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Presented by :
Ankit Jain (Roll.#.007)
Neeraj Chaudhary (Roll.#. 25)
Vivek Kumar (Roll.#.54)
Shrikant Panikar (Roll.#.46 )

Conflict is when two or more values, perspectives and opinions are

contradictory in nature and haven't been aligned or agreed about yet,
including: 1. Within yourself when you're not living according to your
values; 2. When your values and perspectives are threatened; or 3.
Discomfort from fear of the unknown or from lack of fulfillment. Conflict is
inevitable and often good, for example, good teams always go through a
"form, storm, norm and perform" period. Getting the most out
of diversity means often-contradictory values, perspectives and opinions.


Conflict is often needed. It: 1. Helps to raise and address problems. 2.

Energizes work to be on the most appropriate issues. 3. Helps people
"be real", for example, it motivates them to participate. 4.
Helps people learn how to recognize and benefit from their differences.
Conflict is not the same as discomfort. The conflict isn't the problem - it is
when conflict is poorly managed that is the problem
4. Thomas Little Consulting
o Substantive Conflict
disagreement over goals, resources, rewards, policies, procedures,
and job assignments.
o Emotional Conflict
results from feelings of anger, distrust, dislike, fear, and
resentment, as well as relationship problems.
o Functional Conflict
stimulates us toward greater work efforts, more creativity in
problem solving, and even to cooperate more with others.
o Dysfunctional Conflict
Is destructive and hurts task performance
o 1. Avoidance or withdrawal
o -downplaying disagreement, withdrawing, staying neutral at all costs
o 2. Accommodation or smoothing
o -giving in and smoothing over differences to maintain harmony
o 3. Competition or authoritative command
o -trying to win in active competition, or using authority to win by force
o 4. Compromise
o -bargaining for something acceptable so each party wins and loses a bit
o 5. Collaboration or problem solving
o -working through differences to solve problems so that everyone gains

no one achieves his or her true desires and the underlying

reasons for conflict remain unaffected.
uses force, superior skill, or domination to win a conflict.
occurs when each party to the conflict gives up something of
value to the other.
one party achieves its desires and the other party does not.
involves working through conflict differences and solving
problems so everyone wins.
the conflict is resolved to everyones benefit.
9. Approach Objective Your Posture Supporting Rationale Likely Outcome Forcing Get your
way. I know whats right. Dont question my judgment or authority. It is better to risk causing
a few hard feelings than to abandon a position you are committed to. You feel vindicated, but
other party feels defeated and possibly humiliated. Avoiding Avoid having to deal with
conflict. Im neutral on that issue. Let me think about it. Disagreements are inherently bad
because they create tension. Interpersonal problems dont get resolved, causing long-term
frustration. Accommodating Dont upset the other person. How can I help you feel good
about this issue? Maintaining harmonious relationships should be our top priority. Other
person is likely to take advantage of you.
10. Approach Objective Your Posture Supporting Rationale Likely Outcome Compromising
Reach an agreement quickly. Lets search for a mutually agreeable solution. Prolonged
conflicts distract people from their work and cultivates bitter feelings. Participants become
conditioned to seek an alternative, rather than effective solution. Collaborating Solve the
problem together. This is my position. What is yours? Im committed to finding the best
possible solution. The positions of both parties are equally important (though not necessarily
equally valid). Equality emphasis should be placed on the quality of the outcome and the
fairness of the decision-making. Participants find an effective solution.
o X Avoiding the conflict is more less pleasurable than facing it and ...
o Facing the conflict is more pleasurable than avoiding it ...
Whether you think you can or you cant youre right Henry Ford
o Conflict management is the responsibility of all employees
o Understanding your style can assist in working with others
o All styles have their place, but collaboration is the best for most work

Even the smallest of thoughts have the potential to become the biggest of successes all you have
to do is get up and get going

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