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Q: Proof of VC=V(1et/RC)


An RC series circuit

In this section we see how to solve the differential equation arising from a circuit consisting of a
resistor and a capacitor.
In an RC circuit, the capacitor stores energy between a pair of plates. When voltage is applied
to the capacitor, the charge builds up in the capacitor and the current drops off to zero.
The voltage across the resistor and capacitor are as follows:
VC=C1i dt
Kirchhoff's voltage law says the total voltages must be zero. So applying this law to a series RC
circuit results in the equation:
Ri+C1i dt=V
One way to solve this equation is to turn it into a differential equation, by differentiating
throughout with respect to t:
We start with:

Divide through by R:
We recognise this as a first order linear differential equation.
Identify P and Q:
Find the integrating factor (our independent variable is t and the dependent variable is i):
`intP\ dt=int1/(RC)dt` `=1/(RC)t`
Now for the right hand integral of the 1st order linear solution:
`intQe^(intPdt)dt=int0\ dt=K`
Applying the linear first order formula:
Since `i = V/R` when `t = 0`:
Substituting this back in:
Solving for i gives us the required expression:
Important note: We are assuming that the circuit has a constant voltage source, V. This
equation does not apply if the voltage source is variable.
The time constant in the case of an RC circuit is:
= RC
The function

has an exponential decay shape as shown in the graph. The current stops flowing as the
capacitor becomes fully charged.

Applying our expressions from above, we have the following expressions for the voltage across
the resistor and the capacitor:
VC=C1i dt=V(1et/RC)
While the voltage over the resistor drops, the voltage over the capacitor rises as it is charged:

Q:Proof of i=i (1e(R/L)t) ?


RL circuit diagram

The RL circuit shown above has a resistor and an inductor connected in series. A constant
voltage V is applied when the switch is closed.
The (variable) voltage across the resistor is given by:
The (variable) voltage across the inductor is given by:
Kirchhoff's voltage law says that the directed sum of the voltages around a circuit must be zero.
This results in the following differential equation:
Once the switch is closed, the current in the circuit is not constant. Instead, it will build up from
zero to some steady state.
Solving the DE for a Series RL Circuit
The solution of the differential equation Ri+Ldtdi=V is:
We start with:
Subtracting Ri from both sides:

Divide both sides by L:

Multiply both sides by dt and divide both by (V - Ri):
Integrate :
Now, since `i = 0` when `t = 0`, we have:
`K=-(ln\ V)/R`
Substituting K back into our expression:
`-(ln(V-Ri))/R=1/Lt-(ln V)/R`
`(ln\ V)/R-(ln(V-Ri))/R=1/Lt`
Multiplying throughout by -R:
`-ln\ V+ln(V-Ri)=-R/Lt`
Collecting the logarithm parts together:
Taking "e to both sides":
Subtracting 1 from both sides:
Multiplying both sides by `-(V/R)`:

Here is the graph of this equation:

The plot shows the transition period during which the current adjusts from its initial value of zero
to the final value RV, which is the steady state.

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