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General Educational Requirements (GER)

Arts and Humanities:

1. Islamic Philosophy and Engineering Ethics(Hum 0107):

renamed from Islamiat (TVE 0107).Cause: To fulfill ABET
Social Sciences: unchanged
Management: MCE 4827 and MCE 4829 have been combined in MCE 4827.
Cause: no repitation.
Islam, Islamic History and Culture: TVE renamed as HUM
English Language Competency: TVE renamed as lang
Writing Competency: TVE 4472 renamed as HUM 4572.
Computer Technology competency: MCE 4191 has been changed to MCE
4292. Cause: It was tough for the students of 1st semester.
Computer Technology competency: HUM 46xx added. Cause: to meet
requirement of modern age.

Basic Engineering Requirements:

General Sciences:
1. Physics: Physics I and Physics II have been renamed . Cause:
Inside contents can be seen from the name.
2. Chemistry: Chemistry of engineering materials has been
changed to non metallic materials (MCE 4301).Cause: The
subject has been taken to core course because it's very
1. MATH I,II,III,IV have been renamed. cause : : Inside contents can be
seen from the name.
2. Numerical Analysis(Math 4503) has been added for the modern
age requirement.
Probability and Statistics: unchanged.
Engineering Fundamentals:
1. Engineering Drawing II has been renamed as 3D Solid Modeling
and Assembling. Cause: the contents were not clear to all.
2. Workshop Practice I and II have been renamed. Cause: contents
might have been easily seen
3. Electrical And Electronic Technology I and II has been renamed .

Engineering Major Requirements:


1. Mechanics I & II combined in Engineering Mechanics(MCE 4103)

and credit raised to 4. cause: placed in 1 st semester as this is the
continuation of HSC. 6 credit is not needed at all.
2. whole 5 courses reduced to 4 so that no repitation occurs.
3. Mechanics of Materials (MCE 4403) taken from 5th to 4th semester.
cause: this is the prerequisite for other subjects so needed before 5 th
Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer:
1. 6 courses reduced to 5. cause: no repitation occurs.
2. Thermodynamics I & II have been renamed. cause: contents are
3. Heat transfer and Heat & Mass Transfer have been renamed.
cause: contents are seen from name and nothing is repeated.
Fluid Mechanics:
1. Fluid Mechanics I &II combined in Fluid Mechanics (MCE 4311)
and credit raised to 4. cause: no repitation occurs.
2. Fluid Mechanics III renamed as Advanced Fluid Mechanics.
3. CFD added for modern requirement and software skill.
Mechatroncs added so that it will be helpful for higher studies.
Material: Course number changed from MCE 4225 to MCE 4301 (Non
Metallic Materials). some topics from chemistry are added.
1. Manufacturing Processes has been renamed as Production
Processes and credit raised to 4.cause: contents are huge.
2. Material Handling(MCE 4821) added. cause: this is needed for
mechanical engineers.
Design: subject code changed from 39 to 09
Automotive: Mechanical Engineering Lab I & II renamed as
Automotive Engine Technology Lab and Automotive Vehicle
Technology Lab. cause: course name didn't match the contents.

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