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Entr 310

Writing Assignment #1
Jan 21st, 2015
Question #1: Describe creativity. Explain how it is important for managers in a company.
Answer: Creativity is the ability to see something new that others could not. There are
many examples that date back to the prehistoric ages such as finding out that seeds can be
planted and crops grown. Its a skill set that allows you see the world in different ways and can
be developed. Theyre built through developing habits by looking for new problems, trends, and
opportunities to make the world better. Its important for managers in a company because
creative workers and managers have a different mindset. They see the world in different ways
and see alternatives to situations and overcome limitations of conventional thinking. They see
possible where others see impossible.
Question #2: What are the eight myths of creativity?
Answer: There are eight misconceptions of creativity that prevent people from
developing their potential. They include:
Creativity Comes Totally From The Unconscious
Children Are More Creative Than Adults
Creativity Is Spontaneous Inspiration
Creative Works Go Unrecognized And Are Discovered Later
Everyone Is Creative
Creativity is the Same As Originality
Creativity Is a Talent
Creativity Represents the Inner Spirit of the Individual
Question #3: What are the three elements of creativity? How could a manager incorporate these
elements into their company? How could a manager use these elements to become more creative
Answer: The three elements of creativity are domain skills, creative-thinking skills, and
intrinsic motivation. Domain skills are expertise in a field. Creative thinking skills are unique
and bring something new to the table. Intrinsic motivation is the passion that is motivated by
pure enjoyment of what theyre doing. A manager could incorporate these elements into the
company by immersing the company internally and externally within the environment in the
domain and gain knowledge. Then, they can generate more ideas by using convergent and
divergent types of thinking within the company and make sure that the employees hired are
intrinsically motivated. A manager can use these elements by applying those three elements to
their leadership style and making sure they embody those elements listed as well as making sure
the employees have those skills as well.
Question #4: What is the difference between divergent and convergent thinking? Why are these
important skills?

Answer: Divergence is also known as ideation and is the process of generating many
possible options and possibilities around an idea of focus. Converge thinking is converging down
to the best options. These are important skills because new ideas are generated and are applied
practically. The idea just doesnt stay an idea; its executed.
Question #5: Why is Disney such a creative company?
Answer: Disney is a creative company because its known extremely well for generating
new ideas and technologies and the possibilities are endless. In the beginning stages, there are no
constraints. They call this the Blue Sky philosophy. He also gave himself deadlines and gave
himself two years to complete the first theme park. Walt Disney both promoted big ideas, but
also set deadlines with pragmatic follow-throughs.
Question #7: Explain each phase of the creative process.
Answer: There are four stages in the creative process. They include:
Phase 1: Background or Knowledge Accumulation- This involves gathering information
either by doing extensive readings, having conversations with others in the field, getting
feedback from customers and suppliers, attending workshops and other measures. This
allows a broadened perspectives on the problem and a more extensive understanding of
the issue at hand.
Phase 2: The Incubation Process- This stage allows the idea to sit for a while and
organize and reorganize the possibilities. It allows for new ideas to form by giving it time
to combine and recombine information. It usually happens when people are not engaging
in activities related to their project such as exercising, mediating, engaging in mindless
activities, etc.
Phase 3: The Idea Experience- This stage is where the idea or solution is discovered and
the connections are made apparent. Its known as the eureka moment and the stage that
is known for breakthroughs. It also occurs when the person is doing something unrelated
to the activity such as taking a shower, driving, looking through newspaper, etc.
Sometimes its difficult to discern when someone moves from Stage 2 to Stage 3.
Phase 4: Evaluation and Implementation-This stage is where the ideas that are formed are
implemented. Implementation is influenced by other factors such as increasing energy
levels with exercise and diet, testing ideas, learning more about the innovation process
and seeking advice.
Question #9: Describe the seven areas in which people can be creative.
Answer: The seven areas in which people can be creative are:
Idea creativity: coming up with a new idea or concept
Material creativity: finding new uses for materials for products or processes
Organization creativity: coming up with new ways to structure or organize people
Relationship creativity: creative approach for collaborating, cooperation and win-win
relationships with others

Event creativity: producing events that people are involved, happenings, dcor,
sequencing of events, etc.
Inner creativity: looking within oneself and looking at approaches differently, finding
new perspectives thats different from how one traditionally would look at it.
Spontaneous creativity: acting in a spontaneous way such as a witty response or a quick
way to settle disputes or coming up with a creative appeal.

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