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Stages of Labor and Delivery

Delivery Stages

You made it! If you are reading this undoubtedly you are approaching or soon will
be approaching the final stages of pregnancy. You may be wondering what exactly
to expect during labor and delivery. There are two distinct phases of labor - early or
latent labor and active labor. Active Labor is subdivided into three stages, which will
be described in more detail below. There is no criteria for exactly predicting the
moment when labor will start. Some women can have all the signs of impending
delivery but hold out for several weeks, whereas others will have no signs and go
into active labor in a matter of hours.

Early or Latent Labor

During early labor, you will probably be relatively comfortable. It is generally the
longest part of the birthing process and may last anywhere from one to three days.
During this time you may experience contractions that are mild or moderate,
generally lasting anywhere from 30 to 45 seconds. These contractions may also be
irregular in nature, and may stop and re-start again.

During the early phase of labor most women will dilate to 3 cm. During this phase
of labor taking a warm shower may help you relax. Try to sleep if possible to
prepare for the active stage of labor.

If you are interested in speeding up the labor process, consider going for long walks
which might help move the baby further into your pelvis.

Most women will be able to talk and function relatively normal during this phase.
You can typically enjoy this part of labor in the comfort of your home. Traditionally
early labor is longer for first time mothers than it is for moms who have given birth

Active Labor

Active labor is characterized by three distinct phases:

• Stage One - The cervix dilates and effaces
• Stage Two - The baby is born
• Stage Three - The placenta is delivered
First Stage
During the first stage the cervix will dilate and efface or thin out, preparing for birth.
This stage typically commences when a woman is 3 to 4 cm dilated. Women will
dilate until 10 cm.
Uterine contractions during this phase of labor are generally more intense than they
are during early labor. They are also more frequent, occurring 2-3 minutes apart
and may last from 50-70 seconds.
During active labor the bag of water often breaks.

Most women will report significantly more discomfort or pain during the active stage
of labor. Your physician might offer you some form of pain relief, including use of an
epidural to help ease the pain you are feeling from uterine contractions.

The first stage of active labor ends with the transition phase, where contractions
become increasingly intense as the baby moves into the birthing canal. During this
time you will be absorbed by contractions. You may feel anxious and exhausted.
This is the time where you might start feeling the urge to push. You will be dilated a
full 10 cm at this point in time.

Second Stage
The second stage of active labor is the actual birth of your baby, or the process of
pushing the baby out.

This is usually preceded by a powerful urge to push the baby out of the vagina. You
may feel a great deal of pressure in the pelvic region, in your vagina or in the back.
The pushing phase may be short or long. Most first time moms push for 2 to 3
hours, however some women may push for minutes before the baby passes through
the vagina.

Third Stage
The third stage of labor is the time during which the placenta detaches and passes
out of the body. Generally this occurs within 30 minutes after the second stage of
labor. Though not as exciting as the actual birth of your baby, the passage of the
placenta is a vital part of labor and delivery.

This process may require that you push a small amount to deliver the placenta.
However, many women are so involved with their baby and the process of birth that
they hardly even notice the delivery of the placenta.

The more prepared for labor you are the more comfortable you will be with the
birthing process. Childbirth education classes can help you prepare for the actual
process of labor

Delivery Stages and What to Expect
The birth of a baby can be a joyous time in a womens life. It is a time that the mother learns
to charish as they find connection to their new son or daughter. But getting to the point of
holding a new son or duaghter will differ from women to women. No two births are the same.
No two women will have the same amount of pain and their is no way to tell how each
womens delivery will be.
Women do share the same amount of stages in each birth. These are broken down into three

Stage 1: Begins from the onset of true labor and lasts until the cervix is completely dilated to 10 cm

Stage 2: Continues after the cervix is dilated to 10 cm until the delivery of your baby.

Stage 3: Delivery of your placenta.

Stage one is the longest stage and is broken down into three separate stages. The first stage is called
the early labor phase. It starts from the onset of labor until the cervix is dialated 3 cm. Stage two is
called the active labor stage. This is the time where the cervix has to dialate to 7 cm. The final stage
is called the transition phase. This is the time between the cervix dialating from 7 cm to 10 cm.

Once the first stage of labor is passed, the placental sac has broken, the cervix has dilated and
contractions are regular and frequent, the second stage of labor - actual delivery - begins. Of course,
there's no bright line dividing the first from the second. Where one leaves off and the other begins will
vary from woman to woman and birth to birth.

There's a wide variation among women in many aspects of the process. The length of time is different
for everyone and from child to child. The amount of pain differs. And the post-birth consequences will
vary for each individual person and baby. In 75% of women who carry to term, delivery is within 12
hours. Only 2% will be in labor for more than 24 hours.

During the active delivery phase contractions are frequent, though there are breaks in between. Here
that training you spent so many hours to practice kicks in. Proper breathing technique differs between
the resting phase and the contraction and pushing phase. Use both.

Drugs are an option but both mothers and physicians try to keep them to a minimum. Anything the
mother receives still makes its way into the child. Pain medication crosses the placenta and can slow
the baby's heart rate and make breathing sluggish.

Analgesics are enough for most women, but they can produce side effects such as rapid heartbeat or
nausea. A regional block may be appropriate for some women. This can offer pain relief without
interfering with the ability to push, but it's not for everyone. Hot pads, ice packs and a hand to hold
can often substitute for the time needed to get through the toughest phases.

Develop a plan with your physician well in advance to cover all the possibilities.

Transition is the interval during which the cervix dilates the final two centimeters (about an inch). It
produces the most intense and frequent contractions, but may last only a few minutes. Rarely is it
longer than an hour. Here again, breathing techniques and a good partner are great aids to staying
focused and minimizing pain.

Deep breaths are best for those resting periods, short and sharp ones for the period of active pushing.
Shallow chest breathing is best for the most intense contractions. This helps keep the blood well
oxygenated and the mother focused as well as possible on something other than the pain.

When the widest part of the baby's head has moved into the birth canal, the second stage has begun
in earnest. Contractions slow to four or five minutes apart. When the head is even with the lower
pelvic bones, it's said to be at '0' station. It will progress through 1, 2, 3, and so on, measured by the
baby's exit.

The excitement rises as the baby becomes clearly visible. Tiring by this time is normal, but adrenaline
helps keep most mothers at it during this final stage. Then, success!


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