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In truth, many of the members of the Austrian School of Economics were convinced that

socialism was inevitable. Their only wish was that socialism could be delayed as long as possible
and that their strong opposition to socialism would be duly noted and registered by future
economic historians picking over the bones of capitalism.

Also, it is nonsense to say that collectivism doesn't work and is less efficient than free enterprise.

If proof were needed, just about every war in history would be proof.

During wars, economies are collectivized and armies, which are already socialist organizations,
take control of just about everything. The reason this is done is that totalitarian socialism is far
more efficient than free enterprise and any war would be lost as soon as enough free citizens
asserted their free right not to fight.

History also proves that collectivism works just fine under non-wartime conditions.

Slavery made the South into a very pleasant place for slave holders who didn't value free
enterprise for Africans whom they regarded as subhuman.

The Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilizations were built with the same collectivized slave labor
and they even allowed their slaves to earn their freedom sometimes and become slave holders

As far as collectivism/free enterprise in the United States, every corporation tries to do everything
possible to kill its competition. Microsoft is a good example.

Microsoft built its monopoly operating systems using public domain software created in 'socialist,
collectivized' colleges and universities whose 'socialist' programmers didn't receive any money for
their discoveries.

Then Microsoft did everything possible to crush all of its competitors who were trying to use THE
SAME FREE SOFTWARE to build their own companies.

This isn't a criticism of Bill Gates, Rupert Murdoch, John D. Rockefeller or Jay Gould, or the rest
of the American oligopoly. Just an observation.

We need to keep in mind that these highly collectivized monopolies and oligopolies (and
Frederick Taylor's work theories which made them possible) were the very thing that led many of
the Austrian School economists to conclude that socialism was inevitable.

The 'Taylorization' of the American and world capitalist economies (and even the Russian
economy) was based on the highly influential collectivist ideas of the American social thinker
Frederick Taylor.

We shouldn't forget that collectivism is as American as apple pie.

Or, as Pogo said,

'I have seen the enemy and he is us.'

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