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The Story of Christopher Columbus

Freebie oered
for Little Kids

under scrappin
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By Kinderkay

Cynthia K. Feeney 2011/Revised 2012 Permission is granted for reproduc?on

of ac?vity pages for home and classroom use only!

Cynthia K. Feeney 2011/Revised 2012

Directions for The Story of Columbus for Little Kids

This is a half-sized booklet. To create the booklet, copy and collate the

pages; fold horizontally, t inside the cover page and staple.

As with all social studies units, it is fun and educa?onal to introduce the topic with a
picture book.
AMer reading the story of Columbus, demonstrate the voyage of Columbus with a
globe. Tell students that Columbus thought the Earth was much smaller than it
actually is. He thought that he could get to the East by traveling West. The trip to the
East was long and dangerous by land. Traveling by ship around the coast of Africa was
also a dangerous journey.
Columbus was given 3 ships from the king and queen of Spain. They were named the
Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. Only the Nina and Pinta returned to Europe.
Columbus was an explorer. An explorer is a person who travels to unknown territory
in the search for informa?on.
AMer discussing the story of Columbus, students can color the pictures in the
Christopher Columbus book. Two op?ons for decora?ng the cover are included.

AMer a discussion of explora?on, an op?onal drawing ac?vity can be done. Tell
students that they are explorers and have discovered a new island. They draw
pictures of what they see on their discovery. Dependent on the ability levels of your
students, labels can be added to the picture.

The Story of

Cynthia K. Feeney 2011/Revised 2012

Christopher Columbus was

an explorer.

Cynthia K. Feeney 2011/Revised 2012

Columbus thought the Earth was round and

that he could get to the East by going West!

Cynthia K. Feeney 2011/Revised 2012

He asked the King and Queen

of Spain for ships to sail.

Cynthia K. Feeney 2011/Revised 2012

They gave him 3 ships named the Nina,

the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.

Columbus learned that there was land

between the West and the East. That land is

What would you like to explore?

The Story of
Christopher Columbus

By _____________________
Cynthia K. Feeney 2011/Revised 2012

Christopher Columbus was an


Columbus thought the Earth was

round and that he could get to the
East by going West!

He asked the King and Queen of

Spain for ships to sail.

They gave him 3 ships named

the Nina, the Pinta, and the
Santa Maria.

Columbus learned that there

was land between the West and
the East. That land is us!

1 5

Here is an op?onal way to decorate

the front cover of the book. Children
follow the step-by-step direc?ons to
create Christopher Columbus.

The Story of

How to creat Columbus

1 2

3 4

Cynthia K. Feeney 2011

The Story of

By _____________________

Name _______________________

I Can Be an Explorer!

This is an island that no one has ever seen. Draw some pictures of some of the things you have discovered!

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