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So the churches were strengthened in the faith,

and they increased in numbers daily. Acts 16:5

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New friends at church

Contact Info

Dennis and Valerie Rew

1808 Pioneer Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15226

Sending Church

Middletown Road
Baptist Church
2660 Middletown Rd
Pittsburgh, PA 15205




June 19, 2004

Prayer Needs

1. Spring outreach
2. Childrens Bible
3. Healthy Pregnancy
4. Physical and
spiritual strength

News and Prayer Letter April 2015

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God is good, and His blessings are
abundant! We have had a busy and exciting start to Spring, and we look forward to much of the same
in the weeks and months ahead.
One by one
Our group has talked about the reality that churches are built one person at a time. Its more than just
going out and convincing someone to buy your product. It is a supernatural work, done by a
supernatural God! We want to be faithfully planting and watering seeds of the Gospel in the lives of
those around us, and believe that God has allowed us to do that. Well, those of you that are not on our
email list have not heard this story, but others may have. A man that Dennis had met on the bus
several months before unexpectedly contacted him a couple weeks ago. He was asking for help with
an addiction. Dennis was able to meet with him the following week. Since then, the man and two of his
children have come out the past two Sundays and to a combined Good Friday service that we were a
part of. He is very close to salvation. Pray for him and his family.
Spring outreach
With the weather warming up, we are gearing up for more and more outreach. We have been
prayerfully considering how we can most effectively serve this community with the love of Christ. As
part of our servant evangelism focus, we want to be out in the community at least once per month
serving people in a visible and tangible way. This month, we will be washing the windows of local
businesses in our community on April 18th. We have done several other things for these business
owners and employees, and we want to continue to build a relationship with them.
Our neighborhood schools are a vital part of our community. With so many families connected to the
schools in some way, we have had a desire to come along side these schools. If you want to hear the
long story, we would love to share it with you, but heres the short version. We approached several
schools in our community and told them that we had a desire to show the faculty and staff our
appreciation for their efforts. The principals were very receptive to this idea. So, on two separate days
leading up to Teacher Appreciation Day (May 5), we will be bringing different snacks/food to be placed
in the teachers lounge. As we move forward as a church, we want to build a good relationship with
these schools. The news gets even better though! As we expressed our desire to do this, one of the
schools opened the door wide for our involvement (as a church) throughout the year in various ways.
In fact, they have been wanting to find a local church that could partner with them on different things.
To be honest, we had no idea what to expect as we presented our ideas to the schools, and after
hearing the responses, we know that God has been at work.
Looking ahead
We are looking forward to summer opportunities. This will be a busy summer for us, especially with a
newborn baby coming soon.
We will be continuing to provide popcorn at each movie night in the park beginning in June. Please be
in prayer about a popcorn machine that we could purchase at a reasonable price.
Also, be praying about your involvement with us this summer. We would love to have you, a youth
group, or missions group from your church come out and assist this summer. This could be for a week,
weekend, or even a few days. Opportunities for you to consider are park Bible clubs, canvassing, Bible
distribution, helping with our servant evangelism events, or specialized events (sports camp, etc) that
your group might be interested in. Thank you for your continued support.

Easter dinner and


Ready and willing,

The Rews

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