous waste
Consumers should take personal action to buy PVCfree alternatives and to remove PVC from their trash
for management as household hazardous waste.
Communities should continue to organize against
PVC-related dioxin sources such as waste incinerators while working to promote safer alternatives.


Establish our Right-to-Know about PVC.


Label all PVC products with warnings.


Give preference to PVC-free purchasing.


Ban PVC use in bottles and disposable packaging.

10. Ban sale of PVC with lead or cadmium.

Accomplish Within Seven Years

How can we get rid of PVC?

11. Phase out other disposable PVC uses.

To end the myriad of problems created by PVC disposal,

we recommend the following policies and activities.
Policymakers at the local, state and federal level
should enact and implement laws that steadily
reduce the impacts of PVC disposal and lead to a
complete phase-out of PVC use and waste incineration within ten years (see box below).
A new materials policy for PVC that embraces
aggressive source reduction of PVC should be adopted to steadily reduce the use of PVC over time.
Federal and state waste management priorities
should be changed to make incineration of PVC
waste the least preferable option.

12. Phase out other high hazard PVC uses.

13. If safer alternatives are not yet available,

extend the PVC phase-out deadlines for specific purposes.
14. Fund efforts to reduce the amount of PVC
generated through fees on the PVC content
of products.

Accomplish Within Ten Years

15. Phase out remaining durable PVC uses.

16. Decommission municipal waste incinerators
in favor of zero waste.

PVCThe Poison Plastic

2004). PVC is used in a wide range of products including

pipes and tubing, construction materials, packaging, electrical wiring and thousands of consumer goods (Ackerman
2003). The diverse and widespread use of PVC plastic in
disposable and durable goods leads to the many immedi-

T h r e e s

billion pounds are produced annually in the U.S. (VI

Plastic pipes and construction uses account for 75% of

all PVC consumption in North America. Construction
is also the fastest growing PVC sector, with a projected
annual average growth rate of 3.5% between 2002 and
2007. Within the construction sector, the fastest growing PVC products are special applications, such as gutters, fencing and decking (growing at 8.1% per year),
windows and doors (6.1%), vinyl siding (4.5%) and
pipes and tubing (2.5%). PVC use in electrical equipment and electronics is increasing at 2.5% per year.
Disposable PVC packaging and transportation-related

I n

were produced worldwide in 2002 (CEH 2003). Over 14

partial listing of common household products made of

PVC can be found in Appendix A.

C o m e s

tion in the world today. An estimated 59 billion pounds

N e w s

vinyl, is the second largest commodity plastic in produc-

B a d

Polyvinyl chloride, commonly referred to as PVC or

P V C :


ate and long-term disposal challenges reviewed in this report.

Figure 1 provides a general breakdown of the many uses of PVC.

Because of its low cost and aggressive marketing, PVC is found in
hundreds of consumer products
that are used everyday, including
childrens toys, credit cards, clothing, carpeting, furniture, flooring,
automotive seats, garden hoses, cellular phones, computer parts, office
supplies, siding on our homes, roofing and other building materials. A

Figure 1. Uses of PVC in U.S. and Canada (2002)

Consumer Goods, 8.5%
Packaging, 5.8%
Other 5.4%
Pipes, 45.0%

Electrical/electronic 5.5%

Construction, 29.8%

Source: Ackerman 2003, CEH 2003


PVC uses will grow by 2.0% every year over the same
five-year period (CEH 2003).
This report reviews the many hazards associated with
the disposal of PVC in the United States. Although
the report relies primarily on U.S. data on PVC production, use and disposal, the information on the environmental health impacts of PVC are applicable to every
country. This report is not intended to be a comprehensive review of all the health and environmental
risks posed during the lifecycle of PVC throughout its
production, use, and disposal. The key impacts of PVC
production and use are summarized in order to provide
context for assessing the impacts of the disposal of PVC
Throughout the text we have included a number of
case studies that illustrate the impact that PVC has on
people. In addition, there are a number of sidebars that
highlight actions that some organizations have taken to
address the public health or environmental impacts of
PVC. The following is a brief summary of the reports
findings listed by chapter.

Chapter 2, The PVC Generation: Large and

Growing Amounts of PVC Waste,
provides an overview of the amount of PVC waste generated in the U.S. each year and estimates how much
ends up in different waste streams. This chapter also
addresses how PVC increases the toxicity of these waste

Chapter 3, Trouble From The Start:

The Production and Use of PVC,
reviews the production and processing of PVC, which
involves chlorine and an array of additives that have
serious consequences for public health and the environment during PVC use and disposal. The toxic hazards
of PVC additives, including phthalates, heavy metals
and flame retardants, are described in this chapter.

Chapter 4, The Deadly Connection: PVC,

Chlorine and Dioxin,
reviews the relationship between PVC, chlorine and
dioxin, which is especially troubling. Dioxin, one of the
most toxic chemicals ever tested, is generated when any
form of burning is used as a disposal option for PVC.

Chapter 5, Dont Burn It:

The Hazards of Burning PVC Waste,
provides a detailed description of the specific hazards of
PVC incineration. Open burning of PVC waste in
backyard burn barrels or waste piles is especially troubling because of the large amount of dioxins generated.

Chapter 6, No Place Left: Problems with

PVC in Landfills,
reviews the specific toxic hazards associated with the
land disposal of PVC. Many PVC additives, including
phthalates, heavy metals such as lead and cadmium and
organotins, slowly leach out of PVC over time when
placed in a landfill, eventually contaminating groundwater and surface water. PVC also worsens the impacts
of landfill fires and landfill gases that are generated as
materials in the landfill decay.

Chapter 7, Recycling Menace: PVC

Undermines Recycling Efforts,
reviews efforts to recycle PVC and details its impacts on
plastic recycling programs due to its incompatibility
with other commonly recyclable plastics. PVC is
extremely hard to recycle because of the numerous
additives that are used to make a wide range of PVC
products. The toxic by-products of PVC also significantly undermine the recycling of other products.

Chapter 8, Dont Buy It:

Safer Alternatives to PVC are Available,
Effective and Affordable,
looks at the widespread availability of safer alternatives
to PVC and provides a summary of an economic analysis conducted by the Global Development and
Environment Institute at Tufts University in Medford,
MA. This analysis found that cost-competitive alternatives do exist for most uses of PVC. This chapter
includes information on resources that can be used to
identify alternatives to PVC.

Chapter 9, Take Action: Preventing Harm

from PVC Use and Disposal,
describes actions that can be taken by individuals, local
grassroots community-based organizations, statewide
organizations, and as part of national efforts to prevent
harm from the use and disposal of PVC.

Ackerman (2003) F. and R. Massey. The

Economics of Phasing Out PVC, Global
Development and Environment Institute, Tufts
University, Medford, MA, December. Available at
Anderson (2004) P. Message in a Bottle: The
Impacts of PVC on Plastics Recycling. A Report to
the GrassRoots Recycling Network from Recycle
Worlds Consulting, June. Available at
Chem-Info Services (1997) A Technical and
Socio-Economic Comparison of Options to
Products Derived from the Chlor-alkali Industry,
Environment Canada, Burlington, Ontario.
Commission of the European Communities (CEC
2000) Green Paper: Environmental Issues of PVC.
COM (2000) 469 final, Brussels, July 26. Available
at http://www.europa.eu.int/comm/environment/
Costner (2001) P. Chlorine, Combustion and
Dioxins: Does Reducing Chlorine in Wastes
Decrease Dioxin Formation in Waste Incinerators?
Greenpeace International, September 10.
Greenpeace (2004) PVC Alternatives Database
Building the Future. Greenpeace. Available at

Greenpeace (2001) PVC-Free Future: A Review

of Restrictions and PVC Free Policies Worldwide.
Greenpeace International, Inc. The Netherlands,
August. Available at http://archive.greenpeace.org/
Healthy Building Network (HBN 2004) PVC
Alternatives. A fact sheet available at
Hickling Corporation (HC 1994) Economic
Instruments for the Virtual Elimination of
Persistent Toxic Substances in the Great Lakes
Basin. Report to the International Joint
Commission, Windsor, Ontario.
Steingraber (2004) S. Update on the
Environmental Health Impacts of Polyvinyl
Chloride (PVC) as a Building Material: Evidence
from 2000-2004. A commentary for the U.S.
Green Building Council, on behalf of Healthy
Building Network, April 2. Available at
Sustainable Hospital Project (SHP 2000) Here are
four ways to find alternative products. Lowell
Center for Sustainable Production, Lowell, MA.
Available at http://www.sustainablehospitals.org/
Thornton (2002) J. Environmental Impacts of
Polyvinyl Chloride Building Materials A Healthy
Building Network Report. Healthy Building
Network, Washington, DC, 2002. Available at
Thornton (2000) J. Pandoras Poison: Chlorine,
Health, and a New Environmental Strategy.
Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.


In researching this report, we identified a number of

important references that we used, and in some cases
relied on heavily in writing this report. We appreciate
the pioneering work on PVCs hazards and alternatives
achieved by the researchers, analysts and authors
responsible for these publications. We are especially in
debt to these colleagues. We encourage you to consult
these resources for more detailed documentation and
useful information on the hazards and alternatives to
PVC. These and other references are listed at the end
of this document.



More than 2 billion pounds per year of nondurable (short-lived) PVC products are discarded in U.S. household trash, including blister packs and other packaging, plastic bottles
and containers and plastic wrap and bags.

Non-durable (short-lived) products account

for more than 70% of PVC disposed in
municipal solid waste in the U.S.

Worldwide, an estimated 300 billion pounds

of longer-lasting PVC products, such as construction materials that last 30 to 40 years,
will soon reach the end of their useful life
and require replacement and disposal.

T h r e e s

PVC disposal is the largest source of dioxinforming chlorine and phthalates in solid
waste, as well as a major source of lead,
cadmium and organotins.

I n

C o m e s

As much as 7 billion pounds of PVC are discarded every year in the U.S. in municipal
solid waste, medical waste and construction
and demolition debris.

N e w s

B a d


Every day, PVC plastic becomes the problem waste that

nobody wants to talk about. Why? Because it enters
the waste stream in large amounts as the least recyclable and most environmentally harmful plastic. If there
were an honest national dialogue about PVC and dioxin pollution prevention, support for waste incineration
would crumble and the government would phase out
PVC production and use. Landfills cant contain the
toxic components of PVC. PVC contaminates the
recycling of so many products that could otherwise be
safely reprocessed into useful materials. PVC waste
adds daily to a looming waste crisis as more and more
long-lasting products made of PVC, such as building
materials, are removed from use. And perhaps most of
all, because powerful elements of the chemical industry
are wedded to promoting PVC use and the chlorine
industry involved in its production.

P V C :

Large and Growing Amounts

of PVC Waste

We should care about PVC disposal because thats when

the toxic components and by-products of this seemingly
benign and ubiquitous plastic are discarded and dispersed throughout the environment. Not everyone lives
next to the chemical plant that emits the dangerous raw
materials of PVC production. Not everyone experiences
the vinyl building fire, the dioxin-spewing burn barrel,
or the medical procedure that leaches dangerous chemicals from the intravenous (IV) tubing made of PVC.
Yet all of us generate PVC waste even if we try to avoid
doing so. By learning about the harm posed by PVC
disposal, we can spur political, business, and consumer

THE PVC GENERATION: Large and Growing Amounts of PVC Waste


action to break the cycle of dependence on this incredibly toxic and problematic material. If we dont burn it,
we can reduce the worst impacts of PVC. And if we
dont buy it, we can avoid all of the problems associated
with PVC production, use, and disposal.

aging, or a few decades later when PVC building materials must be replaced. Given the widespread use of PVC
and its highly variable lifespan across many types of
products, it is no wonder that huge amounts of PVC
waste are generated on a daily basis in every community.

The Quantity of PVC

in the Waste Stream

Table 1 summarizes available information on the PVC content of solid waste in the U.S. The five major waste
streams shown in Table 1 account for almost all post-industrial PVC waste: (1) municipal solid waste (MSW); (2)
medical waste; (3) construction and demolition (C&D)
debris; (4) discarded products collected for recycling; and
(5) industrial solid waste generated during manufacturing.

The useful life of a PVC product may come to an end

minutes after a purchase in the case of disposable pack-

Table 1

Annual PVC Waste Production in the U.S.

PVC Content of Waste Stream
Waste Stream
Total Quantity Generated

Description of PVC
Portion of Waste Stream

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)

229 million1 - 369 million2 tons


Amount (tons)

Packaging and other disposable

vinyl products


1,420,0001 to 2,290,0002*

Medical Waste
3.4 million tons3

Mostly medical tubing and

bags with some vinyl gloves and

5% to 15%

Construction & Demolition

(C&D) Debris
136 million tons6

Vinyl pipes only5 and vinyl pipes

and siding6 (Does not account for
other types of PVC C&D debris)

0.18%5 to 0.63%6

245,000 to 856,000

Discarded Products Collected

for Recycling
Unknown amount

PVC-contaminated plastics from

bottles, electronics, automobiles,
scrap wood, cardboard, etc.



Manufacturing Waste
Unknown amount

Complete range of PVC products

including manufactured homes
and plastics fabrication



TOTAL Amount of PVC Discarded Annually

in MSW, Medical Waste and C&D Debris

170,000 to 510,000

1.8 to 3.6 million tons

(3.7 to 7.2 billion pounds)
Average = 2.75 million tons
(Average = 5.5 billion pounds)

Sources and Notes: 1 - USEPA 2003; 2 - Kaufman 2004; 3 - USEPA 1994; 4 - Marrack 1988, Hasselriis 1993, DTI 1995, USOTA 1988; 5 - Cascadia
2003; and 6 - FA 1998. *These two estimates of total PVC content in MSW are derived using USEPA (2003) and Kaufman (2004) data to generate the
low and high estimates, respectively. Note: There are many inherent uncertainties in any estimate of the amount of MSW generated. This is reflected in
the 140 million ton difference between the USEPA estimate of 229 million tons and the Kaufman estimate of 369 million tons of MSW generated. Part of
the reason for this difference is due to the methods used to derive the estimates. The USEPA relied on economic and population data to estimate MSW
generated on a per capita basis. Kaufman used a survey sent to state management agencies to collect data on solid waste. The EPA estimate only included household garbage, while Kaufman collected data on a number of solid waste categories and then calculated the MSW portion, which included residential and commercial waste, organics, tires, and "other." In both cases, the MSW estimates included primarily household garbage. A third estimate, not
used in this report, was made by the Environmental Research and Education Foundation (EREF 2001) which estimated that 545 million tons of MSW were
generated in the U.S. in 1999. This estimate was generated from a survey distributed to both public and private waste disposal companies and included
all non-hazardous waste sent off-site for final disposal including household waste, commercial and institutional waste, special waste, C&D waste, regulated medical waste, yard waste, sludge and scrap tires. This estimate clearly includes a much broader universal of waste targeted for recycling or disposal.

PVC in Municipal
Solid Waste

Waste versus Discards

Non-durable goods (materials with a relatively short

useful life) make up 71% of the PVC found in municipal solid waste as shown in Table 2. Over one million
tons (2 billion pounds) of these materials were discarded in the U.S. in 2001 (USEPA 2003). The largest portion of these materials was PVC Blister packs (hard
plastic packaging often used for toys or computer supplies) and other vinyl packaging that accounted for
more than 250,000 tons (500 million pounds). About
500,000 tons (one billion pounds) of these short-lived
PVC products are tossed in household trash every year
from disposable plastic blister packs, other packaging,
film wrap, bags, bottles and other containers. Even
more PVC is discarded annually as other non-durable
goods, such as shower curtains, beach balls, credit cards
and checkbook covers.
The third major category of PVC waste in household
trash is durable goods, accounting for 411,000 tons
(822 million pounds) per year. Durable trash containing PVC could include building materials such as
piping, siding, windows and flooring, and consumer
electronics and appliances.

PVC in Medical Waste

THE PVC GENERATION: Large and Growing Amounts of PVC Waste

Although PVC generally contributes only a modest

amount to the total volume of a waste stream, as shown
in Table 1, there are exceptions such as hospital waste
(Marrack 1988, Hasselriis 1993, DTI 1995, USOTA
1988) and consumer electronics waste (MCTC 1996)
that have particularly high PVC content. Furthermore,
the amount of PVC waste generated which requires disposal appears to be growing due to the expiration of
products placed in use 20 to 30 years ago when PVC
materials were introduced (CEC 2000). This adds to
concerns about the toxic impacts of PVC disposal due to
dioxin formation when burned (see Chapter 5) and the
leaching of lead, cadmium, tin, and other toxic additives
from the plastic when landfilled (see Chapter 6).

waste generated by households

as well as commercial
and institutional sources. These figures are based on
2001 data (USEPA 2003).


Table 1 shows that three of the five major waste

streamsmunicipal solid waste, biomedical/infectious
medical waste and construction and demolition
debrisaccount for on average about 5.5 billion
pounds of PVC discarded every year in the U.S. An
estimated 7.2 billion pounds are generated annually in
the European Union (EU) (AEA 2000). In the U.S.,
63% to 77% of the total amount of PVC waste known
to be discarded each year ends up in the municipal solid
waste stream. Medical waste has the highest PVC content due to the high reliance of hospitals on vinyl medical bags and tubing. PVC also makes up as much as
18% of non-infectious hospital waste (Hasselriis 1993),
which is typically disposed of as municipal solid waste.
The PVC content of C&D waste is similar to that of
MSW but is expected to grow significantlymirroring
the growth in PVC building materials used in the last
thirty years as they are replaced because of aging (CEC
2000). Each of these five major waste streams are
described in the subsections that follow.

In the U.S., about 79% of PVC in

the municipal solid waste (MSW),
or about 2.2 billion pounds of PVC,
ends up in landfills every year
(USEPA 2003). About 21% or
about 600 million pounds of PVC in
MSW is incinerated every year,
leading to the formation of dioxins
in air emissions and ash. EPA estimated that a negligible amount of
PVC is collected for municipal solid
waste recycling. MSW includes solid


This report often refers to PVC in the waste stream. In fact, what
we often call waste is actually discarded products that we end up
wasting. When products reach the end of their useful life, they
should be collected to be taken apart and recycled back into their
original materials. This is the concept of Zero Waste, which maximizes recycling, minimizes waste, reduces consumption and ensures
that products are made to be reused, repaired or recycled back into
nature or the marketplace (GRRN 2004). Unfortunately, PVC is very
difficult to recycle and when present in discarded products tends to
contaminate the recycling process. Therefore, almost all PVC products are wasted sooner or later.

Until recently, the majority of medical waste was incinerated and much of that was burned on-site at hospitals. By 1990, about 60% to 70% of all medical waste
was incinerated (USEPA 1994, USOTA 1990). This
included biomedical waste produced by hospitals, labs,


Table 2

and by-products to the environment. Efforts to phase out PVC

by the health care industry will
prevent such a dilemma.

PVC Products Disposed in U.S. Municipal Solid Waste

(MSW) in 2001
Amount of PVC



THE PVC GENERATION: Large and Growing Amounts of PVC Waste

Type of PVC Product


Non-durable Goods
(Short useful life)

Blister packs and other packaging



Plastic bottles and containers





Plastic wrap and bags

PVC in
and Demolition

More PVC ends up in construction and demolition (C&D)

Other nondurable goods
waste each year than in medical
waste (See Table 1). About
SUBTOTAL - Nondurables
850,000 tons (1.7 billion pounds)
Durable Goods
SUBTOTAL - Durables
of PVC is disposed of every year
in nearly 2,000 C&D landfills
TOTAL Amount of PVC in MSW (tons)
1,420,000 100%
across the U.S. (Kaufman 2004).
Source: USEPA 2003
Very little C&D waste is incinerated, except for a portion that
enters municipal solid waste
clinics, physician offices and other sources. Since then,
when generated by households or small businesses.
the amount of medical waste burned and the number of
However, many if not most C&D landfills are unlined
operating incinerators have dramatically declined due
or poorly lined compared to municipal solid waste landto overwhelming evidence of enormous dioxin emisfills. Thus, there are even fewer barriers to keep chemisions, leading to government regulation and powerful
cals from leaking out than those provided by MSW
community opposition.
landfills. This is a serious problem that will likely result
in more contaminants from PVC entering the environAs the health care industry continues its transition to
non-incineration methods for disinfecting medical
waste, the problems caused by vinyl medical products in
The amount of PVC in C&D waste may be seriously
the waste stream may not be solved. For example, until
underestimated. The available waste characterization
recently almost all of the medical waste generated in
data included in Table 1 only accounts for PVC pipes
the state of Maine was sent to an out-of-state commer(Cascadia 2003) or pipes and vinyl siding (FA 1998).
cial incinerator. After local community opposition, this
There are many other applications of PVC in building
regional incinerator was closed and Maines medical
materials and furnishings that may become C&D waste,
waste was shipped to a microwave disinfection treatincluding vinyl window frames, flooring, roofing foils
ment facility. However, the disinfected residue after
and carpet backing (Thornton 2002).
treatment is now sent to a municipal solid waste incinerator in Massachusetts. The Maine Hospital
Also, the growth in the installation of durable PVC
Association (MHA) is in the process of siting an autobuilding products over the last twenty to thirty years
clave facility in the state to disinfect medical waste (see
has built up a stockpile of PVC still in use. As these
Chapter 5). Due to concerns raised about dioxin emismaterials reach the end of their useful life, the amount
sions, the MHA has pledged to dispose of disinfected
of PVC in the construction and demolition debris will
PVC-rich residue in a landfill rather than a municipal
inevitably and rapidly increase in content and amount.
waste incinerator (Belliveau 2002, Huang 2004).
An estimated 300 million pounds of PVC materials will
require disposal worldwide in the coming years (van der
In states like Maine that are highly dependent on incinNaald 1998).
eration to handle municipal waste, the closure of medical waste facilities may not prevent PVC medical waste
from being burned elsewhere, releasing toxic additives

PVC as a Contaminant in the

Recycling of Other Products

In addition to the health care industry, other industrial,

commercial and institutional facilities generate PVC
waste. Two manufacturing industries are known users of
large volumes of PVCplastics fabricators where PVC
consumer products are manufactured from PVC resin
(see Chapter 3) and makers of pre-manufactured homes.
Fabricators blend PVC resin with additives to form a variety of rigid and flexible PVC products. Manufacturers of
modular and pre-made homes use a large proportion of
PVC building materials and furnishings. Some amount of
pre-consumer PVC waste should be recycled by these
industries. Recycling rates for PVC waste from these
types of industries are not readily available.

PVC Increases the

Toxicity of Solid Waste
PVC contributes a disproportionate share of toxic con-

PVC disposal contributes several toxic metals to the

solid waste stream, including compounds of lead, cadmium and tin. These metals are added to PVC as stabilizers to help inhibit the plastics tendency to degrade in
the presence of sunlight or heat. Lead is still commonly
used in the plastic vinyl sheathing of wires and cables.
Older vinyl mini-blinds also contain lead. Estimates of
the amount of lead in solid waste attributable to PVC
ranges widely from a low of 1% to a high of 28% (CEC
2000). One study found that 10% of the lead stabilizer
from one type of flexible PVC cable containing a mixture of additives was released from the PVC
(Mersiowski 1999). Lead in rigid PVC is expected to

THE PVC GENERATION: Large and Growing Amounts of PVC Waste

PVC as a Manufacturing

About 90% of all phthalates consumed in the U.S. are

used in PVC products (Thornton 2000). In England,
an estimated 98% of phthalates are used in PVC products (OECD 2004). Thus, the disposal of PVC in landfills can be expected to account for a substantial portion of the phthalates found in landfills. Phthalates are
a group of chemicals used as plasticizers to make the
otherwise brittle PVC resin soft and flexible. The proportion of phthalates leaching from PVC in medical
waste could be even higher given the prevalence of pliable vinyl medical products, such as tubing and bags,
that are disposed of as infectious medical waste (see
Chapter 5).


Two additional problems are created by the presence of

PVC in the waste stream targeted for recycling. The
first is the difficulty in separating PVC from other plastics, such as PET bottles or nylon carpet facing. This
makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to recycle
these otherwise recyclable materials. Second, the presence of PVC impedes the successful recycling of other
valuable commodities such as copper from wiring and
cable used in electronics such as computers, steel from
scrapped automobiles and corrugated cardboard containers sealed with PVC tape. PVC increases the toxic
impacts of recycling these materials. Each of these
problems is discussed in more detail in Chapter 7.

Chlorine is the primary component of PVC making up

57% by weight of the raw material used to make the
pure PVC resin (VI 2004). There have been several
efforts to estimate the contribution of PVC to total
chlorine found in municipal solid waste (MSW). In
MSW, at least 80% of the organically bound chlorine,
which is thought to be more conducive to dioxin formation than inorganic chlorine, is from PVC (Thornton
2000). In medical waste, PVCs contribution of chlorine is even higher, accounting for more than 90% of
organic chlorine and more than 80% of total chlorine
(Thornton 2000, Green 1993). Based on these estimates, PVC could reasonably account for as much as
50% of all chlorine found in MSW.


Another poorly quantified PVC waste stream is the discarded products and materials that are collected for
recycling. PVC is very difficult to recycle because of
the many different formulations used to make PVC
products. Its composition varies widely due to the
many additives used to make PVC products. When
these different formulations are mixed together, they
cannot readily be separated which is necessary to recycle the PVC into its original formulation. It is also virtually impossible to create a formulation that can be
used for any application. At best, only about 3% of
PVC products and materials are recycled in the U.S.

taminants to solid waste relative to its modest weight

and volume in the waste stream. The different components of PVC add significantly to the hazardous constituents of solid waste as shown in Table 3. The Table
shows that PVC contributes from 38 to 67% of the
total chlorine found in solid waste, from 90 to 98% of
phthalates, from 1 to 28% of the lead and about 10% of
the cadmium. Phthalates, lead and cadmium are all
added to the PVC resin to achieve different product
features. The toxicity of these and other additives is
discussed in Chapter 3.


Table 3



THE PVC GENERATION: Large and Growing Amounts of PVC Waste

PVC Increases the Toxicity of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)


PVC's Contribution of
Toxic Chemicals in MSW

Toxic Substance Present in PVC

Use in PVC


Part of polymer; pure PVC is 57% chlorine


Added as plasticizer to make PVC soft and flexible


Added as a heat stabilizer to slow degradation

1% - 28%1


Added as a heat stabilizer to slow degradation

About 10%4

Tin (organotins)5

Added as a heat stabilizer to slow degradation



Added to enhance flame retardant effect of

chlorine in PVC



Added as a flame retardant to reduce risk of

ignition and retard combustion


38% - 67% of total

chlorine1,2 and at least 80%
of organic chlorine2
From 90 to 98%3

Sources and Notes: 1 - CEC 2000; 2 - Thornton 2000 reports PVC makes up 50% to 67% of total chlorine and at least 80% of organically bound chlorine;
3 - Thornton 2002, OECD 2004; since from 90 to 98% of phthalates consumed are used in PVC products, we assume an equal amount will end up in the
waste stream; 4 - Bertin 2000; 5 - Organotin compounds represent about 9.3% of European consumption of stabilizers (CEC 2000); and 6 - UBA 2001.

stay encapsulated in the PVC waste (CEC 2000).

Various organotin additives have replaced some use of
lead and cadmium as a stabilizer in PVC. Organotin
stabilizers are added to rigid packaging film, bottles,
roofing and clear rigid construction sheeting and
account for 9.3% of the stabilizers on the market (CEC
2000). These estimates are based on European formulations of PVC that may differ slightly from those used
in the U.S.
Certain flexible PVC products are a source of the toxic
metal antimony in solid waste. Antimony trioxide
(ATO) is added to PVC used in flexible electrical
cables and roofing foils (an alternative to roofing felt on
flat roofs) to inhibit the formation and spread of flames
during a fire (UBA 2001, DEPA 1999). Antimony from
PVC would show up in electronic waste (cables) and
construction and demolition debris (foils).

Other toxic and persistent organochlorine flame retardants are present in solid waste as a result of their use
in PVC. These include chlorinated flame retardants
such as chloroparaffins and phosphate esters, which are
organic phosphorus compounds that may also contain
chlorine in their chemical structure (UBA 2001).
Chlorinated paraffins and antimony are added as a
flame retardant formulation for some PVC textile fibers
that are resistant to soaking and weather (UBA 2001).

PVC includes high amounts of toxic additives, which are released during the use
(and disposal) of the product, resulting in
elevated human exposures to phthalates,
lead, cadmium, tin and other chemicals.

The use of PVC results in dioxin emissions

from PVC combustion which occurs regularly in the U.S due to 1 million annual fires
that burn buildings and vehiclestwo sectors that consume large amounts of PVC in
construction materials.

T h r e e s

U.S. communities surrounding vinyl chloride

chemical facilities, half of which are in
Louisiana, suffer from serious toxic chemical
pollution of their groundwater supplies, surface waters and air. Residents of the town
of Mossville, LA had dioxin levels in their
blood that were three times higher than

PVC poses environmental and health threats

throughout its life cycle, from the production of feedstock chemicals to the final disposal of PVC products.
Though some PVC products can pose direct health
risks to consumers, most of the hazards associated
with PVC occur during production and disposal. An
overview of the hazards associated with PVC production, use, and disposal is shown in Table 4.

I n

The production of PVC poses serious environmental health threats due to the manufacture of raw chemicals, including chlorine,
cancer-causing vinyl chloride monomer
(VCM) and ethylene dichloride (EDC).

The life cycle of a product describes the stages that a

material goes through from production to disposal. The
general life cycle for PVC is shown in Figure 2.

C o m e s

The Life Cycle of PVC

N e w s


B a d

The Production and

Use of PVC

P V C :



The major reason why PVC poses so many environmental and health threats throughout its life cycle is because
it contains large amounts of chlorine (Thornton 2000).
Chlorine is a highly reactive substance that readily combines with carbon molecules, the building block of life in
people and animals. Carbon is the most important element in living things because it combines with oxygen,
nitrogen and hydrogen to produce stable molecules such
as DNA, proteins, hormones, sugars, starches and fats
that are essential for life. Chlorine reacts readily with
carbon, altering the original molecules and their functions (Thornton 2000).
The chlorine in PVC and its feedstocks (ethylene
dichloride and vinyl chloride monomer) results in the
generation of very large amounts of chlorine-containing


TROUBLE FROM THE START The Production and Use of PVC


by-products during the manufacture

of PVC and the burning of vinylcontaining products and waste.
These chemicals include the
extraordinarily hazardous chlorinated dioxins and furans, PCBs, hexachlorobenzene, hexachloroethane
and hexachlorobutadiene (Papp
1996). Because of the chemical
properties of chlorine, these by-products tend to be far more toxic, more
persistent in the environment, and
more likely to build up in the food
supply and the bodies of people than
otherwise similar chemicals that do
not contain chlorine (Thornton
2000). PVC is the only major plastic that contains chlorine, so it is
unique in the hazards it creates.
The chemicals used in the production of PVC (ethylene dichloride
and vinyl chloride monomer) are
also extremely hazardous. Vinyl
chloride is a known human carcinogen that affects the central nervous
system and damages the liver
(Kielhorn 2000). Ethylene dichloride is a suspected human carcinogen that also affects the central
nervous system and damages the
liver (USEPA 2003a). Chlorine is a
highly irritating gas that damages the
upper respiratory system (USEPA
2003b). Hydrogen chloride is a corrosive gas that also affects the upper
respiratory system (NAS 2004).
These substances pose considerable
threats to human health and the
environment as a result of PVC production and processing.

Figure 2. The Life Cycle of PVC Plastic

Chlor-alkali Process


EDC Synthesis (chlorination)

EDC Synthesis (oxychlorination)

Ethylene dichloride (EDC)

Heavy and light

ends (waste to
disposal or other
synthesis processes)

VCM synthesis (pyrolysis)

Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM)

Plasticizers, stabilizers,
fillers, etc. added and

Vinyl Mixtures
Molding and Manufacture of Final
Vinyl Products (i.e. pipes, bottles, siding)
Spent Products
Source: Adapted from Thornton 2002

PVC Production
PVC production begins with the conversion of salt to
chlorine using huge amounts of electricity and the
purification of ethylene from natural gas (See Figure 2).
Chlorine and ethylene are then combined in a chemical
reaction to form ethylene dichloride (EDC) in a process
generally described as feedstock production. EDC
(considered a feedstock chemical) is converted in
another chemical reaction to vinyl chloride monomer
(VCM), the basic building block of PVC. Vinyl prod-

ucts are then produced in three additional steps. First,

polymerization converts the single vinyl chloride
monomer into a long chain of vinyl chloride molecules,
the PVC polymer or resin. Second, through compounding (or formulation), additives are mixed in with
the PVC resin to produce a vinyl formula with desired
characteristics such as plasticity, color or resistance to
degradation. The ability to change the properties of
PVC (making it hard or making it soft or flexible) is
what makes it possible to produce a wide range of PVC
products. Third, during fabrication (or molding) the
product is melted and then molded into its final shape
such as a pipe, floor tile or window casing. A more

Table 4

Overview of Hazards Associated with PVC Production, Use and Disposal

Dioxin and mercury emissions and asbestos waste from chlorine production.

Air emissions and wastewater releases from Ethylene Dichloride/Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM) production facilities.

Dioxins and other organochlorines released as by-products of Ethylene Dichloride/Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM)

Worker exposures to VCM.

Incineration of production wastes.



Additives leach and otherwise migrate from PVC products (plasticizers/metal stabilizers).

Accidental structure and vehicle fires release dioxins.


Accidental landfill fires release dioxins.

Additives, heavy metals and dioxins leach into groundwater.

Gaseous emissions from additives.


Dioxins form when PVC is burned.

Hydrochloric acid, toxic metals and dioxins are emitted to air.

Ash, later stored in landfills, contains high levels of heavy metals and dioxins.


Diversity of additives prevents effective recycling of mixed PVC products and materials resulting in poor quality
products (downcycling).

Low recycling rates (currently <1%).

Contaminates other plastics during recycling as well as other valuable commodities that are targeted for recycling.

Does not reduce the overall demand for raw materials to make plastics (virgin resin) and has no effect on the
amount of vinyl produced each year.

detailed description of the production and manufacturing process for PVC can been found in numerous references (Thornton 2002, Thornton 2000).
In 2000, there were 12 facilities in the U.S. that produced VCM (CEH 2000). Seven of these plants also
produced PVC. As of 2003, there were 24 facilities
operated by 12 companies that produced PVC resin in
the U.S. (CEH 2003) and an estimated 2,332 PVC fabricating facilities (ARCC 2003). These PVC production facilities released 811,000 pounds of VCM and

670,000 pounds of EDC into the environment in 2002

(USEPA 2004). In addition, 6.5 million pounds of
VCM and 2.5 million pounds of EDC were sent off-site
to sewage treatment plants or waste treatment facilities
(USEPA 2004). It should be noted that these are selfreported numbers that represent an absolute minimum.
The actual releases are likely to be greater.

TROUBLE FROM THE START The Production and Use of PVC

During production, most vinyl chloride releases are to

the air since it is a volatile gas. A smaller amount of
vinyl chloride monomer is released into groundwater or

TROUBLE FROM THE START The Production and Use of PVC


into wastewater discharged to nearby rivers and

streams. The wastes and emissions from production
facilities are not limited to vinyl chloride. Dioxins are
formed during the oxychlorination process, where chlorine is combined with ethylene gas (or ethylene, oxygen
and hydrochloric acid) to form ethylene dichloride
(EDC), the primary building block of the vinyl chloride
monomer (Evers 1989). Dioxins are also formed when
production wastes are incinerated. Incinerators, boilers
and acid furnaces burn waste from the oxychlorination
process (especially relevant are wastes such as heavy
ends and distillation tars) and are responsible for the
greatest proportion of dioxin releases during PVC production (Thornton 2002). Using data provided by the
Vinyl Institute, the USEPA estimates that PVC-only
production facilities were a documented source of dioxin air emissions (see Table 6) (USEPA 2001).
Mercury is used in the oldest and most energy intensive
process for producing chlorine (Thornton 2002). There
are nine chlor-alkali facilities in the U.S. that still use
mercury in their process, a 50-year-old technology
(Steingraber 2004). Most of this mercury is reused at
the plant, but there are still significant air emissions,
waste water releases and waste sludge generated
(Thornton 2000). Only about 10% of chlorine production in the U.S. still uses mercury, though very little of
the mercury-produced chlorine goes to the production
of ethylene dichloride or vinyl chloride monomer. The
chlorine industry is the largest consumer of mercury in
the country (Thornton 2000).
Mercury emissions at these plants are another environmental and public health concern (Steingraber 2004,
USEPA 2003c) as mercury causes reproductive and
neurological damage (NAS 2000). Mercury is a potent
neurotoxin that accumulates primarily as methyl mercury, in aquatic food chains. The highest levels are
found in large predatory fish, such as tuna and swordfish. Air emissions of mercury are transported through
the atmosphere and eventually settle on land or surface
water where natural bacterial processes transform some
of the mercury into methyl mercury. Ingestion of mercury-contaminated fish is the primary route of exposure
to methyl mercury. Neurodevelopmental toxicity can
result from the exposure of pregnant women and young
children to mercury, leading to learning disabilities in
children (USEPA 2003c, NAS 2000).
Plants that manufacture ethylene dichloride and vinyl
chloride monomer are a risk to workers and residents of
surrounding areas. In the early 1970s, plants that manufactured vinyl chloride were found to be exposing
workers to levels of the chemical high enough to put


them at risk of developing a rare form of liver cancer

angiosarcoma. In 1974, the industry finally admitted
that workers exposed to vinyl chloride did develop this
rare form of liver cancer (Creech 1974). Residents of
communities near vinyl chloride production plants are
also affected by plant emissions. These plants discharge
pollutants into nearby communities, contaminating
drinking water and releasing dioxins into the air from
on-site incinerators. Besides cancer, workers and residents alike are vulnerable to a range of ailments associated with vinyl chloride exposure, including damage to
the liver, lungs, blood, nervous system, immune system,
cardiovascular system, skin, bones and reproductive system (Kielhorn 2000, ATSDR 1997). More detailed
analyses of the human health and environmental
impact of PVC production processes can be found in
numerous references (Steingraber 2004, USEPA 2002,
Kielhorn 2000, ATSDR 1997).
Although the levels of vinyl chloride and ethylene
dichloride released from these facilities are lower today
than in the past, exposure to these substances is still a
concern. There appears to be no safe level of exposure
for these substances, especially vinyl chloride. Both of
these substances are considered to be genotoxic
meaning that they cause irreversible damage to DNA
(Kielhorn 2000). A generally accepted scientific theory
is that mutation in a single cell can result in cancer
(Pitot 1991). Similarly, exposure to a genotoxic substance can lead to DNA damage. This means there is
no safe level of exposure to these substances and any
exposure increases the risk of developing cancer, a birth
defect or a genetic disorder. Thus, lower emissions from
vinyl chloride and ethylene dichloride facilities reduce,
but do not eliminate, health and environmental risks.
The production and disposal of PVC poses dangers relevant to everyone, but often, particular groups of people
are especially at risk. Plants that manufacture the ethylene dichloride and vinyl chloride monomer are often
located in low-income areas or communities of color, as
are incinerators that burn PVC waste and landfills that
store PVC waste (Thornton 1997). These types of sites
pose a threat. Community-based groups understand
the threat these facilities pose to their communities.
The urgency of their opposition to these facilities
speaks to the intensity of the danger that they feel these
facilities pose.



Mossville, Louisiana:
PVC Production in the New Cancer Alley

PVC plastic used in consumer products is not a pure
material. By the time a product containing PVC reaches your home, a wide range of chemicals have been
added in order to change its properties to meet a wide
range of product needs. These additives include stabiliz-

TROUBLE FROM THE START The Production and Use of PVC

The citizens of Mossville are determined in their search for justice. As descendants of African Americans
who proudly settled the community in the late 1800s, they have inherited not only the land, but also the
fighting spirit to survive and demand what is rightfully theirs. Working through MEAN, they have lobbied
successfully for government action. Through use of a Bucket Brigade program, which allows residents to
test their own air, they have caused industry to be fined as much as $300,000 when testing showed benzene levels 231 times greater than the state standard. In 2001, Sasol Ltd., a South African company with
chemical and fuel operations in 20 countries, acquired Condea Vista. Working in solidarity with communities in South Africa, SasolWatch.com was created to expose the companys record of violations and toxic
dumping on poor communities. MEAN is working with a local health care provider to develop necessary
environmental health services for Mossville residents. The organization is educating the public about the
dangers of PVC production, use and disposal. MEAN is also demanding significant pollution reduction, the
clean-up of industrial contamination in the local estuary, and the just and fair relocation of consenting residents to a healthier environment (Sources: MEAN 2000, Ermler 2001, LBB 2004, SasolWatch 2004,
Greenpeace 2004a, Greenpeace 2004b).


In 1998, Mossville Environmental Action Now, Inc. (MEAN) appealed to the U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances
and Disease Registry (ATSDR) to test residents for exposure to dioxin, a highly toxic compound that is a byproduct of vinyl manufacturing and other industrial processes. In 1999, ATSDR reported dioxin test results
showed the average Mossville resident has three times more dioxin in their blood than the average U.S. citizen. Furthermore, testing of breast milk from local mothers found elevated levels of dioxins as high as 30%
above the national average. Cancer mortality rates for Calcasieu Parish are 1.6 times the national average
and many women suffer from endometriosis, a condition linked to dioxin exposure.


In Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, residents of Mossville, a small unincorporated community of about 1,500
African Americans, are confronting numerous toxic industries including four vinyl production facilities that
include two major vinyl chloride manufacturers. Louisiana is home to more than half of the 12 vinyl chloride plants in the U.S., and Calcasieu Parish produces more vinyl than any other county in the country making it the unofficial PVC capitol of America. At the urging of Mossville residents, air monitoring conducted
by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) in June 1999 showed vinyl manufacturing facilities
emitted concentrations of vinyl chloride, a potent human carcinogen, that were more than 120 times higher than the ambient air standardmaking the air in Mossville unhealthy to breathe. PPG Industries and
Condea Vista in Mossville leaked hundreds of thousands of pounds of ethylene dichloride, a feedstock for
PVC, and contaminated the groundwater. As a result of this contamination and a lawsuit settlement with
two companies, a significant portion of Mossville families have relocated. This has transformed a once highly populated neighborhood into a virtual ghost town. The Condea Vista facility has changed ownership,
but has not improved. The portion of the facility now owned by Sasol Ltd. continues to be ranked in the
top 10% of industrial companies that create the highest cancer risk from air and water pollution according
to the USEPA 2002 Toxic Release Inventory. This data shows that in 2002 vinyl production facilities in
Mossville generated 238,458,615 pounds of toxic waste that were dumped on the community or transferred to disposal facilities. Over 30 million pounds of this waste wound up in landfills and incinerators
located in other communities.

ers, plasticizers and fillers that are mixed in with, but are
not chemically bound to the PVC. A list of common
additives found in PVC products is shown in Table 5.
The most important of these chemical additives are the
plasticizers known as phthalates (pronounced thal eights) and the metal stabilizers. Plasticizers are added

Components of PVC have also

been found to leach from PVC
Table 5
pipes. Vinyl chloride has been
Common Additives Found in PVC
found to leach from PVC pipes
made prior to 1977 (Yaw 1999).
PVC pipes made prior to this
time had a high residue of vinyl
chloride that failed to bond when
the vinyl chloride monomer was
polymerized into polyvinyl chloDiethylhexylphthalate (DEHP)
Diisononylphthalate (DINP)
ride. In a study of unplasticized
Diisodecylphthalate (DIDP)
PVC pipe, vinyl chloride was
detected in water after 30 days at
Source: CEC 2000, DEPA 1995
2.5 parts per billion (ppb), a level
that exceeds the USEPA drinking
water standard of 1 ppb (Al-Malack 2000). Smaller
to PVC to soften the plastic and make it pliable for
pipe size, longer line length, and warm temperatures all
certain applications. About 90% of all phthalates conincrease the likelihood of vinyl chloride leaching from
sumed in the U.S. (and about 98% in England) are used
PVC pipes. Additional studies have found organotin
in PVC products (Thornton 2002, OECD 2004).
stabilizers also leach from PVC pipes (Sadiki 1999,
These plasticizers can make up a large portion, in some
Sadiki 1996, Wu 1989, Forsyth 1997).
cases up to 60% by weight, of the vinyl product (DTI
1995). Because these additives are not chemically
Phthalates have been shown to cause developmental and
bound to the PVC, they will leach out over time
reproductive damage (NTP 2000), altered liver
(Thornton 2002).
(Woodward 1990) and kidney function (Seth 1982) and
have been linked to the development of respiratory probStudies have shown plasticizers such as diethyllems in children (Jaakkola 1999, Oie 1997). More
hexylphthalate (DEHP) and diisononylphthalate
detailed information on the health and environmental
(DINP) have migrated out of PVC containers used to
impact of phthalates used in PVC products are available
store food (CR 1998, DTI 1995); IV bags used to hold
from many resources (ATSDR 1997, HCWH 2002, Rossi
blood (Pearson 1993, Tickner 1999); toys (NET 1999,
Stringer 1997); and numerous other products, exposing people to these toxic additives (DEPA 2001,
Metal stabilizers are used in PVC to prevent degradaHarmon 2001, HCWH 2002).
tion from heat during processing and from exposure to
ultraviolet light during the useful life of a product (Pless
In some cases, these additives will evaporate or off2002). They include lead, cadmium, zinc, antimony
gas from PVC materials like flooring, wall covering or
and the organotins (see Table 5). These metals will
carpeting, contaminating indoor air (CARB 1999,
leach out of PVC products. Lead and cadmium were
Rudell 2000, Uhde 2001). A study by the California
found to leach out of childrens toys made with PVC
Air Resources Board measured forty target compounds
(DiGangi 1997). Lead migrated out of PVC window
off-gassing from PVC flooring. Phenol was found in
blinds (CT 1996) and into water carried in PVC pipes
the air off-gassing from all the vinyl sheets evaluated.
(DTI 1995). Lead is a known cause of neurodevelopTetrahydofuran, cyclohexanone, toluene and n-tridemental problems (USEPA 2004a). Cadmium causes
cane were also found (CARB 1999). Another study
cancer and kidney damage (USEPA 2003d).
found the degradation of plasticizers from PVC flooring
was likely responsible for an increase in adult asthma
Organotin stabilizers (tributyltin, tetrabutyltin,
as well as eye and skin symptoms in workers. The
monooctyltin, dioctyltin) were introduced to replace
prevalence of these symptoms decreased when the
toxic metal stabilizers like lead and cadmium, but they
PVC flooring was removed (Tuomainen 2003). A
have also been found to leach from PVC products
Swedish study estimated that 42,000 tons of phthalates
(Sadiki 1999, Harmon 2001). The organotins are also
are released from PVC products worldwide each year
toxic. They affect the central nervous system, skin,
(DTI 1995). The familiar new car smell or the odor
liver, immune system and reproductive system (WHO
from a newly opened shower curtain represents the
1980, Pless 2002). The diorganotins, such as dioctyltin,
release of phthalates evaporating from a PVC product
are potent developmental toxins (Ema 1995, Pless
(Thornton 2000).



TROUBLE FROM THE START The Production and Use of PVC


Structural and Vehicle Fires

Other flame retardants added to PVC include chlorinated paraffins, phosphate esters (organic phosphorus
compounds some of which also contain chlorine or
bromine) and aluminum trihydroxide (UBA 2001).
These additives are used in high volumes but are also
used in many other polymer applications in addition to
PVC. Chlorinated paraffins and antimony are added as
a flame retardant formulation for some PVC textile
fibers that are resistant to soaking and weather (UBA
2001). Chlorinated paraffins are complex mixtures of
short-chain and long-chain hydrocarbons containing up
to 70% chlorine. Chlorinated paraffins cause liver and
kidney toxicity in animals while the short-chain mixture is an animal carcinogen and possible human carcinogen (NAS 2000a). Chlorinated paraffins and phosphate esters in PVC also function as secondary plasticizers (UBA 2001).
The phosphate ester flame retardants used in PVC
include tris (2-chloroethyl) phosphate, tris (chloropropyl) phosphate [TCCP], and tris (dichloropropyl)
phosphate [TDCPP]. These compounds are added to
PVC floor covering and are released as off-gassing
occurs from the vinyl (Marklund 2003). TDCPP was
widely used as a flame retardant in childrens sleepwear
until May 1977, when it was withdrawn from the market after published reports that it was mutagenic in bacteria (Sanders 1978). The use of TDCPP as a flame
retardant may pose significant cancer risks and reproductive harm (testicular atrophy and decreased seminal
vesicle secretions), according to a committee of top
U.S. scientists (NAS 2000a). The German Federal
Environmental Agency has recommended a reduction

Another hazard associated with the use of PVC products arises when PVC is burned in an accidental fire.
Not only are many building materials made from PVC
but it was once standard practice to use PVC to insulate
wiring in buildings. In 1995, there were an estimated
574,000 structural fires and another 406,000 vehicle
fires in the U.S. (USEPA 2001). When the PVC in
buildings and vehicles burns, a variety of toxic substances are formed that pose major public health risks.
The primary combustion products are hydrogen chloride
gas, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide (OFM 1997).
Hydrogen chloride gas is a corrosive and highly toxic gas
that can burn the skin and cause severe damage to the
eyes and lungs. When hydrogen chloride comes in contact with the mucous lining of the lungs, it is converted
into hydrochloric acid that can cause severe and permanent respiratory damage (IAFF 1995).
Accidental fires that burn PVC also generate phosgene
gas, benzene, toluene, xylenes, dioxins, furans and other
products of incomplete combustion (IAFF 1995). The
poor combustion conditions that are typical of these fires
are ideal for the formation of dioxins and furans (TNO
1996). Dioxins were found in the air, water, surface soil
and nearby vegetation following the burning of a plastics
recycling plant in Hamilton, Ontario (OMEE 1997). In
the World Trade Center fires, dioxins and furans were
identified as significant components of the smoke given
off by the smoldering buildings (Landrigan 2004). In
Germany, dioxin levels in indoor soot remaining after a
house fire were found to be as high as 45,000 parts per
trillion (ppt) TEQmore than 300 times the German
governments health standard (Fiedler 1993). After a fire
at a plastics warehouse in Binghamton, NY, dioxin levels
in soils were found to be more than 100 times higher
than other areas of the community not impacted by the
fire (Schecter 1996).
Firefighters and emergency responders are especially at
risk from smoke and gases generated by fires burning
PVC. Exposure to combustion gases from building fires
has been linked to a high incidence of leukemia and
laryngeal and colon cancers in firefighters at young ages
(Wallace 1990) and to other adverse health problems
including pulmonary hemorrhage and edema due to
chemical pneumonitis (Schreiber 2003, Dyer 1976).
This is one of the reasons why the International

TROUBLE FROM THE START The Production and Use of PVC

Antimony trioxide (ATO) is added to PVC used in

flexible electrical cables and roofing foils (an alternative
to roofing felt on flat roofs) to inhibit the formation and
spread of flames during a fire (UBA 2001, DEPA 1999).
For flame retardant applications, PVC accounted for
32% of the European market for antimony trioxide in
1998 (UBA 2001). The antimony, which is a synergist
rather than a flame retardant, acts to enhance the
flame retarding properties of chlorine in PVC.
Antimony trioxide is a suspect human carcinogen when
inhaled and is toxic to the lungs, heart, eyes and skin
(UBA 2001, NAS 2000a). During fires and waste
incineration, antimony dust and toxic antimony halides
are released. Antimony also catalyzes the formation of
dioxins and furans (UBA 2001).


in the use of TCCP in favor of safer substitutes, since it

has high environmental persistence with some evidence
of carcinogenicity. (UBA 2001).


2002) and potent teratogens (Noda 1993, Pless 2002).

Tributyltin affects the nervous system, and has caused
reproductive and developmental problems in animal
studies (Boyer 1989, ATSDR 1992).




TROUBLE FROM THE START The Production and Use of PVC

Association of Fire Fighters supports the use of alternative building

materials that do not pose as high a
risk as PVC (Duffy 1998).


The toxic gases generated when

PVC is burned in accidental fires
have resulted in deaths and
injuries, including workers exposed
to toxic gases from burning electrical wires coated with PVC
(Colardyn 1978); residents exposed
to airborne toxics from a Hamilton,
Ontario plastics recycling plant fire
(Upshur 2001); and guests who
died in the MGM Grand Hotel fire
in Las Vegas (Buerk 1982). A summary of the public health hazards
associated with accidental fires that
burn PVC has been published elsewhere (Schreiber 2003).



Illiopolis, Illinois: PVC Plant Explodes

On April 23, 2004, a PVC plant operated by Formosa Plastics in
Illiopolis, Illinois exploded. A towering plume of smoke containing
dioxins, hydrochloric acid, vinyl chloride and vinyl acetate could be
seen for miles around. The explosion caused both power and water
to be cut off and over 900 people were evacuated from the community. People were stationed in makeshift shelters including the local
shopping mall. The U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation
Board called the explosion the most serious the agency has investigated since it was founded in 1998. Four workers were killed
instantly and one died shortly after being hospitalized.
Nearly three months after the disaster, the Illinois Environmental
Protection Agency (IEPA) reported elevated levels of dioxin were found
in the soil at 12 of 13 sites sampled. Some samples reached levels of
50 ppt10 times higher than normal. Some areas tested were as far
as 3 miles from the explosion. Residents are concerned about the
constant health risks posed by these hazardous sites. More testing is
planned. (Sources: Antonacci 2004, IEPA 2004, Steingraber 2004a).

PVCs use to insulate wiring has

raised concerns not only for its use
in buildings, but also in airplanes.
The use of PVC insulation around
wiring was once standard practice
in airplanes. A typical airplane, for
example, could contain more than
100 miles of PVC coated wiring
(Ackerman 2003). Insulation of
the wires is critical to air safety, but
defects in the insulation can lead to
A 1993 fire in St. Terese, Canada at a plastics plant called Plastibec,
short circuits and sparks that could
Ltd consumed more than 15 tons of PVC. The plant manufactured
potentially start a fire or spark an
vinyl blinds and vinyl window frames. After burning for 18 hours
explosion. If PVC wiring overheats
and forcing 250 people from their homes, the smoldering structure
and starts to smolder, large amounts
continued to emit thick black smoke. In the end, the fire produced
of smoke are generated and, if
between 40-85 grams of dioxins and furans, equal to the amount
moisture is present, hydrochloric
released by the pulp and paper industry in an entire year. Of the 50
acid can be produced. Although
firefighters called out to the blaze, 6 were treated for smoke inhalathere is no proof that PVC insulation and more than 30 required medical treatment after being
tion has ever caused an airplane
exposed to the fumes (Source: Greenpeace 1994).
crash, concerns have been raised
about older airplanes that still contain PVC-insulated wires. Use of
burning of PVC. Both immediate and long-term
PVC wiring is now prohibited on new planes since PVC
impacts would be lessened: firefighters and victims alike
insulation failed Federal Aviation Administration flamwould avoid exposure to the toxic gases and smoke
mability tests (Ackerman 2003).
caused by the fire, and the leftover ash would be largely
free of these toxins as well.
Accidental fires are unexpected, and thus difficult to
regulate, but phasing out PVC could reduce the harm
they cause. If PVC was not so widely used as a building
material, accidental fires would not produce the toxic
combustion products that are specifically caused by the

Montreal, Canada:

PVC Fire and Firefighter Exposure

PVC, Chlorine and Dioxin

PVC is the major contributor of chlorine to

four combustion sources municipal solid
waste incinerators, backyard burn barrels,
medical waste incinerators and secondary
copper smeltersthat account for a significant portion of dioxin air emissions. In the
most recent USEPA Inventory of Sources of
Dioxin in the United States, these four
sources accounted for more than 80% of
dioxin emissions to air (based on 1995 data).

T h r e e s

The PVC content in the waste stream fed to

incinerators has been linked to elevated levels of dioxins in stack air emissions and
incinerator ash.

I n

C o m e s

When burned, PVC plastic, which contains

57% chlorine when pure, forms dioxins, a
highly toxic group of chemicals that build up
in the food chain.

A major concern about PVC is the formation of dioxin

during production and during disposal through incineration. The term dioxin refers to a family of chemical
compounds that are not intentionally made. They are
generated as by-products during production and disposal of chlorinated compounds including PVC. There are
many forms (congeners) of dioxin, each with a different toxicity. The most toxic form is 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), and is the standard
against which the toxicity of all other forms of dioxin is
measured. TCDD is a known human carcinogen
according to the U.S. National Toxicology Program
(USHHS 2002), World Health Organization (WHO
1997) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA) (USEPA 2000). Dioxin is fat-soluble, which
means it will bioaccumulate in increasing concentrations as it moves up the food chain. Exposure to dioxins is associated with reproductive and developmental
health problems, and has been shown to impair
immune system response and interfere with normal hormone function (Birnbaum 2003).

N e w s

The Formation of Dioxin

B a d


P V C :


The PVC-Dioxin Connection

The relationship between PVC and the formation of
dioxins in incinerators is clear: PVC is a significant
chlorine donor in the incineration process, spurring the
formation of dioxins. The strongest evidence of this


T H E D E A D LY C O N N E C T I O N P V C , C h l o r i n e a n d D i o x i n

comes from laboratory studies. The German EPA

found that burning waste that includes PVC or other
organochlorines produced dioxins, while burning waste
without PVC did not (Theisen 1991). Two Danish
studies found similar results (Vikelsoe 2000,
Christmann 1989). In Japan, researchers found that
adding 4% PVC to a mixture of PVC-free material
increased dioxin emissions ten fold (Ishibashi 2000).
When PVC was added to a mixture of newspapers or to
chlorine-free paper and burned, dioxin emissions
increased significantly with chlorine and PVC content
(Yasuhara 2001). In a similar study, dioxin levels in fly
ash were 200 to 1,200 times higher when PVC was
added to a mixture of newspaper or chlorine-free plastics (Takasuga 2000). Several other studies found
increased dioxin levels in fly ash or unburned residue
were correlated with increased PVC levels in the waste
stream burned (Kopponen 1992, Kolenda 1994,
Wunderli 2000).
When elemental chlorine was added to a mixture of
coal and salt, dioxin levels were 130 times higher than
when the same mixture was burned without the chlorine (Mahle 1980). Adding PVC or chlorine gas to
chloride-containing vegetable matter resulted in
increased dioxin formation (Liberti 1983). In another
study, as the level of organochlorines in a waste stream
increased, so too did the amount of dioxins formed
(Altwicker 1993). A study in Finland found that burning perchloroethylene in a laboratory produced more
dioxins, chlorobenzenes and chlorophenols than burning sodium chloride (Halonen 1995).

been published (Costner 2001). This paper identified

47 studies involving laboratory and pilot scale combustion system/processes; 12 studies involving small-scale
and other combustion systems/processes; and 31 studies
involving full-scale combustors that are relevant to the
relationship of chlorine content and dioxin emissions.
The author found that reduced chlorine content was
correlated with reduced dioxin formation in all three
study groups and concluded that there is a compelling
body of evidence that dioxin formation in waste incinerators decreases when chlorine input is reduced.
The USEPA confirmed that PVC is a dioxin precursor
in 1997 (USEPA 1997). They also acknowledged that,
several studies have identified strong correlations
between chlorine content and CDD/CDF
[dioxin/furan] emissions during combustion tests. As
part of the Inventory of Sources of Dioxin developed by
the USEPA, the agency acknowledged that a review of
experimental data clearly indicates an association
between chlorine content of feed/fuels and synthesis
of CDDs and CDFs (USEPA 2001). However, the
agency concluded that the results on whether a relationship between chlorine input and dioxin emissions
exists were not unequivocal and left it at that.

There is also evidence from small-scale incinerators

that support a relationship between burning
organochlorine compounds like PVC and dioxin formation. The Danish EPA found that doubling the PVC
content of an incinerators waste feed increases dioxin
emissions by 32% (DEPA 1995). Conversely, reducing
the PVC feed results in a reduction in dioxin emissions.
Researchers in Japan found that burning a mixture of
PVC and polyethylene produced large amounts of dioxins (Tamade 2000, Yoneda 2000). A study conducted
for the Dutch Environment Ministry found that PVC
levels in the waste stream increased dioxin levels in the
air emissions (Kanters 1996). Other studies in both the
U.S. (Wagner 1993) and Europe (Christmann 1989,
Vesterinen 1996, Halonen 1993, Hutari 1996,
Manninen 1996, Hatanaka 2000) have found a positive
correlation between PVC content in a waste stream
and dioxin emissions.

Additional insight into the relationship between PVC

and dioxin emissions can be found by examining the
USEPA Inventory of Sources of Dioxin. Table 6 summarizes dioxin emissions from sources that include
PVC. The table shows facilities that burn PVC are
responsible for most of the dioxin sources identified.
Eight quantified air sources and eight non-quantified
air sources are identified that include PVC as a chlorine
contributor in the waste stream. There are also quantified releases to water and land from sources that clearly
contain PVC as a chlorine donor. In addition, quantified sources such as tire burning and asphalt mixing
plants may contain PVC when household garbage is
burned with tires, or when PVC is added as filler in
producing asphalt. In fact, any process that burns
household garbageincluding gasification or pyrolysis
(systems that burn waste in the absence of oxygen)
can be expected to generate dioxin emissions in large
part due to the presence of PVC in the waste (BREDL
2002). The table also shows a number of other
unquantified sources that may include PVC as a contributor to dioxin emissions. The data used to generate these estimates were collected in 1995 and represent the most recent data available on dioxin emissions
in the U.S. (USEPA 2001).

An excellent review of the evidence linking chlorine

content in the waste stream and dioxin emissions has

The top four quantified sources alonemunicipal solid

waste incinerators, backyard barrel burning, medical

Table 6

Dioxin Emissions in the U.S.

from Sources that Include PVC
Sources with Chlorine from PVC

Other Possible Air Sources

Sewage sludge
Asphalt mixing plants
Secondary lead smelters
Tire burning
Total Dioxin Releases to Air


Quantified Releases to Water

Ethylene dichloride/vinyl chloride


Quantified Releases to Land

Ethylene dichloride/vinyl chloride
Municipal waste water sludge


Sources and Notes: All data are from the USEPA Inventory of Sources of Dioxin (USEPA 2001)
which reflects data generated in 1995, the most recent year for which data are available. Since the
2001 Inventory was published, dioxin air emissions from municipal waste incinerators have declined
for two reasons related to a December 2000 compliance deadline for new federal regulations on
toxic air emissions: (1) the closure of 25 waste combustion plants, nearly 20% of the total number,
between 2000 and 2002 (Kaufman 2004); and (2) added air pollution controls that shifted much of
the total amount of dioxin formed to incinerator ash, which requires land disposal. The USEPA now
estimates that dioxin air emissions from large municipal waste incinerators are 12.0 grams of dioxin
per year (TEQ) from 66 large incineration facilities in 24 states (USEPA 2002a). Dioxin air emissions
from 39 small incinerators were estimated at 50 grams per year TEQ in 2000 and are projected to
decline to 1.8 grams per year in response to a December 2005 compliance deadline for new federal
toxic air emission regulations (ERG 2002). These more recent estimates have not yet been peer
reviewed or published according to USEPA.
* TEQ = toxic equivalents; a measure of the total amount of all forms of dioxins, furans, and dioxinlike PCBs found in a sample.

It is misleading to focus only on

stack air emissions when assessing
chlorines contribution to dioxin
formation. Fly ash, bottom ash
and other residues contain dioxin
as well. Two studies on municipal
waste incinerators provide evidence that only from 0.0004 to
1% of total dioxins formed remain
in the stack gases (Fabrellas 1999,
Sakai 1997). Other research has
shown that there is a positive correlation between dioxin concentrations in ash and the amount of
PVC in the waste feed. In one
study, when PVC was burned with
wood, dioxin levels increased in
the ash (Wilken 1994). In another study, higher dioxin concentrations were observed in ash residue
from chlorinated plastics than in
ash from chlorine-free paper,
wood, cotton or wool (Theisen
1991). In general, as more PVC is
added, dioxin levels rise.

T H E D E A D LY C O N N E C T I O N P V C , C h l o r i n e a n d D i o x i n

Non-Quantified Air Sources

Landfill fires
Landfill gas
Accidental fires
Scrap electrical wire recovery
Secondary ferrous metal smelting
Ferrous foundries
Manufacturing chlorine and chlorine derivatives
PVC manufacturing

It is clear from this evidence that

without PVC, there would be
considerably less chlorine in the
incinerator feed and hence less
dioxins formed. This is not to say
that chlorine content is the only
factor determining dioxin production. It is not. Facility design,
operating conditions and the presence of catalysts also matter, but
numerous studies support the conclusion that without chlorine,
dioxin cannot be formed and that
PVC is the predominant source of
chlorine in the waste stream
(Costner 2001).


1,250 [see note below]



Quantified Air Sources

Municipal solid waste incinerators
Backyard barrel burning
Medical waste incinerators
Secondary copper smelters
Cement kilns burning hazardous waste
Cement kilns not burning hazardous waste
EDC/VCM production
Hazardous waste incineration

Dioxin Releases
(grams/year TEQ*)

waste incinerators and secondary

copper smeltersaccount for
2,637 grams TEQ, which is equivalent to 84% of the annual total
estimated dioxin emissions to air.
Clearly, not all of these emissions
are attributable to PVC. Dioxin
can be generated when other
chlorine donors are present. The
fraction attributable to PVC is not




T H E D E A D LY C O N N E C T I O N P V C , C h l o r i n e a n d D i o x i n

Nonetheless, most studies focus on dioxin concentrations in stack gas as a means of assessing the relationship between chlorine and dioxin. The fact that many
studies examining miniscule dioxin concentrations in
this hard-to-measure source still find a positive correlation between chlorine and dioxin testifies to the
strength of the relationship.


Despite this compelling body of evidence, the Chlorine

Chemistry Council (CCC) has aggressively argued that
there is no relationship between PVC content and
dioxin emissions from incinerators. The industrys
prime support for this claim is a study funded by the
Vinyl Institute, a member of the CCC, conducted by an
industry consultant and published by the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). This study
examined data from 169 facilities and concluded that
there was little or no correlation between chlorine
input and dioxin emissions from incinerators (Rigo
1995). This study has been critiqued and its methodology shown to be invalid (Thornton 2002, Costner 2000,
Costner 1997, Chien 2003). In addition, the conclusions of the ASME study were refuted at a workshop
held by the USEPA in 1996 on Dioxin Formation
Processes and Sources (Costner 2000).
Furthermore, a memo prepared prior to the release of
the ASME study by the public relations firm NicholsDesenhall Communications (under contract to the

Vinyl Institute) calls into question the derivation and

perhaps the integrity of the ASME study. This memo
laid out a strategy to diffuse any connection between
chlorine content/PVC and dioxin emissions made by
the USEPA as part of their Dioxin Reassessment effort.
The memo recommends the Vinyl Institute fund an
independent scientific study to debunk the
USEPAs claim about the positive relationship between
PVC and dioxin emissions (Burnett 1994). This study
turned out to be the one conducted under contract
with the consulting firm of Rigo & Rigo Associates
under the auspices of ASME. An internal Vinyl
Institute memo described the role of the ASME, The
purpose of the ASME as the contractor is to provide
unassailable objectivity to the study (Goodman
1994). In this same memo, Rigo was described as
willing to set his priorities to our needs, and he appears
sympathetic to Plastics, Vinyl, PVC and Cl2 ...
Additional details on these memos have been
described elsewhere (Thornton 2002).
PVC is the primary source of chlorine in the waste
stream. Eliminating PVC would dramatically reduce the
amount of chlorine being burned, and thereby limit
dioxin formation. Given the abundant evidence implicating chlorine as an essential precursor to dioxin formation, it is important to reduce if not eliminate the levels
of PVC in the waste stream. Banning PVC would be
the most effective means of achieving this goal.

The largest PVC-burning states include

Massachusetts, Connecticut, Mainewhich
all burn more than half of their waste
Florida, New York, Virginia, Pennsylvania,
Maryland, Minnesota, Michigan, New Jersey,
Indiana and Washington.

The incineration of medical waste, which has

the highest PVC content of any waste
stream, is being steadily replaced by cleaner
non-burn technologies.

Open burning of solid waste, which contains

PVC, is a major source of dioxin air emissions
and dioxin-laden ash, as well as other dangerous pollutants.

Backyard burning of PVC-containing household trash is not regulated at the federal

level and is poorly regulated by the states
it is completely unrestricted in Michigan and
Pennsylvania, partially restricted in 30 states
and banned in 18.

Municipal Waste Incinerators

T h r e e s

I n

More than 100 municipal waste incinerators

in the U.S. burn 500 to 600 million pounds
of PVC each year, forming highly toxic dioxins and releasing toxic additives to the air
and in ash disposed of on land.

C o m e s

N e w s


When PVC is burned in municipal and medical waste

incinerators, dioxins and other toxic gases are formed
and heavy metals present in the waste are released into
the air and residual ash. Dioxins are also released
when residents in rural areas dispose of their trash by
burning it in small furnaces or barrels behind their
homes, and when PVC products or waste are burned in
building, vehicle and landfill fires.

B a d

The Hazards of
Burning PVC Waste

P V C :


Incineration, or high-temperature burning, is frequently

used to dispose of municipal, hazardous and medical
wastes. Because PVC is a widely used plastic (especially in medical applications), the waste burned in these
incinerators inevitably contains PVC. As discussed
earlier, the chlorine in PVC facilitates the formation of
dioxins and other chlorinated organic compounds that
are subsequently released to the environment (Costner
2001). Thus, incinerators are a major source of dioxins
released to the air and land, and PVC is largely responsible for this situation.
Municipal waste or household trash incinerators are
considered the largest source of dioxin emissions in air
(USEPA 2001). The most recent inventory of dioxin
sources in the U.S. estimated municipal and medical
waste incinerators together account for 55% of all dioxin releases to air (40% and 15%, respectively) (USEPA
2001). Dioxin air emissions have since declined as


Table 7



DONT BURN IT The Hazards of Burning PVC Waste

States with the Heaviest Reliance on

Municipal Waste Incineration


PVC burned in each state is

shown in Appendix B.

As shown in Table 7, an estimated

250,000 tons (500 million pounds)
of PVC is burned in trash incinerPercent
Amount of PVC
ators in the U.S. each year
Number of
(Kaufman 2004). This estimate is
(After Recycling)
even higher if you use the municipal solid waste data generated by
the USEPA. Using the USEPA
data for the year 2001, the amount
of PVC burned is estimated to be
about 600 million pounds (USEPA
2003). These values are consis5
tent with other estimates
New York
(Thornton 2002). As discussed
earlier, PVC waste contributes sub6
stantially to the chlorine content
New Hampshire
of the waste and to the formation
Remaining States*
of dioxins in trash incinerator
emissions. Estimates of how much
PVC waste contributes to the
Sources and Notes: Estimates derived from Kaufman (2004) for 2002. The amount of PVC incinerchlorine content in waste streams
ated by each state was calculated by: (1) assuming that the percent PVC content of municipal solid
vary from 35 to 66% (CEC 2000,
waste (0.62%) estimated by the USEPA (2003) is representative of the typical percentage of PVC in
the waste stream; (2) assuming that post-consumer recycling of PVC in MSW is zero; (3) multiplying
ECC 1994). Other minor chlorine
the average percent PVC in the waste (0.62%) by the total waste generated in that state according to
sources include food waste and
Table 4 in Kaufman (2004); and (4) multiplying this value (the total PVC disposed in the state) by the
paper. Another source estimates
percent of waste incinerated after recycling as shown in column 2 above. The percent of PVC incinerated after recycling was determined by dividing the total amount of waste incinerated in a state
that, on average, about 50 to 67%
(provided in Table 4 of Kaufman 2004) by the total waste disposed of (after recycling).
of the chlorine input in an inciner* 19 states did not burn any MSW according to Kaufman 2004 and AL, AK, and MT did not report
ator can be attributed to PVC
any data (see Appendix B).
(Thornton 2002). However, as
much as 80% of the organically
bound chlorine, which is thought
incinerators have closed or added pollution controls to
to be more conducive to dioxin formation than inorganmeet new standards (USEPA 2002a, ERG 2002). Now
ic chlorine, is from PVC (Thornton 2000).
much of the dioxins formed from incinerators are released
to the land through landfilling of incinerator ash.
In addition to dioxins, PVC waste contributes to the formation of hydrochloric acid (HCl) in the flue gases of
Table 7 lists those states that rely heavily on incineraincinerators. This gas must be neutralized (primarily by
tion as a disposal option for municipal solid waste.
lime) and removed by scrubbers. HCl damages the air
Maine, Connecticut, and Massachusetts incinerate
pollution control equipment because it is so corrosive
more than 50% of their municipal solid waste destined
and requires additional maintenance. In addition, the
for disposal (not counting the amount of waste recymetal stabilizers in PVC (lead and cadmium) do not
cled). Minnesota has the largest number of municipal
break down during incineration but are released either
waste incinerators (15) followed by Florida (13) and
as hazardous air emissions or remain in the ash and cinNew York (10). These states have been dependent on
ders (ECC 1994). Older PVC products that used cadwaste incineration since the late 1980s and early
mium as a metal stabilizer will contribute cadmium
1990s. This trend may have been motivated by zealwhen burned (ECC 1994). Consequently, the more
ous protection of abundant groundwater and surface
PVC in the waste stream the greater the operating cost
water supplies; limited potential for new landfill capacof the incinerator due to: (1) the use of more agents to
ity; subsidies for generating electricity from waste burn- neutralize the acids and flue gases; (2) additional operating; and state policies which favor incineration over
ing and repair costs; and (3) additional waste manageland disposal. A complete listing of the amount of
ment costs to dispose of the residual ash (CEC 2000).

Incineration of medical waste involves the burning of

solid waste generated primarily by hospitals and
research facilities. PVC accounts for 5 to 15% of medical waste (DTI 1995, Hasselriis 1993, Marrack 1988,
USOTA 1988). Medical products made of, or containing, PVC include surgical gloves, dialysis tubing, blister
packs, inhalation masks, IV bags/tubing, mattress covers
and blood bags. Even non-medical products containing
PVC (e.g., office supplies) are often burned along with
medical trash.
As the overall volume of waste generated by hospitals
has increased over the past 50 years, so has the proportion of that waste containing PVC. In 1996, PVC
accounted for 27% of all plastic used in durable and
disposable medical products (Rossi 2000). This growth
in the use and disposal of vinyl medical products has
led to increased chlorine input to medical waste incinerators and thus greater dioxin formation. In 2001, the
USEPA cited medical waste incinerators as the 3rd
largest source of dioxin releases to the environment in
the U.S (USEPA 2001).
In 1990, roughly 70% of U.S. hospitals used on-site
incinerators (USOTA 1990). According to the
USEPA, the number of medical waste incinerators operating in the U.S. dropped roughly in half from 1987 to
1995 (USEPA 2001). Similarly, the amount of medical
waste burned in these incinerators dropped from an
estimated 1.43 billion kilograms (kg) in 1987 to 0.77
billion kg in 1995. Today there are substantially fewer
medical waste incinerators operating (USEPA 2004b).
Some of this drop is due to new regulations that have
gone into effect, which increased operating costs
(USEPA 2000a). But the work of activist grassroots citizen organizations and national groups like Health Care
Without Harm have played a major role in shutting
down medical waste incinerators and encouraging the
use of non-incineration treatment technologies
(HCWH 2001, Lester 2003).

DONT BURN IT The Hazards of Burning PVC Waste

A common argument in favor of incinerators is that

they significantly reduce the weight and volume of
waste going to landfills. While waste volume is reduced
by about 45 to 50%, this statement only tells part of the
story. The fly ash captured by the air pollution control
equipment and the residual ash left in the burner must
be disposed of in landfills and is often more toxic than
the original raw waste. This is the result of burning
metal-containing materials (including PVC), chlorinecontaining PVC waste that generates dioxins, and other
difficult to burn waste. This ash is stored in landfills,
and often leaches into surrounding soil and water.
Incineration may indeed reduce the volume of waste
going to landfills, but in doing so, this practice shifts the
waste burden to air releases and increases the toxicity
of the waste that will eventually be landfilled in the

Medical Waste Incinerators


Even distant populations are at risk, as toxic air releases

settle on crops and these crops are transported to other
areas and/or eaten by livestock which, in turn, are consumed by people (Cohen 1998, Cohen 1995). A study
by Barry Commoner and researchers at Queens College
in New York found Inuit Native peoples living in the
northern reaches of Canada, miles from any sources of
dioxin, had high levels of dioxin in their bodies
(Commoner 2000). These researchers also found dioxins released from incinerators and other dioxin sources
hundreds of miles away in the U.S. and lower Canada
were transported by wind currents to the far reaches of
the globe.

form of ash. Incineration is not a solution to waste disposal, especially not for PVC-containing waste.


Waste incineration has been linked to a number of serious health problems in plant workers, as well as in surrounding communities. Many of these troubles implicate PVC as the root source of contamination. For
instance, workers in incinerator plants have increased
levels of chlorinated phenols and lead in their body tissues, which may result from PVC, as well as mercury
and arsenic (Allsopp 2001). The USEPA has reported
that metals emissions in incinerators rise when the
chlorine content of the waste rises. In one study, metals were up to seven times higher when the chlorine
content of the waste was increased from 0 to 8.3%
(Carroll 1989). Elevated chlorine content levels also
impair the efficiency of the scrubber (an air pollution
control device) to remove metals from stack gases
(Carroll 1989). Incinerator operators are not the only
exposed group. Populations living near incinerators are
particularly vulnerable to elevated levels of dioxins and
heavy metals in tissue and blood, as well as to respiratory ailments and cancers (Allsopp 2001). Elevated levels
of congenital abnormalities have also been observed in
newborns in areas in the immediate vicinity of incineration plants (ten Tusscher 2000).

Hospital waste primarily consists of general solid waste

(70%), medical waste (17%), patient waste (9%) and a
small amount of hazardous waste (2%). Approximately
15% of this waste is considered to be infectious waste
(HCWH 2001), which requires treatment to disinfect
the waste but not necessarily incineration. Viable alternatives to incineration exist for the disposal of the



DONT BURN IT The Hazards of Burning PVC Waste

remaining 98% of medical waste

that is non-pathological. Much of
this waste is paper, cardboard, plastic, metals and general solid waste
that does not need to be burned.
The most prominent alternative for
treating hospital waste is autoclavinga process that disinfects the
biological waste component. Other
treatment methods include
microwaving, electro-thermal deactivation, gasification, chemical disinfection and thermal treatment
(HCWH 2001). Yet even these
alternatives do not address the
underlying problem, the initial use
and generation of PVC wastes. A
better solution is to replace PVC
products with non-chlorinated plastics.
Given the finding in recent studies
that flexible PVC products used in
hospitals (like dialysis tubing) leach
toxic additives into patients bodies
(USFDA 2001, NTP 2000), the
imperative to employ alternatives is
stronger than ever. Additives
mixed in with PVC to make it flexible or rigid are not chemically
bound to the plastic and are thus
prone to leach from the material.
One such additive, a phthalate
called 2-diethylhexyl phthalate
(DEHP), has been found to leach
from soft plastic, and has been documented to have a significant
impact on the development of the
male reproductive system and the
production of normal sperm in
young animals (Moore 2001). Also
linked with DEHP exposure is respiratory distress, changes in kidney
and liver function, ovarian dysfunction and decreased hormone production in females (Rossi 2001).

Open Burning
Perhaps the most under appreciated
source of dioxin emissions is the
open burning of household trash.



Detroit, Michigan:
Henry Ford Hospital
Medical Waste Incinerator
In February 2000, residents of a predominately African-American
community in Detroit, Michigan succeeded in their efforts to shut
down Henry Ford Hospitals medical waste incinerator. Since it
began operating in 1980, the facility had been burning approximately 6 million pounds of waste annually. As of 1998, Henry Ford
was the only hospital (of 25 surveyed) still burning medical waste in
an on-site incinerator. Environmental justice was a primary concern:
the Henry Ford Hospital System owns two other hospitals located in
predominately white suburbs that send their waste to a commercial
autoclave facility in Toledo, Ohio rather than burn it. This inconsistency fueled local activists.
The Henry Ford Hospital incinerator was a major, chronic polluter.
For instance, the only emission controls in place were opacity limits,
which do not involve emissions testing, but use a visual estimate of
how opaque a cloud of smoke emitted from the stack is. And even
those limits had been violated on a number of occasions. Federal
pollution controls on emissions of mercury, dioxins and heavy metals
had not yet been implemented in Michigan, so the facility burned
medical and other waste largely without regulation. The impact on
public health was consequently severe. A five year long Michigan
Department of Community Health study found the rate of children
hospitalized for asthma in the zip codes immediately surrounding
the incinerator to be three times that of neighboring Wayne County.
Moreover, a report commissioned by the New York University
Research Program focusing on Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions
in Michigan from 1983 through 1994 found that in the four zip
codes surrounding the incinerator, the average hospital admissions
of children aged zero to four were four times the state average.
A coalition of more than a dozen organizations including Detroiters
Working for Environmental Justice, Virginia Park Citizens District
Council, a local Sierra Club chapter, and the Sugar Law Center for
Economic and Social Justice worked together for four years before
successfully closing the incinerator in the spring of 2000. Strategies
included civil disobedience, media attention and coalition building.
Yard signs helped draw attention to the fight, and a constant barrage of phone calls and postcards to hospital officials ensured residents concerns would not be ignored. Steady, targeted pressure on
executives within Henry Ford Hospital System was a major factor in
the eventual shutdown of the incinerator (Sources: Lott 2004,
Holden 1999, Bates-Rudd 2000).



Oakland, California:
IES Medical Waste Incinerator



Gila River Indian Reservation, Arizona:

Stericycle Medical Waste Incinerator
Members of the Gila River Indian community near Chandler, Arizona
organized as the Gila River Alliance for a Clean Environment and succeeded in forcing Stericycle to shut down a medical waste incinerator
operating on tribal land in 2002. The incinerator had been burning
medical and non-medical waste from several states for about 10
years, and was among the largest in the U.S. Waste from hospitals,
medical and dental offices, mortuaries and research institutes was
among the waste being burned. When Stericycles lease for the facility came up for renegotiation, activists seized the opportunity to
push for cleaner technologies like autoclaving. The renegotiated
lease will allow only an autoclave on the site. With the closure of
this facility, there are now no commercial medical waste incinerators
in Arizona, Nevada, or California (Source: Greenaction 2002).

DONT BURN IT The Hazards of Burning PVC Waste

Owing largely to the communitys powerful voices and actions, IES

sold its company to competitor Stericycle in December 2001 who is
reportedly planning to tear down the incinerators and close the
facility (Sources: Greenaction 2001, Greenaction 2001a).

The smoke and vapors from the

open burning of household trash
contain many toxic chemicals that
can affect peoples health and the
environment, including dioxins and
furans; carbon monoxide; heavy
metals such as mercury, lead,
arsenic, and cyanide; volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as benzene, styrene, and formaldehyde;
particulates; polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons (PAHs); and hexachlorobenzene (USEPA 2003f,
MDEQ 2003). Exposure to these
chemicals have been linked to
adverse health problems including,
but not limited to asthma, lung
cancer, and other respiratory ailments, kidney and liver damage,
and nervous system, reproductive
and developmental disorders
(USEPA 2003g). One study found
emissions were highest for VOCs
such as benzene and styrene,
formaldehyde, hydrogen cyanide
and hydrochloric acid, followed by
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
and arsenic (MDEQ 2003).


The Coalition for Healthy Communities and Environmental Justice,

consisting of Oakland residents and community, health, and environmental justice organizations, formed to bring an end to the IES incinerator. After having ignored emissions and permit violations for years,
the Bay Area Air Quality Management District finally took action by
declining to renew the facilitys operating permit in 2001. When IES
insisted on its intentions to keep burning millions of pounds of medical and non-medical waste every year, a powerful direct action was
planned and executed by the Coalition. Community protesters
blocked the entrance to the IES incinerator for eight hours nonviolently putting their bodies in front of trucks carrying waste.


On December 10, 2001, after a 4-year struggle, Integrated

Environmental Systems (IES) was forced to shut down its commercial medical waste incinerator in Oakland, California. Even under
perfect operating conditions, the incinerator was known to emit
dioxins, mercury and other toxic pollutants. The facility was also
notorious for all kinds of permit violations including excess emissions, broken monitors, odors, uncontrolled bypasses of the pollution control devices and worker safety violations.

Open burning, also called uncontrolled burning or backyard burning,

involves the burning of household
trash by residents on their property.
Burning typically occurs in a burn
barrel, open fireplace or furnace,
homemade burn box, wood stove,
outdoor boiler or open pit (USEPA
2003e). Most backyard burning
occurs in rural areas where there is
no curbside trash pickup.
According to government surveys,
an estimated 20 million people in
rural areas burn trash in their backyards (MDEQ 2003).

Among the toxic byproducts of

backyard waste burning, dioxins
and furans may pose the greatest
public health threat. Dioxins are
highly toxic even at low levels and
have been linked to serious health
problems in people that include
cancer and adverse developmental
and reproductive effects (USEPA

DONT BURN IT The Hazards of Burning PVC Waste


2003g, Birnbaum 2003). Dioxins are

formed primarily because of low
combustion temperatures, poor air
distribution, and the presence of
chlorine (USEPA 2003h). The
majority of chlorine in household
trash comes from PVC plastic.
Because the emissions from open
burning are released close to the
ground, they are particularly dangerous to people and animals located
nearby. There are also no pollution
control devices on these burners.
The backyard burning of household
trash also produces residual ash that
contains toxic metals such as lead,
chromium, mercury and arsenic, as
well as PCBs and dioxins (USEPA
2003f, Lemieux 1998). The ash left
over from the burning is often used
by homeowners in gardens or placed
in areas where children may play and
come in contact with these toxic
substances. In gardens, vegetables
can absorb and accumulate the metals (USEPA 2003f).



Maine Bans Backyard Burning;

Warns Public About PVC Hazards
Reducing dioxin emissions and protecting the health of Maine residents was a high priority when the Maine legislature voted to prohibit backyard trash burning in 2001. This new law and PVC educational outreach followed a citizen advocacy campaign led by the
Natural Resources Council of Maine which focused on reducing the
use and disposal of PVC because of its role as a dioxin-forming consumer product. A 1997 study found 10,000 backyard burn barrels
across rural Maine and documented the high levels of dioxin emissions and exposures that resulted. The law also required the Maine
Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to educate people
about dioxin-forming PVC products and their alternatives.
An educational bulletin, poster and flyer prepared and distributed by
the Maine DEP contain clear and compelling messages about PVC.
We can make a difference by RETHINKING our purchasing
habits to avoid putting PVC products in the waste stream.
You can help to reduce dioxin pollution from municipal
trash incineration by: REPLACING #3 PVC Products with
less polluting natural materials OR safer plastic alternatives #1 PETE, #2 HDPE, #4 LDPE, #5 PP.

Open burning was not initially idenPVC plastics waste is a major source of our dioxin pollutified by the USEPA as a source of
tion in Maine. It is the only plastic that forms significant
dioxin (USEPA 1998). Now the
amounts of dioxin when burned and has very low recycling
agency has identified open burning
rates. It is even preferable to avoid burning PVC in municias a major source of dioxins. The
pal incinerators to reduce air pollutant levels and toxic ash
USEPAs most recent Inventory of
disposal. Safe alternatives exist for virtually every use of
Sources of Dioxin estimated open
PVC plastic.
burning may account for as much as
628 grams TEQ dioxin, making it
Maines educational materials also give clear consumer guidance on
the second largest source of dioxin
safer alternatives to typical uses of PVC plastic. The Maine DEP established the link between open burning and PVC as follows: In addition
emissions in the U.S. (USEPA 2001).
to eliminating backyard trash burning, we need to reduce the toxic
The USEPA found a single housenature of our waste stream that goes to incineration because of the
hold burn barrel may release more
potential for serious health effects and contamination of our food
toxic chemicals into the air than a
supply (Sources: MDEP 2001, MDEP 2001a, MDEP 1997).
municipal waste incinerator burning
200 tons of household trash a day
that is equipped with state-of-the-art
tained simulated waste from a household that did not
air pollution control devices (Lemieux 1998).
recycle and the other contained waste remaining after
avid recycling. This study reported high emissions of
A key study used by the USEPA to estimate the
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including benzene,
amount of dioxins generated by open burning of housepolynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), chlorinated
hold trash was published in 1998 by a New York
benzenes and dioxins and furans. Surprisingly, higher
researcher (Lemieux 1998). The author burned two
levels of dioxins and furans were found in the emissions
sets of simulated household garbage in separate metal
from the avid recycling household sample compared to
burn barrels in a controlled laboratory setting and
the non-recycler.
measured emissions from each barrel. One barrel con-

Figure 3 includes data originally developed by the New

Hampshire Department of Environmental Services and
updated in 2004. The figure shows open or backyard
burning is illegal in 18 states, restricted in 29 states,
completely unrestricted in two states (Michigan and
Pennsylvania) and left to local government in one state

Figure 3. Current State Regulations on Backyard Burning

of Household Waste in the U.S.

DONT BURN IT The Hazards of Burning PVC Waste

A recent reanalysis of this same data found a very

strong correlation between PVC and dioxin emissions
in the USEPA burn barrel experiments (Neurath 2004).
This study found that the percent chlorine, especially

Open burning of household trash is thought to account

for a considerable share of dioxin air emissions in many
states including Maine (26%) (MDEP 2004) and New
Hampshire (17%) (NHDES 2001). Some states including Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, Connecticut,
North Carolina, New Mexico, and Washington
(USEPA 2003i), recognize the threat to public health
and have adopted regulations completely banning open
burning of household trash. Others, such as Alaska
(AKDEC 2004) and California (CARB 2003), while
allowing the burning of paper, cardboard and yard
waste, have specifically banned the burning of plastic,
rubber and other hazardous materials.


Initially, USEPA considered that PVC content in the

waste might be a key determinant of dioxin emissions
during open burning (Lemieix 1997, Gullett 1999).
They conducted several experiments to evaluate the
effect of PVC and chlorine input on dioxin emissions
(Gullett 1999, Gullett 2000, Gullett 2001). The latest
study concluded that the chlorine in the waste does
appear to influence dioxin emissions, but only at high
levels not typically found in household trash, and
dioxin emissions were independent of the source of
chlorine (Lemieux 2003).

the percent PVC, were the most important predictors

of dioxin emissionsnot combustion variables such as
carbon monoxide, temperature, or air input levels as
claimed by the USEPA (Neurath 2004). Backyard
burning is not like an incinerator where you can control
these variables. By definition, uncontrolled burning is
uncontrolled. What can be controlled is the type of
waste, such as PVC, that is burned.

A likely explanation for this difference may be the higher proportion of PVC plastic which is not recycled that
ends up in the trash of the avid recycling household
(4.5% versus 0.2%). According to the author of the
study, the higher proportion of PVC plastic in the avid
recyclers waste stream could potentially increase the
formation of chlorinated organic compounds. Other
factors such as time, temperature history, mixing patterns, oxygen availability, as well as the mixture of carbon with chlorine in the presence of metal catalysts are
also important factors in the formation of PCDDs
(dioxins) and PCDFs (furans) (Lemieux, 2000).

Illegal (18)
Legal (2)
Legal with Restrictions (29)
Regulated by Local Gvt. (1)

Source: Adapted from NHDES 2001


DONT BURN IT The Hazards of Burning PVC Waste


(South Dakota) (NHDES 2001, NHDES, 2003, NMED

2004, CARB, 2003a, MRSA 2004). Several states that
have yet to enact proper legislation (e.g., Rhode Island,
New York, Pennsylvania) have issued public health
statements and developed pamphlets warning of the
dangers associated with burning plastic, specifically the
release of dioxins. The USEPA currently has no regulations that apply to open burning even though they estimate that it is one of the largest sources of dioxin in air
(USEPA 2001). To assist in finding current regulations
for each state, the USEPA has constructed a virtual
map on their Website with links to each states rules
and regulations (USEPA 2003i).
Regulations on open burning typically vary between
rural and urban/suburban areas. While generally prohibited in highly populated areas and municipalities,
open burning is seldom stringently regulated in rural
areas. One reason given for this has been that decisions on whether to restrict or ban open burning of
household trash has been driven by citizen complaints
(Lighthall 1998). Thus, those communities with
enough people to generate a substantial number of
complaints are the ones that enact or adopt policies to
restrict or ban the open burning of household trash.
Every state has distinct laws though, and even within
states, rules are far from uniform. Even in those states
and areas where rules and regulations exist, enforcement is extremely difficult. This lack of coherence
tends to stifle efforts to curb open burning in general
and PVC burning in particular. Unless open burning

can be curtailed or even adequately controlled, it is

unrealistic to expect PVC will not be burned. PVC will
continue to harm human and environmental health as
long as open burning continues to be used to dispose of
In addition to open burning of household trash, vehicle
fires, structure fires, construction site burning and landfill fires all represent significant types of uncontrolled
PVC combustion. Because PVC is so ubiquitous, the
chance that it will be burned in intentional or accidental fires is high.
The cost of waste disposal has risen in recent years, and
many rural residents are unable or unwilling to pay
these increased costs. Otherwise laudable pay-as-youthrow (variable rate pricing) programs in communities
across the nation aim to reduce waste, but in rural areas
accustomed to paying a fixed rate regardless of the
amount of waste they generate, such programs actually
tend to trigger an increase in burning and illegal dumping. Rather than reduce the amount of waste generated, the more appealing option for some is illegal dumping and/or open burning. Moreover, proper disposal is
often less convenient in rural areas. Burning trash may
be a more appealing option than driving long distances
to pay for and legally dispose of trash. State and local
governments must address matters of affordability and
convenience in these areas in order to help bring an
end to open burning (MEDEP 1997). In the long term
though, replacing PVC with safer alternatives is the
only way to eliminate PVC from the waste stream.



Many of the more than 1,900 landfills used

for disposal of construction and demolition
(C&D) debris are unlined and can not capture any contaminants that leak out of PVC
building material waste.

An average of 8,400 landfill fires are reported every year in the U.S., contributing further to PVC waste combustion and dioxin

T h r e e s

Land disposal is the final fate of between 2

billion and 4 billion pounds of PVC that is
discarded every year in some 1,800 municipal waste landfills.

I n

C o m e s

Dumping of PVC in landfills poses significant

long-term environmental threats due to
leaching of toxic additives into groundwater,
dioxin-forming landfill fires and toxic emissions in landfill gases.

N e w s

B a d


Landfilling is the most common disposal option for

PVC and thus is a significant part of the disposal stage
of the PVC life cycle. The majority of PVC that is discarded as waste ends up in a landfill. However, landfills
do not solve the PVC disposal dilemma. They eventually leak, routinely emit toxic gases and occasionally
catch on fire. Landfills merely represent a temporary,
polluting alternative to burning PVC and creating dioxins. As an interim strategy, land disposal of PVC is
preferable to incineration, but it does not provide a
long-term secure solution to PVC waste management.

P V C :

Problems with PVC

in Landfills

Municipal Waste Landfills

In 2001, about 79% of U.S. municipal solid waste destined for disposal was landfilled (USEPA 2003).
According to data made available by the USEPA, about
1.42 million tons of PVC was in U.S. municipal solid
waste in 2001 (USEPA 2003). This represents less than
one percent of the 163 million tons of municipal solid
waste disposed of in landfills and incinerators. (This
total does not include an additional 49 millions tons of
municipal discards that were recycled or composted and
contained negligible amounts of PVC).
The USEPA data establishes a low-end estimate of
about 1.12 million tons of PVC (more than 2.2 billion
pounds) that was dumped in landfills in 2001 (USEPA
2003). Using another source of data on municipal
waste generation for 2002, the amount of PVC dumped




NO PLACE LEFT Problems with PVC in Landfills

in landfills was estimated at 2.04

million tons, or more than 4 billion pounds (Kaufman 2004),
nearly twice the USEPA amount.
This latter estimate assumes the
same percent PVC content in the
municipal solid waste stream as
reported by the USEPA.


The estimated number of active

landfills in the U.S. that accept
PVC for disposal in municipal
solid waste varies. Citing 2002
data reported by 47 states,
Kaufman lists a total of 1,767
municipal solid waste landfills
(Kaufman 2004). USEPA concluded that 1,858 landfills received
municipal solid waste in 2001
(USEPA 2004c). Yet another
source estimates that there are
3,200 municipal solid waste landfills (EREF 2004).
Table 8 lists those states that rely
heavily on landfilling as a disposal
option for municipal solid waste in
the U.S. California, Texas and
Michigan landfill the most waste.
Texas has the largest number of
landfills (175), followed by
California (161) and Florida (100).
A total of 19 states including
Texas, Ohio, and Illinois landfill
100% of their waste. A complete
listing of the amount of PVC landfilled in each state is show in
Appendix B.

Table 8

Estimated Amounts of PVC Discarded in Landfills

According to States that Landfill the Most
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)

New York
New Jersey
North Carolina
Remaining States*

Number of

Amount of PVC
Landfilled (tons)





Sources and Notes: Estimates derived from Kaufman (2004) for 2002. The amount of PVC landfilled by each state was calculated by (1) assuming that the percent PVC content of municipal solid
waste (0.62%) estimated by the USEPA (2003) is representative of the typical percentage of PVC in
the waste stream; (2) assuming that post-consumer recycling of PVC in MSW is zero; (3) multiplying
the average percent PVC in the waste (0.62%) by the total waste generated in that state according to
Table 4 in Kaufman (2004); and (4) multiplying this value (the total PVC disposed in the state) by the
percent of waste landfilled after recycling as shown in column 2 above. The percent of PVC landfilled after recycling was determined by dividing the total amount of waste landfilled in a state (provided in Table 4 of Kaufman 2004) by the total waste disposed of (after recycling).
* AL, AK, and MT did not report any data (see Appendix B).

The amount of PVC waste going to landfills is expected

to increase substantially over the next 20 years. A
study in Europe found the amount of PVC waste generated in the 15 European Union countries will increase
from 3.6 million tons per year in 2000 to 4.7 million
tons in 2010 and to 6.4 million tons per year by 2020
(AEA 2000, ARGUS 2000). This is an increase of
more than 75% over 20 years. This is because most
PVC products were put into commercial use during the
1970s and their useful service life is ending.
Components in cars, construction materials, and electrical, household and industrial goods typically last from
5 to 15 years (AEA 2000). Building materials such as
pipes, flooring, and siding may last for decades before
being replaced (AEA 2000). As production of these

PVC materials has been on going for more than 30

years, the PVC waste that is entering the waste stream
today is a reflection of the products put in use years
ago. An estimated 300 billion pounds of this PVC will
require disposal worldwide in the coming years (van der
Naald 1998).

Construction and Demolition

Waste Landfills
PVC is also found in construction and demolition
(C&D) waste. C&D waste is generated from the construction, renovation, repair and demolition of structures such as residential and commercial buildings,
roads, and bridges (ICF 1995). Franklin Associates

There are significant dangers associated with the dumping of PVC in landfills. Although there appears to be
little degradation of the PVC polymer (ARGUS 2000,
Mersiowski 1999), the additives present in PVC products are not chemically bound to the PVC and they will
seep out into the environment over time (CEC 2000).
These additives include plasticizers, stabilizers, pigments, fillers and other chemicals that are added to
PVC depending on the final products intended purpose
(see Chapter 3). Many of these additives leach out in
the disposal phase (Mersiowski 1999). This is especially
true of flexible PVC products. In the case of the rigid
PVC products, stabilizers are generally thought to be
encapsulated in the matrix of the PVC polymer and
thus migration is expected to be less than what occurs
with the plasticizers (ARGUS 2000, AEA 2000,
Mersiowski 1999).
In landfills, PVC (as well as all waste) is subject to different reactive conditions such as moisture, changing
temperatures, the presence (or absence) of oxygen, and
the activity of microorganisms (CEC 2000). These factors will interact with the waste at different stages of
the aging process. Recent studies evaluating the behavior of PVC in landfills found that microorganisms
and/or corrosive liquids common to landfill environments act to accelerate the release of additives in PVC
products (Mersiowski 1999, Hjertberg 1995).

Estimates have been made of the amount of lead present in landfills that are attributable to lead additives in
discarded PVC products. These estimates range from
1 to 28% (CEC 2000). In 1998, an estimated 51,000
tons of lead were used as stabilizers in plastic in Europe
(CEC 2000) and an estimated 6 billion tons were used
worldwide in 2000 (Tukker 2001). Much of this lead
will end up in landfills and can be expected to be a significant source of lead being released into the environment (NCM 2003). The key question is how much of
the lead will be mobilized and released into the environment and when. Although the mobility of lead is
generally thought to be low, small amounts will slowly
leak out. Over time, this could lead to substantial
amounts of lead being released into the environment.
One study in Europe reported that an estimated 8 kilotons of lead from PVC entered the waste stream and
that 0.5 kilotons was released into the environment in
2000 (Tukker 2001). Given the longevity of PVC products, it can be expected that lead leaching from discarded PVC products in landfills will continue to be a
health and environmental threat for many years to

NO PLACE LEFT Problems with PVC in Landfills

The Hazards of Landfill

Disposal of PVC

Leachate generated by waste in landfills has been

detected in groundwater monitoring wells at numerous
garbage landfills (Lee 1996). One study in California
reported that 72% of 528 landfills had polluted the
nearby groundwater (Lee 1996). The USEPA passed
regulations in 1991 to control landfill leachate (USEPA
1991). These regulations have been criticized for relying on a fundamentally flawed technological approach
for MSW management that at best only postpones
when significant environmental problems will occur as
a result of the landfilled waste (Lee 2003).


In 2002, forty-two states reported that 1,931 landfills

were dedicated for disposal of C&D waste (Kaufman
2004). Many if not most of these landfills are unlined,
offering groundwater supplies even less protection from
contaminants that may leach from PVC and other
C&D waste components.

Cadmium, lead, organotins and phthalates (which

account for over 90% of plasticizers) are commonly
released from PVC waste in landfills (Mersiowski 1999,
Hjertberg 1995). In studies evaluating the leaching of
bisphenol A (BPA), an additive used in many plastics,
PVC was found to release the highest concentrations of
BPA (Yamamoto 1999). These additives will mix with
water and other substances in the waste and generate
leachate which will contaminate local groundwater in
the vicinity of the landfill.


(under contract to the USEPA) estimated that 136 million tons of building-related C&D debris was generated
in 1996 (FA 1998). This figure did not include road,
bridge and land clearing debris. C&D waste consists
mainly of wood products, asphalt, drywall and masonry
waste with lesser quantities of metals, plastics including
PVC, dirt, shingles, insulation, paper and cardboard
(ICF 1995). The percentage of PVC in C&D waste is
hard to estimate. One report specifically identified and
estimated the percent of vinyl siding and PVC pipes in
C&D waste to be 0.63% for the two materials combined (FA 1998). Other types of PVC plastic waste
were not considered.

The lack of adequate liners and/or leachate treatment

in many old landfills (and even some new ones) ensures
that these releases have an easy route into surrounding
groundwater and soil. Many construction and demolition debris landfills are completely unlined. Most old
landfills contain no liner or collection system to prevent
leachate generated in the landfill from mixing with and



NO PLACE LEFT Problems with PVC in Landfills

contaminating local groundwater. This leachate will

seep down through the waste and eventually contaminate groundwater with hazardous and toxic chemicals
(Lee 1994).
Even landfills equipped with the best liners and most
up-to-date treatment methods cannot ensure long-term
safety. In instances where liners or collection systems
have been installed, leachate is still generated. When it
reaches the bottom of the landfill, it is collected by a
system of pipes and treated. The treated leachate is
often sprayed back onto the waste and eventually collected again. If these pipes clog up, the leachate will
accumulate in the landfill and create pressure on the
liner. Eventually, this pressure will force the leachate
out at the point of least resistance, usually the bottom
of the landfill when the bottom liner fails.
These collection systems can be clogged by silt or mud,
the growth of microorganisms in the pipes, or chemical
reactions leading to the precipitation of minerals in the
pipes. The pipes may also become weakened by chemical attack (acids, solvents, oxidizing agents or corrosion) and may be crushed by the tons of garbage piled
on them (ERF 1989)
The liners used in landfills are generally made from
high-density polyethylene (HDPE). These liners can be
degraded by a number of household chemicals that can
cause them to either lose strength, soften or become
brittle and crack. Liners will also tear during installation or as a result of pressure from the weight of the
waste. There may also be defects in the liners such as
cracks, holes and faulty seams that allow leachate to
pass through the liner (ERF 1992). One study found
certain organic chemicals, such as chlorinated solvents,
benzene, trichloroethylene (TCE) and vinyl chloride,
can readily pass through an intact liner (i.e., a liner
with no holes) in a short period of time (Haxo 1988).
This finding has been confirmed in separate studies
(Sakti 1991, Buss 1995, Lee 1996). Eventually, all
landfills will leak whether they have a liner or not (ERF
1992, Bonaparte 1990, Lee 1992) and threaten the
health of residents living nearby (ERF 1998). Landfills
cannot guarantee safe, long-term disposal of PVC
wastes and their by-products.
Landfill fires present another cause for concern. These
fires generate a range of hazardous gases including carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen chloride.
Dioxins and furan are also formed (USEPA 2001).
Such fires are not uncommon. An average of 8,400
landfill fires are reported each year in the U.S. (FEMA
2002) and their ignition can be traced to a number of

causes. Though over half of reported fires have no

information available as to the initial cause, 40% of
reported fires are classified as deliberate or suspicious,
20% are attributable to smoldering waste, and 5% ignite
spontaneously. Highly flammable methane gas,
released by landfilled waste as it decays is a primary factor in many cases.
PVC products disposed of in landfills contribute to the
formation of dioxins and furans in the event of a fire.
Four PVC productspipes, rigid foils, floorings and
cable wirescontribute about 40% of the chlorine content in landfills (Mersiowsky 1999). As previously discussed, the chlorine in PVC contributes to the formation of dioxins. Other factors that influence the
amount of chlorinated dioxins and furans formed
include fire temperature, and the availability of oxygen
and catalysts (e.g., copper). Lower oxygen concentrations and lower temperatures (500-700 C) correspond
with elevated dioxin formation (Moeller 1996). Both
these conditions occur frequently at landfill fires.
Measured concentrations of dioxins and furans in the
air of landfill fires are generally high and consistent
with evidence gathered from test fires (Ruokojrvi
1995). As is the case with open burning, these air
emissions are unfiltered and largely uncontrolled (see
Chapter 3).
Another concern with landfills is the generation of
landfill gases. All municipal waste landfills generate
gases that result from the degradation of materials in
the waste (USEPA 1995). The most common landfill
gas is methane that results from the degradation of biological matter in the waste stream. Other common
landfill gases include vinyl chloride, benzene, toluene
and dichloroethane (ATSDR 2001). These volatile
gases result from the breakdown of waste components
present in the landfill. When PVC degrades, plasticizers and other additives leach out, and some of these
evaporate and contribute to the landfill gases (ARGUS
Older landfills made no attempt to vent or control
these gases. As a result, there were many explosions in
homes and buildings located near solid waste landfills
caused by the migration of methane gas, a highly explosive substance (USEPA 1990, Lee 1994). More modern
landfills attempt to capture these gases using a gas collection system. These systems consist of a series of
wells installed throughout the landfill that are used to
pull out the gas. A series of pipes connect the wells
and carry the gas to either a flare where it is burned or
to an energy recovery system where the gases are con-

Landfills are also used to discard the residual ash generated when PVC products are incinerated. This ash
contains dioxins and many heavy metals that will eventually cause many of the same leaching problems and
threats to groundwater discussed earlier (USEPA
1994a, ERF 1990, Denison 1988). Clearly, landfills do
not solve the disposal dilemma. They merely present a
temporary, polluting alternative to burning PVC and
creating dioxins. As an interim strategy, land disposal
of PVC in a hazardous waste landfill may be preferable
to incineration, but it poses its own environmental and
public health threats and does not provide a long term
secure solution to PVC waste management. Avoiding
the generation of PVC-containing waste is the only
sure way to prevent the problems associated with either
landfill disposal or incineration of PVC waste.

NO PLACE LEFT Problems with PVC in Landfills

Since 1996, large landfills have been required to have

gas collection systems, which, the USEPA maintains,
capture 75% of the gases (USEPA 2002b). However,
there is no factual basis for this number. There are no
studies that define the collection efficiency of these systems. Instead, this estimate is intended to reflect the
best achievable efficiency while the systems are operating. The flaws in EPAs estimate are two fold. First,
more of the gases are emitted both before the systems
are installed and after they are removed from service,
than during the time they are functional. Second, most
landfills do not achieve best practices, especially
because there is no way to measure emissions that
might disclose poor efficiency, other than by detecting
odor problems, which is just the manifestation of the
worst fugitive emissions. A study that includes these
factors found that there is no factual basis to conclude


that, in practice and on a lifetime basis, more than 20%

of the landfill gases generated are actually captured and
either flared or used to recover energy (Anderson


verted into electricity (USEPA 1990). The flares can

be a source of dioxins if chlorinated chemicals such as
vinyl chloride are present in the landfill gases (USEPA
2001, Eden 1993).




PVC severely impacts the recycling of PET

plastic bottles due to difficulty in separating these plastics when they are mixed
together, and because of the contamination
caused by the chlorine in PVC when they
are processed together for recycling.

The vinyl industry has inflated its PVC recycling rate by failing to account for all PVC
waste generated and by redefining PVC
waste incineration as recycling.

PVC increases the toxic impacts of the recycling process for other discarded products
such as nylon carpet, computers, automobiles and corrugated cardboard.

T h r e e s

PVC is very difficult to recycle because the

many additives used in PVC products make
it impossible to retain the unique properties
of the original formulation from a batch of
mixed PVC products collected for recycling.

I n

C o m e s

Contrary to popular belief, recycling of PVC

is negligible, with estimates ranging from
0.1% to 3% of post-consumer PVC waste
being recycled.

N e w s

B a d


The ability to recycle used PVC products into new

products is not feasible as a practical matter (Plinke
2000). While the vinyl industry has argued that PVC
can be recycled (VI 2004a, PP 1999), in reality, a negligible amount of PVC is actually recycled. Estimates
of how much post-consumer PVC (PVC that was used
by a consumer for its intended purpose) is recycled vary
from a high of about 3% (Plinke 2000, PP 1999) to a
low of less than 1% (Denison 1997, Beck 1996).
USEPA reports that less than 0.1% of PVC in postconsumer municipal solid waste was recycled in 2001,
the most recent year for which data are available
(USEPA 2003). As discussed below, at most 0.3% of
PVC bottles were recycled in 2001 (Anderson 2004).

P V C :

PVC Undermines
Recycling Efforts

The primary reason for these poor recycling rates is the

lack of uniformity in the composition of PVC products.
Vinyl products are made using various formulations
that are designed to achieve certain properties and create specific products. To achieve these features, additives such as lead, cadmium and phthalates that
enhance properties such as durability and plasticity are
mixed together with PVC. For example, vinyl siding
and windows are made with lead to make them more
durable, whereas infant chew toys contain phthalates
to make them more soft and pliable. Table 9 shows
what portion of the PVC is made up of these additives.
When these different formulations of PVC are mixed
together, such as when they are collected as part of a
recycling effort, they cannot be readily separated which


Table 9

Typical Composition of PVC Products and Materials

Share of the Components (weight - %)



RECYCLING MENACE PVC Undermines Recycling Efforts



PVC Polymer





Rigid PVC Applications

Window Profiles (lead stabilized)
Other profiles
Rigid film





Flexible (soft) PVC Applications

Cable installation
Flooring (calander)
Flooring (paste, upper layer)
Flooring (paste, inside material)
Synthetic leather
Furniture films
Leisure articles








Source: Prognos 1994, Prognos 1999, Totsch 1990 as cited in Plinke, 2000.

is necessary to reprocess the PVC back into its original

formulation and to retain the unique properties of the
original formulation (Plinke 2000, Thornton 2000). This
problem is further complicated because PVC formulations for the same materials have changed over time.
There are other problems with mixing PVC with other
plastics. One difficulty is color. Recycled products must
be separated by color, which in most cases is not practical (Plinke 2000). Another difficulty is that soft PVC
cannot be used in rigid PVC applications, and rigid PVC
cannot be used in soft PVC applications since the material has to be reformulated (i.e., new additives need to
be added). Thus, when different formulations of PVC
are mixed together, it becomes virtually impossible to
create a formulation that can be used for any application
that requires specific properties.
As a result, a lower quality PVC plastic is produced
which cannot be used for the same purpose as the original product (Plinke 2000). Thus, PVC can never be
truly recycled into the same quality material. It usually
ends up being made into lower quality products with less
stringent requirements such as speed bumps, parking
bumpers, or park benches. The loss of quality in a material during recycling is called downcycling. The downcycling of plastics is common because of the difficulties in
separating out the components with different additives
(Plinke 2000). PVC that is downcycled does not reduce

the overall demand for the raw materials (virgin resin)

used in making plastic, and has no effect on the amount
of vinyl produced each year (Denison 1997).
In Europe, where PVC recycling has received greater
attention, the vinyl industry has claimed greater
progress in PVC recycling than is actually the case.
Instead of measuring recycling progress against the total
amount of PVC waste generated, the industry instead
limited its recycling goals to the much smaller fraction
of PVC waste that they deem to be economically collectable and available. With this distortion the
European industry claimed that they achieved their
goal of recycling 25% of PVC waste window frames,
pipes and fittings, and roofing membranes by 2003. In
fact, actual PVC recycling rates were less than 5% for
pipes and fittings, 6% for roofing waste and 16% for
window frames (ENDS 2004).
The PVC industrys distortion of its recycling progress
cant hide the facts. Throughout Europe, the total
amount of PVC recycled in 2003 was 2% to 3%, matching only one-fifth of the industrys modest goal of recycling 10% to 15% of all PVC (not just whats collectable and available) by 2010 (ENDS 2003). These modest gains are being rapidly overshadowed by the projected 50% to 80% increase in PVC waste generation over
the next twenty years (ENDS 2003, ENDS 2004).

Compare the 2% to 3% PVC recycling rate in Europe

(which far outpaces the 0.1% to 3% U.S. PVC recycling
rate) with the recycling rates for other commonly discarded products in the United States in 2001: auto batteries
(94%), yard trimmings (57%), steel cans (50%), aluminum beer and soft drink cans (49%), paper and paperboard (45%), PET #1 plastic soft drink bottles (36%),
tires (31%) and glass containers (21%) (USEPA 2004c).

Plastic Bottles
PVC severely impacts the recyclability of other plastics
such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET or sometimes
PETE). Bottles made of PET and high density polyeth-

Table 10

PVC Contaminates the Recycling of Many Materials and Products

Material and Product


PVC as Contaminant

Polyester from PET plastic (#1)


PVC and PET bottles are commingled in all bottle recycling efforts

Due to similar densities, it is difficult and

expensive to separate PVC from PET; the
presence of even a little PVC ruins PET recycling during processing.

Nylon facing from carpets1

Backing of carpet

PVC can't be readily separated from nylon; it

contaminates it and results in "down-cycling."

Copper from wires and cables

of electronics2

Plastic sheathing of wires and


The PVC on wires and cables with low copper content are burned at secondary copper
smelters releasing dioxins and toxic additives
and by-products.

Steel from automobiles3

Undercoating, wiring, interior and

exterior trim, other plastics in autos

After shredding, most non-metal "fluff" is

landfilled, but some PVC mixed with the steel
is burned in electric arc furnaces.

Cardboard from boxes4

Tape and other binders used to

seal boxes

After separation from corrugated cardboard,

PVC plastic is burned at the paper mill.

Scrap wood from C&D5

Siding, pipes, window frames,

flooring and other building

PVC scraps contaminate the waste wood

extracted from C&D waste which is chipped
to burn as a cheap fuel in biomass boilers.

RECYCLING MENACE PVC Undermines Recycling Efforts

The difficulty in separating PVC from other plastics,

such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles or
nylon carpet facing, makes it extremely difficult, if not
impossible, to recycle those otherwise recyclable materials. PVC also increases the toxic impacts of recycling of
other valuable commodities such as copper from wiring
and cable used in electronics like computers, steel from
the scrapped automobiles and corrugated cardboard
containers sealed with PVC tape. These examples are
summarized in Table 10 and discussed below.


Impacts on the Recycling

of Other Materials

To further cover its poor recycling record, the vinyl

industry has taken to re-labeling PVC waste incineration as recycling. For example, the European Council
of Vinyl Manufacturers describes trials of several new
PVC recycling technologies. These include PVC
waste incineration at a Dow Chemical plant in Leipzig,
Germany to recover hydrochloric acid, and the chemical processing of waste PVC and mixed plastics to help
fuel a steel plant in the Netherlands (ENDS 2003).
They also included a proposed PVC waste gasification
plant to make hydrochloric acid and a fuel gas, which
was later abandoned by Solvay in France due to costs
and technical problems (ENDS 2003). High temperature processing of PVC waste will form chlorinated

dioxins and furans and other toxic byproducts and can

only be properly classified as incineration or waste
treatment, not recycling.

Sources: 1 - Anderson 2004; 2 - SVTC 2004; 3 - CCC 2004; 4 - SCC 1988; and 5 - MDEP 2004a.


RECYCLING MENACE PVC Undermines Recycling Efforts


ylene (HDPE) make up 95% of all plastic bottles compared to only about 2.3% for PVC bottles (Anderson
2004). PET bottles (recycling code #1) are commonly
used to contain water, soda, vegetable oil and many
other products (Anderson 2004) and are highly recyclable. Lower quality recycled PET (which has greater tolerance for contaminants such as PVC) is often used to
make a polyester fabric known as fiberfill that is used
in coats, sleeping bags, pillows and carpeting. However,
higher quality recycled PET (containing very little
PVC) is increasingly being recycled directly back into
bottles. It also has an economic benefit as it is sold for
fiber at seven times the price of PET contaminated with
PVC (Anderson 2004).
When PVC is mixed together with PET or other highly
recyclable plastic, such as in the all-bottle recycling
programs favored by the plastics industry, the few PVC
bottles likely to be collected will be virtually indistinguishable from PET containers due to their similar
appearance and density. Sophisticated separation technology that uses optical systems is available to identify
and remove unwanted plastic bottles, such as PVC
(USEPA 1993). However, the effectiveness of these
systems is greatly reduced when the bottles are damaged or dirty. This makes accurate readings difficult to
achieve and as a practical matter separation of PVC
almost impossible (USEPA 1993, Anderson 2004).
If the PVC cannot be separated from the PET, it will
severely effect the processing of the PET bottles into
reusable plastic resin. This is because PET and PVC
behave very differently when they are processed for
recycling. PVC burns at a lower temperature than PET.
It burns at the temperature that simply melts PET
(Anderson 2004, EAF 1993). When this occurs, black
spots get into the PET resin contaminating the batch
and ruining or seriously downgrading the quality of recycled PET residue (Anderson 2004). According to one
plastics recycler, introducing one PVC bottle into the
recycling process can contaminate 100,000 PET bottles
(Anderson 2004, EAF 1993). In addition, when PVC is
melted, it generates hydrochloric acid, which will damage the processing equipment (OSWM 1993).
Despite these difficulties, the vinyl industry partially
subsidized PVC bottle recycling in the mid-1990s
(Anderson 2004). This effort failed miserably. At best,
barely 2% of the bottles were recovered (Anderson
2004). Instead, truckloads of PVC plastic waste were
landfilled (Denison 1997) leading the Association of
Post-Consumer Plastic Recyclers (APR), a recycling
industry trade group, to declare that vinyl products are
unrecyclable contaminants in the recycling of PET


and HDPE bottles (PMF 2003). APR later abandoned

its efforts to establish viable markets to recycle PVC
(RT 2001). A report on the recycling of PVC waste
prepared for the European Union similarly concluded
mechanical recycling is not qualified to contribute significantly to the management of PVC post-consumer
wastes in the next decades (Plinke 2000).
More recently, a report released by the GrassRoots
Recycling Network (a group of community activists and
recycling professionals advocating for zero waste and
sustainable communities) concluded that PVC bottle
recycling is negligible today and that at most 0.3% of
PVC bottles were recycled in 2001 (Anderson 2004).
The report provides details of how PVC recycling of
bottles does not exist, cannot exist, and is not wanted
even by the plastics recycling industry. The only solution is a total phase-out of PVC and a rejection of programs encouraging curbside pickup of PVC that ultimately cause more harm than good.

An estimated 26% of the plastic used in electrical and
electronic equipment is made of PVC (MCTC 1996).
The cabling of computers and other electronics is currently a major application of PVC in electronics, although
it can be found in the housings of older computers that
may still enter the waste stream (SVTC 2004).
When these consumer products reach the end of their
useful life, components can be recovered and reused.
Recyclers strive to recover valuable metals, such as copper from the wiring of these electronics. This is done
by mechanical removal of the plastic sheathing, but it is
only economical when the copper content is high.
Most PVC cables from consumer electronics do not
contain enough copper and so are bundled and shipped
to a secondary copper smelter. Once there, the PVC
plastic is burned off from the copper, a known catalyst
of dioxin formation. Thus, recovery of copper wire
results in toxic emissions including dioxins and furans
to air and ash (SVTC 2004, USEPA 2001).
Smelting can present dangers similar to incineration. A
report on the recycling of computer parts raised concerns that the Noranda Smelter in Quebec, Canada,
where much of the North American electroscrap is
sent, is producing dioxins due to the residual presence
of PVC or other plastics in the scrap (SVTC 2004).
Noranda has denied that this facility presents a pollution hazard. Secondary copper smelters, such as the
one operated by Noranda, have been identified as one
of the highest sources of dioxin emissions in the U.S.
(USEPA 2001).

The main uses of PVC in automobiles include underbody coatings and sealants, wire harnesses, dash boards,
door panels, arm and head rests, upholstery, heating
and cooling ducts, floor mats, spray-on sound deadener,
seat belt latches, seat covers, mud flaps, and exterior
trim such as body side protection strips, weather strips
and window sealing profiles (APC 2004, VI 2004c,
CCC 2004). PVC is the second largest volume plastic
for automotive use in North America (APC 2004).

The disposal of carpets in municipal and construction
and demolition waste adds PVC from carpet backing to
the solid waste stream. Two progressive companies controlling just ten percent of the market have achieved a
modest 22% recycling rate for PVC carpet backing. But
mechanical separation used by companies such as
Interface Fabrics leaves too much PVC contaminant in
with the nylon. PVC burns at the same temperature
that nylon begins to soften and destroys the separated
nylon fibers (Anderson 2004). Another company that
uses recycling (Collins & Aikman) must downcycle the
entire carpet to a lower value carpet backing, losing the
nylon fibers for reuse and requiring virgin materials for
new carpet facing (Anderson 2004).
Truly closed loop recycling for carpets, in which the facing and the backing fibers are recycled back into their
original uses, remains elusive (Anderson 2004). And
the modest success earned by recycling of PVC carpet
backing cant be readily translated to other uses of
PVC. The carpet makers enjoy a large volume, steady
supply of discards with a relatively standard formula of
PVC, unlike the variable PVC mixtures used in so
many other far-flung products that are difficult to collect and recycle for a high end use (Anderson 2004).

Scrap Wood
Pressures are increasing to burn more scrap wood for
fuel and power in so-called biomass boilers that are a
proven source of dioxin emissions (MDEP 2004). Yet it
is increasingly likely that PVC siding, window frames,
roofing foils and other vinyl building materials will
become mixed with scrap wood recovered from construction and demolition debris. When chipped and
burned, this PVC-contaminated wood scrap is likely to
add to the amount of dioxins formed.

RECYCLING MENACE PVC Undermines Recycling Efforts

Another use of PVC is to make packing tape that binds

corrugated cardboard boxes. After this cardboard is
used, it is broken down and returned to a paper mill for
recycling. Any tape or plastic binding used to seal the
cardboard is removed and separated from the cardboard, and then burned in the mills industrial boilers.
When this tape or binding is made of PVC and burned,
another source of dioxin is created (SCC 1988). The
Smurfit-Stone Container cardboard recycling facility in
Missoula, MT processes up to 525 tons of old corrugated cardboard (OCC) per day. This mill generates about
15 to 25 tons per day of OCC rejects that consist of
plastic packing tape, plastic twine and other non-cardboard contaminants, some of which is made of PVC
(WVE 2002). Dioxins and furans have been identified
in the air emissions of pulp and paper mills (USEPA


Old Corrugated Cardboard (OCC)

Cars currently produced in North America average

about twenty-four pounds of PVC per vehicle, according to plastics manufacturers (APC 2004). When the
hulks of old cars are shredded, some of the PVC plastic
mixes with the scrap metal which is melted down to
make recycled steel. The high temperature and possible metal catalysts trigger formation of dioxins and
furans. The vinyl industry advocates burning the plastics-rich automotive shredder residue (ASR or fluff)
either with municipal solid waste or in a cement kiln
(VI 2004b). This will further contribute to dioxin formation from the chlorine present in automotive vinyl
materials and formation of toxic PVC by-products
(Singhofen 1997, CCC 2004).




Safer Alternatives to PVC are Available,

Effective and Affordable

PVC alternatives are affordable and already

competitive in the market place.

In many cases, the alternatives are only marginally more costly than PVC, and in some
cases the costs of the alternative materials
are comparable to PVC when measured over
the useful life of the product.

Phasing out PVC in favor of safer alternatives is economically achievable.

A PVC phase-out will likely require the same

total employment as PVC production (an
estimated 9,000 jobs in VCM/PVC resin production, and 126,000 jobs in PVC fabrication) by making the same types of products
from safer plastic resins.

T h r e e s

Safer alternatives to PVC are widely available

and effective for almost all major uses in
building materials, medical products, packaging, office supplies, toys and consumer goods.

I n

C o m e s

PVC is the most environmentally harmful

plastic; many other plastic resins can substitute more safely for PVC when natural materials are not available.

N e w s

B a d


Safer alternatives to the use of PVC plastic are widely

available, effective and affordable. These alternatives
pose fewer toxic chemical hazards than those associated
with the manufacturing, use and disposal of PVC. In
many cases, they completely avoid the formation of
chlorinated by-products of combustion, e.g., dioxins,
because they are chlorine-free; they also prevent the
release of other harmful chemicals because they do not
contain additives such as phthalates, lead, cadmium or
tin, which are commonly found in PVC formulations.

P V C :


Safer alternatives to PVC come in several forms including

natural materials, as well as other synthetic plastics that
are cleaner than PVC. For instance, instead of a vinyl
shower curtain, a cloth shower curtain, wood clapboard
siding or glass door easily does the job. For some people,
the perceived aesthetic value of these natural materials
further outweighs the comparative appearance of the
PVC products. For others, the perceived convenience of
lower maintenance tips the balance in favor of synthetic
Even so, other cleaner plastics will do the same job as
PVC without the high degree of toxic impacts throughout their life cycle. For example, a polyurethane-coated
nylon shower curtain will repel water as well as one
made of vinyl. The newly marketed polyethylene-based
plastic siding avoids the toxic impacts associated with
vinyl siding.




DONT BUY IT Safer Alternatives to PVC

Many Other
Plastic Resins are
Safer Than PVC


Not all plastics or synthetic polymers are created equal. In a study

of all major packaging materials
conducted for the Council of State
Governments in the U.S., PVC was
found to be the most damaging of
all plastics (Tellus 1992). A life
cycle analysis conducted by the
Danish EPA found that common
plastics, such as polyethylene,
polypropylene, polystyrene, PET
and ethylene-propylene synthetic
rubber, were all clearly preferable to
PVC in terms of resource and energy consumption, accident risk and
occupational and environmental
hazards (Christiansen 1990).

Figure 4. A Plastics Pyramid





PE #2, #4

This ranking is based on

the health and environmental hazards created
during production, use
and disposal of the
listed plastics. The code
numbers are used by the
industry to identify the
major plastic resins.


PP #5


Bio-based Polymers

A key to the plastics and some hazards associated with production, use and disposal
Level 1
Level 2

PVC = Polyvinyl chloride

PS = Polystyrene
PU = Polyurethane
ABS = AcrylonitrileButadieneStyrene
PC = Polycarbonate
TPE = Thermoplastic Elastomer
PETE = Polyethylene terephthalate
EVA = Ethyl vinyl acetate
PE = Polyethylene
PP = Polypropylene
Bio-based Polymers

Chlorine, intermediates, many additives, byproducts

Intermediates, fewer additives, some byproducts
Some chlorine used, intermediates, waste byproducts
Hazardous intermediates, difficult to recycle
Some chlorine used, intermediates, toxic solvents, BPA
A copolymer or alloy of conventional plastic
Some hazardous chemicals, high recycling rate
Chloride catalyst, some byproducts
Fewer additives, some byproducts, high recycling rate
Fewer additives, some byproducts
Naturally based, e.g. starch, cellulose; compostable

This ranking of the major plastic

resins from most harmful to least
Level 3
harmful is reflected in a revision of
the Plastics Pyramid, originally
Level 4
developed by Greenpeace, shown in
Level 5
Figure 4 (DEPA 1995, van der
Naald 1998, Tickner 1999a). The
Sources: DEPA 1993, van der Naald 1998, Tickner 1999a.
ranking qualitatively accounts for
the toxic chemical hazards associatThe next level of the pyramid lists plastics that are still
ed with the manufacture, use and disposal of plastics.
harmful but less so than PVC. These include polySimilar in concept to the federal governments Food
styrene (PS), used for plastic cups and utensils and to
Pyramid, the most harmful items at the narrow top of
make Styrofoam, and polycarbonate (PC), used to make
the pyramid should be avoided or used sparingly, while
compact discs and most reusable water bottles. PC
liberal advantage should be taken of the least harmful
releases a chemical known as bisphenol A (BPA) which
items listed at the broad base of the pyramid.
is known to interfere with the functioning of the hormone system in lab animals and, as an endocrine disPVC clearly ranks as the most harmful plastic due to its
ruptor, may pose a hazard to human health (Colborn,
high chlorine content, the toxic intermediate com1996). Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) and
pounds used to produce PVC, the many toxic additives
polyurethane (PU) are also hazardous, but they are less
routinely added and its toxic by-products of combustoxic, persistent, and bioaccumulative than PVC.
tion. PVC products, especially bottles and packaging,
are sometimes labeled with the code number 3 (or the
letter V) based on a system used by the plastics indus- The plastics in the middle of the ranking are even less
hazardous than PVC and the other plastics higher on
try to distinguish among the major plastic resins.
the pyramid. These include the polymer most often
found in plastic beverage bottles, including bottled
drinking water, known as polyethylene terephthalate
(PET or PETE) (code # 1). Although hazardous
chemicals are involved in the production of PET, it is
recycled at a relatively high rate for plastics (19%)
(USEPA 2003), especially in the eleven states that have

a returnable deposit on the sale of bottles of beer, wine,

soda and other beverages.

Fortunately, as Figure 4 shows, many other synthetic

plastic resins are widely available for product manufacturers to choose from to avoid the harmful impacts of
PVC. And the emergence of bio-based plastics in the
commercial marketplace gives an even greater boost to
the success of sustainable production and environmentally preferable purchasing.

Effective alternatives are available now for most construction-related uses of PVC. Several databases, such
as those offered by the Healthy Building Network
(HBN 2004: http://www.healthybuilding.net/pvc/
alternatives.html) and Greenpeace (Greenpeace 2004:
http://archive.greenpeace.org/toxics/pvcdatabase), list
these alternatives. A large number of construction
projects, including the Sydney 2000 Olympic Stadium
and the new EPA headquarters in Washington, DC
have been constructed with little or no PVC
(Greenpeace 2001, Greenpeace 2004b).

Medical Products
The Sustainable Hospitals Project is an excellent
resource for healthy medical products, including PVCfree alternatives for gloves, bags and tubing. They operate a Website that includes extensive listings of products by category, by hazard or by manufacturer (SHP
2000: http://www.sustainablehospitals.org/

DONT BUY IT Safer Alternatives to PVC

Minimizing the disposal impacts of PVC favors the use

of natural organic-based materials whenever practical
because they biodegrade and represent a renewable
resource. In many cases, however, a durable man-made
plastic offers unique advantages to alternatives made of
organic matter, minerals or metals.

Building Materials


Even more environmentally preferable are the biobased polymers, which are derived from natural renewable materials such as cornstarch or cellulose and which
can be composted into beneficial organic matter to
enrich soils rather than landfilled or incinerated. The
Interface Fabrics company, among others, is pilot testing textile fibers made from bio-based polymers. An
even higher standard would give preference to biobased plastics developed from sustainable agricultural
practices (e.g., without the use of pesticides and minimal fossil fuel inputs) that do not rely on genetically
modified organisms or displace food products from serving the marketplace. Genetically engineered products
should not be used in making bio-plastics.

PVC-free alternatives are already widely available for

many applications. Several extensive reports have
identified available and affordable alternatives to PVC
(Ackerman 2003, Thornton 2002, Greenpeace 2001).
Table 11 provides a few examples of available PVC-Free
alternatives for several common PVC products. The
sources reviewed below provide specific guidance on
which vendors currently provide alternatives to specific
products representing some of the most common uses of
PVC. Several of these resources are searchable online
databases of PVC-free products. The alternatives
described can be currently found in the marketplace
and are functionally equivalent, i.e., are as effective as a
PVC product for the specified end use.


Two high volume synthetic plastics are found near the

base of the pyramid because they are far cleaner than
PVC. These are polyethylene and polypropylene.
Although these are both synthetic resins derived from
nonrenewable fossil fuels, they are produced without
toxic intermediates and far fewer additives or toxic byproducts. Polyethylene, which ranks first in production
among all resins, comes in two major versions: high
density (HDPE or # 2), which is widely used in many
applications, and low density (LDPE or # 4), which is
commonly used in plastic bags. Both types are highly
recyclable. Polypropylene (PP or # 5), often used for
containers for products such as yogurt and prescription
drugs, can readily be recycled but few recycling markets
have been developed.

Safer Alternatives to PVC

are Widely Available
and Effective

Office Supplies
The Lowell Center for Sustainable Production has identified alternatives to the use of PVC in office supplies
(SHP 2000: http://www.sustainablehospitals.org/cgibin/DB_Index.cgi). For example, instead of the common vinyl-coated three-ring binder, you can purchase
an equivalent binder made of polypropylene with recycled content.

The Grassroots Recycling Network has identified specific brand products that are currently packaged in PVC

Table 11

PVC Product

Available Alternatives


Automobile Components


Competitive for most uses1,2


Wood3, Aluminum3



High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)4

polypropylene (PP)
Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)4

Slightly more expensive. Costs expected to go

down with increased market share.

Flooring (Hard)

Bamboo5, Ceramic Tile5

Recycled Glass Tile5

Bamboo is comparable to vinyl.5 Ceramic and

recycled glass are more expensive.5

Flooring (Resilient)

Cork6, Stratica6, Linoleum6

Alternatives cost more up front but last nearly twice

as long. Savings of 30-50% over 20 years.6



Cost competitive when purchased in large quantities.7

Medical Bags, Tubing, Etc.

Polyurethane7,8, Silicon7,8
Polypropylene7,8, Polyethylene7,8

Prices vary but most hospitals are able to negotiate comparable rates through high volume purchasing.8 Prices will fall as market increases.8


High Density Polyethylene5,6,9

Copper6,9, Cast Iron5,9
Vitrified Clay5, Concrete9

Decreased labor cost for installation reduces importance of price.6,9 Pipe selection rarely determined by
material cost differences in this industry6,9

Roofing (For Flat Roofs)

TPO- Thermoplastic Polyolefin5

EPDM- Ethylene Propylene Diene

Comparable to similar vinyl roofing5


Wood6, Fiber Cement6, Aluminum5

Varies - High quality, longer lasting materials can

cost less than PVC if you shop wisely.6 Aluminum
is more expensive but very durable and maintenance free.5


Natural Fiber6

More expensive5


Wood6, Aluminum6

Varies widely6



DONT BUY IT Safer Alternatives to PVC

PVC-Free Alternatives to Common Materials

Sources and Notes: 1 - Greenpeace 2001; 2 - Singhofen 1997; 3 - Dickey 2002; 4 - GRRN -2004; 5 - CEC 2004; 6 - Ackerman 2003; 7 - Ruzickova
2004; 8- SHP 2000; 9 - Harvie 2002. Note: This table is not meant to be exhaustive, as there are endless uses of PVC. Rather, it is provided to offer a
few concrete examples of available and affordable alternatives to PVC. In choosing alternative materials for this table, an effort was made to exclude
those having significant environmental and/or health concerns of their own. This does not imply an endorsement by CHEJ or EHSC of any materials listed.
We do believe, however, that the materials listed offer an improvement over PVC. For any material, there are advantages and disadvantages and we
would encourage you to thoroughly research all purchasing decisions.

bottles (GRRN 2004a: To view their list online, go to

http://www.grrn.org/pvc). The market share of PVC for
containers has steadily declined to about 2% of all bottles sold (Anderson 2004). The mostly widely used
PVC-free alternatives for plastic bottles are high density
polyethylene (used for milk products and almost all per50

sonal and household care products) and PET (used for

most beverages and vegetables oils, for example).

Toys and Other Consumer Products

Greenpeace has established a Website that provides
information on PVC alternatives for more general con-

Appendix A to this report lists some common products

available on the market that may contain PVC, including which products are bottled or packaged in PVC containers. Used with the resources reviewed above, consumers can easily leverage this knowledge to identify and
replaced their purchases of PVC with safer alternatives.
Also available is a list of specific products packaged with
PVC (GRRN 2004a: http://www.grrn.org/pvc).

The serious health and environmental impacts caused

by the production, use and disposal of PVC raise two
important economic policy questions.
1) Are there affordable alternatives to replace most
uses of PVC?
2) What would be the economic impact on society if
PVC were phased out?
The Tufts University Global Development and
Environment Institute addressed both of these questions
in their recent report The Economics of Phasing Out PVC
(Ackerman 2003). This report found that alternatives
to PVC do exist and that PVC does not offer enormous
economic advantages over other materials.
PVC-free alternatives are already competitive in the
market place. The Tufts researchers found affordable
alternatives available in every commercial and institutional PVC market they evaluated, including pipes,
roofing materials, flooring, medical gloves, siding and
windows (Ackerman 2003). Because PVC is found in
so many products, the alternatives also widely differ
depending on the product. The estimated costs of
phasing out specific PVC products will likewise differ
from one product market to the next. Many manufacturers and suppliers have been identified who currently
sell cost-comparable alternatives to PVC used in medical bags and tubing, office supplies and building and
construction materials.

DONT BUY IT Safer Alternatives to PVC

Many automobile makers are beginning to find and

implement alternatives to PVC. General Motors, the
worlds largest auto manufacturer, was the first to make a
public statement of its intention to stop using vinyl. GM
planned to end the use of PVC in car interiors by 2004,
cutting total PVC use by 30% (CCC 2004:
html). Also, other automakers, while remaining less
public, have taken similar steps. Daimler Benz has not
used PVC for interiors or undercoating in Mercedes
autos since 1995 and Honda said they would gradually
replace PVC in interiors by 2003 (Greenpeace 2001).
Pontiac has found a unique way of applying polyolefin
skin for full instrument panel design, instead of PVC.
Likewise, Mitsubishi has substituted polyolefins in its
instrument panels and door trimmings (Greenpeace
2001). According to the Clean Car Campaigna
national campaign coordinated by state, regional and
national environmental organizations promoting a clean
revolution in the motor vehicle industryVolvo,
Nissan, Toyota, and BMW are all using alternative
materials to PVC in various applications and to varying
degrees (Singhofen 1997). And according to the
Greenpeace Review of Restrictions and PVC-Free
Policies Worldwide, Ford world-wide has set itself and
its suppliers the ambitious target to eliminate applications of PVC by the 2006 model year (Greenpeace

The following section on the affordability of replacing PVC

with safer alternatives was derived primarily from the report
The Economics of Phasing Out PVC, written by Frank
Ackerman and Rachel Massey of the Global Development
and Environmental Institute, Tufts University, December
2003 (Ackerman 2003). This section was adapted from
the above report with permission of the authors. The references used by the authors are cited in the original report
which can be found in its entirety at www.ase.tufts.edu/



PVC Alternatives
are Affordable


sumer items, including toys. This site includes a toycompany report card that rates companies on a scale of
1 to 5, from being completely PVC-free to refusing to
change policies or provide information (Greenpeace
2003, Greenpeace 1997: http://archive.greenpeace.org/
comms/pvctoys; a more recent 2003 version can be
found at http://www.greenpeaceusa.org/
features/details?item_id=526899). It is worth visiting
each site as they both contain unique information.
Greenpeace also has issued a report on worldwide PVC
restrictions that includes a list of companies, by country, that have made a decision to phase out the use of
PVC in their products (Greenpeace 2001:

The Tufts report concluded that a PVC phase-out is

achievable and affordable and that it would not place a
large burden on the economy. The study finds that the
advantages of PVC are often overstated, that PVC is
not substantially cheaper than many alternatives, and
that alternatives providing equal or better performance
are available for almost every use of PVC. In some
cases, the costs of the alternative materials are already
comparable to PVC when costs are measured over the



DONT BUY IT Safer Alternatives to PVC

useful life of the product. In other cases, the alternatives

are slightly more costly in todays market, though they
are likely to come down in cost as their market share
expands. There are good reasons to expect the costs of
alternatives to decline over time. The report also found
that the continued use of PVC offers small short-term
gains in some areas, and none at all in others.


The Costs of Replacing PVC:

Three Studies
The Tufts report identified three detailed studies, all
published in the mid-1990s, which estimated the costs
of phasing out PVC. All three studies found PVC to be
only modestly cheaper than the alternatives. The first
study, conducted by the U.S.-Canada International Joint
Commission (IJC) for the Great Lakes, examined the
cost of phasing out PVC as part of its 1993 Strategy for
Virtual Elimination of Persistent Toxic Substances.
This report was written for the IJC by a Canadian consulting firm, the Hickling Corporation, and updated in
1994. Charles River Associates (CRA), a U.S. consulting firm under contract to the Chlorine Institute, conducted the second study. This report, which was prepared in response to the IJC report, provided an economic analysis of the benefits of chlorine and related
chemicals and included an analysis of PVC. The third
study, conducted by Environment Canada in 1997, evaluated the options for replacing chlorine-based products
and included a detailed look at the alternatives to PVC
(Ackerman 20003a).

pipe and non-pipe figures in Table 12 were averaged to

obtain a rough estimate of the total cost of replacing
According to the Tufts report, this table shows that
there was a remarkable degree of agreement between
the Hickling and CRA studies. These studies found
nearly identical average costs for replacing PVC$1.07
to $1.15 per pound. The Environment Canada low estimate had an average cost of about half this much, due
to its lower estimate for pipe costs. For the non-pipe
uses of PVC, there also was fairly good agreement
between CRA, Hickling and the Environment Canada
low estimate ($0.87 to $1.10 per pound). The data
shows that PVC is only modestly cheaper than the alternatives. The Environment Canada study, which included the full cost of installation, found alternative materials would cost just 6% more than vinyl, and building a
PVC-free home would increase the cost of a home by
just 0.4 percentincreasing the cost of a $150,000
home to $150,600 (CIS 1997, Thornton 2000).

Factors Favoring
Phase-Out of PVC
According to the Tufts report, cost estimates such as
those made by Environment Canada, based on current
market prices, tend to overstate the economic benefits
of PVC. Four reasons were given for this conclusion.

1) Life Cycle Costs

Often Favor Alternatives.

Some of the alternatives have higher initial purchase

Each of these studies evaluated many specific uses of
prices than PVC products, but are actually less expenPVC and compared the prices of PVC products to their
sive over the useful life of the product. The total cost
PVC-free alternatives. Environment Canada created
two sets of price comparisons: a
low cost case based on the least
expensive available alternative
Table 12
and a high cost case based on
higher-priced alternatives. Table
The Cost of Replacing PVC
12 provides a summary of the estiUS dollars per pound of PVC (2002 prices)
mated costs of replacing PVC
Environment Canada
made in each of these three studCRA
ies. The table shows the cost
(for IJC)
increase that would result from
switching to PVC-free alterna$0.87
tives, expressed in dollars per
pound of PVC produced (updated
to 2002 prices) for each study.
Average is the unweighted average of pipes and "all other uses."
Cost estimates are shown sepaHickling data excludes windows.
rately for pipes and for all other
Source: Ackerman 2003
products since pipes represent
about half of all PVC use. The

The Tufts report examined the impact that phasing out PVC would
have on jobs. Using data provided by the Alliance for Responsible
Use of Chlorine Chemistry (ARCC), they estimated that there are
approximately 126,000 workers in PVC fabrication plants and
approximately 170,000 workers at chlorine-producing and chlorineusing chemical plants in the U.S. However, most of the chlorine
workers are in non-PVC related chlorine sectors such as paper mills,
pesticides, and solvents. The Tufts researchers estimated that only
about 9,000 of the 170,000 workers were employed in the production of vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) and PVC resin.

2000, with a capacity to produce 17.4 billion pounds of VCM.

According to the report, seven of the facilities that account for
more than half the capacity were jointly located with PVC plants
owned by the same company. The report also showed that as of
mid-2003, ten companies produced 15.8 billion pounds of PVC resin
at twenty locations in the U.S. Three other plants were idled by the
recession with an additional capacity of 1.2 billion pounds.

Most products are cheaper

when they are produced in large
The Tufts report suggested that replacing PVC with safer alternatives
quantities. Costs typically drop
will change some of these jobs: from fabricating PVC products to
as production volume increases.
fabricating the same products from other materials, most often
Currently, the advantages to
other plastics; or from making vinyl chloride and PVC resin to makmass production favor PVC, as
ing safer substitutes. However, the alternatives are likely to require
many PVC products are proabout the same total employment as production of PVC. In some
duced in huge volumes.
However, the production of the
cases, the same workers who currently make PVC products will be
alternatives could likewise grow
employed making products from PVC alternatives
in volume in the future, making
(Sources: Ackerman 2003 and Ackerman 2003c).
them less expensive and more
competitive than they are at
present. There are also learning
4) Environmental Protection Costs Are
curves that affect costs over time. As an industry gains
Routinely Less than Anticipated.
experience with a production line, bugs are worked
out, process improvements develop, and maintenance
History has shown that the actual costs of compliance
procedures and schedules are improved. All of these
with environmental standards are often lower than the
factors help to reduce costs.
originally predicted costs. One of the best examples of
this occurred in the PVC industry in 1974 when the
3) PVC Products Endanger Their Users.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) established a strict standard for workplace
As previously discussed, the harmful effects of PVC are
exposure to vinyl chloride, the raw material used to prosometimes felt by the users of the products. For examduce PVC. When this standard was proposed, the vinyl
ple, plasticizers in flexible PVC products such as chilindustry claimed that the costs of compliance would be
drens toys can leach out of the product during use posin the billions and that the industry might shut down.
ing health hazards to users (see Chapter 3).
Instead, actual costs were only a fraction of the original
estimates primarily because the industry developed new

DONT BUY IT Safer Alternatives to PVC

The Tufts report identified 12 operating VCM plants in the U.S. as of


2) Mass Production
Reduces Costs.

The Impact of a PVC Phase-Out on Jobs


over a products life cycle is the

cost that ultimately matters to
the user. For example, the maintenance and repair costs for some
building materials, such as flooring, can be the largest cost of a
products life cycle. In such
cases, the lowest maintenance
product is often the cheapest on
a life cycle basis, regardless if it
has the lowest purchase price. In
this example, PVC or vinyl flooring is the cheapest option for
commercial and institutional
flooring on an initial cost basis,
but among the most expensive
options on a life cycle basis.
When full life cycle costs are
taken into account, PVC flooring
loses out to alternatives that may
have a higher initial price but last
longer and are more easily maintained (Ackerman 2003).


cost effective technologies to comply with the regulation. Other studies have confirmed this pattern of overestimating compliance costs (Ackerman 2003b).



DONT BUY IT Safer Alternatives to PVC

In summary, the Tufts report concluded that a PVC

phase-out is achievable and affordable. The alternatives are increasingly well known and well developed,


and in many cases are already cost-competitive with

PVC. It is realistic and practical to build health and
environmental considerations into materials choices for
municipal infrastructure, commercial and residential
buildings, medical supplies and consumer products.
The cost impacts of substitution will be modest and will
grow smaller over time (Ackerman 2003).



Federal and state waste management priorities should be changed to make incineration
of PVC waste the least preferable disposal

In the interim, any PVC waste generated

should be diverted away from incineration
to hazardous waste landfills.

Consumers should take personal action to

buy PVC-free alternatives and to remove PVC
from their trash for management as household hazardous waste.

Communities should continue to organize

against PVC-related dioxin sources such as
waste incinerators while working to promote safer alternatives.

T h r e e s

A new materials policy that embraces

aggressive source reduction of PVC should
be adopted to steadily reduce the use of
PVC over time.

I n

C o m e s

Policy makers at the local, state and federal

level should enact and implement laws that
steadily reduce the impacts of PVC disposal
and lead to a complete phase-out of PVC
use and waste incineration within ten years.

N e w s

B a d


Personal and political actions must be taken to prevent

harm to human health and the environment from the
use and disposal of PVC. If we dont burn PVC, the
formation of dioxins and other toxic by-products of
combustion will be prevented. If we can reduce the
flow of PVC to landfills, leaching of toxic additives will
be avoided. If we promote and purchase safer alternatives to PVC whenever they are available, then toxic
pollution will be prevented throughout the PVC life

P V C :

Preventing Harm from

PVC Use and Disposal

Making Choices: A New

Materials Policy for PVC
When solid waste experts in the U.S. first established
meaningful management goals about fifteen years ago,
there was universal support for source reduction as the
top priority (USEPA 1989). Table 13 shows the priorities established by the USEPA for the most environmentally sound strategies for managing solid waste.
Source reduction is the top choice. It means taking
action to avoid or prevent waste from being generated
in the first place. In keeping with this philosophy, the
first priority in managing PVC waste should be to avoid
making it or using it in the first place.
We should adopt a universal policy and practice across
the country to avoid the purchase or use of PVC whenever possible in order to prevent waste management
problems before they start. We need to dramatically


By favoring waste incineration,

such policies encourage the continTable 13
uous formation of dioxins and other
National Priorities for Solid Waste Management
toxic air emissions, and the generation of toxic ash requiring land disHighest Priority
Includes Reuse
posal. The burning of PVC in
municipal solid waste releases dioxMiddle Priority
Includes Composting
ins and toxic additives. Land disposal, on the other hand, minimizes
Lowest Priority
Includes both Combustion
dioxin formation by avoiding intenand Land Disposal
tional combustion, although some
Source: USEPA 2004d, USEPA 1989
highly polluting landfill fires are
unavoidable. Land disposal additives in PVC will leach and eventually contaminate groundwater. However, this is also
and steadily reduce the amount of PVC waste produced
true for incineration, since a large amount of dioxin and
through a source reduction strategy that targets PVCmetal-laden incinerator ash also requires land disposal.
containing products.



TAKE ACTION Preventing Harm from PVC Use and Disposal


The second best option, if generating waste cant be

avoided in the first place, is to reuse, recycle and compost the wastes. With PVC waste, this is not an
option. Most PVC products cannot be reused or recycled, and definitely will not compost. What is the best
option for PVC waste after source reduction and recycling? The answer lies in defining what ultimate disposal strategy is preferred once PVC waste has
unavoidably been generated.

We believe that a new health-based materials policy is

needed to reorder current federal and state priorities for
waste management. Such a health-based policy should
be designed so that the greatest effort is invested in the
highest priority options as shown in Table 15. We propose a new set of priorities for PVC waste management
that are based first and foremost on targeted source
reduction steps that will prevent the creation of PVC
waste in the first place. This strategy aims to aggressively and continuously replace the most hazardous uses
of PVC with safer alternatives whenever available.

Federal solid waste policy fails to express a preference

between waste disposal in incinerators or in landfills,
These source reduction steps include immediate action
treating each as equally usable options (See Table 13).
Consistent with this lack of judgment, the USEPA has failed for
over 12 years to finalize its reassess Table 14
ment of the health risks from exposure to dioxins. In addition, the
The State of Maine's Waste Management Policy
USEPA has failed to take aggressive
Favors Incineration Over Landfill Disposal
action to prevent dioxins and other
Highest Priority
Includes reducing both
toxic pollutant releases at their
amount and toxicity
source, such as working to reduce
of the waste
PVC use and disposal.
Some states have chosen incineration as their top waste management
option, favoring even dirty mass
burn facilities over landfill disposal.
For example, as shown in Table 14,
under Maine state law, waste incineration is preferred over landfill disposal (MRSA 2004a). The State of
Maine, in turn, burns the highest
proportion of its waste (after recycling) of any state in the country
(see Table 7 in Chapter 5).

2nd Priority


3rd Priority


4th Priority


Of biodegradable waste

5th Priority


And other waste

processing which reduces
waste volume

Lowest Priority
Source: MRSA 2004a


Table 15

Proposed Priorities for PVC Waste Management

Highest Priorities


End the use of lead and cadmium in all PVC products.


Phase out all disposable, non-durable uses of PVC.


End the use of PVC products containing phthalates.


Phase out PVC uses that are vulnerable to fire hazards,

e.g., in building materials and cars.


Ban disposable PVC bottles, containers and packaging.




3rd Priority


4th Priority


Last Option


to end the use of PVC bottles and packaging. Other

source reduction targets would include short-lived disposable PVC products and those that contain lead, cadmium and phthalates. Fire-vulnerable uses of PVC in
buildings and vehicles should be replaced with safer
alternatives. To avoid toxic by-products generated during structural fires, vinyl siding, roofing and window
frames among other uses, should be replaced with safer
This health-based materials policy would favor land disposal over incineration only temporarily and only for
legacy waste from the stock of current PVC in use and
any other unavoidable PVC waste. This waste would be
managed by land disposal in a hazardous waste landfill.
A new materials policy for PVC defines incineration as
the least favorable waste disposal option. We need to
create effective systems to collect and divert PVC in

Require manufacturers to finance the "take-back"

and safe management of PVC products at the end
of their useful life.
Achieve the low potential to recycle bulk PVC waste into
the same type products.
In the interim, divert any unavoidable PVC waste away
from incineration for disposal in hazardous waste landfills.
Ban open burning and incineration of
any waste containing PVC

the waste stream away from incineration. PVC should

be actively managed as a serious problem waste akin to
handling household hazardous waste (or other non-hazardous problem wastes like propane tanks or latex
paint). This would mean educating consumers to identify PVC waste and separate it from the waste stream.
As an interim practice, PVC should be diverted away
from incineration for collection and transfer to a triplelined secure hazardous waste landfill. With time,
after PVC has been replaced with safer materials, the
need to divert PVC to landfills would diminish.

TAKE ACTION Preventing Harm from PVC Use and Disposal

2nd Highest Priority

Our vision for managing PVC waste is positive. We

promote safer alternatives to PVC that are effective,
affordable and available now. Alternatives that exist
for most uses of PVC are able to do the job well at a
cost that is comparable to PVC. Substituting safer
materials for PVC is consistent with principles of clean,
sustainable production (see Chapter 8).

To realize steady progress on the path to a PVCFree

Future, many personal and political actions by many
people will be necessary.



TAKE ACTION Preventing Harm from PVC Use and Disposal

Personal Steps


Taking personal responsibility for preventing harm from

PVC is an important place to begin. Here are some key
actions you can take as a consumer and contributor to
generating household PVC waste.

1. Identify PVC Products.

Look for the # 3 or the letter V inside the plastic
recycling symbol (or sometimes beneath the recycling
symbol) on the bottom of bottles and on clear plastic
packaging such as blister packs. The # 3 and the letter
V indicate that the plastic is made from PVC. Also,
look for the words PVC or vinyl on the product
(e.g., plastic pipe) or on its packaging. You will need to
use other strategies to identify PVC products that are
not labeled. Does the unlabeled soft plastic, such as
the skin on a 3-ring office binder or a shower curtain,
have that new car smell of chemicals? If so, its probably vinyl and youre breathing phthalates, a PVC additive. Check the PVC product listing in Appendix A for
likely suspects. You can also call the company and ask
them whether they use PVC. If they do, ask them to
switch. If they dont, thank them for being environmentally conscientious.

2. Buy and Promote Safer Alternatives.

Search for and purchase non-PVC alternatives (see
Chapter 8). Always avoid PVC bottles and plastic wrap
(e.g., Saran Wrap). Consult Internet resources on
PVC-free alternatives for office supplies, medical supplies, toys and building materials (see Chapter 8).
Educate others about PVC hazards. Promote safer
alternatives in your homes and business, with your
friends and neighbors. If the best alternative is a plastic, look for the cleaner plastics, such as polyethylene
(# 4 or # 2) or polypropylene (# 5) (See Figure 4).

3. Start Collecting PVC.

Dont toss PVC in the household trash, especially if
your garbage is incinerated (see Table 7 to see if your
state relies heavily on burning its waste). Put the PVC
aside in an enclosed cardboard box and/or garbage bag
away from the sun and possible ignition sources. See
how much PVC you can salvage and segregate from the
waste stream. Every bit of PVC diverted away from
incineration will prevent some dioxin formation.

4. Ask the Manufacturer to Take it Back.

If you can identify who made the product containing
PVC, bundle it up in a secure cardboard box and mail it
back to the Chief Executive Officer of the product
manufacturer (search the Internet for the address of the
corporate headquarters and the CEOs name). Enclose
a polite note asking that they take personal and corporate responsibility for safely managing this problem
material at the end of its life. Tell them you wont buy
any more of their products until they make the switch
to PVC-free manufacturing. Warn them not to burn it.
Ask them to dispose of it at a hazardous waste landfill
or to securely store the PVC unless they can recycle it
for high value uses. Ask for a written response.

5. Dispose of Your Collected PVC as You

Would Household Hazardous Waste.
If you have too much PVC waste to mail back, ask that
your community household hazardous waste collection
program accept PVC plastic for secure hazardous waste
land disposal, not for incineration. Explain the reasons
why PVC is a serious problem waste. Encourage others
to separate and divert PVC away from incineration.

Community Action: People,

Voices and Communities
Being a PVC-free consumer is not enough. The real
power needed to adopt a new health-based materials
policy for PVC lies in the number of people involved.
When friends and neighbors work together to organize
their community to take action, major changes can
occur. Grassroots action by community groups around
the country has already stemmed the damage from PVC
use and disposal. Medical waste incinerators are rapidly
being replaced due to community-based campaigns that
promote non-incineration alternatives (see case studies
in Chapter 5). Few new municipal waste incinerators
have been sited in the last ten years due to environmental health concerns and community opposition.



Intimate Brands Responds to 6,000

Consumers and Stops Using PVC

Organizing To Win
Around Issues on PVC
Every day, people facing threats to their health and environment speak out about PVC problems. They look for
proof that a landfill leaks, or seek to undertake a health
study to link emissions from an incinerator to cancer, or
find evidence that a polluting company has a bad environmental record. However, simply speaking the truth

Organizing is how we restore the

balance between the rights of people
to safe products and healthy communities, and the rights of corporations to profit. We will never have
as much money as the corporate
polluters. We will never be able to
afford their Madison Avenue media campaigns or their
twenty-four hour access to elected officials. But we can
build our own power to overcome their influence. We
can do this by organizing to demonstrate the strength of
our numbers and the righteousness of our demands.
Successful organizing happens when a group of people
find visible ways to use the truth to wake up the conscience of a larger group. In an era when politics is
defined by scandals and sound bytes, organizing can
remind the American people that political life is supposed to be about self-government, justice and the
common good.

TAKE ACTION Preventing Harm from PVC Use and Disposal

Community action has also repeatedly changed national waste policy from the grassroots up. Join with your
friends and neighbors to make a difference. Join a local
group or start a new one to take action against dioxin
sources such as incinerators, backyard burning, landfills,
biomass plants or building fires where PVC use and disposal release toxic chemicals into the environment. For
referrals and how-to tips, contact the Center for
Health, Environment and Justice (www.chej.org).

According to Websters dictionary,

organizing is uniting in a body or
becoming systematically arranged.
Organizing to protect our communities from environmental harm
means pulling together a large
enough, diverse enough, active
enough group of people to convince
corporations and the government
that they have to stop making people sick with toxic chemicals.


Organizers launched the campaign at an Eco-Conference held annually on college campuses, distributed flyers and postcards, and posted an action alert allowing Website visitors to fax a letter or send a
postcard directly to Intimate Brands. The company initially responded by sending defensive letters to the individuals that wrote to
them. However, as more letters continued to come in, they took the
demand more seriously. In February 2002, they met with representatives from CHEJ and Greenpeace and presented a plan to phase
out the use of PVC bottles in both their Victorias Secret and Bath &
Body Works line. PVC bottle production would stop by 2003 and
by 2005 all PVC bottles would be out of circulation. The effectiveness of this campaign is a testimony to the positive changes that
can be made when people come together and pressure companies
to put safety first (Source: Lester 2003).

The truth is only a start. In order

for things to change, the truth has
to be understood by a large group
of people who then use this knowledge to fuel their efforts to win justice. The truth wont stop the poisoning, but mobilizing and organizing will.


Greenpeace and the Center for Health, Environment and Justice

(CHEJ) teamed up in 2001 to launch a consumer campaign against a
major beauty supply company who distributed products packaged
in PVC containers. The Victorias Dirty Little Secret campaign successfully targeted Intimate Brands, the parent company of Victorias
Secret and Bath & Body Works, who agreed to phase-out PVC containers from their product line by the end of 2003 after receiving
6,000 faxes, phone calls, and postcards in one month.

about landfills, incinerators, toxic

products or previous violations wont
stop the poisoning of our bodies and
the environment.

After years of doing it, weve come to the conclusion

that organizing is more of an art than a science. At the
same time, there are some basic rules for organizing that
usually hold true. These rules arent always applicable,
but they are right often enough that you should consider them if you start to get organized around an environmental issue in your community.

Basic Organizing Rules

Power determines the outcome.

Our power comes from people, while

corporations and governments power
comes from money.
Communities need to use strategies that depend on
peoples creativity, courage and caring. The corporations and government will use strategies that depend on
things that can be paid for, like experts and lawyers.

Polluters and government agencies write

the rules so they can win using experts
and lawyers, which are their strength.
You can assume going in that if you play exactly according to the rules of their game, you will lose most of the
time, whether you are at the slot machines in Atlantic
City or the hearing process of your state environmental
agency. Create your own rules instead.

To win, communities will have to work

harder than polluters and government
agencies do.
Polluters and agencies are doing what they do because
they are paid to. Theyve done it before, and they know
most of the facts before the fight even starts. You are
opposing them because you believe your health and your
community are at risk. This gives you an unmatched
motivation for working harder than they do.
These rules may seem harsh and they are. And sometimes things turn out to be easier than these rules
would lead you to expect. But when your community is
at stake, its important to start out vigilant, alert and
ready to face the challenges ahead.



TAKE ACTION Preventing Harm from PVC Use and Disposal

If two or more groups care about an issue, and one of

them has a lot more power, that group will get what it
wants, no matter what the facts are or who will be hurt.


Experience has taught us that organizing isnt easy.

Recognizing this should help you to be forgiving of each
other and ourselves. We are trying to build a democratic society without adequate blueprints and models, so
our trial-and-error method has to leave room for experimentation and mistakes. And recognizing how necessary organizing is should help you to be inclusive and
persistent. There are no magic facts. There are no perfect heroes to give perfect speeches that will convince
the polluters to stop polluting. There is only the
dogged determination of people working together to

protect their own health, their families health and the

health of their communities. This is why we organize.
(See below for Ten Simple Steps To Organizing.)

Mobilizing vs. Organizing

What is the difference between mobilizing and organizing? Take the 2004 protests in New York City around
the Republican Convention. There was a large mobilizationdemonstrations that brought out over 800,000
peopleand various targeted actions. The main goal
was to influence the results on Election Day and get
people to understand the issues.
Mobilization is a thing that good organizers do.
Mobilization is getting people together, moving people
out. Its bringing people in to do an action. Its using
everything including phone calls, personal visits and
handing out fliers to bring a certain level of consciousness to the community. When trying to change policy
and public opinion and purchasing choices, you need to
use both organizing and mobilizing.
As a result of a mobilizing initiative, you will likely find
people who will join your organization and build your
organizations base. However, most people who are
mobilized are not likely to join but their voice/presence
in an activity increases your power for that moment.
You are not likely to know how folks got to the mobilizing activity. Maybe they saw it listed on the internet at
MoveOn.org or received an e-mail flyer, or a friend
agreed to have dinner with them afterwards if they met
at an event.
In organizing, leaders understand how people got there.
For an organizer it would be important to have 100
people at a demonstration and to know exactly how
those people got there. You know which leaders talked
to people and can talk to them again, not just for this
one event, but maybe for another campaign. Think
about how to use mobilization opportunities to move
your issues and to identify new members for your organization.

Ten Simple Steps To

1. Talk and Listen

3. Recruit Hundreds, One At A Time

Recruiting will help you build the relationships,
resources and critical mass to act effectively for change.
Reach out to a wide range of local groups to build the
broadest possible coalition. It will be much more difficult for decision-makers to ignore your concerns if your
campaign represents a wide cross-section of your community. All recruiting is a form of door knocking. If
you are trying to organize a neighborhood, the doors
line the streets. If you are trying to build a different
kind of group or coalition, the doors may spread all over
town and you may need appointments to open them.
There are several ways to make knocking on doors easier. First come up with a rap I am... We are...
This is... We want... You can... Also, consider circulating a petition. Not only will the petition help you
get the names and addresses of community supporters
and show community support to those in power, it also
begins the process of getting the people youre talking
with involved in the issue. Make sure to listen closely
to the concerns of the people you are talking with and
link the PVC problem to their interests and concerns.

House Meetings - This is the kind of meeting many

groups hold when they are first forming. The meeting
is held at a members house and the style is informal.
One of the biggest benefits of this kind of meeting is
the greater comfort level among members.
Planning Meetings - Leaders or other key decision
makers within the group get together to set their agenda, review the work thats been done and plan activities. Planning meetings should not be decision-making
meetings, but rather they should establish the agenda
and process by which decisions will be made at a general
membership meeting or define a plan to carry out an
activity that has already been decided upon by the
General Membership Meetings - These meetings are
important to ensure that all members of the organization share the responsibility for decision making and
carrying out the activities of the organization. The
time and location should always be chosen to accommodate the maximum number of people. The meeting
should always start with an agenda and when possible,
get the agenda out to people prior to the meeting in the
form of a flier (this will also serve as a reminder for the
meeting). Make sure you pass around a sign up sheet
to collect names and addresses to contact people who
attended in the future.

TAKE ACTION Preventing Harm from PVC Use and Disposal

Create an attractive, easy-to-read and accurate fact

sheet to educate the community about the problems
and how these problems relate directly to their lives. A
simple one-page fact sheet will serve the purpose.

To have a successful meeting, your recruitment efforts

must satisfy the first and third of these conditions. The
second and fourth conditions will depend on how you
run the meeting. There are several different kinds of
meetings to suit different purposes.


2. Create and Distribute Fact Sheets

People will come to a meeting if:

They have made a commitment to come
They have a role or responsibility in the meeting
They have an immediate and specific self-interest
in the work of the organization
They have past, positive experiences with similar


If you are one, two or three individuals without an

organization, youll need to talk with other people in
your community to build a group. If you are already
part of an organization, then your next step is to talk to
the people in your organization about initiating a campaign around a PVC issue in your community.
Brainstorm a list of groups and individuals whose interests are most directly affected by PVC, then determine
who you need to talk with first. Who are the people
that are most directly affected? Who are the leaders in
that neighborhood? What other organizations are
involved in protecting the communitys health? You
can work out the answers to these questions in a brainstorming exercise at an early meeting of your group.
Brainstorm a list of the groups of people whose selfinterests are most directly affected, then figure out who
has contacts with these groups or individuals.

4. Hold Meetings That Make People Want

to Come Back and Bring Their Friends

People will come to the next meeting if they enjoyed the

first one, if it started and ended on time and wasnt a bore,
if it produced concrete results, if it was lively and exciting,
and if it delivered what was promised.


5. Set Goals



TAKE ACTION Preventing Harm from PVC Use and Disposal

It is critically important to have long-term, intermediate

and short-term goals to help members understand
where they are going and the steps they have mastered
along the way. Ask yourselves: What do we want?
What is your bottom line? Do you want to pass a local
or state law that bans PVC products where alternatives
are available? This could be your long-term goal.
Next identify different strategies and tactics that will
lead you to your goal such as getting your city or county
council to pass a resolution to phase out all PVC products where alternatives are readily available. This could
be your intermediate or short-term goal.

6. Identify Your Targets

Once youve identified what it is that you want, the
next step is to identify who can give it to you. Pinpoint
the actions and the people that have the power to help
you reach your goal. The people who impede the
achievement of your goal are often referred to as the
targets of the campaign. This does not mean that they
are evil or bad. It simply means that because they have
the power to give you what you want, it makes sense to
focus your attention and actions on them. The target
of your campaign must always be a person or persons.
You cant fight City Hall because City Hall is a building,
but you can target the person with the power at City
Hall to get them to act.
To help your group identify your targets, answer these
three questions.
Who is responsible for the situation you want to
Who can make the changes you want to happen?
How can you convince them to act on your issue?

7. Research Is An Essential Tool

Research is a tool, not an end product. You need to do
research to gather enough information to achieve your
goals, not to know absolutely everything there is to
know. Research should tell you who has the power to
give you what you want and should help you figure out
what arguments your targets will probably use against
you. Once you know this, you can create counter arguments. This report will give you some of the information you need, but you need to undertake the local
research related to the problem that you want to

8. Take Direct Action

An action is any step you take to advance your groups
goals. Petitions, letter-writing campaigns and educa62

tional meetings are all actions that advance your

groups goals. A direct action is the most dramatic type
of action, involving confrontation and demands. Direct
action begins after your efforts at education, information sharing and persuasion are ignored. Use direct
action when your group is ready to confront a decisionmaker with its frustrations and to make specific
demands. Direct actions move your organization outside the established rules for meetings and discussion.
It takes your group into a forum in which you make the
rules and where elected representatives and corporate
executives are less sure of themselves and how to handle the situation. A direct action often provides the
necessary pressure to force your target to act on your
groups issue.

9. Target The Media

Who are the media decision-makers who need to be
convinced that your story should be covered? What
will it take to convince them? In most media outlets,
the decision-makers are the editors, and the way you
get to them is to spoon-feed them a story they can use
without much work. It is important to develop a media
strategy for your campaign that you can constantly
refine and develop. But dont be fooled into believing
that the media is the only way to get your story out.
Keep creating your own media through fact sheets,
cable access television programs, newsletters, call-ins to
radio talk shows, letters to the editor, statements at
public hearings, barbecues, rallies, auctions, concerts
and videotapes.

10. Celebrate The Victories And

Keep Applying Pressure
Savor the victories no matter how large or small. A
meeting with the City Council is a small victory and a
resolution to stop purchasing PVC is a larger victory.
Celebrate all victories because it helps members to see
that you are moving forward and are winning. No one
wants to join a loser organization.

Policy Action
While personal steps are critically important, community action is a must. But neither are enough. The personal should also be political. Unless the system that
unduly relies on hazardous materials like PVC is
changed, then green consumerism and green behavior
will remain a minor movement of the privileged few.
Unless many community-based organizations join forces,
large-scale systemic change will be slow in coming.

Table 16

A PVC-Free Policy Action Agenda

Accomplish Within Three Years
Ban all open waste burning.


Educate the public about PVC hazards.


Ban the incineration of PVC waste.


Collect PVC products separately from other waste.


In the interim, divert PVC away from incineration to

hazardous waste landfills.


Label all PVC products with warnings.


Give preference to PVC-free purchasing.


Ban use of PVC in bottles and disposable packaging.

10. Ban sale of PVC with lead or cadmium.

Accomplish Within Seven Years
11. Phase out other disposable PVC uses.
12. Phase out other high hazard PVC uses.
13. If safer alternatives are not yet available, extend
the PVC phase-out deadlines for specific uses.
14. Fund Efforts to reduce the amount of PVC generated
through fees on the PVC content of products.
Accomplish Within Ten Years
15. Phase out remaining durable PVC uses.
16. Decommission municipal waste incinerators in
favor of zero waste plans.

2. Educate the Public About

PVC Hazards. Conduct a wellfunded public education campaign that targets PVC as a serious problem waste that especially
threatens public health when
burned, but also creates health
and environmental risks when
disposed of in a landfill. Use a
hard-hitting approach that holds
the chemical industry responsible
for the impacts of open burning
and for selling a material that
releases toxic additives and byproducts. Model the campaign
along the same lines as the antitobacco industry ads that work to
reduce teenage and adult smoking. The educational campaign
should sell PVC-free solutions as
it persuades people to halt the
backyard burning of trash.

Here are a number of action steps that government at

the state, local and national levels must take to phaseout PVC in a timely and orderly manner. Actions that
may be successful early on and that establish a foundation for future PVC reductions are listed first in order
on the timeline below. These policy actions also give
guidance to other decision makers in industry, commerce and institutions about policies that they should
embrace to help prevent harm from PVC use. This
PVC-free action agenda is summarized in Table 16.

3. Ban the Incineration of PVC Waste. All forms of

incineration of PVC waste should be phased out by a
certain date. Designate PVC waste as hazardous waste.
Develop educational programs and incentives to
remove PVC from waste streams destined for incineration. Replace all medical waste incinerators with nonburn technologies for waste that needs to be disinfected
and send the disinfected residue to a secure landfill.
Develop a workable timeline to ban the incineration of
PVC in municipal solid waste.

Accomplish Within Three Years

4. Collect PVC Products Separately from Other

Wastes. Award grants and publicize new programs to
support PVC waste separation and collection. Identify

1. Ban All Open Waste Burning. Backyard burning

of household trash and other open burning should be

TAKE ACTION Preventing Harm from PVC Use and Disposal

Establish our Right-to-Know about PVC.


Accomplish Within Five Years




strictly prohibited everywhere as

the countrys major uncontrolled
source of dioxin pollution.
However, a statutory ban will not
be effective without educating
people about the hazards of PVC
and simultaneously working
aggressively to reduce the toxicity of the waste stream. People
burn their waste to avoid real
costs and inconvenience, and out
of cultural habit and practice.
People need to know the truth
about PVC and waste burning in
order to overcome their resistance to change.






TAKE ACTION Preventing Harm from PVC Use and Disposal

PVC Identified as
Household Hazardous Waste
In its Plan for the Statewide Collection of Household Hazardous
Waste, the State of Maine identified PVC as a problem waste that
should be separately collected and, if not recycled, then diverted
away from incineration to landfill disposal. Although household
hazardous waste remains exempt from regulation, collection programs are being expanded in Maine and elsewhere to encourage
residents to turn in old hazardous products for safe management
rather than tossing them in the trash. In addition to spent paint
thinner, old pesticides, mercury products and other toxic household
waste, the Plan targets PVC, latex paint and old propane tanks as
problem wastes requiring special collection and management.
Efforts are underway to establish a reliable means of funding the
operational costs of household hazardous waste collection so that
this plan can be fully implemented in Maine (Source: MDEP 2001b).


San Francisco Bay Area Adopts

Dioxin-Free Purchasing Policies
The San Francisco Bay Area is leading the nation in preventing dioxin pollution by passing Dioxin Resolutions in Oakland and San
Francisco and establishing dioxin-free purchasing requirements for
local governments. The resolutions grew out of a grassroots campaign to shut down the last commercial medical waste incinerator in
Oakland, one of the largest sources of dioxin in the Bay Area. A
diverse coalition of environmental, environmental justice, healthimpacted groups, labor representatives, and local government officials worked together to shut down the incinerator in 2001. In the
process, they convinced local governments to pass dioxin resolutions
and establish a Bay Area Government Task Force to implement resolutions that will:

Promote dioxin pollution prevention practices;

Use less toxic, non-chlorinated products and processes, such as

chlorine-free paper and PVC-free plastics;

Urge health care institutions to phase out PVC products;

Work with other local governments to convene a Regional Task

Force to identify sources of regional dioxin pollution and develop prevention strategies; and



Pursue dioxin reduction practices that do not cause workers to

become unemployed (Sources: Greenaction 2001a, CO 1999,
CSF 1999).

PVC as a hazardous waste and add

PVC waste products to existing
programs that collect household
hazardous waste, mercury products
and other problem wastes for safer
5. In the Interim, Divert PVC
Away from Incineration to
Hazardous Waste Landfills.
Clarify waste management priorities
for PVC to establish preference for
land disposal over incineration due
to the formation of dioxin and
other toxic by-products. Make the
institutional arrangements needed
to ensure that PVC waste is disposed of in secure triple-lined
hazardous waste landfills and
diverted away from incineration.
Identify opportunities for operators
of waste incinerators to remove
more PVC waste from the floor of
the incinerator prior to waste combustion.

Accomplish Within
Five Years
6. Establish Our Right-To-Know
About PVC. Require product
manufacturers that sell products
containing PVC to notify the state
of the amount of PVC and the specific chemical name of additives
used in individual products, identified by brand name, model and
type of PVC use. This information
should be made available on-line in
a searchable database on PVC
products that allows consumers and
business people to identify PVC
and its ingredients in consumer
products and materials. This provides people with the knowledge
they need to ask questions and
make decisions about safer PVCfree alternatives.
7. Label All PVC Products with
Warnings. A meaningful education and PVC diversion program
will run head long into the current
limits on identifying PVC in the

Dozens of U.S. companies have stopped using PVC in their products.

Some examples are as follows.
General Motors announced it would phase out the use of PVC
for auto interior panels by 2004, informing its suppliers to use
alternatives for all new products (CCC 2004).

Nine toy manufacturers, including International Playthings,

Gerber and Brio are phasing out all the PVC in their products
(Greenpeace 2003).

Mattel, Inc., the worlds largest toy manufacturer, is planning to

phase in plant-based plastics to replace PVC in company products (Greenpeace 2001).

NIKE, the shoe and sports equipment manufacturer, is phasing

out PVC in its products (Greenpeace 2001).

Helene Curtis eliminated PVC bottles for packaging Suave, and

Intimate Brands, a major beauty supply company, is phasing
out PVC containers by 2005 (Lester 2003).

9. Ban the Use of PVC in Bottles and Disposable

Packaging. These two uses of PVC are the easiest and
most compelling to ban outright in the near term. Both
represent short-lived uses that become PVC waste soon
after purchase. The PVC in bottles contaminates the
recycling of the more plentiful and safer PET bottles (#
1 plastic) (see Chapter 7). The market in PVC bottles
has already been declining steadily. The growing use of
PVC for packaging, such as in clear plastic blister packs,
adds disproportionately to the problem of PVC in
municipal solid waste. Safer alternatives for both uses
are readily available and already in the market place.

Accomplish Within Seven Years

10. Ban the Sale of Any PVC Containing Lead and

Cadmium. The continued use of these two highly toxic
PVC additives presents a serious hazard that has long
been recognized by progressive governments. Even the
PVC industry has moved to replace some uses of lead
and cadmium as stabilizers in their products. For example, the European vinyl industry has set a voluntary goal
to phase out the sale of lead stabilizers by 2015 with a
15% reduction by 2005 and 50% by 2010 (ENDS 2004).
However, by 2003 only a 5.3 % reduction in lead had
been achieved (ENDS 2004). We think the global PVC
industry needs to move away from lead much faster. By
banning the sale of any new PVC product containing
lead or cadmium, policy makers will be acting on strong
public health science. Such a ban will further clean up
PVC and raise questions about the other additives used
in PVC and the hazards of the material itself.

11. Phase Out Other Disposable Uses of PVC.

Non-durable products made with PVC become waste in
short order, steadily adding PVC to the municipal waste
stream. Separating PVC from the waste stream after it
is generated will never be 100% effective. Nor can
these collected non-durable PVC products be readily
recycled. Therefore, the next phase in directing reductions in PVC usage should focus on replacing the
remaining non-durable disposable uses of PVC with
safer alternatives whenever they are available, effective
and affordable.

Priorities for Replacing Specific PVC Uses


PVC bottles and disposable packaging


PVC containing lead or cadmium


Other non-durable disposable PVC uses


Other higher hazard PVC uses


Other PVC used in durable goods

TAKE ACTION Preventing Harm from PVC Use and Disposal


8. Give Preference to PVC-free

Purchasing. A government procurement policy that establishes as a
priority the purchasing of safer alternatives to PVC will harness institutional buying power. Changing the
buying habits of various levels of
government will help drive the market for PVC alternatives and begin
to affect the practices of other institutions in the supply chain that supports government operations.

U.S. Companies Stop Using

PVC in Products


waste stream. By requiring all PVC

products to be labeled, PVC can be
more readily separated from other
waste and diverted away from incineration. Warnings should encourage
consumers to avoid burning PVC
products. Labeling will also encourage product manufacturers to switch
to safer non-PVC materials to avoid
labeling requirements.

12. Phase Out Other High Hazard Uses of PVC. A

further priority should target replacement of PVC uses
that expose sensitive groups of people to toxic additives
and other uses that are vulnerable to dioxin-forming
fires. The continued use of vinyl in medical products



TAKE ACTION Preventing Harm from PVC Use and Disposal

Health Care Institutions Move

to Phase Out PVC

Health Care Purchasing: Four top group purchasing organizations that buy supplies for more than 70% of U.S. health care
facilities, such as Premier, Inc., established initiatives to reduce
the purchasing of medical products containing PVC, mercury
and the chemical plasticizer diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP)
(HCWH 2002a).

Baxter International, Inc., one of the worlds largest medical

supply manufacturers, is phasing out PVC in its intravenous (IV)
solutions containers (Baxter 1999).

Abbott Laboratories has committed to move toward PVC- and

DEHP-free alternatives (Abbott 2003).

The thirty-seven members of the Maine Hospital Association

agreed to continuously reduce the use and disposal of PVC plastic in hospitals as part of a statewide pollution prevention
agreement (MHA 2001)



Model Policy Action Taken

to Phase Out PBTs and PVC
In 2000, the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology)
developed a groundbreaking strategy to phase out some of the
deadliest toxic chemicals in Washingtonpersistent, bioaccumulative and toxic chemicals (PBTs). Ecologys program has a goal of
reducing PBTs such as mercury, dioxin, PBDEs (toxic flame retardants) and PCBs by the year 2020.
Under Washingtons PBT strategy, chemical action plans are developed for high priority chemicals. In 2003, Ecology developed a plan
to reduce and phase out mercury and the legislature passed a bill to
ban certain mercury consumer products. Right now, Ecology is
working on a chemical action plan to reduce and eliminate toxic
flame retardants (PBDEs), chemical cousins of PCBs that are rapidly
rising in the environment, breast milk, orcas and other wildlife.
The Toxic Free Legacy Coalition, led by Washington Toxics Coalition,
Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility, Healthy Building
Network, WashPIRG, Breast Cancer Fund and People for Puget
Sound, is working to ensure the meaningful implementation of legislation and Ecologys PBT strategy.
On a local level, the Toxic Free Legacy Coalition was successful in
getting the City of Seattle to adopt a first in the nation purchasing
policy to reduce and eliminate the purchasing of products that contain or generate PBTs, including PVC. The hazards of PVC continue
to be central to the debate surrounding successful implementation
of the Resolution (Source: WTC 2004).


represents a prime example of

unnecessary exposure to the additives in PVC products. DEHP, a
type of phthalate additive, leaches
out of vinyl medical bags and tubing. An infant boy in neonatal
intensive care may be exposed to
enough phthalates from PVC to
pose harm to his developing reproductive organs (Rossi 2001).
Examples of PVC uses particularly
vulnerable to dioxin-forming fires
include automotive applications
and building materials such as vinyl
siding. High fire hazard uses of
PVC should be replaced with safer
13. If Safer Alternatives are Not
Yet Available, Extend the PhaseOut Deadlines for Specific PVC
Uses. A reasonable PVC phaseout policy would make allowance
for those few cases where acceptable alternatives are not readily
available. In such a case, a temporary exemption could be granted
for a scheduled PVC phase-out
deadline upon a satisfactory
demonstration by a product manufacturer. Further criteria for granting interim relief should consider
whether the specific use of PVC is
essential to public health and safety
or if the available alternative does
not work effectively or is much
more expensive.
14. Fund Efforts to Reduce the
Amount of PVC Waste
Generated Through Fees on the
PVC Content of Products.
Funding will be needed for public
education, developing diversion
and labeling programs, and to
administer an orderly phase-out of
PVC products. PVC products
should be assessed fees to pay for
these PVC reduction programs.
Thats the fairest approach. Fees
should be collected at the product
distribution level to avoid the
administrative burden of retail fee

Accomplish Within Ten Years


TAKE ACTION Preventing Harm from PVC Use and Disposal

Within ten years, we can bring a virtual halt to the

toxic life cycle of PVC. Through persistent organized
action at all levels, discarding harm from PVC disposal
will become a practice of the past. Safer alternatives
will serve the same purposes filled by PVC now through
the use of clean materials and the sustainable production of clean products. The health and environmental
problems created by PVC can be solved through two
profoundly simple actionsdont buy it, dont burn it!


16. Decommission Municipal Waste Incinerators in

Favor of Zero Waste Plans. Within ten years, we
should replace the inherently dirty and obsolete strategy
of needlessly burning valuable resources disguised as discarded materials and products. Zero waste strategies
involving much more aggressive source reduction
(including product redesign), reuse, recycling and com-

posting can reduce waste volumes even more than

incineration, and without generating toxic by-products.
As the contracts expire on the current inventory of
more than 100 municipal solid waste incinerators, these
plants should be safely decommissioned. Waste incineration should be relegated to the dustbin of history.


15. Phase Out Remaining Uses of Durable PVC

Products. The remaining uses of PVC should be relatively lower hazard uses in longer-lived products that
have less chance of accidental combustion or public
exposure to toxic additives. These uses should be
replaced with safer alternatives as the final priority for
the orderly phase-out of PVC. By ending all uses of
PVC, the toxic impacts across the life cycle from production to disposal will be prevented.


T h r e e s

T-shirts with PVC prints (shiny)
Rain pants
Backpacks (PVC coating for
Diaper covers

I n

In addition, a list of specific products identified by brand name that are

packaged in PVC bottles, was generated by the Grassroots Recycling
Network (GRRN 2004a). This list can be accessed on the GRRN web site
at http://www.grrn.org/pvc.


C o m e s

While this list may help get you started, not all containers and products are
labeled. If you suspect that a product or its packaging is made of PVC, we
suggest you contact the product manufacturer and ask them directly about
the materials used in the product or its packaging. One way to be sure if
the packaging of a product is made from PVC is to look for the number 3
or for the letter V inside the universal recycling symbol. This means that
the product is made of PVC. Soft flexible plastic products that are made
with PVC often have a distinct odor. What you smell is the plasticizer that
was added to the PVC material to make it soft and flexible.

N e w s

Thousands of consumer products and packaging are made from PVC. The
following is a general list of some common products that are typically made
of PVC This list is meant to be a starting point for identifying what common products are packaged in or made from PVC. In creating this list, we
recognize that companies are always changing their products, including the
materials they use to package them. In some cases, you may find that a
product listed is no longer made from PVC. If this happens, you may want
to contact the company and congratulate them for being environmentally

B a d

Common Household Products and Packaging

That May Contain PVC

P V C :


Personal Care Items

Hair gel
Suntan lotion
Baby oil
Face Wash
Aloe Vera Gel
Massage oil
Liquid soap


Common Household Products and Packaging That May Contain PVC


Household Items:

Outdoor Items:

Cleaning product containers

Checkbook covers
Photo album sheets
Self-adhesive labels and stickers
Shower curtains
Imitation leather furniture
Mattress covers
Clothes racks (covers metal to
prevent rusting)
Pet care product containers

Pond liners
Childrens swimming pools
Inflatable furniture
Outdoor furniture
Garden hoses

Kitchen Items:
Drinking straws
Beverage containers
Plastic utensils
Dishwasher, refrigerator and
freezer racks
Dish drying racks (covers metal
to prevent rusting)
Appliance casings
Food wrap
Food containers

Door panels
Underbody coating
Car seats for children
Traffic cones
Wire coating
Auto-related product containers

Building Materials:
Wall coverings
Window frames
Door frames
Door gaskets
Plastic lumber

References to Appendix A
Abacas Studies (2004) Self Adhesive Polyester (PVC)
Labels and Stickers. Christchurch Business Centre
United Kingdom. Available at
Bivings Woodell (1999) Vinyl: Everyday Uses at
eBay (2004) Search for PVC at www.ebay.com.
Harmon (2001) M. This Vinyl House. Greenpeace USA,
Washington, DC, May.

Wire/cable insulation
Cavity closure insulation

Medical Supplies:
Colostomy bags
Blood bags
Bed liners
Mattress covers

Office Supplies:
Computer keyboards
Computer monitor housing
Cellular phones
Floppy disks
Paper clips
Mouse pads

Credit cards
Slide holders
Landfill liners and leachate pipes

North Carolina Department of Environmental and
Natural Resources (1998) Plastic: PVC (#3)
Commodity Profile. NC DENR Division of Pollution
Prevention and Environmental Assistance.
Thornton (2000) J. Pandoras Poison: Chlorine, Health,
and a New Environmental Strategy. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: MIT Press.

Helix (2004) Science with a twist Website. Available

at www.publish.csiro.au/helix/cf/issues/th62b2.cfm.

Turner Toys (2002) An Evaluation of the Hazards of

Toys and Other Products made from Polyvinyl Chloride
(PVC). Website at www.turnertoys.com/pvc9printable.htm.

MassPIRG (1998) Its Perfectly Clear: The Case Against

PVC Packaging. MassPIRG, Boston, MA. Available at

Washington Toxics Coalition (WTC 2004) at




Total Amount of PVC

Disposed (tons)1

Amount of PVC
Incinerated (tons)2

Amount of PVC
Landfilled (tons)2













































































































T h r e e s



I n


C o m e s


Total MSW

N e w s


B a d


P V C :

Amount of PVC Generated, Incinerated

and Landfilled in Each State


Total MSW

Total Amount of PVC

Disposed (tons)1



New Hampshire


New Jersey
New Mexico


Amount of PVC Generated, Incinerated and Landfilled in Each State



New York
North Carolina

Amount of PVC
Incinerated (tons)2

Amount of PVC
Landfilled (tons)2









































Rhode Island




South Carolina








North Dakota

South Dakota





























West Virginia



















Sources and Notes: Estimates derived from Kaufman (2004) for 2002. (1) The amount of PVC generated in each state is derived by multiplying the total
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) generated in that state by the percent of PVC (0.62%) estimated from USEPA (2003). We assumed the percent of PVC estimated from the USEPA data was representative of the PVC content in a typical municipal solid waste stream and that none of the PVC was recycled. (2)
The amount of PVC incinerated (or landfilled) in each state was calculated by multiplying the total PVC disposed of in the state by the percent of waste
incinerated (or landfilled) after recycling. The percent of PVC incinerated (or landfilled) after recycling was determined by dividing the total amount of
waste incinerated (or landfilled) in a state (provided in Table 4 of Kaufman 2004) by the total waste disposed of (after recycling).
* These states did not participate in the survey conducted by Biocycle magazine (Kaufman 2004).

I n
T h r e e s

Ackerman (2003a) F. and R. Massey. The Economics of Phasing Out PVC. The studies discussed by Ackerman:
A Strategy for Virtual Elimination of Persistent Toxic Substances, International Joint Commission (IJC), Windsor, Ontario,
1993; Economic Instruments for the Virtual Elimination of Persistent Toxic Substances in the Great Lakes Basin, Report to IJC,
Hickling Corporation, 1994; Assessment of the Economic Benefits of Chlor-Alkali Chemicals to the United States and Canadian
Economy, Charles River Associates, Boston, MA 1993; and A Technical and Economic Comparison of Options to Products
Derived from the Chlor-Alkali Industry, Environment Canada, 1997; are all cited in Ackerman 2003.

C o m e s

Ackerman (2003) F. and R. Massey. The Economics of Phasing Out PVC, Global Development and Environment
Institute, Tufts University, Somerville, MA, December. Available at

N e w s

Abbott Laboratories (2003) Making a Difference Around the World. Global Citizenship Report 2000-2001. Available at:

B a d

Abacas Studies (2004) Self Adhesive Polyester (PVC) Labels and Stickers. Christchurch Business Centre United
Kingdom. Available at http://www.abalabels.co.uk/polyester_labels_stickers.htm.

P V C :


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in Occupational and Safety and Health, US Congress Office of Technology Assessment, OTA-ENV-635, Washington, DC,
September, 1995 and A Retrospective Evaluation of Control Measures for Chlorinated Substances (Case Studies of Ex-Ante/ExPost Socioeconomic Effects, Report to Environment Canada and Ontario Ministry of Energy, Science and Technology,
Cheminfo Services, 2000.
Ackerman (2003c) F. and R. Massey. The Economics of Phasing Out PVC. The references used by Ackerman to provide statistics on VCM and PVC facilities in US: Chemical Economics Handbook: Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Resins,
CEH Marketing Research Report, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, September, 2003 and Chemical Economics
Handbook Vinyl Chloride Monomer, SRI Consulting, Menlo Park, CA, December, 2000.
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