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My name is Jonathan Torrens.

I've made my living in film and TV for

more than 25 years, most of it in Nova Scotia. And I think I speak for
everyone here when I say we'd like to continue doing so.
The film industry here has never been more in flux but rest assured the film community has never been stronger.
So today we celebrate:
2500+ jobs.
$150 Million in economic activity projected for this year alone.
Our industry is growing, our families are growing and yes, the amount
of income tax we pay is growing. Because it's working. I wouldn't be
here today if I didn't know in my heart that it is.
Since the sudden and unfortunate news almost a week ago that the
finance department had made this decision without consulting our
community we've stood up and spoken out. We've been realistic &
rational, firm but fair. We've formed committees and recruited
volunteers. From the back rooms to the front lines, from social media
to the street corner, we've been busy.
Good thing for this government they don't pay tax credits on sweat
So we're here today in solidarity as actors & animators, producers &
caterers, cinematographers and costume designers.
We're also here as fathers and mothers, spouses and partners, and
the children of aging parents who will need our help in years to come.
But maybe more so today, we're here as taxpayers, were here as
voters and were here as skilled labourers who want to stay here in
this place we love, doing the jobs we love, and continuing to
contribute to the economy in the way we have been.
This government has tried to suggest they've had to make the tough
decision to choose healthcare and education over the glitzy film
business. We recognize these are tough times and those are vital
critical services.

But let's be clear - we want keep working in our industry so we can

continue to support those services. Remember, our kids were born in
hospitals here, and yes some of them have autism. Our parents
require healthcare. We too want potholes fixed maybe this year
more than ever - and we're happy to help pay for it.
In the wake of this unforeseen turn of events, we're left with so many
questions for our elected officials;
Why implement this decision so soon, throwing our Summer and Fall
production season into chaos and denying all of us - government
included - the revenue from projects that were already on the table?
Why won't the Finance department concede that this is not merely a
restructuring of the current Tax Credit system... it renders it useless.
We want to compete for movies, TV shows and animation on a
Global scale. Business we know we can win and bring back home to
Nova Scotia.
Asking us to adapt to this suggested course of action is like asking a
cadaver to adapt to its new life.
Just $60 million in revenue last year? I thought we wrote fiction.
Where did the Finance Minister get that number?
These are reasonable questions and ones that we deserve to have
This works for us/not for you stance also feels just a little
condescending to us, the very people that voted this government in
power based on campaign promises that they made. Ones that
prompted us to make longterm financial decisions. Buying new
equipment. Houses. Cars.
The good news is, some people are listening. I've gotten condolences
from MLA's from all of the parties, as I know you have. I've gotten
kudos from other parents at my kids preschool on how our community
has responded to this cultural atrocity with grace. I've gotten calls
from the unlikeliest of places.

The conservative leader in PEI for example, who called to see how
we'd feel if they just copied Nova Scotia's tax credit. Would we be
willing to shoot there? Just think - July 2nd we could go to camera on
PEI with the movie of the week "I Should've Consulted Them: The
Diana Whelan Story".
Leah Johnson, Mark Austin and I met with our federal Liberal
candidate yesterday, Bill Casey. He actually sought out the meeting
and he really listened to what we had to say and concluded that our
stories were powerful.
As we know they are.
Which is what today's about. Over the next few hours, you'll meet
people from all facets of this industry, who'll share what they -and this
province - stand to lose if this budget goes through. Youll see Why it
Look, we're Filmmakers and storytellers. We love a happy ending. All
we're proposing is that this government continue to work with us to
come up with a viable way to get back to the business of Show
Business. Cuz if you haven't noticed, we know how to put on a show.
It's not just Show Business we're here to celebrate, it's small
business as well. To those of you here because our industry supports
your local coffee shops, clothing boutiques and hardware stores, we
share your concern. Just know we'll continue to support you after this
is behind us. To those of you here from the general public, your
overwhelming support in recent days means so much. From all of us
a sincere thank you.
I look out into this crowd and see so many friends, idols, mentors.
And I realize that we've achieved what we set out to do all those
years ago: establish Nova Scotia as a World-class production center
for film, TV, animation and digital media.
So today, we celebrate.
Forestry. Farming. Fishing. Film. It's what we do in this part of the
world. It's who we are.

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