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Edmund Bergler, Long-Forgotten Psychoanalyst

posted in Psychology by admin
Edmund Bergler was an American Psychoanalyst
from the 20th century, whose work was based off of
Freudian psychoanlysis. A lot of his published work is
based on the unconscious and how it dictates our
actions. How does this relate to money issues? Well,
according to Bergler, our unconscious wishes for us to
suffer. The psychological neurotic is preconditioned
through years and years of bad habits to suffer instead
of working his or her way out of the bad situation.
Sounds a bit kooky, doesnt it? But I swear that it
makes sense. Bergler wrote about basically every type
of psychological problem that exists: weight troubles,
financial woes, divorce, the lack of laughter in ones
life, even creativity and productivity.
Sadly, Berglers kind of forgotten. Why, though, when his work makes so much sense?
Im going to attempt to shed some light on Bergler, along with my own financial goals, through this
blog. Many of his books are out-of-print. My hope in giving him a spotlight here on this little stage
is to drum up at least a little interest in him so that his work is not forgotten. Trust me, its actually
really useful.
To that end, Ill start by offering the ten rules for combating not-too-severe cases of tension (aka
anxiety). These are found in Tensions Can Be Reduced to Nuisances
last published in 1979.

Found via Pinterest and edited to be a little more Berglerian.
1. Accept the truism that the world is not your oyster. The world provides you, tax-free,
with a constant flow of nuisances; it is your business to cope with and neutralize these nuisances
2. Keep your sense of proportion. Recognize the fact that the aggressive actions of the people in
your environment are not necessarily meant to attack you personally.
3. Dont accept your tensions at face value, excusing them by making the convenient claim,
Im just that type of person.
4. Be prepared to face the music, in the form of constant reproaches from your inner
5. Accept the fact that everybody unconsciously harbors self-damaging tendencies;
understand that your conscious rationalizations have the purpose of obscuring, not clarifying,
the reasons for your tensions.
6. Since the complex detail-interconnections in your tensions are beyond your reach,
start your attack on these tensions by sending up a trial balloon: consciously perceived (though
not understood) indictment of self-damage unconsciously enjoyed.
7. Determine whether some of your tensions are not self-created.
8. Ask yourself whether you arent an unconscious in-justice collector and self-appointed
trouble maker. Consciously, of course, you are your own best friend and well-wisher;
unconsciously, the story may be different. Dont automatically dismiss your environments
indictment of you as a person who asks for it and leads with his chin. The criticism may be
9. Understand that your inexplicable depressions and lousy moods are no more than
alibis presented to your inner conscience.
10. You cannot eradicate nuisances, but you can keep them on the level of incidental
irritations, instead of paying them the costly compliment of elevation to intolerable tensions.
His language may be a little old-fashioned but his ideas are not. I encourage everyone to look up Dr.
Bergler. His books are out of print but you can find more information at edmundberlger.ca.

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Edmund Bergler, Tensions Can be Reduced to Nuisances 2 Comments

2 thoughts on Edmund Bergler, LongForgotten Psychoanalyst

David Ferguson
June 9, 2014 at 4:55 pm
One of the reasons that Dr. Bergler wound up on the dust heap of psychoanalytic history was
due to his theorizing about homosexuality that was as hostile and ill-informed as any of the
1950s analysts. Aside from theorizing, he took unimaginably nasty potshots at homosexuals. He
encourage parents to never ever except their sons homosexuality and when a homosexual was in
the position of power he was a cruel megalomaniacal tyrant. Nice stuff huh

June 20, 2014 at 2:30 am
Wow, I had no idea. Its hard to find his work these days so I havent read any of his theories
on homosexuality. I know that he had written about it but because it doesnt pertain to me I
havent looked into it. Good to know. Thank you for stopping by to let me know.


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