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Internet tools for videoconferencing are providing

supplemental ways to communicate

communicating. with people around the world. Each
tool has pros and cons which we will

eatures of communication tools want to weigh before deciding which
refer to those characteristic of tool bests suits our purpose for
the communication technology communicating.
that promote any kind of interpersonal
communication that uses internet-
base technologies to transmit
present, explain and store information.
Examples of internet tools for
communicating are e-mail, bulletin
boards, blogs, Listservs, chatrooms,
instant messaging and
videoconferencing. In addition to the
many information tools on the
Internet, the readily available and
easy to use communication tools
helped in large part to make the
Internet so popular. The scientists and
researchers who first used the Internet
realized that the increased
communications capabilities that they
had would benefit not just academics,
but all sectors of society.

Two boys are using technology as a tool for

learning interactively

Today, tools such as e-mail, bulletin

boards, blogs, Listservs, chatrooms,
instant messaging and
Types of Internet Tools for

 Listservs
– Is a large mailing list with a
single e-mail address that
contains a list of other e-
mail addresses.
 Bulletin Boards
– Is a web site that may be
restricted to particular
users permitted to connect
and access or post items
such as text messages or
 Blog
– Is a type of website, usually
maintained by an individual
with regular entries of
commentary, descriptions
of events, or other material
such as graphics or video.
 Chatroom
– Is a way of communicating
by sending text messages
to people in the same chat-
room in real-time.
 Instant messaging
– is a form of real-time direct
text-based communication
between two or more
people using shared clients.
 Videoconferencing
– is a set of interactive
technologies which allow
two or more locations to
interact via two-way video
and audio transmissions
simultaneously. It has also
been called 'visual
collaboration' and is a type
of groupware.
The examples of
internet tools for
communicating that support
synchronous interactivity are
video conferencing and
Types of interactivity in chatrooms. Using
using internet tools for videoconferencing, students will
communicating. be able to communicate with
each other and the teacher
There are two types of interactivity even though they are on
involves when we use and integrate different locations to share
the internet tools for communicating opinions and feedback in
in a lesson which are: learning with their fellow friends
and teacher. Meanwhile,
• Synchronous interactivity. chatrooms are organized into
• Asynchronous interactivity. rooms where different groups
gather and participate in real
i. Synchronous interactivity. time discussion. In chatrooms,
According to Berlo learners have an unlimited
(1960), this refers to the period participation unlike in face to
in which interactions take place. face communication, learners
If all students and the teacher do not need to wait and take
are involve in interactivity at turn in communicating their
once or simultaneously, the ideas and opinions.
form of interaction is called
synchronous interaction. For ii. Asynchronous interactivity.
example, when students are Asynchronous
brainstorming using video learning is a student-centered
conference, they are interacting teaching method that uses
synchronously. The teacher on online learning resources to
the other hand will supervise facilitate information sharing
and provide feedback to the outside the constraints of time
students. Therefore, all students and place among a network of
need to be present in the room people.
at the same time to be able to It is based on constructivist
participate actively. theory, a student-centered
approach that emphasizes the
importance of peer-to-peer
interactions. This approach
combines self-study with
asynchronous interactions to
promote learning, and it can be
A used to facilitate learning in
n example of chatrooms traditional on-campus
education, distance education,
and continuing education. This Listservs (Retrived January 24,
combined network of learners 2010) from
and the electronic network in http://www.webopedia.com/TER
which they communicate are M/L/Listserv.html
referred to as an asynchronous
learning network. Some of
online learning resources that
used to support asynchronous
learning include email,
electronic mailing lists,
conferencing systems, online
discussion/bulletin boards, and
blogs. For instances, bulletin
boards allow teacher and
students to post messages
which are visible to the entire
class in chronological order,
while, Listservs is used by
learners to send their
homework or assignment as
mail attachment to the teacher.

Klemm, W. R. (2005). Use and
mis-use of technology for
online, asynchronous
collaborative learning. In Tim S.
Roberts (Ed.), Hershey, PA, USA:
Group Publishing.

Chatroom (Retrived January

Internet tools for

communication (Retrived
January 24, 2010) from

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