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By FatherMotherGod... - Posted on 31 July 2011



Welcome dear ones and we come to guide and support ALL at this time. Many of
you are now experiencing many different symptoms and we guide you to detach
from them. Many are falling into fear with regard to symptoms and we guide you
that this is the teaching of illusion. If you listen to your body then it will respond to
you, if you listen to its message and then take action then you will move through
these symptoms. The human body is a finely tuned instrument, as the energies
heighten dear ones it is akin to you tuning into them, your body is receiving the
frequencies needed to heighten your vibration, you need to listen to be able to fine
tune them and anchor them.
Many instantly plunge into fear when faced with symptoms that involve taking time
out from the constant DOing that is present in many life experiences across the
planet. As you struggle with the guilt that the teachings of the illusion will allow to
rise your vibration will begin to waiver. This will result in the fine tuning not being
able to happen as the vibration of your energy signature is too unstable. We guide
strongly to detach from negative feelings that arise and pour love and compassion
through any that do. Illusion teaches that you must persevere, not take time for
yourself, that you are lazy etc etc. This is designed to keep the vibration of the
human energy signature low and not allow for the LOVE that IS to be able to flow
freely through your body. We guide strongly for humans who are experiencing
issues with fine tuning to allow rest and drink plenty of fresh, clear water. This will
help to flush the body through allowing the vibration to be absorbed and the energy
signature to begin to stabilise.
Know dear ones that these symptoms may well come and go, for many across the
planet the new energies that have come in have resulted in less symptoms as they
have learned to recognise the waivering of the energy signature and immediately
responded to their body. This is key to moving through the coming weeks and
months dear ones. You do not move further and faster by ignoring your body. ALL
ARE ONE. You are bringing in many aspects and frequencies to be absorbed into
the body that you are in at this present time. That will take time and patience dear
ones, do not rush this part of the process for in the waivering of the human energy
signature the illusion sits waiting to plant seeds of fear.
For many of you across the planet the fear has further been ignited by the reaction

of the medical profession to your symptoms. When the medical profession across
planet earth cannot diagnose they tend not to admit this, again the fear of failure is
high and the illusion has many in its grip. Medical professionals all over the planet
are struggling to diagnose many at this point in time. So fixed are they on only the
physical they fail to realise that it is the energy signature that is out of balance
causing the physical symptoms. ALL ARE ONE, all parts of the body are connected,
all layers and yet the medical profession across the planet tend to focus only on the
To move through these symptoms dear ones relies on YOU trusting the process, of
beginning to trust YOU. Your body is now beginning to harmonise with your
thoughts and FEELings and it is important that you begin to absorb this. YOU
cannot continue to live YOUr life experience seeing things in isolation to each other
because this is not TRUTH. Look into your hearts dear ones. If you have a
particular pain in part of your physical body then go into the heart, ask the heart to
show you the pain and why it is there and then begin to heal. The human body is self
healing, illusion teaches that the medical profession know much better than YOU
about YOU. We guide you strongly to detach from this teaching. Anything that is
going on within your physical body is a result of the thoughts and FEELings that
were created IN that body. Only by healing these thoughts and FEELings will the
body heal completely.
We guide you to listen to ALL of YOU. YOU are more than you see in the mirror
when you look at your reflection. For many of you the ability to see auras is a skill
that should be cherished. As you heighten in vibration the skills that have lain
dormant within many of you will start to show themselves. Each human has
different skills, for many it will be like we note the ability to see auras, for others it
will be the ability to hear auras or to FEEL them. Note which of the senses is
heightened for you and begin with this one first. ALL humans have the ability to use
the senses that may be dormant at this point in your life journey. It is the trust and
faith in the process, in YOU that is the trigger for these to start working again. For
too long the illusion has taught that anything that is not seen by the naked eye is not
there and for many across the planet this veil has been pulled away. For many
others the veil is loosely in place and we guide you to pull it down. FEEL from the
heart, trust in YOU dear ones, for the trust and faith in YOU will show YOU the
We are the high council of orion and we come to guide at this time of vast change.
We guide you not to attach to any part of this process, for it IS a process dear ones.
Where you are at this point in time, reading our words is not where you may be in a
few minutes or hours. Many of you are now noticing how strange time is in relation
to how it used to work in your life experience. As you open and expand and heighten
your vibration this will break down even more. It is vital you do not attach to this as
the mind may sweep in and try to rationalise what is happening, that will bring you
back into illusion and the vibration you hold may be lowered. FEEL how it works
for YOU, use it create the life experience that you DREAM and allow it to BE.
When you reach a part in your life experience that makes no sense to your mind but
FEELs perfect when processed with your heart then you have elevated your

vibration and are BEing.

We guide that more will unfold over the next few days and weeks as more and more
humans begin to stabilise their energy signatures. This is the key to this process dear
ones, do not look to the medical profession for they cannot help you become whole,
only YOU can absorb and balance YOU. Many will reach out to those around them
to try to make sense of what is happening and we guide you to be wary of this. Many
family members, colleagues, friends are asleep, they may instantly go into fear when
faced with YOU not at YOUr best. When they see symptoms they may put pressure
on you to visit a medical professional or try to heap fear back into your BEing in the
guise of love and being worried about you. Detach from this teaching dear ones
for it will cause your vibration to whirl out of balance even more. This is about YOU
trusting and having faith in YOU.
At some point prior to incarnation YOU agreed to this life experience, YOU chose to
be here at this time of vast change and YOU have the answers that YOU need within
YOU. ALL humans do, it is whether the human trusts themselves and the process
that is undergone as to how they move through this. NO ONE knows YOU better
than YOU despite what illusion will seek to teach YOU. Uncover the heart dear
ones, go into the heart and listen to the wisdom that resides there. YOU are all
masters of YOU. Do not give your power away to others around you nor let them
take the power from you. YOU are masters of your own life experience. TRUST and
have FAITH in YOU.
We guide that as the energies begin to heighten then more sleep and more BEing is
needed from many across the planet. Some humans have expressed surprise at how
easy the process actually IS. There are no rules to follow dear ones, we do not ask
you for anything other than to BE. YOU came here as an individual and all that is
asked is for YOU to be true to YOU. Many humans spend a lifetime BEing or trying
to BE someone else, when the TRUTH is that all they needed to BE was themselves.
Understand WHO YOU are dear ones, get to know every part of YOU. Understand
how you work, what your body needs, what your soul needs you to do next. Listen to
the map that is within your heart and BE. No struggle, no lusting after outcomes,
just BE and watch the universe respond. When you struggle, when your mind races
and you zoom from one part of your life back to another it is like the universe
cannot get a fix on you. Many who practice the law of attraction find it does not
work they way they expected and it is due to the constant moving. If you can BE and
are clear and open to the universe about what it is that you expect and DREAM
then the universe can clearly SEE you and respond to you. If you can BE once then
you can BE at all times. It may take practice but soon it will become as second
nature, for all humans are able to BE. It is the layers of illusion and the teachings of
that illusion that have taught you that you cannot BE. Let them go, peel back the
veils and watch the magic unfold in your life experience.
We are the high council of orion and we are blessed to communicate with each and
every one of you. All is perfect dear ones, resist the teachings of illusion, pull back
the veils and uncover who YOU truly ARE. ALL ARE ONE.

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