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Mary Pruitt


P. 0. Box 49

Aparri, Cagayan III8


Forwarding Agents:

Philippine Mission Churches of Christ

Mr. & Mrs. Bob Pruitt

October, November, December, 1978? January 1979

2784 So. River Rd.

Grants Pass, OR 97526

January 26, 1979

Greetings to all of you in the Name that is above every name, the name of cur Lord and
Savior, Jesus Christ. I would like to wish all of you a Happy New Year and I pray that He
will shower you with blessings as He has me in this last year. There have been some real
trying times, and real .joyful times and I praise the Lord for all of them because I have
seen His power and love and grace In them all, and I also praise Him for bringing me throu^
each one because of His ever presence,

I was just reading a news letter I had written about a year ago and I noticed in it that I

said we were getting ready to buy materials, hoping to start the work in Jan, (1978), and
said something about our progress on the license and with the Ministry of Social Services and
Development. Xt has been over a year since writing that, and many times we were disappointed
at the delays that have come up, but we praise the Lord that as v;e have waited upon Him we
have seen Him work and now have progress to report. On January 22 the bulldozer started the
leveling of the land for Cagayan Children's Home.

We were excited and rejoiced as we saw

our dream starting. It vdll be a while before it is ready to begin the building but we praise
the Lord that it will not be long, l-fe have also purchased all of the G.I. roofing and the
iron rods needed for the construction of the Home. All in all we have spent about $10,000.00
on materials and almost $2,000.00 for the architect, permit and a little additional land

(when the land was resur-veyed an error v:as found in the original survey and the land had
to be purchased to give adequate entrance into the Children's Home). At the time of the
last visit of the MSSD (Welfare) they informed us that they have listed us on the^r list of
Child Placement Agencies, listed as "license in process, but able to take children". We
are now waiting for the arrival of an official from Manila to help us with the finalization
of the license application. We could receive children at any time from the MSSD Social
Workers. We praise the Lord for tliis progress that He is bringing about, and we also praise
and thank Him for all of you who are so lovingly giving to make this home available to the
needy children here.

We had a wonderful Chrisbnas this last month, with very excited children as some of them
had their first Christmas, and others anticipating what they knew was coming. We were very
happy to have Tessie and the three boys here to celebrate the birth of our Savior vjith us.

It was a happy family reunion, and we rejoiced with Tessie also as she related how the Lord
is using }:;ier anfi blessing hRr-as she is. Hi s l-jght- in_hat dark -place..- Please keep he.r in ,,
your prayers also as they are as yet the only Christians there.

I want to say thank you to

all of you who helped make this a wonderful Christmas by your sharing with us, so that we
could celebrate together the love and gift of our Lord and share together in the material
things also.

We also rejoiced as Michael has remained with us and his little sister, Jocelyn (Joy) is
now a member of our family, too.

Tessie brought Joy to us when she was almost 3 mos. old,

and we praise the Lord that she will have a Christian life and be saved from the evil de

sires of Satan. Joy was bom October I7, 1978, and she and Manuel are like twins, although
there is a month's difference in their age.' She is a very happy, "joyful" baby and we all
are enjoying and loving her very much.

How I praise the Lord for the love these children

have for one another. It is so cute to watch Berta sitting on the floor between the two
babies, loving and kissing them in turn, patting them if they cry, and just caiing for them.
Berta celebrated her 1st biirthday in Dec., and JoAnn celebrated her 4th. Michael had his

5th in Jan. and we always

enjoy this special time of remembering especially this one child.

How we praise the Lord for each of them, and the love and joy they bring, to us. They are
all growing, both physically and spiritually and we praise the Lord for this. Please con

tinue to pray for us as vje are His light to these little lives, and we want to be the best
and brightest light for our Lord, through His strength, vjisdora, love, patience and power.
When I came hqme from Lal-lo Monday MtLchael asked me if the house was all finished. How
I msh X could have said yes, but T explained that it will be quite a while yet because
it will take time to level the ground and to build the house. I also told them to pray with
us and to praise the Lord that He is giYing all that we need and will give all that we need
to build this home. V7e praise the Lord that we had the money to get many of the materials
before the big increase in prices that came with the new year. But there is still much

to be bought, and much to be done and the costs are still rising.

cost of the Home will be $42,000,00.

It now seems that the

But we know that the God who owns all things can

provide |;42,000.00 as easily as He can provide $30*00 for the support of one child for one
monthj so vje are continuing in faith that the Lord vn.ll give us our needs as v/e have them

and continue to priase Him for it. Please join^ us in this prayer and praise, and I hope

we can soon tell Mchael and the others that the Home is ready.

I would like to thank all of you who are so good in sending clothes for the children.


^id works in vjonderful ways and we iiave liad to! buy hardly any clothing for the ciiildren,
including shoes and socks. How we praise the Lord for your love and sharing. It is so
exciting to see how the Lord works.

He always sends what we need just at the time we need

It or jvist before. Vfl-ien the weather turned cold, (cold to Filipinos, but not to me) V7e

received boxes containing sweat shirts, long pants, coats, avjeaters, etc, Hovj the vjeather
is^warming up again and we are receiving clothes for warmer wea'bher! I always get excited
going through the boxes because I can see how the Lord is going to work. For exsmnle, we
received a box with some clothes for twins, a boy and a girl.

At that time Manuel'was the

only baby vje had, but I kne;^ that since the Lord had sent those little girl clothes we would
soon ^need them, and not long after that, Joy arr-ived. Ho^^^ we praise the Lord. "When the
children have a need and I give it to them from the clothes that have been sent to us and

explain to them where they have come from, they say a prayer and thank the Lord for giving
thern their needs through their brothers and sisters in the States, "What a wonderful way

to teach them of the love and gi\dr.g of Jesus Clxrist. This brings to my mind II Corinthians

9 11^123 You vjill be made rich in evei'^y vjs.y so that you can be generous on every occasion,
and through us your generosity vdll result in thanksgi^/lng to God. This service that you
perfoira is not only supplying the needs of God's people but is also overflomng in many
expressions of thanks to God."

Thank you all sd much.

We are excited about the progress in evangelism that is taking place in tbis area of the

Phj.lippines. Our special evangelistic team, the Operation Bible Institute and Crusade bap

tized 122 souls into Christ from June to December 1978> plus reviving many old members.
In our High Schools tlds school year there have been I55 baptized, a.nd we are looking for

many more at the next Religious Emphasis Week, March 12-16. The radio program is also

bringing results for the Lord. Many of the churches are now starting to grow and we praise
u e Old for this renevied hunger and interest in God's Word and pray that many, many more
wi]._ be added to the "Family of God" in this year, 1979. Please pray with us for a great



After reading all of the things that are going on you may be wondering how you can help.
It is costing^us $30.00 per month per child in the home. Anyone who vrould like to support

a.^c 1 , partially or completely, notify me or the forv/arding agent giving specific requests
Children's Home we are figuring it is going to cost us about

$|.00 per square foot at tne current prices. If you would like to buy one or more feet,
please designate on the check. There are other expenses, especially in the high schools,
e/ar.gelism, and Seminary. We praise God continually for the wonderful way He supplies all

our needs, if we just trust and praise Him. Everyday I see how the Lord is working to take
care of His people, through financial or other problems. Oh that we would learn to trust

Him more. I again tharJi ah.e Lord and praise Him'for all of you who are helping so wondero
part ofinthis
continue to pray for us and for
the Spirit
of tliesuch
Lordan toactive
be working
the work^
people Please
of the Philippines.
In the Lord's love,

Mary Pruitt

Mary Pruitt


P. 0. Box k9

Ap^ri, Cagayan 11X8



May 24, 1979



Forwarding Agents:

&Mrs. Bob Pruitt

2704 So. River Rd.

Grants Pass, OR


Dear Friends in Christ,

Once again I am late getting out my newsletter. But I praise the Lord for all of the l^ppenings that have been keeping me so busy, because they ar progress for the Lord.

March 9. was .the 27th commencement of the Aparri Bible Seminary, with eight young people grad

We praise the Lord for these who are now out working for the Lord.

The week before

tbe graduation was the Conference oil Evangelism, with I50 pregichers,. eldefs, and .other leaders
in the local, congregations attending this week-long feast on the Word of God.

Just, following graduation we held another Week of Evangelism at the two High Schools.


praise the Lo^^d that 1^906 students have been hearing the Word daily these last 10 months in
ths two schools.

We also praise the Lord that ,103 students were baptized into the Lord this

last school, year. Please keep these young people in your prayers. We also held a Spiritual
: Rstj^at^ with, the teachers and staff of the two schools and pr^se God there were two baptized.
After the commencement of the two High Schools we were busy again at the Seminary with the
DMBS Clinic, for the wcanen of the churches. Mrs. Ron HoffVnan and a friend came up from Manila
and helped in the clinic by showing the girls how to make and use puppets in .the teaching of
God*s Word. We praise the Lord that 3^ women attended, and have been spending part or all
of the summer teaching children of the love of our Lord. Hundreds of children have already
been tSUght.

Right now we are in our third week of camp. We praise the Lord that dui*ing "toe Junior camp

14 young people accepted the Lord Jesus as their Savior and were buried with Him in baptism.

During the. Senior Camp 6 came to Christ and wdre baptised into Him. We are praying for manythis week also, who will open .their hearts and lives to the Lord Jesus Christ and go to Him
for for^veness and salvation. We are also very thankful to the Lord and praising Him because
the managers of the Camps this year decided they wanted to take on a mission project and so
they decided to take a special offering each week to give for use in the building of the
Children's Hcnne. How we praise the Lord that these people have decided to open their hearts
in love and help with this project also.

The Radio .'Program is still going strong, with many new Christians as a result, of the follow-pp
work. 3!t is becoming hard to keep up with all those who are interested and need the follow-up.
Praise tjie Lord for this way of shardng the Word of God, and pray for us as we work on esroand

ing this outreach.

e Aparri Cli^stiah Press has been very busy with summer programs, rallies, and conventions,
P^osrams printed, besides the regular printing of the Sunday school mateinals,

Christi^ Ilocano paper, and tracts.

They are also working on the new edition of the Ilocano


There are five different teams working in four different provinces in Evangelistic Work this
sunmer. Two, of. these teams are made up of male quartets and basketball teams. We praise

^e Lord for the great success they are having for the Lord this summer. We are^thankful to"

the Lord and praise Him also because of the renewed interest and hunger of the people for the
Word of God. If only we could have more out preaching the Word to the btarving world. Please
continue in prayer for each of these areas of evangelism.

We are very excited and praising the Lord as we see ^iim working- in all of these areas.' We are
also very excited and thrilled at the way the Lord .is supplying all that is needed for the

building of Idle Cagayan Valley Children's Home. We praise God that even though we are having
a gasoline and cement shortage He is making it possible for us to have the supplies we need
so that the work continues. Besides the shortages, we are also suffering frcan a great rise
in prices. For ex^ple, the price of cement vjent from about $2.00 per bag to about $4.00 per
bag, and in a very short time. Everything has increased by at least 35i^> but many things have
also doubled. We praise the Lord that He has never failed us and has kept His promise to sup

ply our every need. We always have the money needed when a payment is needed. Some of the
^^g_/X<^X?iy-Jjneapect^^ soiyceswhich just shows _the power of- God -to control, and
^ve what .we need to work for Jttim# God is faithful to those who are faithful to Him. It would

be impossible for us to continue this work and raise the funds without the Lord to depend on

to, and we know that as we walk in faith in the building of this Home He will honor

our faith.

Praise His namej

pie building is going up steadily, with the walls going up, the posts puured, the beams ready

to be poured. But there is still a lot to do. We were hoping to be able to move in the first
June, but now it looks like it lAjill take a little longer. We know the Lord will finish

It for us. The children are very anxious to move there, and every day ask' if we are going.
We are also anxious to get them there where they have room to run 'and play and be in the good
old out-of-doors. (Also the Boudreauxs will be returning the first week of July and will be
needing their house).. We praise and thank the Lord for each one of you who is contributing

to the accomplishment of this project, whether throurh money or prayers, or other ways of
giving cmd sharing, tie know that the Lord, is also pouring blessings on you, because that
is His promise to those who give to Him. The children also thank the Lord for you who

give to help them.

Not only does it teach them th.-t the Lord supplies our needs, but it

also teaches them love and sharing v/ith others.

for your sharing with us*

I praise God that He is repaying you richly

The children are growing so fast we wonder where the time has gone. We praise the Lord
for their Christian growth as well as their physical growth. It encourages our faith as
we see them practice their faith. When JoAnn had a toothache Sherry Ann took her to the
bedroom and prayed with her, and a little bit later JoPjin came in and told me that the pain
was gone, V/hat faith in.the Lord's healing power! How I pray that all of us will have
such strong faith, in the little things as well as the big, Manuel is now 8 months old,
and is crawling all over the place. He would be walking if he could just kee^i his b0.1?nce.
It will not be long before he is on his own two feet and we are busy running after him.
Joy is 7 months and not too fax behind her older brother, .Roberta is.busy learning and
imitating everything the older kids do. She speaks both llocano and English and holds her
own place, Althou^ Olive will be 3 years old tomorrow, she is not as heavy as Berta,
What a difference a good healthy start makes. How we praise the Lord for each one of the
children and the joy and blessings they bring us. How we praise Him for the troubles and
hard times also, where we learn to share an' love one another and to turn to the Lord for
the strength and help we need, Hovi we praise God for giving us the love, strength, wisdom,
patience, and help we need.

We are constantly lifting thanks and praises to the Lord for your constant help to us.
We have again received many clothes, toys, money and prayers, all needed to keep-the Home
running and to keep the building project going. Many have asked for definite needs that
we have, and the best answer I can give now is to just keep us in your prayers and keep
supporting the work. As we grow vre will have more specific needs, Because of the rising
costs it is going to cost much more than we expected to finish and furnish the building.
Food and other supplies are rising along with everything else," but praise the Lord we are
still able to operate on about $30,00 per month per child. Anyone who would like to
partially or fully "adopt" a child, please contact the forwarding agents. Even remembering
each child in your prayers will help that child to grow up in the love of the Lord, There
are some special problems that come with these special children, but through the love and
Word of God and through prayer they can grow to be wonderful, mature, strong Christians,
serving the Lord. I would like to ask your prayers for a girl named Corazon, who came to

stay with us so that her family would not send her to "work'for air Ilocaiiu-."lan {she is a
Negrito), Because she knew that what the man'wanted was undesirable and because she wanted
to continue her schooling, she, along with an Auntie and some SIL missionaries, was able
to convince her parents to let her come here. But after a month she wanted to go home for
two days visit, which we allowed her to do.

But she has not yet returned, and it has been

almost a month. It is ha-rd to get communication from her place and we are praying that she
was not forced by her family to the undesirable work. We praise the Lord tiiat while she
was here she accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her Savior and was baptized into Him, Even
if she never returns, we know that she will walk with the Lord,
My heart is full of praise and joy and thankfulness to the Lord and to each one of you for
your part in the Lord's work here. Without your willingness to give this work would-not
continue. But together with the Lord we can spread the Gospel to millions of people in
this lost and sinful world, I pray that your faith and love will never weaken and you will
only grow stronger in serving the Lord, there in the States, in other countries, in your
homes. May the Lord continue to bless each one of you.
In Christ's love,

tfery Pruitt


- h ;



Mary Pruitt

P.O. Box 49
Aparri, Cagayan


Porwarcjling Agents:


Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pruitt

2784 Go i River Rd



7 1979

August 22, 1979

Grants Pass, OR


Dear Friends in CSirist,

I have just come back from a swim on one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, and
have been watching some of the most beautiful sunsets in the world and I just want to say
"Praise: the Lord" for these extra blessings He has given me. These last few months have
been full of blessings, special gifts from God. One of these blessings was a surprise
visit from my sister Holly. How neat it was to see her and share times together. The month
of July seemed very short as it was soon time for her to go back to the States. I praise
.God for this special blessing. Another blessing is the arrival of Mrs. Joy Collins of

Thurston,: Oregon who has come to help in the work of the Cagayan Valley Children's Home.
How I praise the Lord for sending her to help,, and her willingness to come and to help in
whatever there is to do.

In June classes began again, VTith a total of IO7 students enrolled in the Seminary, This
is a reeoi^^-^and we upraise the Lord^that so many are~ahxibUb to learn Gdd*^and to
serve. Him. Please keep these students in your prayers, that they will be strong in their
comiiG."taif2nA and desire to serve the Lord, and for the'teachers that they will be under tte
leadership of the Spirit as "toey teach. We praise the Lord that He has continued to meet
the financial needs that come with such a large student body.
The High Schools once again have 1,000 students enrolled.

These students receive Bible,

teacliing every day for ten months of the year. We praise the Lord that He hasr given..us
this way of reaching so many with the Gospel and that hundreds accept the Lord through this
method of evangelism. Many of these students go on to higher education and they are the
hope of the self-supporting church in the Philippines.

As Ihe summer came to an end we also received reports for the summer DVBS program. We
praise the Lord that there were about 1,700 dhildren taught "the Word and love of God this

summer. Some areas were reached for "the first time with the. Gospel as Seminary s'tudents,
went put teaching "theJHsrd, of God. I know of at least 4

baptisms as a result of this teaching.

Praise the Lord! .

The five e-vangelistic teams we sent out this summer brought great results for the Lord,

The OK.Qration Bible Insti"fcute (OBI) is still going out on a regular basis and we praise

^e Lord that He is blessing and using them to accomplish His purpose in spreading the

Gospel. Even though gas prices have gone soaring up, we praise the Lord that we are still

. k!?
^ L o r d ' s work. Since January of this year there havejbeen ^
over do bap-tnsms, many as a result of these special evangelistic teams. Praise the Lord
oj* the growth of His church in this comtry and please keep praying for -the preachers and
other evangelis"ts and for the new Christians.

The Radio .progr^ is continuing to bring results for the Lord's Kingdom. We are -thinking
of; exp^ding -this program to other stations, which would mean more follow-up and would
mean more. cost. "But the ^rd will provide it as He has pranised in His Word. Please, pray .
for us.as we.make the decisioiis needed in expanding this and other parts of -the work.

The Apann. Christian Pf^ss continues to have more work to do than they have time for, which
s ows- the importance of -this type of work. With more new Christians and more new churches

the number of copies of -the Sunday School materials and of the Ilocano Christian paper must
^cpease, ..Along.:with tiiis is the printing of tracts, hymn books and other special orders.

Praise God for this work wliich meets an important need here.


The^ work .of tiie Cagayan V^ley Children's Home continues to increase also. In June our

nunK^er of children increased by. 6, including "the return of Corazon, for which we praise the
a.ordo Sharon came to stay wi^ us at the age of 5 mos. She was a skinny but beautiful
girx, and now. at 5.-months is just as beautiful, but much more heal-thy and a special joy for
-xv Sharon. little
big ones
too), including
to whose
watch famand
play with
When Cora,
l4, (and
she brought
with herRoberta,
two otherlove
ilies are vepr poor. Mila, I3, is one cf eight children and was being passed from one rela
tive to another, because the family could not support all of them. Josephine, (Josy), l4,

c^es from a home of sickness and need. %ese girls are all Negrito, and go through a lot
of teasing because of their being a little different than the other children, but they
aye le^ed to -trust the Lord and that He loves them, no matter what the color of -feieir

and Josy are in 4th grade and Mila is in 3rd. We praise the Lord for these won-

girls and their sweet spirits. Right after the "three girls came, we received Emilyn,

15 and her brother Felix, 11 ^hese children dre complete orphans and we praise the Lord
thS't He has provided this hcane where they can receive all their needs, physical and spiritual.
It i3 amazing to see the difference a little love and caring can make, especially when it
includes the love of God^ Emilyn and Felix lived close to the Seminary and it was evident
they had not received the love and attention they neededi -Now, after being with us for about

two months they have developed into wonderful, |excited, children. Felix is especially excited
about what he is learning at church. Please pipay .with us for these children, that they will
soon come to understand the love of God and se

their need to accept Christ as their Savior.

but have not yet given, their liv^s over to

Josy and Mila have had Christian teaching befo

"Oie Lord. Felix and ^mlyn come from a Cathol:|c background and all this Bibl<a teaching is
new to them.

We know the Lord will bless His

that His Spirit is working in them.

ford as it is sh^ed with these children and

Praise the Lord for His Word and Itls Spirit. .

We praise "tiie Lord also that He has sent us the much needed helpers and that they are won

derful Christian women and haVe a wonderful spalrit in them. Evangeline is a mid-wife and
fits in the family likes she belongs, and is a Iwonderful worker. We also, had to hire %Ldlia

to do the daily wash and ironing, which she doejs a great job of. With 17 children and three

of th^ babies, there is never an end to it aO. We have two in high school,


and..three_in kindergarten and keeping all of them in clothes and unifoms is-e. f^liri:time job..

But the Lord knew who we needed and sent them

us. How exciting to trust; in the 'Lord and
to watch Him work. We just took our .needs to. Him ^d he sent the people to us!

The Home in Lal-lo is continuing to go up, . ie|sr, have now started putting the roof on the
building, which is good because we are getting cloee to the rainy season.. After they get

the roof on they can continue the other work wipiout problem. We praise toe Lord that He
in continuing to supply the needs to keep the constuction going.

With the rising costs

of supplies, wages, etc., we sometimes wonder i^ it can continue. But the Lord knows the
needs and knows who can help Supply them. How |/e praise Him that we do not have to be
worried about where the money is going to come from, but we just have to trust Him and praise
Him for it, and it is here. We prsiise- the Lord that we have not had any accidents or other

problems^' Please continue with us in prayer anji praise for the needs of toe Home.. God has
aaid He will provide all that we need for life
provided all our physical needs and is providin,

this Home and throu^ all of you who are givin

d godliness, and we praise Him that He has

for these childrens^ spiritual needs throu^
and praying;^
. "

Because of the increase in the number of children and workers and rising food costs toe cost

of running the Home has greatly increased. We ^ad been using about $30.00 per child per

month to cover all costs, but it is how becoming more difficult to run on that, amount, ^ t
we praise, the Lord that He is helping us in this and that the needs are coming in. If any-.,
one wcuId like-to help supi)ort a child please write me or the forwarding agents, giving the

details of what, age, sex, etc. you wish to partially or fully "adopt".

The children are all growing so fast. Ithardljj- seams possible that on Sept%6 Manuel will
be one year old. How we praise the Lord for our healthy children and that He is always with
us giving us wisdom, love, strength and understanding. It also increaseis our faith to see
the faith of the children. One day Michael had a bad headache. Tilaen he finished eating he
went to lie down. JoArth, seeing him lying down went to talk to him. Then she came running
through toe dining room and told me she was goin g 'to do his work (which she did) and then
go and pray with him. After we prayed she stays d with him, comforting him until he was
feeling better. What sweet love and faith in the power of the Lord to heal.- May my faith
continue to grow and be as simple as hers,

Prai se God for these children!

I praise God for each ,one of you who has shared jin this wotek of the Lord, whether through
prayer or financial giving.

Without your part in this work it could not be.

The 'bord is

wonderful in using you to help us, , and we are all blessed by it as toe Lord promises to

bless those who give and work for Him, in the sptead of the Gospel.- Please continue with
us in prayer to toe Lord and praise to Him also as this work continues!
In Christ's love.

Mary Pruitt

JAN 2 1 1980
Mary Pruu .

P.O. Box 49
Aparri, Cagayan


;Forwar<ling Agents


September, Octobcr, November, December, 1979

1118. Philippines

m/m Bot Pmut

2784 So. River R<1.

. "

Grants Pass, OR 97626

December 31, 1979

Dear Friends in Chrisi,

"Praise be to the God and Father of bur Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed.us in the heavenly realms
with every spirituaL blessing in Christ," (Eph. 1:3). How we do praise the Lord for all the blessings. Ho has
given us, in this Christmas season, and throughout the whole year. How we praise Him for all of you who
have had a part in the blessings the Lord has given us; by praying for us, sending financial help, toys,
clothes, etc. What a great blessing to be in the family of God and to be His children.

I want to thank all of you who sent special-funds ^or the children's Christmas: They had a wonderful
Christmas, and also time of blessing as they learned the love and joy that comes from sharing. We used some
of the funds for special food for our Christmas dinner. The rest we are using to purchase dinnerware, which
is badly needed. T.hank you all so much forgiving us a wonderful, blessed, joyous time of remembering the
birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

We are also praising the Lord because Josy and Mila accepted the Lord as their Savior and were buried

with Him in baptism on December 16th. We praise the Lord that we had the opportunity to teach these
girls the Word and love of Christ, and that they have decided to serve Him. It is amazing how the Word of God
works. These two girls are members of the Negrito race, considered here to be the lowest of people. At the
same time as these two girls accepted the Word and commands and love of God, that they had read and
heard from the Bible, a college professor from a Catholic college here in Aparri made the same decision.
God's Word is for the whole world eill can understand! Please pray for these three new Christians.

We prai.se the Lord also that the building is coming right along. We were not able to be in it by
Christmas, and are not yet in, but we praise the Lord that He has continued to provide and bless this
construction project. The main construction is about finished, but we still have to purchase the glass for the
windows, build a wash house and storeroom, build a watertower and windmill, and put up the fence. The

glass will cost about S750.00, the wash house, storeroom about $4,000.00 (24'x24'), and the windmill, watertow

er about $3,000.00. We have also borrowed money to continue the construction, and that needs to be paid
off. So you can see we need a lot more, but the Lord knows our needs and we will not fear because


has promised to provide, even above and beyond what ^ye can think or ask (which is good, because prices
will soon take a mighty leap again). I know that He is keeping this same promise for all who are giving

for His work, here in Aparri, or anywhere else in the world where the Lord's work is being done. We can de
pend on the Lord! Thanks to all of you who have made this construction po.ssible, and to all who are shar
ing in this work.

We praise ihe Tord thaT~durm^lreTifst Dniester ar the two Chri^an High Schools a total of 198 stu
dents accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior and were baptized. This is a great harvest and we need
to keep them in our prayers, as Satan will try to discourage them. This makes a total of 664 reported
baptism.s in 1979, from all phases of the work here. We praise the Lord that the Radio pragram continues
to bring in a harvest and to help strengthen Christians. We are also having very succesful evangelistic work,
from .special teams. Seminary students, etc., going out and preaching the Word. We have around 20 students
out preaching and teaching every weekend. Please keep all these areas of the work in your prayers, and espe
cially the new Christians, that they will become strong, willing servants of the Lord.

We are also praising the Lord that Lloyd Selby, the oldest son of Charles and Roberta, has come to
work here. LIo3'd and Rob (their youngest son) came here on bu.sine.ss in July. While here the Lord spoke
to Lloyd and Llo\'d was willing to follow and so has stayed to take over the admini.strative part of the work.
We praise the Lord for supplying this need. Charles and Roberta will be leaving for furlough the first of
March and we were wondering how the Lord was going to meet this


for an administrator. But like

He .says in His Word, He will provide. Lloyd is also trusting the Lord to provide His needs. Lloyd has no pro
mised support and is living off his savings, which cannot last forever. Please pray for this need of his, and
watch the Lord work. Anyone interested in helping Lloyd maj'- contact him here.
We wore sorry to lose the help of Mrs. Naomi Goode, who came here in July, 1978. Because of health
reasons she was forced to return to the states in November. How I praise the Lord for sending her here
when He did, because we really needed her. Now because of the Lord providing other helpers in the Home, I
am able to return to the office and continue the work that Noami was doing. I thank and prai.se the Lord
for Naomi and the wonderful work she did and the great help she was. She was also a wonderful Lola
(grandmother) to the children and they all miss her also. She will never be forgotten here. 1 did not know

the Lord was going to use me in this way again, and that I would be the one to fit the need, but I praise
Him for working it all out so that Naomi could go home when she needed and that I could replace her here.
Our only problem now is that we plan to move to Lal-lo soon. It is 10 miles from Aparri, and it is possible
to commute, but we are praying for the Lord to lead this matter also.

Joy Collins has been busy keeping the kids in clothes and helping with the book work of the Home. She

made long dresses for all of our balasang (young ladies) for Christmas, plus the regular mending. She also
sewed felt puppets for mo.st of the children for Christmas, which they really love. We had to sing a special num
ber at church and they used their puppets for that. Even little Joy, who is a one year old, loves to play with

T)ie children are really growing. Manuel and Joy are really developing now, as they have passed the one
year mark and are becoming little big kids. The other children all love to help them learn and gro\\. It is
wonderfull, and some\v])at amazing, the way the children all love each other, as though they were real brothtu'S and
sisters. I guess because they know the love of God for all people they can love one another. We praise the
Lord that Charito and Jessie joined our family in October. They arc sweet kids, and have fit right in.
Charito is 12 years old (Jan. 31) and Jessie, her brother, was 9 Dec. 8. That makes a total of IS children,
with 23 having gone through tiic Home.

Thanks again so much to all of you who have had a part in this work, and for your willingne.ss to be
used by the Lord and for your saci-ifico to provide for these children. Because of tlie ri.se in prices it is cost

ing us" more to feed and clothe them, but the Lord is providing and we praise and thank Him. Th<? cost

per month per child is now about SSo.OO. .Vnyone interested in "adopting" a child, fully or partially, can got
more information by writing me or the forwarding agents. We praise God that every area of the work here

can continue because of the continued blessings from you Christians in the States. Wbhout your giving this

work could never go on. W(5 ask your continued prayers for all of us also, the children, the woikers, all of
us missionaries, the preachers atid "student.s, tlie radio preacher, all the high school teachers, and the workers
in. the press, ^fay the Lord bless each of you as you serve Him. May His name always be glorified.
In Giirist's love,

^^a^y Pruitt


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